◆ SNAIL [GT1 Championship] Series

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I just want to apologize to Jake for taking him out of a chance for the win. 4 laps down I was just a moving chicane last night. I'll either get it sorted or stay away.
It no worry. You win some you lose some, at the point whe I got to you it was out of your hands. So no hard feelings man
Jake fix the scoring sheets please the time and dates aren't lining up properly I keep having to move them to the left from center. and stop playing with the amount of cells I keep having to put in the formulas again when I need to add a racer.
Jake fix the scoring sheets please the time and dates aren't lining up properly I keep having to move them to the left from center. and stop playing with the amount of cells I keep having to put in the formulas again when I need to add a racer.
Ok will get right on it
The cars bop in gt1
Weight penalties are putting your car out of spec (aka not allowed)
out of spec? Are you referring to bop ? The bop from what I can see so far is seriously in need of rebalancing. Was tire wear even considered? What about fuel consumption? Acceleration? Monza will highlight these inbalances to the Nth degree. It won't be competitive not without proper adjustments unfortunately.

The video above is just 1 way to negate an out of bounds penalty

OB penalties for Brands hatch.

@Ph1sher :30, 2:10, 3:39, 5:24, 7:01, 16:40, 17:28, 19:54, 36:24, 42:50, 43:38, 44:20, 44:27, 46:04, 48:31

@lllTrick 3:33, 6:03, 9:07, 10:02, 12:26, 21:45, 23:21, 32:10, 34:35, 37:31, 42:23, 43:13, 48:07

@Jakedog23 6:51, 8:27, 12:26, 17:44, 19:22, 37:01, 40:12, 45:47, 47:23, 48:11, 49:00

@CoachMK21 2:10, 17:54, 22:44, 40:54

@Scorpion0001 22:46, 39:28

@Xradkins 25:31

If you wish to dispute the the OB penalties feel free.

Each infraction will cost 1 point per until you are out of points for this race only. I will not dip into last race nor put anyone in the red.

Didn't realize small oobs that don't improve a persons postion would be nit picked so heavily. They aren't in SNAIL and we are following that guideline. My fault for not asking the right questions about how the race would be dissected. And by whom.
Sadly I got disconnected at the end of the race and was not able to save the replay. Otherwise I would dispute all of them. For the main reasons mentioned above.
I'm aware that certain cars are stronger than others and will be adjusted for next season.

As for tire and fuel there are more factors that play into that then just the BoP. The driver, the set up, and the traffic that you are dealing with during the race all come into play.

To set up a BoP for that would be impossible as every car (both pro and pro am) would have to be rebalanced for every race and every driver.
Didn't realize small oobs that don't improve a persons postion would be nit picked so heavily. They aren't in SNAIL and we are following that guideline. My fault for not asking the right questions about how the race would be dissected. And by whom.
Sadly I got disconnected at the end of the race and was not able to save the replay. Otherwise I would dispute all of them. For the main reasons mentioned above.

I can upload the replay if you wish to watch the race. As for nit picking those are the flagrant OOBs if I could see ground inbetween the rumble strip and the tire it was tagged.

As for not being aware that it would be watched for I put out a housekeeping notice before the start of the race stating as much.

As for improving a position it sure does, it can give you 3 more MPH into the next turn.
I'm aware that certain cars are stronger than others and will be adjusted for next season.

As for tire and fuel there are more factors that play into that then just the BoP. The driver, the set up, and the traffic that you are dealing with during the race all come into play.

To set up a BoP for that would be impossible as every car (both pro and pro am) would have to be rebalanced for every race and every driver.
Nothing is impossible. ;)

BoP testing takes a lot of time as we know, I'm glad to help for next season BoP testing as I want too to actually improve the competition of racing. wasn't too impressed with the BoP but regardless was fun as I expected.

As of track limits almost all of us were at fault with that one corner. it's definitely tricky as we all knew that we were bound to get a penalty regardless there. all we can do is review it and learn from it and move on.

