Am I the only person who hates the rallying?

Yep... also hate it. I love to see the replays of any normal race, you watch the rally ones and its plainly ridiculous. No point.

If you want to put a car sideways just use a skyline. I do love the Lancia Integrale and Stratos, but for tarmac rallies.

PD should spend more time creating europeans cars. PD, please leave the rally tracks for other games.

amen to that
I hate it:yuck:

You have to shift down to first in every corner!
Actually I like the Grand Canyon track but everything else in special conditions hall Sucks!!!
The rally track's is to wide! It had been more realistic if they where like a public road. Hope they do so in GT5.

But the feeling is the worst of all.. :indiff:
Wallriding is my friend in rallying. But you MUST slowly but still carefully touch the wall so you dont get a 5 sec penalty. I hate the rallying :)
Rallying in GT2 was very fun. I remember smashing around on Pikes Peak with the Escudo... That sure was times...

Good point, what wasn't good times on GT2? Here is my stand on rallying on GT4.. it can be fun if you want it to be(IE proper settings/cars/etc...) however, I have found that if you do it correctly(no wall bumping etc..)you will not win even when your car has twice as much power as the one schooling you... The game should reward you for playing it correctly, and when I say that it doesn't in terms of rallying, I am sure I do not stand alone.
5 Second Penalty Solution(Only on dirt tracks!!)

Ok, this post is only for people like me that are completely fed-up with rally racing in GT4... I am not encouraging cheating to beginners in any way shape or form, I think everyone should give a solid effort in trying to properly run these races... that said, I have learned from experience that if you swing the back end out before a turn, even at full speed allowing the back of your car to tap the wall, you will NOT be penalized the 5 seconds. As long as you manage to keep the front of the car away from the wall, you will be fine. This is not the same as wall surfing, becuase here you only tap the wall for a split second before finishing your drift... try this, because it is an easy and somewhat fun way to complete the rally races... once you are done, you will never have to go back and do it again(assuming you don't sell any prize cars).
I spent all day yesterday rallying, its very fun, but Its alot harder to find the correct speeds due to no grip ever... GT2 rallying was sooo great, and also pretty hard.
I find pikes peak uphill with a 400hp-500hp car ( such as my 22b or evo ) to be really fun and exciting. Its a bit challenging to keep it off the wall, but still easy at the same time somehow. I think i ran pikes peak uphill with my evo and only hit the wall once.

I actually just made a video of me rallying in gt2 ( just having problems getting it converted )
I hate the fact that in order to go around the corner with the proper line you have to slow down so much that the car behind you hits you and then the car that hits you doesn't get the same penalty that you do when you hit them. Also you can hit the wall as hard as you want with the rear of the car and you wont get a penalty but god forbid you hit the wall with the front of your car and then, then when you go on to the paved part of the road you still slide around like crazy, hit the wall, and get a penalty.
Give me GT3 rally instead, that was fun 👍

GT4's rally engine just isn't realistic, it isn't even close 👎
I always do the "Rear end trick". I think the reason that PD did that was because if you did get a penalty for smashing the rear end into walls, you would get a penalty every time the AI rammed you from behind:crazy:
And it sure dosen't help that you have to slow down so much for a turn that the car behind you hit you into the wall and you still get a five-second penalty.:mad:
Really,really hate it. GT2 rally is better, the car handles better, your oponents are crappy, and you can just "grip" al over the way to beat them. BTW, the only thing that I liked about "Special Events" is Capri "Rally", love that twisted track. Respect.
They've always done lap Rally races, since GT1? Also, "Rally" isn't the term Dirt and Snow, i think it means more of "Off Road" or "Non Dry Tarmac" for that matter..

Besides that event category isn't even "Rally", it's "Special Conditions", That should answer your state ment about ON-Road tracks, those all only include a 1 on 1 race.
I love em. Possibly my favorite part of the game. I never played any other Gran Turismo's so I dont know what they are like but I enjoy the GT4 rallying.

Ill admit I was frustrated by them at first and I hated em. But after a TON of practice laps I got better at controlling my car and now I can regularly put in better laps than the AI when using comparable cars. A good track to practice on is Tahiti Maze. Great mixture of various size switchbacks (the most important and hardest part of rallying to master) and high-speed drifting turns. I love Tahiti Maze, it is just a great track.

It also helps to find a car that you feel comfortable in. For me, I found that I can almost always make the Ford Escort WRC do exactly what I want. If the back end is coming around too fast, I can let off the gas and it will fix itself. If it is coming around too slow, and Im about to gain too much traction, I can gun it too loosen up the back end again without spinning out.

