American Trans Am Series Season III

  • Thread starter Kalmiya117
That's what I said. Normally I'd by grabbing up the rare veh or hot rod that pulls in here, but right now I'm hiding...I overheard the customer say that he needed the mouse nest removed from the heater ducting... Yikes! He might as well had told us something was wrong with the flux capacitor.
When do you get to drive it? The one on the video game handles pretty well with a slight but stable oversteer. I want you to verify this in real life. Now go.
You guys wouldn't believe what just rolled into my shop, so here's a pic! :D

Haha I was watching this TV show(forgot what it was called but it's on Speed) and that thing is slower than a Toyota Siena minivan!
Haha I was watching this TV show(forgot what it was called but it's on Speed) and that thing is slower than a Toyota Siena minivan!

I think that was the car show? They were testing out "suppossed" sportsscars vs soccer mom cars. Was quite interesting.
Well I can say I've had the (dis)pleasure of driving 2 different delorean's way back in the day (late 80's). And yes these cars were total slugs. I raced one of the them with our families Chevy Citation X-11 and I beat it. They did turn heads and the doors were cool but as for performance they did not have any.
Well, thanks to my manager who is just above worthless, I am closing Sunday night. All I asked him was not to have me close on sundays and he can't seem to do that.

So, I won't be there.
^ That's pretty might work just because the boss couldn't possibly have a response to it.

Cobra is correct, turns out the IRL Deloreon pretty disapointing compared to the game version...or any other car I've driven. We did manage to have some fun with it though. Sure hope the owner isn't a GTP mod.

That's really funny Mudd. Who could resist?

Actually, that wasn't random. About 15 people died last month from Listeria outbreak from cantaloupes. Another 80 or so infected.
Oh yea. Listeria all over the news, duh. Somehow I didn't make that connection. Stayed up too late racing, I guess...
Lol...'Hot Poops'... I think that was the name of the guy who kept cutting the chicanes Fri night, Skel. Lmao

I'll be happy to set up the race lounge tomorrow evening, pretty sure I got everyone on my fr list.
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See, if would be totally okay if some one else calls out. Cause hey I'm there to cover. But Me? Oh no. I can never miss a day or work.

I need a job that would appreciate me as much as I would it.

Regardless, I got to out with my friend in the jeep again, only this time we had a guy with a winch on his jeep come along. Needless to say we get covered in mud big time.
No sweat, opening my lounge now. Let's go racin' boys!
Awesome racing tonight fellas. Snapped some pics:
Kal spinning out:sly:
Skel's Camaro

I hate the blockiness but whatever still a good pic
Personal favorite and now screensaver of CAM's Chally
Cam's other Chally with the GT building

My personal favorite for obvious reasons...
This would have been cool if it wasn't for Skel's ugly Comaro
Mudd and Ken dukein it out
Greats pics! Check out the front lighting on the '00 Vette, didn't realize how cool that thing looked at night. I had a great time racing last night, quite a few really good battles. All the regulars in here are really getting very competitive with each other I think. It seemed like it didn't really matter who it was around me last night, I had to fight for every inch of the track. It's pretty much the luck you have making it through the first lap that desides who your gonna end up battling in here. Very cool!
Very good night everyone. I was very impressed on CAMikaze's ability to keep up in the 08 challenger in G2, and of course cahill's domination in G1. I thought I was going to be on cruise control for both races. Wasn't the case at all. No matter who shows up or doesn't, there's always someone who steps up. Great job guys.

Kal, here are the official results of both races.

