Body-Kits in GT4

Yeah, so? I don't care if you have a Civic Si or a Viper GTS-R. You are my target and the only thing I care about is beating you. I could care less if you have a body kit or not.
Some response there chief.

It's his, and many other's personal preference to have a car that's unique and undenyably theirs. Aero mods and the such can provide that uniqueness while still having a purpose. Form follows function.
So wanting your car to look good and be different is rice? So should everyone go around driving dirty cars that are falling apart because they don't want to be ricers?

A ricer is a poser. Someone who just does something because it's cool. They don't know anything about cars and they just want what's gonna get them the girls. Cool neon lights, big body kits, nitrous oxide, etc... Whatever is the current trend they go for.

Having a non-stock looking car doesn't make you a ricer.
The point is, body kits should not be in GT4. Call them "aero mods" if you wish. If you guys really want to play around with body kits, I suggest picking up TXR0 or NFSU, not GT4.

DJT: Please don't take this as a personal attack, but if I could understand you, I would whoop your ass.
The point is, body kits should not be in GT4. Call them "aero mods" if you wish. If you guys really want to play around with body kits, I suggest picking up TXR0 or NFSU, not GT4.

DJT: Please don't take this as a personal attack, but if I could understand you, I would whoop your ass.

Wow you're dumb. You need to get this image out of your head about body kits. In Japan, manufacturers call them AERO MODS. Those are the REAL kits that have a REAL purpose. They are tested for AERODYNAMICS. That means less drag holding you back, and more downforce.

You ever see carbon fiber diffusers on a car before? That's not for looks sweetheart. Diffusers are all part of improving aerodynamics so the car is more stable at higher speeds.

You're are so ignorant it's not even funny.
I'm actually having fun with this. He's so sure of himself yet he doesn't see the purpose of non-horsepower adding mods.

No replacement for displacement eh Viper Zero?

Originally posted by battle_stage
You ever see carbon fiber diffusers on a car before? That's not for looks sweetheart. Diffusers are all part of improving aerodynamics so the car is more stable at higher speeds.

Yeah, those are great. But, that's not a body kit.

Please don't call me "sweetheart", unless you're a female.
This guy is retarded. What do you think body kits are? I'll tell you, They are replacement panels for the fenders, sides, rear and front bumper shell; and some times can even include the hood. This is all that defines a body kit. In addition, The body kits that would be in GT4 ( if any ) would not be the tacky deformed nonsense that you see your average dumbsh** ricer sporting. They would be akin to the kits used in JGTC and rally. Which reduce weight, increase aerodynamics, and allow more air inlets for more air to be drawn to the intercooler, brakes, intake, and radiator. So bodykits are indeed a usefull mod and should be included for added realism. This could also bring up aerodynamics playing a more important role in GT4, also adding to the realism. Furthermore, I would not argue with Battle Stage, as he has proven his knowledge where you have not. ;)


I would love to see a body kit like this Veilside kit for the S14.:D
Body Kit - Pieces of fiber glass that fit over an existing street car to improve (I use that word *very* loosely) the appearance of the car. It does not improve the performance of the street car.

Race Modification - An option in the original Gran Turismo game, where the user could modify a stock car into a race car, similar or exact to the cars that run in JGTC, WRC, ALMS, NASCAR, and other racing venues.

Notice the difference? Only the latter should be in GT4. The first does not improve anything besides looks.
thank god - somebody finally cleared up a very simple point. Now lets see how many more people carry on arguing. My mum has 17" TSW Venoms on her volvo - does that make her a ricer eh?
Body Kit - Pieces of fiber glass that fit over an existing street car to improve (I use that word *very* loosely) the appearance of the car. It does not improve the performance of the street car.

What are you smoking son? I talk you many times already that we have a little something called air. You're breathing it dick. this same air also slows your car dow just that much. There's something called the "wall". The "wall" is the aerodynamic limit of the car. It's engine can no longer fight against the air. With improved aerodynamics by the means of body kits and such this "wall" will be at a greater speed, allowing for greater top speeds, and more stability when at those speeds. How is that not a performance mod? Are you really that dense?