I have to say, its extremely rewarding once you get good at the rallying. There is nothing like drifting perfectly back and forth through a series of switchbacks. You just have to practice...a lot. You have to look at like this: throughout the game you will race all the normal road tracks a ton of times in all the different race series, so you will have plenty of opportunities to practice on the normal tracks just by playing through the game. There arent as many events on the rally tracks and consquently less opportunities for practice. You have to make up for this by just running a ton of laps around them in practice mode. It literally took me hours of practice mode on each track to get good at rallying.

I still hate that damn 5 sec penalty though. Mostly when the AI comes screaming up behind me, slams into the back of my car, i get the penalty, and he cruises right on by.
GT4's brand of rallying has humbled me. I didn't think golding rally licenses and events in GT3 was difficult at all. But GT4 is a whole different story. I was able to silver the particular licenses, but I am postitive I would become homicidal if I tried for gold. And I haven't even tried to race yet. I'm nearly horrified after reading about all these 5-second-penalty-through-no-fault-of-your-own-stories.:nervous:

I think the biggest difference for me is the way the DFP works for the rally modes in the different games. In GT3 the steering felt heavy, whereas in GT4 it feels light. Also, 200deg mode in GT3 worked perfect for me, but in GT4 it's too twitchy and with 900deg it's a little more rotation than I'd like.

Although I might change my mind once I start racing, right now I can't say that I hate it. For GT4 the rallying is a lot more technical, as it should be. It was pretty much pedal to the metal in GT3, but in this game, modulating the throttle properly has the effect it should on slippery surfaces. A little more throttle here, a little less there, makes a difference this time around.
Rallying in real life is hard...and fun! I never had a problem with most rally races(besides, yes, the ice tracks and the like)...But that's b/c the GT Force makes things so much better! :)
Wow, now I see what most people have been complaining about for the past couple of years. I'm not having much fun racing at all on the dirt and ice. I like the new tracks, and I like running on them alone. But to be humiliated by a road car when I'm in the Subaru Prototype, man, it takes the fun out of it real quick. Then I hop in the twice as heavy Dodge truck and proceed to outrun the road car. Strange.

I've read a few responses in this thread from people who like the way the vehicles handle on the dirt and ice in this game, and I'm happy for them, but there must be something the rest of us are missing. Some sort of unconventional setup trick or something. I'm sure the devs did plenty of testing and surely a bunch of the testers complained that the cars weren't digging in the track, but skimming on the top instead. Hey, you're gonna slide on dirt and ice, no getting away from that. But rally cars are built for those surfaces. There has to be reason why they left the handling as is. I sure would have liked to be in on that production meeting to hear why.
[radio announcer voice]
5, yes you heard it 5! simple steps to fun rallying on Gran-gran-GRAN Two-rismo FOUR-four
One! Do the easy CHAMPIONIX race, while the computer is winning, dont race, forget everything you knew about rallying.
2-TWO!: Watch the replay, TAKE NOTES *seriously* about his braking points, acceleration LEVELS, and times, shiftin and slide angles.
THa-REE: try to get on his tail, and since you just studied him, you should NEVER, EVER(!) get a penalty..
4: dont try to pass, just brake later than him/beat on the straights, or drift on the outside around him...
Heres a tip for everyone. DON'T start moving at the same time as the AI when the race starts on Swiss Alps Reverse. They will cut to the left and give you a penalty. Either Out Accelerate, turn left, or brake to avoid it.
Wow, now I see what most people have been complaining about for the past couple of years. I'm not having much fun racing at all on the dirt and ice. I like the new tracks, and I like running on them alone. But to be humiliated by a road car when I'm in the Subaru Prototype, man, it takes the fun out of it real quick. Then I hop in the twice as heavy Dodge truck and proceed to outrun the road car. Strange.
I dont really see how you are losing to road cars while driving a rally car, let alone being humiliated. You must be hitting the walls constantly if you are that much slower. Like I said, run a ton of practice laps for each track before you race on them. Also, you might want to try another rally car. I never liked the Subaru prototype. If you want an Imprezza rally car I recommend the '99.

Some general tips:
More than anything, throttle control will win the race. You really have to be extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY gentle on the throttle though turns. You pretty much never want to be at full throttle at all during a turn, unless its a very high speed turn.

The key to rallying is to master what I call the 'swictchback' turns. These are the 180 degree turns that are usually pretty tight and come in a series. There are different size switchbacks on each track, but I approach them all the same way. Basically as you are coming up to the turn, point your car AWAY from the turn aiming at a slight angle towards the outside of the turn. Trust me on this. Ever have the problem of hitting the front end on the inside of the turn and coming to basically a dead stop? This will solve that.

