2012 Grand Premio Petrobras do Brasil

  • Thread starter Matty
One thing is for sure though. You have to think Red Bull will be hiring new lads to do their alternators.

I mean, if Vettel had succumbed to something or other and Alonso took the championship, it could only be viewed as an alternate ending.

And since they're made by Magnetti Marelli, you can write your own punchline.
I know what you mean in this picture he just looks like a broken man.


Taking it like a man, facing everyone and everything standing there, as a rock, is a broken man?

If it had been the other way round, I'm pretty sure a tantrum would be in order, or at least some crying, screaming and fingering.
"This puts Alonso at 3 championships that he has lost with the narrowest of margins.
110-109-109 With Raikkonen-Hamilton-Alonso in 2007
256-252 With Vettel-Alonso in 2010
281-278 With Vettel-Alonso in 2012...

I think 2007 and 2010 were in his hands if he focused more on his driving instead of his rivals. 2012 he just didn't have the car.
I was waiting to see how Vettel handled this last race to really pass my (insignificant) judgement on him once and for all and I say he's definitely earned it. Alonso won his second place, Vettel clawed his way to his. He got spun out, kept it cool in changing conditions, kept having close calls and driving smartly through the pack, especially later in the race. I was so on edge it was insane, job well done to him. He may not have the flair or personality of other drivers, but he is a force in his own distinct way. When he's focused you're gonna have a terrible time trying to throw him off his game and that's what his legacy will be. Not every driver needs to be a Senna or Schumacher in the way they approach racing. These days Vettel proved that you can win a title on pure focus, a lot like Prost used to do, and still have the teeth to back it up when needed. But it's undeniable, he's a great now, three titles in a row, it's undeniable. From here on out he can crash and burn and still be recognized as an all time great, that's how you know you've reached the pedestal.

The race was such a mixed bag of emotions for me, the ending of an era, with the new bright shining, unpredictable, super exciting one right around the corner. I never realized how much I was gonna miss it, and to be honest, seeing the final laps, Paul crashing out, the SC coming out and every one parading their race to the end was fitting in a way. It sort of brought things down tempo from the raging symphony of awesome that preceded it just a lap before in the entirety of this season. Giving every one a chance to pinch themselves, so to speak. I'll miss the teams a lot, the great combinations, the drama, the tooth and nail nature of the racing that was featured in a majority of this season's races. It was the best modern year of Formula 1 yet and it went by pretty quick in my experience. I feel like a chapter's been finished, as corny as that sounds, can't wait for the new one.

Nico did an astounding job keeping the stick up front, what an amazing job. He's really something else in the wet, and at this particular circuit as well judging from his pole in the wet with Williams. Hamilton's my favorite drive and seeing him crash out with him was really gut wrenching, but I was supporting Vettel so that evil side of me creeped up and I realized the collision just blew the title wide open again. For a few laps where Vettel was getting his way up to 8th and Alonso had a sure shot at 2nd the feeling was raw, I knew it was all gonna come down to Vettel, but he put in those fast laps in the pouring rain and easily passed up Koba and Schumi so it was a done deal from then on. Alonso almost lost the car so many times, he must've been exhausted after all of the close calls and battles, he's my driver of the race for sure.

One of my favorite parts of the race though, was Kimi's off track excursion, I don't know what the hell happened, but I know that this time he really didn't know what he was doing. Getting lost during a race xD Don't get me wrong, if it was me I would've been dead a while ago and he was putting in a solid drive, but you gotta admit that was hilarious how he was going off into the old circuit. Poor guy must've had a super obscured visor.

