ABS 0 community where are you???

You know, I never understand you guys, I don't think, the literal, ABS 0 only people, I respect that you race like that, but I find that ultimately its just for difficulty, am I right?

For classic cars, ABS 0, sure, that's realism, they didn't have ABS in those cars in those years, turn it off, try driving it how it actually was, but for, idk, 2000+ year cars, virtually all of them would've had ABS of some sort, so why turn it off other than just, pursuit of difficulty?

If the car had ABS in real life, would you go and disconnect it? Has everyone seen that recent top gear where JC took the (fuse? in the) XKR and stopped it having ABS? See I imagine that none of us here would do that in our real life racing cars, for those of us who have them, so I don't see the point in not having ABS at 1.

I wish there was more variation, I keep it at 1, not 2, because the gap between 1 and 0 seems to be quite extreme, but I don't hate ABS at 1 either.

So am I right? It's just a difficulty thing guys? If not, what is it?
You know, I never understand you guys, I don't think, the literal, ABS 0 only people, I respect that you race like that, but I find that ultimately its just for difficulty, am I right?

For classic cars, ABS 0, sure, that's realism, they didn't have ABS in those cars in those years, turn it off, try driving it how it actually was, but for, idk, 2000+ year cars, virtually all of them would've had ABS of some sort, so why turn it off other than just, pursuit of difficulty?

If the car had ABS in real life, would you go and disconnect it? Has everyone seen that recent top gear where JC took the (fuse? in the) XKR and stopped it having ABS? See I imagine that none of us here would do that in our real life racing cars, for those of us who have them, so I don't see the point in not having ABS at 1.

I wish there was more variation, I keep it at 1, not 2, because the gap between 1 and 0 seems to be quite extreme, but I don't hate ABS at 1 either.

So am I right? It's just a difficulty thing guys? If not, what is it?

I quoted some who have answered why some of us drive with ABS:0.

This post might sound a bit bizarre to non ABS=0 people, but ABS has hidden stability assists plus ABS so putting it in 0 means unlocking the simulator mode of GT5. That's why ABS=0 players are so passionate about this: it's GT5.5.

People that haven't played with all assists off (including ABS) and with a FFB wheel really haven't tried the game.

I've been there before (GT5 boredom, despair even), and switching off ABS definitely renewed my interest (also it seemed the next natural evolution). Cars are much more lifelike and fun to drive, it just takes a little practice initially (and a few brake balance tweaks). Go for it mate.

You can approach corners more agressive while under braking and the overall stability is improved. I think some people even got faster laptimes on tracks like Daytona (with full throttle applied on the whole track).

It was horrible before ABS was treated like a driving aid, tons of guys using ABS 10 etc.

I'm becoming more convinced ABS is more than it should be. Cars are so much more stable in the corner in the transition between brake and gas - at first I though it was me locking up a tyre, twitching the car a bit. After a while it seemed to me the ABS was acting like a stability assist you get in modern cars - operating even after you've let go of the brakes.


I'd dismissed it before, but I really noticed it a few weeks ago using a front driver - I'd accidentally left ABS=1 and after a lap switched it off and restarted. There was understeer into the corner where there was none before. I thought it was my imagination again, so switched ABS back on and sure enough no understeer. The first corner at Tokyo is a good one to test IIRC.

Theres no doubt in my mind that turning the ABS off affects more than just the braking, i find i have to be a lot more precise on the throttle as well as the brake, i think its just people trying to equate GT5 ABS and real life ABS which have a few differences imo.
Intersting, my initial reaction to avens would be 'no way' but after reading a few more, the vibe I'm getting is ABS isn't working like ABS in real life, which is a real shame if it's true, it basically means that this simulator is incomplete, there is no ABS in the game, and instead we have this sort of ASC thing trying to mimic what ABS can do.

I have turned it off, and I think I'm sticking with it on, atleast on modern cars, a dodgy ABS system will still be more realistic than giant skid marks (I have a non-ABS car in real life, and I have to slam the brakes on extremely hard to make skid marks, if I gently push down on them, no troubles, didn't find that with GT5, might be because of the extreme speeds).
Intersting, my initial reaction to avens would be 'no way' but after reading a few more, the vibe I'm getting is ABS isn't working like ABS in real life, which is a real shame if it's true, it basically means that this simulator is incomplete, there is no ABS in the game, and instead we have this sort of ASC thing trying to mimic what ABS can do.

