American Trans Am Series Season III

  • Thread starter Kalmiya117
If it makes you feel better mudd:

Hey now! Those make me look bad! Most of that damage was from drafting I think. I know for many laps it was close quarters.

But that GT40 looks good don't it!
Got some photos. Interesting my photo shows my bumper less damaged. Although Alot of it came from drafting, and the first incident where some one hit me and pushed me into Mudd.

I almost fell asleep waiting to get a Pit picture. Sorry guys your going to have to get your own.

But, here is my biggest deal, after watching it and going through many views, I've noticed a few people have a tendency to dig into the corners when clearly they know they will hit the other person trying to pass on the inside.. This is not a way to pass people. If I see this happening again I will call you out and have Skel, Mudd watch the move in the video and take a course of action rather it be loss of points or positioning on the field.
^Well at least I know you are not talking about me because I was basically on cruise control and a 12 pack and a bottle of champagne as it was my 1st anniversary with the wife. And I was so slow LOL my lap times were 10 sec off my pace in practice from the days beforehand. My Group 1 was running my Group 2 lap times :banghead:
^Well at least I know you are not talking about me because I was basically on cruise control and a 12 pack and a bottle of champagne as it was my 1st anniversary with the wife. And I was so slow LOL my lap times were 10 sec off my pace in practice from the days beforehand. My Group 1 was running my Group 2 lap times :banghead:

I'm not pulling out any names yet. I am just saying once or twice can be classified as accidental, but almost every turn it becomes bit annoying.

Madrid is next week so Practice up up fellars!

(also photos were posted on first page)
I've discussed that damage glitch before, it seems that the replays are stored by your ps3 in a code form, so each ps3 has the capability of deciphering that code slightly differently, hence different amounts of damage viewed from same replay on different ps3's.
I've noticed, if I watch the same replay, sometimes the damage comes out different then it was the last time I watched it.

I actually like Madrid. The first turn and the last chicane are going to be a doozy the entire race.
I think all those damage issues are due our own graphics cards within each individuals ps3. It has to rerender each 30 frames per second and doesn't always rerender consistantly. I was wondering weather a new ps3 would be a good fix for that or if you can install your own card. Another thing I noticed is how hot a ps3 gets, that not too good. My computer (that I built), which runs cgi that I create never gets hot due to all these built in monstorous looking cooling fans. And due to it keeping a cool temperature it allows it to run more stable thus giving consistant renders each time.
I think all those damage issues are due our own graphics cards within each individuals ps3. It has to rerender each 30 frames per second and doesn't always rerender consistantly. I was wondering weather a new ps3 would be a good fix for that or if you can install your own card. Another thing I noticed is how hot a ps3 gets, that not too good. My computer (that I built), which runs cgi that I create never gets hot due to all these built in monstorous looking cooling fans. And due to it keeping a cool temperature it allows it to run more stable thus giving consistant renders each time.

My hypothesis is that the damage modeling is a random modeler type deal. And that the game will render the damage in different ways on a random chance just the general area hit will have it. And that no two PS3 will render it the same. The amount of data that would have to be shared amongst everyone in that race would be staggering and would kill server performance. So it just records and displays generic random damage in that area.

Far as rendering, the PS3 is all integrated and actually runs faster than most higher end PCs do, but when it comes to the graphic rendering with consoles there is a difference it and PC users. With console Error free rendering is not as a big deal within limits, hence the PS3 has a great processing speed but will produce more errors per cycle. Where as a PC has to be more "correct with it's rendering and cpu cycles (less errors and less processing speed) We have the ability to have extremely fast processor speeds but with more errors. They scale back the speed until a mostly error free process can be done.