See you guys at Monza
Birdy is right. To get a truly accurate bop would require an immense amount of time and everyone helping to test. as it stands its pretty much birdy and xrad testingby themselves which makes it impossible. i did a small sample of testing with the cars to narrow down the original list and got all cars within a few tenths of each other at motegi east with generic tunes. then the vw and audi were added and then i put a real tune on my 370 once it was definitely my car and so many things changed. For season 2 of these cars i am sure there will be a few adjustments to level things out and going forward lets all make a point to assist in the bop testing as it affects all of us immensely.

As for penalties, i apologize for not emphasizing that to you early trick. we try to be very strict about out of bounds here to keep everyone on the intended racing surface. It actually helps to make you a better driver to run the track without using overrun areas and im sure you will actually like it better that way going forward. I think halving the penalies for this race for the new guys might be appropriate and going forward we will emphasize staying within the limits. Maybe before the race we should go over potential oob areas and make sure everyone is clear on that.
As for not being aware that it would be watched for I put out a housekeeping notice before the start of the race stating as much.

Where is this "housekeeping notice" posted? I went back through the past couple pages and don't see it. I'll watch my race to review mine.
Where is this "housekeeping notice" posted? I went back through the past couple pages and don't see it. I'll watch my race to review mine.
It was posted in the Chat section of the lobby just prior to the race.
At Monza i am having issues getting through the 2 chicanes without cutting or overrunning the exit of the second one. These will be the areas of focus for oob violations next week so we all need to make sure we cannget through these areas with 2 wheels on track. If during the race you accidentally cut a simple lift to negate any advantage keeps you on the up and up. Something i had to do a few times at Brands exiting that left.
Sry did not make last night, was getting ready for road trip. On bop cars will have their strengths at different tracks, did not hear much complaining how the vw's out paced everyone at willow, and we had 2wks to test cars and pick one to are liking.
At Monza i am having issues getting through the 2 chicanes without cutting or overrunning the exit of the second one. These will be the areas of focus for oob violations next week so we all need to make sure we cannget through these areas with 2 wheels on track. If during the race you accidentally cut a simple lift to negate any advantage keeps you on the up and up. Something i had to do a few times at Brands exiting that left.
. I usually will tap break showing I'm aware of my obb, let's off gas might not be enough proof for not getting obb.
Yeah the awd's really dominated there but they are up against it from here out. The fact that no matter where they qualify they will be up front by turn 1 is a difficult challenge too. I had to start on mediums in an acknowledgement that they would pass me anyway at the start and id be stuck regardless so i had to use my mediums there and save the softs for when id have more open track. Its a challenging season strategically for evryone on some level.
From the SNAIL OLR Track Boundaries list, that we should all be familiar with.....
"The white line at the track edge is the track boundary unless there is a red/white striped rumble strip present or the section of track is listed here as an exception to this rule."

and for next week:

"Autodromo Nazionale Monza - The white line on the inside of the front straight." is the only exception
Yeah the awd's really dominated there but they are up against it from here out. The fact that no matter where they qualify they will be up front by turn 1 is a difficult challenge too. I had to start on mediums in an acknowledgement that they would pass me anyway at the start and id be stuck regardless so i had to use my mediums there and save the softs for when id have more open track. Its a challenging season strategically for evryone on some level.

I was significantly faster on sport mediums to start the race than I was on sport softs in my final 2 stints. I was running consistent 47.7-9 on SM with a fast lap of 47.60x on lap 7. It took until lap 55 or something and low on fuel to run faster on SS. I contemplated going back to SM on the final stint, but stayed on SS.
From the SNAIL OLR Track Boundaries list, that we should all be familiar with.....
"The white line at the track edge is the track boundary unless there is a red/white striped rumble strip present or the section of track is listed here as an exception to this rule."

and for next week:

"Autodromo Nazionale Monza - The white line on the inside of the front straight." is the only exception
So we can run right against the wall on the front stretch is that what its saying? Sorry just a little confused
before I head off for lunch I would like to thank Birdy for all of his hard work, I just finished watching the obb infracs!! and I had the pleasure of skipping ahead to them!

p.s. I accept mine and thank you for being so lenient!:cheers:
Great job and keep up the good work:bowdown:, it's nice to have good close racing where anybody can and does win at any track we run at!:gtpflag:
Had a great race myself and made the most of a Honda. Aside from spinning on lap 1, the vast amount of laps turned out to be more like an enduro and added more elements the this weeks event. Staying in bound was more important then laptime for me. Recovering from a shunt is so time consuming here. Still had fun running nose to tail with some fast Snails. Good job to everyone.