I have turned it off, and I think I'm sticking with it on, atleast on modern cars, a dodgy ABS system will still be more realistic than giant skid marks (I have a non-ABS car in real life, and I have to slam the brakes on extremely hard to make skid marks, if I gently push down on them, no troubles, didn't find that with GT5, might be because of the extreme speeds).

Another member who felt an interesting difference with ABS off in GT5 :dopey:

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the car's turning responses are better with ABS off. It's almost like there's a partial ASM attached to ABS. Or it's all just a placebo effect.

Gained a tenth on my previous best after an oil change. I think I'm right at break-in now.


There's nothing to lose there to have ABS:0, other than a learning process to get used to it and tuning brake balance to suit your driving style and the car in hand.
You know, I never understand you guys, I don't think, the literal, ABS 0 only people, I respect that you race like that, but I find that ultimately its just for difficulty, am I right?

For classic cars, ABS 0, sure, that's realism, they didn't have ABS in those cars in those years, turn it off, try driving it how it actually was, but for, idk, 2000+ year cars, virtually all of them would've had ABS of some sort, so why turn it off other than just, pursuit of difficulty?

If the car had ABS in real life, would you go and disconnect it? Has everyone seen that recent top gear where JC took the (fuse? in the) XKR and stopped it having ABS? See I imagine that none of us here would do that in our real life racing cars, for those of us who have them, so I don't see the point in not having ABS at 1.

I wish there was more variation, I keep it at 1, not 2, because the gap between 1 and 0 seems to be quite extreme, but I don't hate ABS at 1 either.

So am I right? It's just a difficulty thing guys? If not, what is it?

I have seen that episode and what he did was really slammed on the brakes to create that. Every time you hit the brakes with no abs won't lock them up. If you lock the brakes up with abs off sorry to sound harsh (not meaning to) but you aren't using it right. It is truly a better feel of the cars.

I don't know if you know this though but some cars after the year 2000 didn't have abs. For example I owned a 2008 Kia Optima LX and it did not have abs. I found this out the hard way when I had a idiot in a Fail F250 (aka ford) come flying past me going about a 100mph uphill in a school zone and almost hit a on coming car while he was trying to pass me. I hit the brakes about 3/4th to all the way down and all 4 wheels locked up. When i went home i looked it up and it didn't have it. I was like O_O cool.

And in real life I do love running no abs. Far as braking distance it works great (if you know how to drive with it off/disabled)
Intersting, my initial reaction to avens would be 'no way' but after reading a few more, the vibe I'm getting is ABS isn't working like ABS in real life, which is a real shame if it's true, it basically means that this simulator is incomplete, there is no ABS in the game, and instead we have this sort of ASC thing trying to mimic what ABS can do.

I have turned it off, and I think I'm sticking with it on, atleast on modern cars, a dodgy ABS system will still be more realistic than giant skid marks (I have a non-ABS car in real life, and I have to slam the brakes on extremely hard to make skid marks, if I gently push down on them, no troubles, didn't find that with GT5, might be because of the extreme speeds).

For starters change brake balance to 4/1 or 3/1 (RA menu is very useful). By default all cars are 5/5 because *pd*.

Also it isn't necessarily slower. Several months ago I checked some TT leaderboards and the fastest guy was a japanese that had it disabled (though his nationality might overcome gt5 glueabs disadvantages because *japan*)
I have turned it off, and I think I'm sticking with it on,

Glad to see you are trying and like it so far.

I have ABS on all my car IRL, and if ABS was working the same in GT5, ie just preventing the wheels to lock when bracking too hard or when the road/track surface is slippery, I would never drive without the ABS in GT5

Some early ABS IRL where not that good and people preffered to disengaged them when driving on track, as they where able to better control the car without them, I do not believe it is still the case today, as most system are good enough now, but I could be wrong on that. I know on track, on motorcycle, we ( I) prefer to run withtout the ABS.

IRL, on public road, you usualy don't activate ABS when braking, and only feel it when their is, mud, gravel, etc...
In GT5 ABS should be named something else as it does much more than preventing wheel lock and that is why some of us have discovered than driving without it is a better GT5 experience.
Seeing as my intial post of "ABS 0 community where are you?" was answered by loads of guys who love ABS 0, then a good idea to bring drivers together who like to run like this would be to somewhat re-purpose this thread by getting guys to post here when they are opening public ABS 0 rooms, i know a few guys have already been doing this, so to follow suit i will be opening a public ABS 0 room at about 9:30pm (I have to share the TV otherwise id be on earlier :() anyone who wants to come join is welcome.
This thread has got me to thinking & testing some more! I took my favourite warm up car (stock Mazda MX5 2007/Comfort Softs + oil change + 200 miles on the clock) to Tsukuba for a few runs with & without ABS, & here are my results.

With ABS off & BB set to 2/1, my best lap was a 1'10.216, I was mostly in the mid to low 1'10s. With ABS on & BB set to 6/3, my fastest lap was 1'09.894, I was mostly in the very low 1'10s. And again, I found no difference in the handling, except of course that the rear end liked to slip out when trail braking &/or shifting down. These times were set in my online lounge with everything set up as realistic as possible, & with the Tuning Prohibited box ticked.

I enjoyed driving the car more with ABS on. However, I think if I had an adjustable load cell like on the Clubsports pedal set, I might enjoy ABS off more.

Now I'm off to sell a kidney so I can afford to buy them!!! ;) :lol:
This thread has got me to thinking & testing some more! I took my favourite warm up car (stock Mazda MX5 2007/Comfort Softs + oil change + 200 miles on the clock) to Tsukuba for a few runs with & without ABS, & here are my results.

With ABS off & BB set to 2/1, my best lap was a 1'10.216, I was mostly in the mid to low 1'10s. With ABS on & BB set to 6/3, my fastest lap was 1'09.894, I was mostly in the very low 1'10s. And again, I found no difference in the handling, except of course that the rear end liked to slip out when trail braking &/or shifting down. These times were set in my online lounge with everything set up as realistic as possible, & with the Tuning Prohibited box ticked.

I enjoyed driving the car more with ABS on. However, I think if I had an adjustable load cell like on the Clubsports pedal set, I might enjoy ABS off more.

Now I'm off to sell a kidney so I can afford to buy them!!! ;) :lol:

Glad to hear about the pedal upgrade plan, I think you will enjoy it even more with the pedal. In the mean time, could I interest you on my no ABS video thread, these are done with high BB of at least 9/5 to 10/8. You will find it interesting and enjoyable :

Compilation videos of NO ABS - HIGH BB driving in GT5
Glad to hear about the pedal upgrade plan, I think you will enjoy it even more with the pedal. In the mean time, could I interest you on my no ABS video thread, these are done with high BB of at least 9/5 to 10/8. You will find it interesting and enjoyable :

Compilation videos of NO ABS - HIGH BB driving in GT5

I've seen one of them before. Were these videos done online or offline? Also, were the cars tuned or untuned?
I've seen one of them before. Were these videos done online or offline? Also, were the cars tuned or untuned?

All done offline, practice mode, most are stock except for the Cobra, it was a tuned car for FITT tuning Shootout. Check the F40, 599 and Maserati video. I am planning to upload my Suzuka lap with McLaren F1 using CM tires and no ABS.
All done offline, practice mode, most are stock except for the Cobra, it was a tuned car for FITT tuning Shootout. Check the F40, 599 and Maserati video. I am planning to upload my Suzuka lap with McLaren F1 using CM tires and no ABS.

Well, there are definately "hidden assists" in the offline physics, that's one reason ABS 0 is easier offline than online. Offline physics have much less oversteer & are less realistic, whereas online has more realistic oversteer.

Try this test: take an untuned Caterham on Sports Hard tyres to Suzuka East in Practice Mode, then to Suzuka East in your My Lounge online. Use the exact same track settings, you'll notice that offline the car is practically glued to the road, but online the rear is realistically loose. I do 99% of my driving online.


Well, there are definately "hidden assists" in the offline physics, that's one reason ABS 0 is easier offline than online. Offline physics have much less oversteer & are less realistic, whereas online has more realistic oversteer.


With ABS and other aids disabled, there is no "hidden assists" in the offline physics, the difference online and offline grip is mainly on the tires lateral grip level, suspension settings - ride height effect and no car flip.

I often hosts no ABS room in my lounge, I can drive both offline and online with no ABS just fine, same BB. Online has less margin for error, it leaves almost no room for mistake. I even raced with SuperGT cars equipped with CM tires online just for giggles. 2.08 grip online has improved as well, now comfort hard, medium and soft have higher grip levels than before.