Anyway, here's to an even better 'chip next year. Congratulations Fingerman.
From BBC report:
Vettel made a bad start from fourth on the grid and at the fourth corner was first tagged from behind by Lotus's Kimi Raikkonen and then hit by Williams's Bruno Senna.
They are a Vettel fans!
From DrivingItalia.com(stopandGo)
Senna proprio al via ha tamponato con una violenza inaudita Vettel. Sebastian si è trovato in testacoda, ultimo ma fortunosamente con la macchina illesa. Una sola domanda. Ma di cosa è fatta la Red Bull? Di acciaio? Senna ha dato a Vettel una botta paurosa, ma la macchina del tedesco non si è fatta nulla. Incredibile.
Google Traduttore:
Senna right in the street has buffered with unprecedented violence Vettel. Sebastian found himself spun, last but luckily the car unharmed. Just one question. But what has made ​​the Red Bull? Of steel? Senna gave Vettel a fearful blow, but the machine has not done anything German. Incredible.

From the Gazzetta dello Sport,the most diffuse Italian Sport Journal:
Il cuore di milioni di tifosi della Ferrari è esploso di emozione alla quarta curva del GP del Brasile. È durato un istante, il tempo dello speronamento di Bruno Senna ai danni della Red Bull di Vettel che si è girato ripartendo dal fondo dello schieramento
It lasted a while, the time of Bruno Senna rammed against the Red Bulls of Vettel
One of my favorite parts of the race though, was Kimi's off track excursion, I don't know what the hell happened, but I know that this time he really didn't know what he was doing. Getting lost during a race xD Don't get me wrong, if it was me I would've been dead a while ago and he was putting in a solid drive, but you gotta admit that was hilarious how he was going off into the old circuit. Poor guy must've had a super obscured visor.


I guess they all had their hardships. It was a great race. Kimi made the whole thing brighter...haha

haha, wow, seeing it again I realize he was just trying to use, what he thought might've been an escape road that pops out around the corner. Nope, just the old closed off track. Can't wait to hear an interviewer ask him about that one.

But hey, while mentioning Kimi, big congrat's to him as I think he's the only driver to have finished every lap of the season! Pretty awesome accomplishment.
One of my favorite parts of the race though, was Kimi's off track excursion, I don't know what the hell happened, but I know that this time he really didn't know what he was doing. Getting lost during a race xD Don't get me wrong, if it was me I would've been dead a while ago and he was putting in a solid drive, but you gotta admit that was hilarious how he was going off into the old circuit. Poor guy must've had a super obscured visor.

He was trying to use a section of the old circuit as a shortcut to get back on the track, but there was a gate on the way.

Taking it like a man, facing everyone and everything standing there, as a rock, is a broken man?

If it had been the other way round, I'm pretty sure a tantrum would be in order, or at least some crying, screaming and fingering.

Saying he looks like a broken man isn't really an insult, he did and had every right to be.

Lol at your second statement.
I read the Autosport article Centura linked haha, that makes sense. Just looked too funny during the broadcast as none of us knew what he was trying to do. He had a good plan though, quick on his feet, just foiled by those meddling marshals.

He isn't broken, he was just hungry and didn't get his fill :)

I thought that was pretty zen of him to be able to zone out like that and focus on the result for a while, mental powah.

But he was there waiting for Massa for a while before moving on, which was really cool.
Missed the entire race, unfortunately. And it seems like I've missed a good race, to boot (judging by all the drama in here). Anyways, congrats to Vettel for his third WDC title.

It's good to have so many self-proclaimed F1 experts around here to call out the steward's mistakes. GTPlanet's users are, thankfully, entirely free of bias and, thus, in a much better position to judge who's deserving a penalty and who isn't. Just saying, you know? :sly:
Not only are you wrong on that regard, but I also cannot work out for the life of me who the bloody hell you are actually supporting.
??explain your self please!

I just reported some opinion from the best Journals like BBC,Gazzetta dello Sport that they stated that it wasn't a Vettel fault!
Kovalainen got a new record! Most GPs without points, 60 in total. Räikkönen new record! Most races completed in a row, 20 in total, 1191 laps.
Not in same stratosphere. I read through this thread after the race and it was ridiculous, page after page of hate.

