ALMS Season V

2.08 will be the best thing for GT5 since Spa.
Already counting down the days until next Tuesday. As a matter of fact, going to try to get a TV this weekend just for this.

Also, gonna try to come tomorrow (watch not race). I'd like to test some stuff after the race if some of you guys will help me out.

Pray that PD does all the things they've promised correctly. This could revive the game for me.
And they're going to fix the ride height too. And the clutch pedal. :drool:
I ran about 20 laps in the vette and my best time was 1.23.070. Then I pulled the RUF from last year and ran a 1.22.688. I should have stayed with the RUF. lol. The 1.23.070 was with three quarters of a tank of gas.
The RUF gets around these tight turns better than the Vette. My bet is the Lotus will do well again. I pray they fix the tire wear problem online as well as offline, and it isn't just limited to endurance events in a-spec. Hopefully the suspension issues are a breath of fresh air also.
I ran about 20 laps in the vette and my best time was 1.23.070. Then I pulled the RUF from last year and ran a 1.22.688. I should have stayed with the RUF. lol. The 1.23.070 was with three quarters of a tank of gas.

I'll have to take the power a little lower then. It was at 464/1300 when I tested. Maybe 460?

I didnt do any test for tire wear. But my fastest lap was on lap 5. So if anything the power cut helped me on tires the most.
I'll have to take the power a little lower then. It was at 464/1300 when I tested. Maybe 460?

I didnt do any test for tire wear. But my fastest lap was on lap 5. So if anything the power cut helped me on tires the most.

I was pitting on lap 6.. lol
I like this track so I will still have fun.
Once again, my life throws me major curveballs.

I was gonna pull a sleeping session now, wake up in time for the qualifying and race then pull an all-nighter, be in work at 10am (since 4am is the likely end time for the race tonight) from work at 2pm then have a little nap. However....

Where my "room" is away from the main house, and both of them are going out super super early in comparison to usual (about 5-6am in the morning compared to 8-9am), I need to be in the house so that they don't have to wake my little sister up so early in the morning and take her with either of them.

I suppose I still could do as I planned, but given mum's a very light sleeper and both of them will probably be up when I stroll in, they'll have a field day ripping into me with the "You're so addicted to gaming that...." discussion, from the moment they get back from wherever the **** they're going, to basically all day as soon as I get home from work.
Once again, my life throws me major curveballs.

I was gonna pull a sleeping session now, wake up in time for the qualifying and race then pull an all-nighter, be in work at 10am (since 4am is the likely end time for the race tonight) from work at 2pm then have a little nap. However....

Where my "room" is away from the main house, and both of them are going out super super early in comparison to usual (about 5-6am in the morning compared to 8-9am), I need to be in the house so that they don't have to wake my little sister up so early in the morning and take her with either of them.

I suppose I still could do as I planned, but given mum's a very light sleeper and both of them will probably be up when I stroll in, they'll have a field day ripping into me with the "You're so addicted to gaming that...." discussion, from the moment they get back from wherever the **** they're going, to basically all day as soon as I get home from work.

Does your sister pretty much sleep through the night? I bought a cheap headset for late night gaming. If you didnt have to worry about hearing her wake up, it wouldnt be a bad thing to consider. 👍
Nah its not that....

Wait, you have a little'un right FH?

Put it this way... you didn't want your daughter being dragged out of bed at silly o'clock in the morning to go along to work with you, and your wife was also going out early for a couple hours, but you have an adult son in the house who you can leave in her care. What would you decide on? :lol:
Yeah, I have two girls and then a step daughter :crazy:.

Totally understand. Why dont you stop being so selfish and help your parents out every once and a while. :lol: j/k man. Hopefully everything works out for tonight.
Yeah, I have two girls and then a step daughter :crazy:.

Totally understand. Why dont you stop being so selfish and help your parents out every once and a while. :lol: j/k man. Hopefully everything works out for tonight.

Christ, you sound like my father.

Old people. :rolleyes:
All you people do is clog the roads and demand your social security checks.

Is anybody gonna be able to hang around a little while after the race?
I'll stick around. I'll also host again. I will try not to screw it up again. :lol:

Room open for practice session:


Qualifying is starting. (8:30 pm)

Starting race. (9:30 pm)
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I'll say this before I upload my video. Anthony puts his car in places where they don't need to be. He pushes people out the way then acts like he's innocent. I'll post my replay in a little bit.
I'll say this before I upload my video. Anthony puts his car in places where they don't need to be. He pushes people out the way then acts like he's innocent. I'll post my replay in a little bit.

Please PM it to the stewards.
What I saw there was Seth getting surprised that Ant would overtake there. Seth turned into Ant which put Ant into the inside guardrail which caused Ant to bounce off the wall and back into Seth thus putting him into the outside wall.
I didn't turn into him, he pushed me that's why I went to the left then to the right. I was at the kink in that straight and he decided to try his luck by moving me. That's why he hit the wall and bashed me into the outside wall.
I have to agree with Seth you shouldn't pass there no matter what kind of car your passing.
After watching the video again, Ant did knock Seth into the wall, but Ant had enough overlap defined by the GTP OLRs to be deemed side-by-side. Seth didn't give Ant the necessary room to race. I wouldn't have attempted that overtake, but it was a legal pass if Seth would have given Ant room.