550PP 4WD / Rally Car Super Lap: Matterhorn Rotenboden

  • Thread starter nowcontrol
Tried 'nowcontrols' tune and found his gears were what I had been trying to achieve ie: a longer 1st gear to pull you out of the corners better, have been 4 tenths up in the 1st section (my best was 3 tenths with my tune), but it is awesome at the bottom of the steep hill, thanks for that mate.

In any case I decided to continue using my tune but 'nowcontrols' gears and improved a tad to 1:25.988 for #62. And there is still time to be made up.
Thanks to "nowcontrol" and "Dalone" for your tunes.
I will try out both, since there is not much time left and I have just 0,201 seconds to find (my current time is 1:28,660 and #616) in order to beat one particular friend on my friends-list (except he himself has found even more time, then I suppose I will be in trouble).
2nd Problem is, that we are having a ridiculous heat-wave here in Austria, 32 degrees Celsius in my living room (no A/C), 38 degrees outside (in the shadow that is, provided you find some), not much less during the night, which makes competitive driving a sweaty chore!
But beeing a geezer, I will soldier on till the last minute! :D
There were two things I found helped most of all, one was to stop (when using the tune already on the car) the car from driving into walls etc when turning (oversteer?) and the other was changing the power. I'm not sure I did the former correctly but it did help. The latter worked a treat. Also I thought 1st gear was too short so tried to change them a bit.
Anyway, don't laugh when you see it but here it is, definitely feel free to criticise and point out mistakes please, offering suggestions are most welcome. And remember too that it is not all mine, the dampers/roll bar I think I copied from another car different make.

edit.. 22-7-15, final changes bolded.
PP550 - max power 460bhp - 476bhp weight 890kg - 914kg. ballast 24kg @ -50. weight dist' 43:57 45:55. power to weight 1.93kg/bhp. 1.92kg/bhp.
115 - 110 ............ 120 - 100
7.22 - 9.10
5 - 7
7 - 5
4 - 7
BB 5 - 6 .............. 7 - 5
0.0 - 0.0
-0.06 / -0.09

Max speed 260km/h unchanged as is Final gear 4.059
1st 2.930
2nd 2.129
3rd 1.555 unchanged
4th 1.180 "
5th 0.946 "

22 - 10 .......... 26 - 20
30 - 46 .......... 40 - 50
10 - 20 .......... 10 - 20 torque dist 43:57 ........ 50 :50

Power 91.2 ...... 88.4
Stage 3 engine tuning
Low RPM Turbo. high RPM turbo

130 - 272 ...... 150 - 350

When you stop laughing, try it and let us know your thoughts, good luck hope it helps someone. It might at least see some other tunes emerge.

edit, just changed the front downforce to max, 150, and immediately improved to 1:26.850 for 45th.
Think I had it lower when I was trying to prevent the car oversteering.

edit, Still working for me. Down to 1:26.609 for pos# 38.

Hahaha....OK here is my tune, it's a bit basic, I just needed to tame tail end enough for my driving style without killing too much of the essential rotation and willingness to slide a bit....try it out.....


Just a "Thank You" to both of you for publishing your tunes
a completely meaningless remark from a very mediocre driver:
I noticed that both of you installed Engine Tuning AND a Turbo!?
I experienced that if you install the Engine Tuning ONLY and leave away the Turbo, you can
1.) push the Power Limiter slider further up and thus
2.) get more HP out of the same car as would be the case with Turbo installed!

But then again, as I said... just a very meaningless remark from a very nediocre and thus incompetent driver!

Thanks again for the tunes!!!
A big THANK YOU to all who found 'my' tune helped a bit and said so. You've made an old man very happy, ha ha.
Of course I'm not a tuner and never will be and was lucky that this car is just so good no matter what tune is on it.

To Emanymton who mentions the discomfort of 30 plus degree C temps. Yep, know all about that mate, here in Darwin (NT Australia) we are having a cold spell right now and the temp is only reaching 30C during the day but has been getting down to 15 - 18 overnight, that's cold for us. 9am here and I'm rugged up, it's 21C and I can't wait for the warmer weather again. Ha ha, we all have our cross to bear.

Not long left in this time trial so it's now or never to get your best time and the only good advice I can give is throw caution to the wind. I only complete perhaps one in ten or so laps as I keep pushing ever harder and usually get disqualified along the way.
One place to push as hard as possible is the blind downhill section starting with a r/hand-l/hand turn. As you are coming down the hill find the red roof of a building (at the bottom of the hill) and aim for it without lifting off the throttle. You actually sail over the r/l/hander and hopefully land steadily. If you don't, start again.

And the first uphill section is another place to go flat out and hopefully without lifting (or perhaps just a tad) until you reach to top.

Re the turbo/engine tuning matter. Sorry, don't have enough knowledge of the dynamics of how they actually work to be of any help, I just find the 3rd stage turbo coupled with engine tuning is faster (with nowcontrol's gear set up) regardless of whether it is or isn't more powerful (hp). And I have tried every possible combination.
Good luck everyone, cheers.

Edit. Well that's that, had about 1/2 hour or so but no improvement on 1.25.988 pos #62, which is still my best ever result.
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Well, it's over now and I have achieved my goal to beat one of my friends, improving from 1:28,660 to 1:28,395 which is finally #510, but it was close though, I just beat him by 0,065 !
I think that this is not too bad for a 63 year old mediocre driver!?
I finally used Nowcontrol's Setup, mainly for what she (he?) said:
"...to tame tail end enough for my driving style without killing too much of the essential rotation and willingness to slide a bit...".
Well, I don't like the sliding bit part, but this Setup is the one where this car is sliding the least.:bowdown:
So apparently my driving style and Nowcontrol's seem to be somewhat similar (even though I could never dream of touching his/her lap-times!).
I allowed myself to change the Final Gear from 3,600 to 3,700 which costs a bit of top-speed (which is not needed here anyway), but makes the car a bit more aggressive/faster in the lower gears, so you can accelerate quicker out of the narrow corners and step on the gas a bit earlier and stronger.

Thanks again,:bowdown:
it's 5:30 a.m. here and we still have 28 degrees, but this is one of the advantages of being retired: I can now play it the Vampire-style and go to bed and sleep at daytime... us vampires don't like the sunlight...!:D :mad: :lol:

See you all soon again on the grid!
Well that's that, had about 1/2 hour or so but no improvement on 1.25.988 pos #62, which is still my best ever result.

Well done Dalone on your best ever result and also to Stewyripper, I tried my hardest to catch you both, it's not often I'm comprehensively beaten by friends, but on this occasion I was :cheers: