So, a good friend of mine and I were having a chat and he brought up something I don't think we talk about. As much as we loathe so many things that NASCAR does, I feel like this kinda brings the other missing piece of the puzzle as to what is wrong with it: Its identity.
I think in a way, The Throwback weekend at Darlington kinda makes it even more obvious the massive difference between the sport now and the Sport before. At that time, the only pressure out there was winning the race and getting that title (Without killing yourself, because what safety). Nowadays, its all about making one sponsor appearance after another and after another and after another but whatever you do, don't give detailed feedback of any kind because its "Detrimental to the Sport" or don't act this way or else your sponsor will leave because you are no longer "Advertiser friendly" (Sounds familiar, doesn't it?), but feel free to so much as to trash living hell out of the guy in the lead on the final lap so bad that he has no chance of fighting back (and disregard the safety of those personnel on the other side, they're expendable), its "Entertainment" for the rating..err, fans. However, don't be the guy that does it back or else YOU will have a massive penalty (even if the fans agree with it) and BTW, win some races and a championship.
Now I know there are many people that think Technology will take away from the racing but frankly, what else is it gonna remove that the sanctioning body and its overemphasis on Marketing the personalities solely already hasn't? If anything, the Throwback weekend is essentially the whole "Throwback Thursday" fad turned into yet another cash cow for NASCAR to milk (while failing to notice its ratings still aren't any better) while ironically again reminding us how overly commercial and corporate its become. If that's not enough, the next is Richmond, which is basically the time where people actually do start paying attention because it single-handily is the point in which the regular season is thrown away because the "Real deal" is about to begin. In all, the sum total of the madness comes to this: NASCAR has no idea what it is anymore or who its actually looking for anymore. Brian France does NOT know what NASCAR is , hell the sponsors don't know apart from how much money they can make from a Cup drivers face. Do the fans even know what NASCAR is? I don't think so, it sure as hell isn't the NASCAR that Bill France ran. We finally have a on-track product that isn't completely stale but because of the annoying over promotion of the chase, every race outside the Daytona 500 and the Two weeks of Charlotte are ignored (Unless its Sonoma and Watkins Glen, which again beat the snot out of the brickyard year after year), making the regular season effectively pointless.
So overall, I can't but think that NASCAR's second biggest problem, right after their inconsistency, is its inability to identify what it is or what fans it actually want.