I'll upload another angle so you can see what I felt.
EDIT: here- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mntFL37wHOk&feature=plcp You can see before we get to the turn he's pushing me to the left (around 5-6 secs), so I had to react and correct my steering. He botches the overtake and smacks the wall then me.
james6653Someone wanna tell me who the stewards are please.
I'm sorry, but that view makes it look like a block that backfired.
It's not even illegal to blockBut hey, if someone besides anthony blocks or weaves, it needs to be balked at. I gave him room all I could, I can't go to the left more because it's too narrow before the kink.
It's illegal to block someone into the inside guardrailEspecially when the driver is already even with your car.
It's illegal to swerve on the straights to prevent someone from getting your draft, that didn't stop him at Indy. FYI I didn't block.
Look at his view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKDwDS1rR9U&feature=plcp before we even reach the turn he pushes me to the left. There's room for two after the blue barriers on either side. But he rode me to the wall and bumped off the right hand side. Watch between 8-11 secs.
Every situation reported to me is under review.
You're wrong. I was ahead, I have the position and the right of way. If I'm behind I don't push someone to the left to get by in a turn with room for one. Only after the kink can you think about a pass there. Not before when someone ahead of you has to turn to the right to take the turn. It's called foresight, and he didn't use it.
You didn't pass without any touch. lol you had to move me to pass me...
He rode you to the wall because he got bumped into the inside guardrail which bounced the car off the wall and into the Bentley.
Come on Seth, accept it, you can discuss with me but, not with the video!!
He rode you to the wall because he got bumped into the inside guardrail which bounced the car off the wall and into the Bentley.
Come on Seth, accept it, you can discuss with me but, not with the video!!
ghskillaSo... following all this madness... anyone want to see me keeping THAT_GUY behind me for two laps? I had worn hards and he had fresh mediums, it truly was a Senna-Mansell moment.
FlyinHawaiian77It really is a shame you guys dont get along. The competition between you two is always great to watch and I feel it adds a lot to this series.
Yes please!
This. It really is too bad.
Does anyone have the full results?