As you aproach the turn, slow down enough so you dont have too much momentum going into the turn. Next, just as the turn begins, hit the brakes and turn in simultaneously, aiming for the midpoint of the turn. Immediately after that, jam the throttle and then quickly back off the throttle to get the back end loose. Now use very small gas and brake imputs to keep the back end rotating through the turn, while using steering to keep the front end pointed at the midpoint of the turn. As you come to halfway through the switchback, use the gas to bring the backend even farther through the turn so that now you are countersteering. Keep countersteering through the second half of the turn, keeping the front end pointed at the midpoint of the turn, until you reach the apex. At that point, let off the gas a little to bring the backend back in line with the front of the car and unwind the steering so that you are pointing down the next straightaway. Once the car is pointed out of the turn and the back end is back in line, gun it.

Follow this advice and practice, practice, practice and you will be able to win any rally against a comparable car. The AI is extremely slow through these switchbacks. They basically approach it like a normal turn, slowing down a ton to keep traction, instead of drifting through it to keep the momentum. The rest of the non-switchback turns I approach pretty much the same way: as you approach the turn, using steering to point the car the way you want it to be facing when you exit, and then use gas and brake inputs to keep the car sliding smoothly through the turn.

Btw, I use the dualshock, not a steering wheel. So it is possible.
What can I say? Humiliated I was. At The Grand Canyon and Ice tracks, that is. I'm okay on the others. I am using the DFP, which of course requires a lot more acrobatics to steer than with a DS2, but I'm not going to use that as an excuse.

I chose the Subaru Prototype because I used it exclusively to gold all the rally stuff easily in GT3. But in this game, it's disappointing. All of my rally experience from playing the Colin McRaes, WRCs, and of course GT3, was of no use. I drive pretty much as you do ThunderMakeR, easy in, feather the throttle, and I avoid the walls pretty well.

What's funny to me is as I was driving the Suby, and it was clawing for whatever grip it could find, I was thinking how my real life Dodge truck could get more grip than that thing. Then I read elsewhere that someone said the Dodge Ram in the game is a dream to drive on the rally tracks. So, I tried it and loved it. To me, based on my prior experience, it feels more like a rally car than the rally cars do. I did stick a sports exhaust and air filter under the hood to give it more grunt in 2nd gear, other than that , it's stock. The way it arcs around those tight switchbacks is what I like the most. Maybe because of the front weight bias that all pickups have, it makes easier to whip the light tail around.

I do need a lot of practice, that's for sure. Like I said, I do like the rallying in this game. It's mostly mental for me right now. I'm just so dismayed at the level of grip the AI cars seem to have. I'm convinced the devs knew the AI in GT3 was a pushover, and gave them more cajones for GT4, but maybe went a little too far. At least for me they did. When you line up at the start with that attitude, you're already beat. I'll keep working at it though. Thanks for the advice.👍
I dunno- I think I have a love-hate relationship with the Rallying (Special Conditions).
I really enjoy the tarmac courses, like Costa Di Amalfi and Citti Di Aria, but some of the other courses really **** me - Chamonix anyone?
I would love to know just how realistic the handling is on GT4 (sorry if I missed previous replies to this) - because I liked the GT3 courses much better.
Is it just that in real life Rallying really is this difficult, and the cars are so damn sensitive to any tiny movement (and unresponsive to tuning)?
On GT4 the cars just seem to slide forever- I would expect Rally cars with 4wd, special tyres and even snow chains no not slide around like they were in ball bearings.
I would like the Rallying to be a somewhat seperate part of GT5- It could sit beside the main game component, a bit like Spec B racing exists - maybe as Spec C? So that gaining 100% would not rely on getting Golds on snow covered courses!
I don't mind rallying, but WRC and Colin McRae are way better though. I would rather do rallying in the original CM than on gt4.
Thing is tho, the AI corners on rails on the rally stages, it doesn't slide the cars as you would rally style. I found the rally stages very frustrating to complete. :scared: Just glad I don't have to do them again. :)

Yea I was studying the AI too and thats exactly what they do, they find a way to grip rally:crazy: and get crazy fast times, those bastards at PD.

Anyways I dont hate rally, I found turning off the force feedback on the wheel makes rally fun, and realistic.👍
Just finished the Grand Canyon runs, did it in the Evo Super RC. Sheesh, that was stressful, I had the shakes by the time I finished. My girlfriend looked at me and said, "Nice relaxing evening?"

But for me the best thing in the whole game is Citta d'Aria. I just did the so-called hard one in the CZ-3 tarmac, which was too fast for real competition but such a blast to drive. My girlfriend's daughter watched me and said it was great fun just to watch.
I hate all the rally stages. I liked GT2 rallying because I guess it was so UN-well-done and wasn't realistically frustrating. But the AI zips through it all. If the AI has 5 second penalties like A-Spec does, I would've won every one going 5 mph! And, the worst part, of course, is when the AI bumps into you from the back and you get a penalty instead of him. Ugh.