Rubbish. I'd say you're just focusing in too much on Vettel's criticism in particular though (as there really isn't page after page of hate...or complete biased hatred for Vettel) - of which he's arguably been more deservent of...considering how lucky he was to even finish the race after the first lap incident (without damage or penalty), let alone being able to clinch the WDC in the process. And of course when you take 3 straight titles in a row, you're bound to get some flack particularly when there are so many other great drivers on the grid...it simply comes with the territory! :crazy:

Tbh, I think for each driver their are only a handful of guys in this thread that take things a bit too far. With that said, if you have issue...you should respond directly to their post instead of continually bringing up the topic of continual hatred that only plagues Vettel (as Centura did).

On another note, most peoples issues with Vettel seem to stem from his questionable race craft at times and what might be a bit of tunnel vision. It's been 3 races in a row where he's made some questionable moves in my eyes - the multiple incidents at Abu Dhabi, the US GP where he made a rather pointless/risky move back the other way to throw off Hamilton when he went for the overtake (which could have easily ended up with a tire puncture), and now the contact we saw today that was completely avoidable had he been more aware of his surroundings (which you better be damn sure of when you're in the last race of the season with the WDC on the line).

A guy taking two drivers out on lap one resulting in a ban being compared to an incident where a guy took out two drivers on lap one and it wasn't investigated means Alonso should be banned for not causing a crash...


He meant Alonso's actions in Suzuka where he forced Räikkönen partially off track in the first corner and hit Räikkönen's front wing with his rear tyre.

Oh, and that incident was not investigated, and Alonso even blamed Räikkönen for it at first.

I believe this video sums it up pretty much:

This is the only place,site,forum...that says it was a Vettel fault!I checked in many sites,journals,forums and almost all of them say that it was Senna Fault!
Missed the entire race...

It's good to have so many self-proclaimed F1 experts around here to call out the steward's mistakes.

Trying watching the race first. In any other race with any other driver, there would have at least been an investigation.

Taking it like a man, facing everyone and everything standing there, as a rock, is a broken man?

If it had been the other way round, I'm pretty sure a tantrum would be in order, or at least some crying, screaming and fingering.

Sometimes, jokes just write themselves :lol:
This is the only place,site,forum...that says it was a Vettel fault!I checked in many sites,journals,forums and almost all of them say that it was Senna Fault!

And I have the feeling I'm the only one thinking that it wasn't the fault of anyone. Vettel drove through the corner like he should, Senna didn't have any space to move away.
I'm a Hamilton fan first, but I was supporting Alonso over Vettel just because I felt Alonso deserved it more for all the struggles he went through this season and putting in those amazing drivers. Now, as I said before, I have a lot more respect for Vettel after today's race, but I'll still always be down to chat up a good debate with diehard Vettel supports :P

So, saying that, I'm gonna post an image of exactly what I'm gonna have to deal with for a long time coming:
This is the only place,site,forum...that says it was a Vettel fault!I checked in many sites,journals,forums and almost all of them say that it was Senna Fault!

Oh, do shut up.

Whoever's fault it was, bleating on about it page after page is pointless and annoying. And it's been pointless and annoying at every other GP you do it on too. Give it a sodding rest.
*Alonso has two incidents this year and ends up with two DNFs, Vettel has two incidents (DRS boards and a huge clout from Senna) and gets away scott free

Alonso could've continued if he didn't stall his engine. He probably had floor damage, but he should've been able to continue and score a couple of points.
With that said, if you have issue...you should respond directly to their post instead of continually bringing up the topic of continual hatred that only plagues Vettel (as Centura did).

Probably, but I have my reasons for not doing so, mainly time.
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Oh, do shut up.

Whoever's fault it was, bleating on about it page after page is pointless and annoying. And it's been pointless and annoying at every other GP you do it on too. Give it a sodding rest.
lolllllllllllllllll saying shut up to me seating behind a pc!sad thing mate:tdown:
I would give you my adress here in Israel and I would pay you the ticket and I would like that you repeat this to me bodily !