I'm just curious, maybe there's been threads asking this before, hard to tell with a search function like that.
Anyway, I've been progressively getting more and more upset, at Sony and PD.
Aside from the horrendously long wait, between GT4 and whenever they feel like getting GT5 out for us Americans (the largest market for them) and Europeans (second largest market) Isn't anyone else just flat out pissed off, and insulted that they always release GT games to Japan first?
Honestly, what this makes me want to do, is go out, buy an XBOX, Forza 3, and a wheel for XBOX. Maybe the games aren't quite as good, or in-depth, but for Christ's sake, at least they can make more than two per decade. And they don't release their games to other people before me intentionally.
Now, I'm sure some of you may be thinking, "well, they need to make x number of copies" - Sorry, downloads exist now.
there is absolutely NO REASON that they cannot release it all at the same time. They've had MORE than enough time to test everything, from in-game glitches, to internet play. (something else they lagged in BIG TIME)
So is it just me, or don't these things make any of you guys just want to say * PD, * Sony, I'll buy Another brand?
Would you take this crap if you went to a store, and they served everyone from another country or race before you without reason? Why do we accept this for a video game? I understand it's great, but holy hell, you can only slap me in the face so many times before I tell you to go..... love yourself.
Forgot to add, GT5 for PSP (or whatever it's called) is now FREE for anyone that lives anywhere other than NA. Now, is that because of packaging/shipping/whatever else?