Biggest "I'm an idiot" thing you've done in GT5

  • Thread starter BSpec
Spending 53 Thousand credits on overhauling the engine on my '10 Camaro RM(I had clocked up close to 1000 km in it) only for the Hp to remain the same as before.:grumpy:
I spent just short of 1 million hard earned credits buying a "Lambo Murcielago LP 670-4 Superveloce '09" and modding it up to the max. It was my perfect super car that looked, drove & sounded the business then I was gutted to say the least when I realized it's no good for the GALLARDO trophy (which I bought it for in the first place). I thought to myself "What a ****ing idiot I am?".
Still a great car though & I love it to bits. It's one hell of an expensive mistake i'm keeping for sure!!!!
Upgrading my GT-R R35 to the fullest. Well I usually do not wreck in GT5 unless im getting tense. fail hard, or am desperate to pass someone out of pure anger. Anyway I didn't pay attention and bought economy tires......the slickest. (I thought i bought Racing hards) And thinking to myself"I'm getting pretty good at GT5 so ill drive on Nurburgring Nordschleife......Changing weather......I'll leave the rest to you.
I spent just short of 1 million hard earned credits buying a "Lambo Murcielago LP 670-4 Superveloce '09" and modding it up to the max. It was my perfect super car that looked, drove & sounded the business then I was gutted to say the least when I realized it's no good for the GALLARDO trophy (which I bought it for in the first place). I thought to myself "What a ****ing idiot I am?".
Still a great car though & I love it to bits. It's one hell of an expensive mistake i'm keeping for sure!!!!

:ouch:Big time :ouch:

Smoking up my tires ad setting a great time on Nordschleife for the Gt-R Record trophy...and then O my got i changed my tires into Soft Race (standard tires needed for that trophy.!! 7 spoiled minutes. :yuck:
I think it Paris, I was setting up a pass coming onto the front stretch and followed the road lines right into the end of the pit wall.
Trying to better a personal best TT at Indy in my Nascar (that I purchased:dopey:) - realized after two turns I was trying to draft my own ghost:dunce:

For me it's all the money I have blown on Bob. I don't feel like babysitting him so I try to put him in a car a lot more powerful than the others but sometimes he just spins them out so I end up buying a new car he can handle with ease. Just had to buy him the RM lotus for the British event after wasting a ton on that old TVR thing (I think that is the name of it). I'm going to make him repay me!!!
driving the FGT and tried to play around since i was in the lead and hit the freaking side makers... made me spun out in the sand.... went from first to last... F M L
Drove around in my F2007, didn't really hit anything, might've just slightly rubbed up against the wall towards the end facking around... Just went to look to see how much chasis rebuild would be, 500K, and then my phone rang, I dropped my controller, and somehow the sucker landed on Repair Chasis and I was out 500K lol... on a brand new car that didn't really need it...
Doing the Ferrari race in professional after trying to win countless times after spending a s*** load of money on fully modifying a 430 Scuderia I was in first place in which I thought was the last lap so in happiness I pressed the handbrake and did a doughnut while crossing the finish line only to realise it was the second last lap :|
:sly:You know, I've never done anything as bon...

I gave up on the Sebastian Loeb challenge before ever completing the course, because I just couldn't catch the ghost car ahead of me. A few days later, I learn on the forums that you aren't supposed to catch the ghost car... I promptly went and finished the courses easily in gold, ignoring the ghost car ahead of me :D

..wait wat?:dunce:
I realized that I was not supposed to pass the Ghost car when I caught it and passed it in the snow. I was driving flat out trying to catch him and had to restart like 3 times due to hitting something from going so fast. I finally made it all the way around the track and managed to overtake him in the last corner crossing the line just in front of him to find out I had over 7 seconds to spare.

I had to laugh but it did feel good to pass that sucker. :)
..wait wat?:dunce:

I'm pretty sure if you do catch the ghost car it will magically go faster so that it is always out in front. I got past it on the snow stage for a couple of seconds then it shot forward and around a corner like someone had pressed fast forward.

You can ignore the car, just beat the time.
I was playing b-spec formula gt challenge and as my driver had mathematically won the championship after 5 races(there are 6 races) I quitted it thinking they would give me gold- as they do on a-spec- and avoiding a freeze or something but nope, I failed and had to restart the championship(after about 4 hours)...
My girlfriend used to have an Audi A3 2.0 TDI in real life. So she bought the A3 3.2 from the used car dealership, spent almost everything on upgrades only to realize, that it is obviously not a "pocket rocket" compared to other Supercars or GTs...
She sold the car for 7.000 Credits... WHY NOT KEEP IT EVEN IF WE DONT USE IT ANYMORE ?? :)
Oh yes...I got my stupid moment yesterday.
I was driving die first race at the polyphony cup.
I think it is madrid...

I was on round 3 or 4...and just get on the straight to the finishline...than suddenly my wife asked me something...and instead of driving over the finishline...I drove into the pit. :-)
So I lost this race...thanks to my wife... ;-)
Let someone else play. He had GT5P so I figured he'd know what he was doing. He bought a Lotus ? for $100,000, I said "wonder how much its worth if you sell it ?" and he sold it without bothering to see how much first, I did not want to sell it, just see what the price would be. I was like level 14 or so at the time, it was a big hit. And I wanted the color too. told him "you do not get to make decisions with my game."
On the Nurburgring 24h track, I keep forgetting there's a lefthand turn directly after the first hairpin, instead of a bit further as on the normal Nurburgring track. Result; I consistently drove my car into a barrier, lap after lap :9

I can avoid it now, but I have to keep reminding myself.
Not too bad:
Left Bob doing the muscle car championship by himself while I did the washing up (there wasn't enough to laod the disahwasher). Due to the kitchen being in the extension, I can watch the TV by looking through the kitchen window and the french doors into the lounge. I spotted that Bob was in elad for once, so went into the lounge to see what was going on. He had somehow managed to get his nose in front and was leading by 0.01s, so I decided he should hurry up a bit. Toild him to speed up, pushed he temprement into the red and he spun out with one corner to go.

Still haven't beaten that race yet.