- 8,246
- freshseth83
It doesn't say anything about ONLINE tire wear. Just endurance events.
THAT_GUY_2I ran about 20 laps in the vette and my best time was 1.23.070. Then I pulled the RUF from last year and ran a 1.22.688. I should have stayed with the RUF. lol. The 1.23.070 was with three quarters of a tank of gas.
FlyinHawaiian77I'll have to take the power a little lower then. It was at 464/1300 when I tested. Maybe 460?
I didnt do any test for tire wear. But my fastest lap was on lap 5. So if anything the power cut helped me on tires the most.
Tez_SP17Once again, my life throws me major curveballs.
I was gonna pull a sleeping session now, wake up in time for the qualifying and race then pull an all-nighter, be in work at 10am (since 4am is the likely end time for the race tonight) from work at 2pm then have a little nap. However....
Where my "room" is away from the main house, and both of them are going out super super early in comparison to usual (about 5-6am in the morning compared to 8-9am), I need to be in the house so that they don't have to wake my little sister up so early in the morning and take her with either of them.
I suppose I still could do as I planned, but given mum's a very light sleeper and both of them will probably be up when I stroll in, they'll have a field day ripping into me with the "You're so addicted to gaming that...." discussion, from the moment they get back from wherever the **** they're going, to basically all day as soon as I get home from work.
FlyinHawaiian77Yeah, I have two girls and then a step daughter.
Totally understand. Why dont you stop being so selfish and help your parents out every once and a while.j/k man. Hopefully everything works out for tonight.
freshseth83I'll say this before I upload my video. Anthony puts his car in places where they don't need to be. He pushes people out the way then acts like he's innocent. I'll post my replay in a little bit.
I didn't turn into him, he pushed me that's why I went to the left then to the right.