Adramike your’s were good enough, Jakes’s are in a questionable car
(sorry Jake )
I only managed 1:19’s also in my Elise ’11, the flat floor makes the car overall faster through the whole entire circuit
Penguin a full SuperGt two class Series/ race is great especially if you have 12 or more racers in it.
however I have been in only 2 successful series and have witnessed 10 that have failed to finish the full race schedule in the past year alone! people for some reason get bored with it?!?
I think a short season is the way to go with the SuperGt’s, most successful in my past 5 years of racing.
AND yes GT500 at 500Hp and GT 300 at 300Hp is the best way to go and yes the slower drivers in the GT300 is easier for them to tune, Just Remember to stress the Duel Championship going on and then it truly becomes a fun room to be in.
Back to our current series; the racing was so close mid-pac that without any mistakes I think Kg would have had to defend against everybody in the room at one lap or another. It was a strategy-fest out there last night with the off’s and tight racing. I personally had to switch up my strategy mid race to keep up with Racingchamp and Tex and only with a few late race mistake by them and Jake was I able to take up a 2nd place finish.
For me I am going to have to tune the bejeezus out of my Elise to keep up with Tex, Champ and Adramike could be un obtainable for me if he keeps it on the track I know that 111R is much faster than my ’11, as for the pro’s I don’t think that I will see them unless they make any mistakes like the last race. Bring on Midfield!!