I'll upload more no ABS video driving in online mode in the future.
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Abs at 1 is unrealistic. Abs at 0 is also unrealistic.

I choose the faster, less irritating option. If someone can go faster with no ABS, he must be a bad driver.
Another member who felt an interesting difference with ABS off in GT5 :dopey:
And another member who found that ABS off in GT5 isn't what it should be. High braking force values are totally useless because useful pedal travel is ridiculously short once you go above 4/2 or so.

To put it into perspective I have two real cars, one with four piston front calipers and two piston rear calipers without ABS, and one with single piston calipers in both front and rear with ABS. I've never had to think about how hard I can brake on tarmac with either of them and even on ice the non-ABS brakes are easy to modulate. The tyres are probably comparable to Comfort Medium in GT5, I doubt I could get away with more than 3/1 brake balance in GT5 while still retaining normal brake pedal travel. And that's certainly a problem, a lot more fine tuning would be needed but 80% of the setup range is useless and we'll have to do with two or three clicks.
There is no "hidden assists" in the offline physics, .

Although there is an obvious difference in online and offline physics, the ABS other than O affect the handling ( hidden assists ) of the car beside the just changing the way the brakes react both online and offline.
Abs at 1 is unrealistic. Abs at 0 is also unrealistic.

I choose the faster, less irritating option. If someone can go faster with no ABS, he must be a bad driver.

Not bad for a first post.:)
I suggest you try something constructive for the second.
Abs at 1 is unrealistic. Abs at 0 is also unrealistic.

I choose the faster, less irritating option. If someone can go faster with no ABS, he must be a bad driver.

Maybe if you have found the pedal that allows you to modulate the brake and have proper BB, you will find that no ABS is much more enjoyable. For me, driving without ABS is not an issue, been doing it since release day, it's all in the mindset and with practice, nothing is impossible.

And another member who found that ABS off in GT5 isn't what it should be. High braking force values are totally useless because useful pedal travel is ridiculously short once you go above 4/2 or so.

To put it into perspective I have two real cars, one with four piston front calipers and two piston rear calipers without ABS, and one with single piston calipers in both front and rear with ABS. I've never had to think about how hard I can brake on tarmac with either of them and even on ice the non-ABS brakes are easy to modulate. The tyres are probably comparable to Comfort Medium in GT5, I doubt I could get away with more than 3/1 brake balance in GT5 while still retaining normal brake pedal travel. And that's certainly a problem, a lot more fine tuning would be needed but 80% of the setup range is useless and we'll have to do with two or three clicks.

The pedal should be the cause of the travel issue, not the game. I am using stick controller, and I brake with the face buttons ( triangle ), The game has no problem with brake application with ABS disabled. Most pedal users have this kind of issue, overly sensitive, lack of feedback, and almost no resistance, which makes braking without being assisted by the ABS in game very hard, even more so with high BB setting.

Have a look at my video thread to see how high BB can be used, if you look at the red brake bar on the HUD, you will see it never goes above 60%. This is due to the high BB, in real life it will be like having a race brakes.

There are GTP member here who run pretty high BB with no ABS and using pedals.

I have posted this before, but I'll do it again :

Compilation videos of NO ABS - HIGH BB driving in GT5

Watch my run with no ABS and high BB, 9/5 to 10/8, all done with stick, it's doable and great experience. Notice how late I can brake with high BB.
Maybe if you have found the pedal that allows you to modulate the brake and have proper BB, you will find that no ABS is much more enjoyable. For me, driving without ABS is not an issue, been doing it since release day, it's all in the mindset and with practice, nothing is impossible.

Having a clear run with ABS at 0 and BB 10/10 is completely possible, but i'm not a stunt monkey, i race.

Going faster with ABS off than with ABS at 1, that's impossible.
Having a clear run with ABS at 0 and BB 10/10 is completely possible, but i'm not a stunt monkey, i race.

Going faster with ABS off than with ABS at 1, that's impossible.

I did the GT Academy with ABS off, and I got into 1000 rank on most of them, I won online race against people with ABS:1, SRF on and TCS at x. It's a matter of preference and how do you want to challenge yourself. It is also a test of skill, not only steering and gas, but also braking without being assisted by the game.