Try to take all that is said here into next week and have a clean race. And are the BOP settings really the issue, or is winning all that matters?

I can upload the replay if you wish to watch the race. As for nit picking those are the flagrant OOBs if I could see ground inbetween the rumble strip and the tire it was tagged.

As for not being aware that it would be watched for I put out a housekeeping notice before the start of the race stating as much.

As for improving a position it sure does, it can give you 3 more MPH into the next turn.

I'm always for racing clean and "between the lines". The method used to convey information on what was being monitored strictly and what may not be. Was never clear, I didn't know to read the in room lobby screen for FYI's about track concerns. I was and always have watched the forums for this type of information. Had I known to watch for FYI in race lobby I would have read birdie's posts on oob's concerns. And would have taken extra care in avoiding potential oob infractions. Any instances where I ran wide did not gain me any advantage. My fastest times have always come from being within the lines for this track especially.

Maybe as this is the first offence based on not knowing were to go for updates and information(There was no post in the forum iterating what was said in the race lobby). There could be a reconsideration for this first time / last time offence?
It was posted in the Chat section of the lobby just prior to the race.
But it wasn't explained that, that was where to look for this information. I watched the forum extensively for these types of details. That is my concern atm.
I would agree that for the new drivers a one time exemption or reduction is fair and then now going forward everyone knows this league is run tighter and what to expect.
Trick I understand your grief, but we are all sent the standard welcome to SNAIL GT1 message...
yours can be found here: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/◆-snail-gt1-championship-series.335111/page-96

as for the rest of the information it can all be found on page 1 or here https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/%E2%97%86-snail-gt1-championship-series.335111/

I would like to offer my apologies, I thought it was clear what the track boundaries were to a fellow SNAIL racer, or I would have stressed/pointed them out to you more extensively in practice.
on a side note: Team Volkswagen is working diligently to improve their lap times at Monza.:gtpflag:

Team director has been quoted as saying " we are up against an unsurmountable wall, that we must chip down to size. Currently we cannot match the pace of the rest of the field at Monza. we will be bringing a new engine and transmission package to Monza, in hopes that we can be mildly competitive there."
Birdy is right. To get a truly accurate bop would require an immense amount of time and everyone helping to test. as it stands its pretty much birdy and xrad testingby themselves which makes it impossible. i did a small sample of testing with the cars to narrow down the original list and got all cars within a few tenths of each other at motegi east with generic tunes. then the vw and audi were added and then i put a real tune on my 370 once it was definitely my car and so many things changed. For season 2 of these cars i am sure there will be a few adjustments to level things out and going forward lets all make a point to assist in the bop testing as it affects all of us immensely.

As for penalties, i apologize for not emphasizing that to you early trick. we try to be very strict about out of bounds here to keep everyone on the intended racing surface. It actually helps to make you a better driver to run the track without using overrun areas and im sure you will actually like it better that way going forward. I think halving the penalies for this race for the new guys might be appropriate and going forward we will emphasize staying within the limits. Maybe before the race we should go over potential oob areas and make sure everyone is clear on that.

More help is needed to accomplish tasks. Smooth and simplified should also be a priority. I am looking into how I can help out and hope everyone considers small ways in which they can give a hand. It doesn't always have to be a huge task some small things can go along way.
for example be available to run a car ( that is given to you to see it's top speed at certain settings. little things like this can really help and it may only take 5-10min here and there.

if we put the time in to establish a strong protocol some of the tasks won't be difficult or time consuming at all. it'll be second nature in setting up a ride. I'm not saying everyone has to help. I just want to suggest everyone to consider ways to help when they see something that fits their free time and interest.
(if your bad at tuning helping out with small aspects of tuning will increase your knowledge base slowly and allow you to get better and avoid getting overwhelmed. just a thought...
Yeah i agree. This series will be as good as we make it. Birdy does so much for this league and jake, scorp and xrad have done plenty too but if we all chip in it will be even better. I have all the cars bought and tuned. Ill start spending time testing for bop adjustments when i can
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