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Which one would you choose? Forza 3 or Gran Turismo 5?
Check out the trailers below in HD, cast your votes, and get your fanboy on with your comments.
The pole is pointless, until BOTH games are out you can't say what one is better. Even than there won't be a better one as each one will probably do something better than the other.
Is forza even worthy ?
At this stage, we don't know enough about GT5. We saw a trailer and that is it. We know much more of Forza 3 and you can't compare two games if there isn't enough information.
Let's wait till both games are released and then vote which is best.
What's the point of all this GT vs Forza rubbish?
Those with a PS3 will get GT5, those with an Xbox 360 will get Forza 3. They don't compete with each other for anyone other than fanboys or people who own both consoles - and if you do own both consoles, you would probably end up buying both games anyway.
What's the point of all this GT vs Forza rubbish?
Those with a PS3 will get GT5, those with an Xbox 360 will get Forza 3. They don't compete with each other for anyone other than fanboys or people who own both consoles - and if you do own both consoles, you would probably end up buying both games anyway.
If you live and breathe cars, you'll get both. Period.
If I had to go on video's I'd go for GT5's, purely because it shows me more than the Forza video.
GT5 is the master in most areas, but feature wise, I'd have to give the vote to the guys behind Forza, they have definitely raised the bar in that respect. GT5 has yet to prove that it has matched or even bettered Forza in features. Here's hoping that that GT5 will! 👍
Turn 10 has exaggerated crashes and done them for oohs and aaahs and PD just said, "well, if you don't crash, you won't notice anything is wrong."
Not that this poll actually means anything (especially to me as I'll be getting both games and will probably enjoy them both just as much) but I thought it interesting that Che (One of Forza III's Devs) has gone on the Forza forums posted a link to the same poll and offered free unicorn cars to all those who vote for Forza III !
I've gone and registered my non vote as I think that this kind of thing is only fuelling a pathetic fanboy war that doesn't need to exist and now T10 are trying to rig a meaningless poll by using bribes.
You guys see them as "bribing", I see it as having a bit of fun with what was a pathetic poll in the first place. Good job to the Forza devs for turning it into something that benefits their community.
I call it marketing without class, they're not doing all this for fun, they're doing it for marketing purposes and it is working.
BTW do you work for turn 10?