I have no issue since I played GT5 in 2010, I golded all licenses with no ABS, did all TT seasonal and races with no ABS, all can be done, if you want it.

I am not going to make you drive without ABS, it's your choice. Have you watched my video yet ? I hope you like them.
I did the GT Academy with ABS off, and I got into 1000 rank on most of them, I won online race against people with ABS:1, SRF on and TCS at x. It's a matter of preference and how do you want to challenge yourself. It is also a test of skill, not only steering and gas, but also braking without being assisted by the game.

I have no issue since I played GT5 in 2010, I golded all licenses with no ABS, did all TT seasonal and races with no ABS, all can be done, if you want it.

I am not going to make you drive without ABS, it's your choice. Have you watched my video yet ? I hope you like them.

Congratulations on your achievements.
Having a clear run with ABS at 0 and BB 10/10 is completely possible, but i'm not a stunt monkey, i race.

In reality Pastor spends more time in the pits (after crashing) than racing, and I don't think he knows F1 cars don't have ABS.
Although there is an obvious difference in online and offline physics, the ABS other than O affect the handling ( hidden assists ) of the car beside the just changing the way the brakes react both online and offline.

Thanks for that, I edited my post to add the no ABS part, cheers.

Update : I uploaded another video, McLaren F1 at Suzuka, CM, no ABS, 10/8 BB, 2:28.438, not fast but fun :D
Abs at 1 is unrealistic. Abs at 0 is also unrealistic.

I choose the faster, less irritating option. If someone can go faster with no ABS, he must be a bad driver.

That is not true. If you are practised in using no ABS, there is no reason why you can't put in lap times exactly as if you had it on. 👎

The pedal should be the cause of the travel issue, not the game. I am using stick controller, and I brake with the face buttons ( triangle ), The game has no problem with brake application with ABS disabled. Most pedal users have this kind of issue, overly sensitive, lack of feedback, and almost no resistance, which makes braking without being assisted by the ABS in game very hard, even more so with high BB setting.

Have a look at my video thread to see how high BB can be used, if you look at the red brake bar on the HUD, you will see it never goes above 60%. This is due to the high BB, in real life it will be like having a race brakes.

There are GTP member here who run pretty high BB with no ABS and using pedals.

I don't get what you're saying here. First you say that the pedals are the issue for not allowing him to brake with high BB (he didn't say that, just that it's not realistic). But you then say that you never use more than 60% of your brake, entirely contradicting yourself. :confused:

And by the way, racing brakes still allow you to fully utilise pedal travel. :sly:
I don't get what you're saying here. First you say that the pedals are the issue for not allowing him to brake with high BB (he didn't say that, just that it's not realistic). But you then say that you never use more than 60% of your brake, entirely contradicting yourself. :confused:

And by the way, racing brakes still allow you to fully utilise pedal travel. :sly:

It must be misunderstanding, I am using a stick controller, when I brake, the HUD brake red bar never filled more than 60%, otherwise there's a high chance it will lock the wheels.

Pedal sensitivity is what I meant, I heard from tester in a tuning shootout I took part in, the pedal only travel around 10% and the car I tuned locked up ( I presume the HUD brake bar filled to 60% with that pedal travel ), while I can brake hard on the stick controller filling the HUD red brake bar to 60% with no issue, the BB was 9/4. The tester finally settled with ABS:1 and 3/1 BB.

So, it's an issue of input range for the pedals and stick which are totally different. If say, a player have a better pedal with wider range of input threshold, he/she can have pedal travel of more than 50% and still will only register in GT5 filling up the HUD brake bar at 60% with high BB.

Reducing BB when using pedal and no ABS basically changing the range of input translated into the game while also decreasing the brake force applied.

Update : new video uploaded, Pagani Zonda R at Spa - weather change, stock, no ABS, 10/8 BB, comfort medium, grip:real :D
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It must be misunderstanding, I am using a stick controller, when I brake, the HUD brake red bar never filled more than 60%, otherwise there's a high chance it will lock the wheels.

Pedal sensitivity is what I meant, I heard from tester in a tuning shootout I took part in, the pedal only travel around 10% and the car I tuned locked up ( I presume the HUD brake bar filled to 60% with that pedal travel ), while I can brake hard on the stick controller filling the HUD red brake bar to 60% with no issue, the BB was 9/4.

