◆ SNAIL [DriveTrain Challenge - DTC] Racing - Closed

  • Thread starter jobyone
From what @tezgm99
I have updated my TotP post here, can you please update the 2nd post and switch over the scoring sheets when you have time? No rush broseph.

Updated. I think you TotP has the wrong PP we are running 1500 not 1700.

Official Tire Ruling

You may start on any tire you like as long as it does not exceed the Tire Reg in the OP. So for this weeks races you may run any Sports Hard or any Comfort tire.

Also you do not have to run the same tire on the front as on the back;)
I know we briefly discussed...can we put the tracks back in groups? I kinda liked only having a few choices per race instead of the big list. Maybe 5 per group?
I know we briefly discussed...can we put the tracks back in groups? I kinda liked only having a few choices per race instead of the big list. Maybe 5 per group?
I would like to do that as well. Anyone disagree with this idea?
Mmmm... this pp range has a little problem... The awd car. There's only two choices, the superslow Daihatsu Storia or the way too close to the top limit Celica GT-Four. Everything else smells like close racing all over the place.

I didn't realize there were only a couple of 4WD cars in this range. I wonder if we should expand it to 10% instead of 5%.
There is room, let us know if you have any questions.

Without further delay, here are some pictures that I took. Rather than focus on battles throughout the night, I took a picture of each person's car in each race.

First, however is this picture just because it is my favorite car in the game and because I said so:

Second, are two photos showing my two-wheeling trip into the guardrail at SSR5 while trying to catch @Schmiggz:


Here we go to turn one, lap one at Tokyo:

And the Tokyo field in finishing order. First place to @racefan78:

Second place to @bloodredsky:

Third place was @kendawg:

In 4th place, schmiggz:

5th place to @JoeW:

6th place was @carboneyes:

7th place was @tezgm99:

In 8th place, @danfurey:

9th place to me:

In 10th place, @GTP_unleashed:

11th place to @gtsrgeoff,

12th place to @DMacs13,

If I get time later I'll start on Bathurst.
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What would be helpful is if someone could pick a good car around 450PP and give me some lap times for the following tracks:

Mt Panorama
Silverstone GP
Apricot Hill

They do not need to be your best lap just one that gives me a rough time of a clean lap. It would be best if all times were from one person and of course in the identical car.
I didn't realize there were only a couple of 4WD cars in this range. I wonder if we should expand it to 10% instead of 5%.
I wouldn't have a problem with this. That would put the following 4WD cars in the spec:
Toyota CELICA 2000GT-FOUR (ST165) '86
Mitsubishi 3000GT SL (J) '95
Mitsubishi 3000GT SL (J) '96
Mitsubishi 3000GT SR (J) '95
Mitsubishi GTO SR '95
Audi quattro '82
Mitsubishi 3000GT SR (J) '96
Mitsubishi GTO SR '96
Lancia DELTA HF Integrale Evoluzione '91
Mitsubishi 3000GT SL (J) '98
Mitsubishi 3000GT SR (J) '98
Mitsubishi GTO SR '98
Volkswagen New Beetle RSi '00
Audi S3 '02
Audi TT Coupe 1.8T quattro '00

Lot's more to choose from. Right now we have 2 options with the 4WD, take the loss and go with the Storia or go with the no so impressive VW Bora. This makes it more interesting in my opinion.
Alright...I'm stupid and can't figure this out.

How do I put the Drivetrain Challenge link in my signature so it displays like Koszak's?

Got it finally.
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Not sure it will be in the spirit of it...contemplating getting groceries in the Element to bolster the rest of my lineup. But this really isn't in the spirit. I may just suck it up with my Storia and keep it in the range :)

Mt Panorama - 2:30
Silverstone GP - 2:22
Apricot Hill - 2:31
Ascari - 2:21
Suzuka - 2:19

May I ask what car you used Ken? :sly:

Not sure it will be in the spirit of it...contemplating getting groceries in the Element to bolster the rest of my lineup. But this really isn't in the spirit. I may just suck it up with my Storia and keep it in the range :)

The Element is probably faster.
The finale at Ascari Race Resort. Don't forget to wake up early and leave a towel in your car because the seats fill up quick!

In first place, Joe Dubs!:

In 2nd place (with his ride to the track in the background), @bloodredsky:

In 3rd place, @racefan78:

@tezgm99 finished in 4th place:

@kendawg finished in 5th place:

88GTA in 6th place:

In 7th place, @carboneyes:

8th place went to @danfurey:

In 9th place, gtsrgeoff:

And in 10th place, @Schmiggz:

And that's all the pics I took last night.
My line up is basically done without the use of the 10% bonus and I'm finally using one of the cars I like the most in the game, the 73(i believe) Skyline.
I didn't realize there were only a couple of 4WD cars in this range. I wonder if we should expand it to 10% instead of 5%.

This is confusing to me. What is the "bonus" spoken of?

I haven't tested any cars but my list will be

FR 1970 GT-R2000 (Hakosuka :embarrassed:) 379PP
MR 1986 MR2 1600 G 359PP
FF 1997 Eagle Talon 359PP
4WD 2001 Bora V6 391PP

Total = 1488PP

I tried to use car's from different decade's.

Let me know if I did this incorrectly.
This is confusing to me. What is the "bonus" spoken of?

I haven't tested any cars but my list will be

FR 1970 GT-R2000 (Hakosuka :embarrassed:) 379PP
MR 1986 MR2 1600 G 359PP
FF 1997 Eagle Talon 359PP
4WD 2001 Bora V6 391PP

Total = 1488PP

I tried to use car's from different decade's.

Let me know if I did this incorrectly.

But feel free to try and use all your PP. Giving up 12pp is a lot at this level ;)

Not necessary to use cars from different decades but if it makes you feel good then go for it ;)

The "Bonus" he mentioned is this...

The normal range of PP from average is 5%. So this week is 1500PP total. The average is 375PP. So you cannot go more than 5% below 375pp(356PP) or 5% above 375pp(394PP). BUT...since there are only a few 4WD cars available in this range, we are extending the normal range to 10% for 4WD only. So now you can go as low as 338PP or as high as 412PP to find a decent 4WD.

The rest of the cars still need to be in the 356-394PP range and the total still needs to be 1500PP.

So it's not a bonus...more of a relaxing of the rules for 4WD cars only.
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Thank you for the explanation @JoeW. Just figured I'd do it as a challenge to myself, as I already knew coming in with PP this low that I wanted the 70 Hakosuka for sure. I left the FF to last because of the Bora, kinda hoped the Prelude was around what I needed. Now to buy 3 new cars.
Yeah, Preludes are just a wee bit out of range.
We have some fast guys in here that you may not have seen before since many of us don't race Sunday's regularly, or at all.
We have three regular, and one "once in awhile" guy who were once D1 drivers. We have 4 other guys who would do just fine in D2.

So, while challenging yourself is fun, for the first time out you may be surprised ;)

In a good way of course. Same competitive driving and racecraft with a much more jovial attitude than your typical sunday ;)
By challenge I just meant a little game with myself to select cars. I mess myself up enough in stock cars to not speak highly of myself outside of my "tuned, 500pp, SS tires, time attack" bubble :lol:.

I've been joining SNAIL to finally step into racing on GT6 and be forced to drive non tuned cars (though all my cars with "real world weight distributions" get mad every time I drive a stock vehicle).

I have no problem losing, I do it often :dopey:.