G2 results

1. Skeltor27 (P)
2. CAMikaze +4.178
3. Mudd +21.020
4. Cahill +21.460
5. Crazy_

G1 results

1. Cahill
2. Skeletor (P) +0.775
3. Mudd +43.657
4. CAMikaze +49.202
5. Crazzy_

The "score board" will be up probably this afternoon. When it actually updates? Maybe tomorrow at the latest.
I was watching some Top Gear a little earlier and I was wondering why we don't have the good ol' test track on the list haha. It may get a little repetitive after 20-whatever laps but the figure 8 would keep it interesting! Maybe put it in for Monaco? Because everyone seems to just love Monaco:)
Havn't seen Titus at all the past week. I think he may be in training for the new COD coming out in a month or so. I know all my COD clan buddies have been bugging me to unplug my steering wheel to pick up a silenced M4A1, I'm just not sure if I can though. Always been a fan of the game series, but GT5 has still got me hooked for now, specially with the update rumors of late.
I was watching some Top Gear a little earlier and I was wondering why we don't have the good ol' test track on the list haha. It may get a little repetitive after 20-whatever laps but the figure 8 would keep it interesting! Maybe put it in for Monaco? Because everyone seems to just love Monaco:)

We've actually been over this. It's too hard to get new tires when there isn't a pit stop. I agree though, a figure 8 track would be interesting. The only figure 8 tracks I've ever seen in real life were at demolition derbies.

I'm still on COD modern warfare 2. I can't keep up with all of them. You buy one, then a month later, there's DLC. Another month later, more DLC. Then 2 months later, an entirely new COD comes out. Then the DLC purchasing starts over again before the next installment. And it's all pretty much the same. Just different maps, and different weapons that do the same thing.

My guess is that Titus found a vagina to play with... Can I say that?
Very good night everyone. I was very impressed on CAMikaze's ability to keep up in the 08 challenger in G2, and of course cahill's domination in G1.
You folks may remember I won a pre-season test race at SSR5 with the same car. Nat Kalmiya's tune though, it was something I picked up from one of the tune shops and tried to adapt to the MG2 spec. Not telling you which one though. ;)

For the races at Circuit de la Sarthe, I imagine we're going to try to have the race run with the Time Progression scale set to how many laps can be completed in the Vintage Group 1 race based on a guesstimated lap time so that a virtual 24 hour cycle can be completed at least once? If that's the case, you think we can do a practice session or two later this week?
^ :lol: I hope he shares some pic's! :P

Careful what you wish for!

I think we all could all use some practice at Sarth. I wonder what formula PD used for the time progression. I would think (1) is 1:1, if (10) would be 10x the speed of time? 0.10:1? Trying to figure out PD is like cracking the Da vinci code.
Yes, I definitely need lots of Sarthe practice. You really must remember which turn your coming up on at 200mph if you want any kind of decent lap there. I spent last evening running the Ferrari seasonal there over and over. I actually found that I had not purchased any Ferrari's, so I bought one of each and took turns with all of them. Oddly, I turned my best lap so far in the California, the Enzo was a bit hard to hold in the corners.

Add: FYI, if you force yourself to bolt that hideous rear wing on the back of the California, it automatically installs a hard top which actually looks pretty cool.

Careful what you wish for!

Good call, prolly don't wanna see any pics if their posted in a 'Vintage' thread.:yuck:
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There's a whole bevy of jokes & analogies I can make on that, but I'll let that one go! You're welcome.

Looks like the snow is going to start flying here tonight & tomorrow, so I should be around most of the week.

Kal, I just read the results you posted. I gave the time intervals in one of my previous posts (page 13).

Kal, here are the official results of both races.

G2 results

1. Skeltor27 (P)
2. CAMikaze +4.178
3. Mudd +21.020
4. Cahill +21.460
5. Crazy_

G1 results

1. Cahill
2. Skeletor (P) +0.775
3. Mudd +43.657
4. CAMikaze +49.202
5. Crazzy_
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Those times are ridiculous. It won't be long before there's about six of us racing 30 long laps just to beat the snot out of each other for that last 50 foot of track! In both races there, just by looking at the finish times I see two separate 'last lap battles for position' in each race, and with different racers each time. This is exactly what I bought this game for.

Add: Anyone feel like practicing Sarthe in some LMP cars? I just dropped about 8.5 million credits in the was fun.:cool:
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