ALMS Season V

I'm sorry, but that view makes it look like a block that backfired.

It's not even illegal to block :dunce: But hey, if someone besides anthony blocks or weaves, it needs to be balked at. I gave him room all I could, I can't go to the left more because it's too narrow before the kink.
It's not even illegal to block :dunce: But hey, if someone besides anthony blocks or weaves, it needs to be balked at. I gave him room all I could, I can't go to the left more because it's too narrow before the kink.

It's illegal to block someone into the inside guardrail :dunce: Especially when the driver is already even with your car.
The stewards are Gogatrs, Tower Turn 13, and myself. It's movie night here at the ALMS!
It's illegal to block someone into the inside guardrail :dunce: Especially when the driver is already even with your car.

It's illegal to swerve on the straights to prevent someone from getting your draft, that didn't stop him at Indy. FYI I didn't block.
It's illegal to swerve on the straights to prevent someone from getting your draft, that didn't stop him at Indy. FYI I didn't block.

I've yet to see an angle that makes me think otherwise. Could you please show an angle that is the 3rd person chase view. Also, I would like to see an angle from Ant's point of view.
Look at his view before we even reach the turn he pushes me to the left. There's room for two after the blue barriers on either side. But he rode me to the wall and bumped off the right hand side. Watch between 8-11 secs.

He rode you to the wall because he got bumped into the inside guardrail which bounced the car off the wall and into the Bentley. Maybe I need to see the eye doctor, but I have seen 3 angles that make me believe that Ant wasn't at fault.
You're wrong. I was ahead, I have the position and the right of way. If I'm behind I don't push someone to the left to get by in a turn with room for one. Only after the kink can you think about a pass there. Not before when someone ahead of you has to turn to the right to take the turn. It's called foresight, and he didn't use it.
Every situation reported to me is under review.

:cheers: My GTPlanet (the User Control panel) is exploding with ALMS talk. :dunce:

Sounds like fun, I guess.

One comment, without picking a side for the contact, later on the straight, I'd like to say... "Anthony, well done, for even being beside Seth at that point."

Anthony squared up the corner really nicely. I don't agree that the pass attempt worked or didn't work, but, I just want to say, if there weren't contact, that would've been a pass for the highlight reels. :)
You're wrong. I was ahead, I have the position and the right of way. If I'm behind I don't push someone to the left to get by in a turn with room for one. Only after the kink can you think about a pass there. Not before when someone ahead of you has to turn to the right to take the turn. It's called foresight, and he didn't use it.

I saw no push, and I see at first contact that ANT is ahead.

I wouldn't attempt that pass, but it is a legal move.
Well, here you are!!

Nothing to say, just watch.
I turned better than him and get out faster, get his draft, I choose my side and pass him perfect without any touch. Arriving at the corner, he tries to turn like he is the only driver there but, you can see at the video, that I was there and, in front of him (not the other way)! He knew that, he knew that I had more tire and would be impossible for him stop me.

And I am sorry for my poor English!!
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You didn't pass without any touch. lol you had to move me to pass me. This is what I don't get from you. And nothing is 'impossible'. Just because you had more tire life from your later pitstop means nothing. I still had good tire life left and had more than enough to hold you off.

Almost forgot to mention that you went out and changed your car settings before we even started the race, AFTER we qualified. Then you lied and said you went to the regulations. Why would you need to look at the regulations of the room if GT is qualifying? The point is, you didn't. You went to the wrench with the circle around it icon that lets you change settings on your car. You're not suppose to change anything after you qualify. Yet you did. If I did that I'd expect to be disqualified. You do that, ram me, and GT cars and everything is ok?
You didn't pass without any touch. lol you had to move me to pass me...

He rode you to the wall because he got bumped into the inside guardrail which bounced the car off the wall and into the Bentley.

