◆ SNAIL [DriveTrain Challenge - DTC] Racing - Closed

  • Thread starter jobyone
Apparently I chose a unique lineup so far. No one has duplicate cars to mine. Maybe tonight will be magical ;)

I suppose this is a bad time to tell you I noticed your lineup is basically a copy of mine...Well 2 cars anyway. You jinxed yourself pal.
That's what I thought. The timing was impeccable I might add. I don't post since yesterday when I come in with my totally unique and awesome lineup. Then! you pop in and say I copied half of your non-posted lineup?!

Ha! I say. Double Ha!
Doing stupid red bull races to earn money to buy my lineup :banghead:

FF - Honda Integra RM '04 484pp
FR - Toyota Atenza Touring Car 492pp
4WD - Subaru Impreza Rally Car '03 504pp
MR - Honda NSX Type R '92 470pp
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Well, my line up was partially acquired with Red Bull money too and here it is:

FR: RE Amemiya RX7 GT300 Base Model '06 - 512pp
FF: Volkswagen Scirocco GT24 Base Model '08 - 484pp
MR: Isuzu 4200R '89 aka That ugly thing - 465pp
AWD: Mazda 6 Touring Car - 487pp

total: 1948pp
I froze on Mt Panorama and I restated my PS3. Now going through the file restore process. Says it may take hours!! Well, I may miss the next race or be out entirely. :(
Go ahead guys. Disconnected from server twice

Good racing gents. Thanks for waiting for me in the last race.
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I froze on Mt Panorama and I restated my PS3. Now going through the file restore process. Says it may take hours!! Well, I may miss the next race or be out entirely. :(

Sorry for being so hard on you after Apricot Hill Dan. You do need to work on your situational awareness, but I realize not all the contact was your fault. All in all, good racing to everyone. Let's all try and be a little more careful from here on out.
Sorry for being so hard on you after Apricot Hill Dan. You do need to work on your situational awareness, but I realize not all the contact was your fault. All in all, good racing to everyone. Let's all try and be a little more careful from here on out.
Yes you're right. I will try harder next time to be more careful of this. I've been using the hood/roof view to watch around me and maybe I need to go to exterior view. I am a beginner at leagues like this so I assure you it was unintentional. Hope this doesn't cause any hard feelings as I do enjoy racing with you all.
The hard part about the hood/roof view is the lack of the rear view mirror....if it had that, I'd use it all the time.

But since it doesn't, I stick with bumper-cam and try to take some quick glances to the side on straights to check, can't do it under braking or turning so I've probably cut some people off since the changeover to GT6 as we can't zoom the map in :/
I can only use interior cam. I which we could zoom the track like in GT5:( that was very helpful for situation awareness. The proximity indicators are helpful but not as much as the zoomed track was.
Nice shots @bloodredsky and congrats on the win. I am going to take a little time tomorrow to get some photos because there was a lot of very good racing last night. I had good battles with many of you guys but bunching up at the Ascari chicanes and Mt Panorama will take practice to perfect in a group.
Well, most of us no longer use some of the "min/max cars" because we realize how overpowered they are. So, for awhile now, we have all been trying new and different cars to get better racing instead of just winning.

But newcomers wouldn't have become bored with the "min/max" cars yet because they are still new. So, us veterans need to decide if we want to jump back in the "min/max" cars just to win or just let the new guys have their fun and eventually realize that choosing the "min/max" cars all the time isn't really that much fun after awhile.

Either way, I am getting frustrated being involved in incidents lately and finishing poorly (in comparison to what I am used to) the last few weeks. So I am going to try and stay out of trouble next week and be consistent without min/maxing.
Great racing last night guys.

First race me and racefan78 had an epic battle, lots of two wide/clean passing. He ended up taking the win on the last lap with a premium pass on the outside of T4 (pic#4) and ended up getting just enough (something like 0.05 at the line) to pip me at the line. GR !

Race #2 @ Bathurst got off to a weak start (got a feeling not everyone knew the course) massive pileups in 2 of the first 5 turns//the top 4 or 5 cars were the only ones not effected/looked like they had a good race. I know I'm not supposed to call anyone out but doublepass caused several incidents then quit. No way your making new friends doing that.(in his defence he was in the fairlady z - a prolific oversteerer)

Race #3 Apricot Hill was a super tight battle - made me realize that Citreon Xsara rallycar is just plain unfair for a FF. It drives just like any other 4W rallycar/no clue how a FF has absolutely no understeer. A couple bumps from non mirror checkers but nothing too insane.

