Well, if you’re not trying to be, apologies for thinking you were. I just don’t really appreciate people pulling the old, “so what you’re saying is -
insert absurd interpretation and/or gross over simplification.”
Anyways, moving on.
I’ve gone back and watched the replay a number of times, I suggest you guys do the same. I can’t believe you will sit here and make excuses for the drivers, when it’s us that’s being robbed of seeing propper “good driving”. The most telling view is the helicopter view of the race start.
@TenEightyOne, you don’t think Max could have slowed down, because he would have been hit from behind? Surely you must believe that the 16 of 20 greatest drivers in the world behind Max have the ability to arrest their vehicle while approaching a corner no? Ok I’m done being facetious. Seriously though, I get what you’re saying, but I’m saying tough luck. Then it’s up to the guys behind Max to not hit Max. They shouldn’t be going banzaie into T1 in a way that they can’t control their car if something in front of them happens.
Just some food for thought for the thread....some “data”, if you will.

This is when KMags thinks, “good idea Max, good idea!!”

Max, neck and neck with Hamilton for the lead. Also note that one of the Force Indias, and pretty sure that’s Stoff, also decide to investigate the paved area to driver’s right of the circuit....for some completely unknown reason.

His plan having worked beautifully, The Teflon Don decides to tuck in behind Hamilton, so as not to fully give away the scheme

KMags rejoins P3. Knowing he’s the “bad boy of F1”, and not the Teflon Don, KMags backs off to let a couple people through.

A couple screenshot got corrupted uploading, but basically, KMags lets Sainz and Ricciardo through, before starting to race LeClerc and Kimi (note that all those just mentioned stayed on the circuit). When the leading 7 go single file into T3 and T4, KMags is P5, up from P8 going into T1.

To me, that’s a bunch of bull 🤬 Neither Max nore KMags needed to cut across the pavement to the extent they did, and most definitely not at the speed they did. I really don’t understand how this can be an acceptable standard at what is supposed to be the pinnacle of a sport.
To be clear, I’m not trying to go on an angree tirade against anyone, but come on people...we must demand better than this!! One week, we watch the procession in Monaco, marveling at the way the drivers weave their way through the concrete and Armco, we praise their precision, we call them the best in the world....and the a few weeks later, this.
Here’s an idea.....perhaps Max didn’t end up out there “by accidenent”, or because he had “no where to go”

Anyone consider the thought that was his plan all along? Look at the overheads. Where the hell was he going to go had Bottas and Vettel made the corner? After the precedent set in Mexico over the last couple of years with drivers not receiving punishment for short cutting portions of the circuit, if I’m Max, lining up P4 on the grid, outside into T1.....this is my plan all along. Go outside on someone into T1, and if they so much as cough or sneeze, we bail out to the right, foot to the floor across the extra grippy blue tarmac.
And that was just T1 and T2. Things get even more pathetic down in the second half of the grid in T3, 4, & 5.
It start with contact between Vettel and Grosjean, with Vettel running into the back of the Haas as he cut into the apex of T3.
Before I get into the pics, I think it’s worth noting this is now the
2nd car Vettel has made contact with on the opening lap. I’m not 100% clear on the rules regarding driving a damaged car, but when he hit Roman, his nose was already broken, meaning he had basically zero front down force. He doesn’t really have an excuse, he shouldn’t have been there at all....he’s the one freaking guy who should have been taking advantage of the miles of runoff, not trying to race wheel to wheel with a broken car. Going back to my soccer analogies, Vettel would be on 1 yellow card for his contact with Bottas, a second yellow followed by a red for his contact with Grosjean. Bye bye, hit the showers.
So, on with the clown show:
Vettel taps Roman’s Haas.
This is now post contact with Grosjean and Vettel. Note their car positions, and note Hulkenberg on Vettel’s left.
Grosjean now decides his car only turns left, and Hulkenberg spots something off in the distance
Ocon and Gasley having their accident to the right of Ericsson. In this situation, Ericsson is the one guy I can maybe see justification for him taking to the runoff, given the trajectory that Ocon and Gasley would be on. Still though...
The Williams, can’t tell which it is, and Vandoorne have absolutely no excuse or reason. They could easily have slowed and stayed on the circuit
And here is the clown train rejoining the circuit. Notice how there’s a beautifully painted “of you happen to use this runnoff, please re-enter the circuit this way, pretty please, if it’s not too much to ask, o best drivers of thee world”. Some French line painter is pissed no one used his beautiful rejoin lane. I’ll take a shot in the dark and guess that this wasn’t discussed in the driver’s briefing...because why would you need to discuss track limits on lap 1 in an F1 drivers briefing, these guys are pros!!
Last, then I’m done, T3 from a different angle. The camera panning missed the initial contact between Grosjean and Vettel, but caught up a split second after.
Check the position of Hulkenberg...I dare someone to make a case that he was “forced off the circuit”
I dunno...from this angle, Ericsson’s case looks a little suspicious
Alonso and Hartley were the only ones who did it correctly. Alonso very correctly, he nearly got involved, but he managed to thread the needle, and stay on the circuit. I actually didn’t realize this until going through these replays, but THIS is why Alonso was so far behind right from the start (even before his early pit stop) - because he actually kept his car on the circuit, unlike nearly the entire rest of the field.
Like I said, just some food for thought. I really suggest people try to track down some replays. Watch them a few times over, pay attention to all the cars, not just Max....it’s pretty disgusting. They don’t make the slightest effort to stay on the circuit. The paved runoff is their for the driver’s safety, not so they can make a mockery of what it means to “race ON a circuit”.