The first Gen (such as I have) had the PS2 Hardware integrated in them, hence the ability to play all previous PS discs. Later on when Sony started cost cutting they went to a Software Emulator that reduced performance and capability with the older disc, and then they kinda phased it out all together I believe.

for example, ever look at Server Ram (memory) vs normal use? It is always more costly due to being ECC, (Error Correcting Code) where it can keep errors at a min or non existent for best uptime and error free results. However this is not as needed or required in lower end home models, hence Non-ECC Ram is normally found in Hone PCs.
I dunno, What is a ICal file?
It's a file like this.;) Guess I should be editing out the Tsukuba round now that it's elimination has been mentioned. Also, anyone have suggestions on where I can post the calendar and if it's should have some sort of subscription deal for updating whenever you're online and have a calendar program running?

That's a real nice shot of me mowin' the grass in turn one...:crazy:
It wouldn't be a trans am race without mudd in the grass
:lol:Oh wow...:dopey:
^ That's good stuff, Kalmiya. I'd really like to do something like with my Jeep on a trail ride, not sure how well the camera would hold up though.
Looks like I won't make it tonight. Friend's bbq & football. Got to enjoy what's left of the summer while I still can.
Well then, glad I took the time to whoop on ya last night! :P

Seriously, can't blame ya for squeezing another BBQ in, not many nice days left. I imagine the T/A series is gonna start getting crowded as the cold weather starts settling in.
Well, I'm assuming the entire server crashed. We were down to 5 racers when I got the boot, and I can't even log back into psn now.
What happen? What did I miss?

Well thanks to you and Titus being gone, I got pole for the VGI race:) Also during that race half of us got disconnected from PSN. So we continued the rest of the race after everyone(except CobraMustang) rejoined the lounge. MGII ran smoothly.
Well thanks to you and Titus being gone, I got pole for the VGI race:) Also during that race half of us got disconnected from PSN. So we continued the rest of the race after everyone(except CobraMustang) rejoined the lounge. MGII ran smoothly.

And then managed to get most of everyone back in again after PSN started behaving, and re did the race, just a bit shorter.

He did take the pole but I took the win! I'll have the results up later tonight.
What happen? What did I miss?

Some incredible racing! Even the server fail race had some great battling. Durring all three It was pretty wide spread around the track from 1st to last, but if you watched the leaderboard at all during the race, every position was constant battle it seemed. I keep my mini-map zoomed in so when theres a car on it, that means its time to go! Every time I could manage to wear someone out and see them fade off my radar, here comes the next guy who had been saving up for a charge! I had a couple good battles with SpitRacer, and they would've lasted the whole race had it not been for a unfortunate pit-wall incident on Spit's part. Towards the end of G1, 5 to go thought I was home free with a podium, here comes Crazy-"where did he come from"-Bassist, charging through the field at incredible pace for the tires as old as they were. Thought he had me a couple times but I managed to barely squeeze out in front of him. Very good racing, I had a blast.👍:gtpflag:
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Was very fun last night at that crappy track LOL despite the server crash. Lots of good battles. I think it's fun seeing the faster guys suffer on these lesser tracks.

Oh yea ...and Madrid feels like a NASCAR short track
^ I was not a fan of the track line-up at first glance, but it's really growing on me. Every time we race one of these tracks (even in practice) I find myself in a very competitive battle and with a different opponent each time. That's got to say something for these tracks. Next week should be a totally new challenge. We're going from a near imposable-to-pass track (Madrid) to basically a four lane expressway with a couple sharp turns...and in the dark. Gonna be completely different race from what we experienced this last one.
Here's another 'dealer installed' option on a new Camaro:



Chevy's answer to rear aero, I guess...don't really care for it, myself, but it was neat drilling holes in the back of a Camaro with 3 miles on it!
God that track sucked.
Every bad thing that could happen happened to me, including my pedals crapping out mid race! Wtf?
I can assure you I will be voting heavily against it every time it ever comes up in the future :P

But. I am looking forward to the rest of the season. I gotta beat Skel at least once before I can call myself a success ;)

As for that rear spoiler: Why would they put that on the car on purpose? It looks like it came from one of those stupid ricers.