Race #4 Ascari - from the start the Autobacks MR-S took off and didn't look back, hell of a nice car Joe ! Me and racefan78 had a nice heated battle for the opening stages/lots of rallycars in all of the races too ! Overall good fun//I decided to donate my winners choice of PP to Ken, so I could pick the first track. GR's overall guys

PS: I thought there was no restrictions on what cars we can use ?? That's the whole draw for this league for me, it's not "this is the one car you have to use"/it's "use whatever as long as it fits in with the total PP choice". I feel like you are saying 'you picked all fast cars/that's not what your supposed to do. Aren't we supposed to try to pick the fastest cars ?? I mean I'll pick all slow cars if you guys want next week...
You're right, there are no rules against picking the fastest cars. What Joe was saying is that us guys who have been doing this for a long time have become kind of bored of running the same cars over and over, even if they are clearly the fastest, so we've tried to diversify and pick cars we wouldn't normally run. We do this for two reasons. One, as Joe mentioned, it tends to lead to better racing (not always, race one is a good counter-example). And two, there's like 1600 cars in the game, with so many possibilities it adds a whole new layer of excitement to experiment with something you haven't driven before.
PS: I thought there was no restrictions on what cars we can use ?? That's the whole draw for this league for me, it's not "this is the one car you have to use"/it's "use whatever as long as it fits in with the total PP choice". I feel like you are saying 'you picked all fast cars/that's not what your supposed to do. Aren't we supposed to try to pick the fastest cars ?? I mean I'll pick all slow cars if you guys want next week...

No, I think what Joe was saying is that racing in M3s, NSXs, GT-86/FR-S/BRZ, etc was getting a little boring so many of us branched out and decided to run cars we normally wouldn't. Anyone can race whatever they want, that is 100% correct. Joe was saying that he wanted to try other cars for a while and now he's sick of losing. :D

I think when we switched to GT6 we saw that there were even more choices with new cars and old cars at new PP values. I seem to be narrowing down my tastes for what cars I like, but I have no $ and a lot more cars to buy. Most of the cars that carried over from GT5 drive completely different now so there is that to consider as well.

I know that I, for one, like to be original and there are times where I will not use a car just because someone else picked it. But that's just me. Two people in this series could pick the exact same lineup and then use different cars in different races with drastically different results. Just another fun part of this series. 👍

Woah. Word for word tree'd by @racefan78.

No worries. Everyone answered your comment perfectly.

For example, the last several months I was known for choosing French cars just to be different.

No big deal...just thinking out loud.
The new guy won again? Fk! This has to change a bit.
wtf kendawg...

Blood and I had the exact same lineup except for the FR car. So I decided to change my lineup. I did make a mistake in the second third and fourth race. Like I always say. Keep the mistakes down and you will score good. Just over drove a few turns. Blood races a nearly mistake free race each week and that is why he does good in the points.

I did better than I thought I did. With the cold ones going down good and smooth last night it was no wonder I made a few mistakes. :cheers:
Good answers. Is there anyway there could be a list of 'dominator cars' posted ? I mean i know NSX's and M3's are fast, everyone does, but other cars can be a personal fast machines, like the delorean for example, I know certain guys can win on a regular basis with them and consider them dominators, but other guys can't drive them/spin them out/don't consider them to be fast at all...same could be said for the dino. Anyways, I kinda feel like I'm being alienated by choosing fast cars here lol,

And on a side note, don't these 'dominator' cars only come into play once every couple weeks ? Like the HSC - this is the first chance in 3 weeks I've had to run it because we have never been in that PP range. Like I say, I can see dominator cars in the 500pp+ range, but is there a certain car @ 350pp, @ 400pp that's a stone cold dominator ? It's debatable..isn't it ?

I'm just getting this vision of choosing my cars for next week..and it's like, before I lock in a car, should I come here and make sure it's not considered a dominator first ? Because sorry if I thought everyone was supposed to choose the fastest cars they thought/ like that was basically the main strategy (testing/knowing what cars are fastest compared to other cars @ PP)..It doesn't seem like anyone has any respect for a fast car/good car choices winning.
If you want to pick the same cars everytime the PP range allows it then go for it.

Like was mentioned, we have evolved to a point where many of us avoid using the same cars all the time.
If you want to pick the same cars everytime the PP range allows it then go for it.

OK I'm getting more and more lost here. I've used 12 different cars over the three weeks. I have never picked the same car.

It kinda seems like you are saying that picking fast cars is a lame strategy. I don't think it's a lame strategy, and honestly, I was kinda thinking/hoping that everyone had that same strategy. It would sure make for heatier battles, wouldn't it ?