So, it's an issue of input range for the pedals and stick which are totally different. If say, a player have a better pedal with wider range of input threshold, he/she can have pedal travel of more than 50% and still will only register in GT5 filling up the HUD brake bar at 60% with high BB.

Reducing BB when using pedal and no ABS basically changing the range of input translated into the game while also decreasing the brake force applied.

Update : new video uploaded, Pagani Zonda R at Spa - weather change, stock, no ABS, 10/8 BB, comfort medium, grip:real :D

1. With high BB and pedals you should be able to brake far more than 10%. :odd: Faulty or uncalibrated pedals is my guess.

2. I understand what you said, I just don't understand why you said it. The poster you replied to was comparing BB of 3-1 as being close to his cars IRL, but that high BBs were unrealistic in that the full pedal travel is not usable as you yourself have said.
1. With high BB and pedals you should be able to brake far more than 10%. :odd: Faulty or uncalibrated pedals is my guess.

2. I understand what you said, I just don't understand why you said it. The poster you replied to was comparing BB of 3-1 as being close to his cars IRL, but that high BBs were unrealistic in that the full pedal travel is not usable as you yourself have said.

Question number 1, here is a snippet of a quote from the tester I talked about :

Test results

Controller type:
Sensitivity or Feedback: 7
Tyre wear: off
Grip: Real

I will try several BB settings for each car to try to get the best brake / throttle harmony. I will try ABS 0, but only for a few laps.

Best lap:
ABS: 1, BB: 3/1
First thought: how can anyone drive like this? If I even look at the brakes wrong (stock) they lock up and I just slide. Only about 7% of my brake pedal is useful, any more and they lock up. Its not even worth trying a complete lap on the stock settings. I can't feed the brakes, it's more like: nothing, somewhere between 20% and 80%, lock. Why not use the entire pedal. I don't mind being able to lock the brakes when I want to, I just want the lock to be around 90% to 100% of the pedal travel, not at 8%. Just for s'n'gs I stopped the car and tried to press the pedal as little as possible. The on screen braking indicator shows a minimum of 20% with a feather light touch.
Adjusted to BB 3/1:
With ABS 0 the car is very difficult to slow down from high speeds. Either I apply to much brake and lock them up early in the corner or pre-corner, which forces me to back off too long while I wait for the tyres to be usable again. Or I overheat them later into the corner just before the apex, either throwing my nose in as the tail swings 'round or, much more likely, my nose goes flying toward the outside of the corner while my tail looks at it stupidly, unable to move.
With ABS 1 the car has a massive amount of under-steer that must be fought at every corner. If I try to go in hot and use the throttle to rotate the car my nose goes flying outside as the back end body slams the front. I would usually just say the front pushes under throttle but that just doesn't convey what this car does. If I go in warm or cool and try to throttle rotate the car my rear doesn't want to over-steer at first, then just as over-steer is initiated the rear tyres go liquid.
I must go into every corner even and measured. No tyre noise is acceptable, because it's far too easy to go from "rrrrrr" to "@#$&!" Only on the tightest (two) corners is over-steer usable and only because over-rotation is usually not hard to recover from and liquid tyres don't matter as much because the next corner is only about 20 feet away. All other corners must be entered cautiously, not so much trying to push through the under-steer as waiting for the car to get straight so I can get back on the throttle.
I can see how this car could work with someone who could use the induced over-steer initiated by trail-braking with ABS 0. I am not this person. When I try induced over-steer (both with and without ABS) either the throttle is too sensitive or the tyres overheat before I can pull back (pre-thermal-ulation?) or the front goes flying toward the outside wall.

I hope you can understand why it happens to pedals with high BB, it's not pedal's fault, it's the way GT5 managed the input with associated BB values.

Question 2 :

Again, the issue is the input device in GT5, most pedals sold are not even close to real life car pedal, too much sensitivity, not enough feedback, feel or resistance. Maybe with a better pedal that works like real life one, higher BB would be possible without any issue.

"The on screen braking indicator shows a minimum of 20% with a feather light touch."

"With ABS 1 the car has a massive amount of under-steer that must be fought at every corner."

Quoted from tester comment.

This issue does not happen when I used the stick, I can modulate from 0% to 100% in a whim.
Pedals have different types, potentiometer, load cell and there are custom built pedal that works using hydraulic pressure, the latter would be better suited for no ABS driving in GT5.
And from the tester comment, ABS:1 does make the car handled differently.
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