Also, all those race series that you mentioned. Every last one of them uses aero modification to improve their cars. Thanks for helping prove my point.

Let me make a little example of aerodynamic performance. If you design to vehicles with the same engine, and the same weight, but one was a cube, and the other had a very sleek aerodynamic shape. The cube won't get far because of all the air being trapped on it's front end and the drag behind it. The aerodynamic car on the other hand will have a much greater top speed and will accelerate faster. The air will pass over the car much easier that's to it's shape.

Now, a body kit will reduce the weight and improve aerodynamics at the same time. You (Venom Zero) probably won't be able to see a difference because you're extremely dense, but REAL racers will praise that little increase in their cars performance.

I for one welcome the addition of body kits for these reasons:
1.) Improved aerodynamics, resulting in better performance
2.) Will mostly improve the looks of the car.
3.) Set's your car apart from other racers when online.

*NOTE* Let me remind you again I'm not talking about those ****ty body kits sold by the dozens here in the US. I'm talking about kits from high end companies with proven performance. Ings and C-West are used all the time by race teams... I wonder why. Also you stated that they are fiberglass. Wrong again genious. Body kits are made from MANY different materials including carbon fiber.

look people who hate bodykits on gt4, if they are included, dont have to use them. its not as if pd are FORCING you to use them. let the ricers rice up their cars, they want to rice up their cars because they want to. not because they had to or they were forced to or whatever, they do it because they want to. same goes for the non ricers. you dont use bodykits because you dont want to. am i right?
Originally posted by nitro_2003
look people who hate bodykits on gt4, if they are included, dont have to use them. its not as if pd are FORCING you to use them. let the ricers rice up their cars, they want to rice up their cars because they want to. not because they had to or they were forced to or whatever, they do it because they want to. same goes for the non ricers. you dont use bodykits because you dont want to. am i right?

Compare this:

537209_4037776215028744686_vl.jpg this:


Note the differences. In the "body kit" at the top, the front clip is an aerdoynamic nightmare. Tons of frontal area. Tons of little lips, openings, jogs, etc. that will ruin the aerodynamic efficiency of that car. Tons of added drag.

Now look at the bottom aero kit, from a race car. Smooth as a baby's butt. One single air inlet concentrated right where it's needed. A couple little vanes at the corners to deflect airflow across the tires when the wheel is turned to high lock angles. That's it.

This is the difference between the fake thing and the real thing. The first one has no place in GT4. The second one does.

To the person who said "If you don't like them, don't buy them": that's fine as far as it goes. But modeling and developing body kits (like the top picture) in GT4 takes precious time away from modelling and developing additional cars, better physics, good AI, and more realism. So I may never buy a kit like that for my GT4 cars, but I'll still pay for it.
ok how about this....battle_stage and Viper Zero are saying the exact same things differently. i have picked up on this because me and my girlfriend do it all the time. ok here goes...

battle_stage keeps saying body kits from respectable high-end japanese tuners are worth adding into gt4 because of their improved areodynamics, weight reduction, and IRL durability when compared to OEM peices. he also has made the point Viper Zero has continued to ignore that he is not talking about fiberglass, APC ripoffs from the U.S.

Viper Zero insists that "race modifications" are good because they reduce weight and drag, both which they seem to agree is good. but he keeps saying "bodykits" will be a bad addition because of their ricer appeal and serve no practical purpose.

now battle_stage uses "bodykits" and "race modifications" interchangably (when accpetable, i.e. extremedimensions could not be substituted as race modifications)while Viper Zero seems to have seperated "bodykits" as asthetic or visual enhancements and "race modifications" into functional body pieces for a car.

this is a classic case of basing too much of ones knowledge on real life from video games. if Viper Zero had more outside knowledge he would agree that there are proven, wind tunnel tested bodykits that will improve a car and most come out of the top tuners in japan. instead he keeps bringing up "race modifications" as if you could order them out of a catalouge from a tuner or manufactorer. only in gt2 buddy. but they are saying the same thing differently and fighting about it.