Come on Seth, accept it, you can discuss with me but, not with the video!!
So... following all this madness... anyone want to see me keeping THAT_GUY behind me for two laps? I had worn hards and he had fresh mediums, it truly was a Senna-Mansell moment.
Its hard for me to say anyone is in the wrong here. Technically, I dont think what Ant did was wrong. I do however think that it was a poor place to pass. I try to respect others driving lines. Everyone pretty much takes that kink the same way. So I would have anticipated that and gave Seth the line.

I also think that Ant would have eventually passed at some point. The tires were just not there for the Bentley at the end. If the setup was right the pass could have come as soon as the next corner.

It really is a shame you guys dont get along. The competition between you two is always great to watch and I feel it adds a lot to this series.

I dont know what else to do with this Evora. Seems like the pace is about the same. But taking away all that power just meant that my tires would last longer. How can we make the tires wear out faster without making it slower? As I said before, the pace is about the same now. I did manage a 1:21.8xx at some point early in the race but just like practice that was a one time thing. Oh well, back to the drawing board I guess.
He rode you to the wall because he got bumped into the inside guardrail which bounced the car off the wall and into the Bentley.

Come on Seth, accept it, you can discuss with me but, not with the video!!

What video? The 3 that I posted? You still can't admit that you pushed me. Still can't admit that you changed your settings illegally before the race while the GT's were qualifying? Tried to slip one by, as if weighing 50kg less and having 20more horsepower isn't enough for you. You gotta push people out of your way, ram them into walls to make a pass, swerve on straight away's to keep them out of your draft? Talk about that Anthony. Talk about how you drive off after you cause an incident. You take cnd's post like he is the final word on the matter. It isn't. Why should you even be allowed to keep your results when you didn't obey the rules before the race?
:indiff: I'm not sure if either or both should get a penalty, just for carrying on, despite numerous warnings... :scared: Or, at least, what I could take as warnings.
So... following all this madness... anyone want to see me keeping THAT_GUY behind me for two laps? I had worn hards and he had fresh mediums, it truly was a Senna-Mansell moment.

Yes please!

It really is a shame you guys dont get along. The competition between you two is always great to watch and I feel it adds a lot to this series.

This. It really is too bad.

Does anyone have the full results?
Yes please!

This. It really is too bad.

Does anyone have the full results?

I'm working on the results, as well as trying to review the replay. I can't fast forward or rewind the replay, so I have to watch the whole thing through until I reach a certain point, etc., etc.
I would chalk it up as incidental contact for my reasons stated above.

Give Ant a warning for going into the settings menu. For the record, GHS also went into the settings menu. Which was fine with me. He even offered to go through a reg check after he got back on the track. But I trust everyone here so I didnt think it was a big deal. I guess its all going to be based off of technicality if there should be penalties or warnings for this.
If I change my settings after qualifying, it's ok? Because it never was before. And that's what Anthony did. I called it to your attention before we started the race also, stormy. The room setting was 550hp+ because of the M3 james was using. What's stopping someone from going out and changing to that while GT's qualify? You didn't change the hp setting because the GT's were still on track, you just changed the weight to 900kg. Not saying he went in to there and put 550hp on his car, but you're not allowed to change from qualifying to race any setup. That's what he did.
Yeah. After qualifying I always go into the settings menu to add a bit of fine-tuning. I understand your guys' every suspicion although I really don't mind if you guys do it, as well.

Also, I'll get the video up tomorrow. Both Ant vs. Seth and me vs. TG2.
After watching all the replays what it looks like is the pass was clean seth gave anthony more than enough room, but what follows was dirty after nosing ahead anthony pinches seth into the tire barrier when he had more than enough room to the right to avoid pinching seth off like that. Imo that was totally unnecessary. If not for that the bounce back effect would not have occurred and the race would have carried on like normal. I wont go on to speculate the outcome of the race had this incident not occurred. However Im probably alone im my opinion on the matter. I doubt anything but a warning will be given out. I mean in my first season in this series I was blatantly divebombed reported it and the result was a warning against divebombing not even directed at the divebomber himself.
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