had to throw in some relief for a frustrated battle_stage. and Viper Zero where'd that hot senorita you had as an avatar go?? she was mega-super-stoopid-hot :D

and personally i agree with the duke, veilside has always rubbed me the wrong way. i think veilside is really owned by tim burton and thats why they always end up making cars look like the swoopy, exagerated messes they turn out to be, twisted and over the top.
This is funny, I'm not going to repeat all my previouse posts but I'm for Aero kit's which are what's fitted to race cars but you CAN get them for a road car, whats to stop someone putting a NSX JGTC parts onto a road one. Ricer kits ie look stupid (some might dissagree but thats my opinion) and don't do anythig for the cars performance whihc arn't put on race cars. Answer this if you saw a R34 Skyling JGTC parked in Tesco car park painted all black and no decals would you say that a R!cers car?
all this stuff about drag :rolleyes: yes you dont want to have drag but u do however want good down force witch makes drag
and the game is not all about having the most top speed when your racing a tight road course

iv never drivin a car but im not an idiot
if you take 2 cars that are completly the same and give just one a body kit youll notice the diffirence

a car with a rear wing is less likely to spin then the same car with out a wing

o and duke i beleave in your secound pic those winglits (or what ever ya said on the front) are for added down force
Originally posted by DJT
all this stuff about drag :rolleyes: yes you dont want to have drag but u do however want good down force witch makes drag
and the game is not all about having the most top speed when your racing a tight road course

iv never drivin a car but im not an idiot
if you take 2 cars that are completly the same and give just one a body kit youll notice the diffirence

a car with a rear wing is less likely to spin then the same car with out a wing
It's about usable speed. Drag is going to hurt your performance. Period. The question is, will it buy you something else for a net gain?

That Veilside kit on the top picture of my post will add unholy amounts of drag. It will also add very little if any downforce, particularly not since it sits so high off the ground. That's a bad tradeoff on both sides of the equation. If you put that kit on a stock car you will notice a difference - it will be slower. Plus it will not corner any better than stock. So you're losing without gaining.

"all this stuff about drag" is incredibly important. Did you know that the amount of drag goes up with the square of the velocity? That means the faster you go, air resistance goes up dramatically. Small amounts of drag increase heavily as speed goes up.

Also, downforce does not become a notable factor until well over 100 mph. Below that, aerodynamics are far more influenced by how much air is getting under the car, and how smooth the front of the car is. Even a car with good aerodynamics is not generating much downforce below 100 mph or more.
o and duke i beleave in your secound pic those winglits (or what ever ya said on the front) are for added down force
They will help, but they are not large enough in area to contribute a huge amount of force. Mostly they are to divert air around the tires when the front wheels are in a non-aerodynamic configuration, ie when they are turned sharply. But since they are needed anyway, they might as well contribute to the DF as well, so thay are aimed that way.
ya , i know the air is harder to push through the faster ya go
iv had ridin a bike before allthough im not going 100mph or more on my bike but still

any ways i hope they will just add body kits and race mods so every one (even me)will be happy and every one can shut up about this evil boy kit stuff geez

i think ill have more fun if i go stick my head in a blender ( it mite be a littler more peacefull hehehe):lol:
God....please someone close this thread.I mean I wonder if he's
ever saw a D1GP video or went to the daikoku or some street spots in japan.I would like to see him call them ricers!!

Some people.......:lol: :lol:
Just for everyone to cut the B/S the person who started this thread was proably aiming for BodyKits like Fast and the Furious type body kits, not the simple answer of yes and no was in order not a huge debate on whats what and *****ing and complaining at eachother, some say body kits are just for looks ding ding ding give that person a cookie because maybe just maybe thats all they want em for just to make your car in gt4 look good. But anyways the racing modifications would be awesome and for the Street body kits id proably buy em for my cars just for the LOOKS.. and for some that dont know what a ricer is... and person who thinks there cars the **** but in reality the car looks like crap or put together that looks like crap. anyways without all the *****ing just agree or disagree about having body kits in the game ...