Boycott time!!

  • Thread starter healy66

Do you approve of the prize money changes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • No

    Votes: 145 92.4%

  • Total voters
Sadly in current times, the youngest generation don't want to wait and work for nothing. All need to be in the moment, right now, without any effort, NOW. In other way.... the tantrum begins. Is a western world phenomena. A spoiled generations habituated to demand demand, demand.
That is the reality in a modern world and I think that is the reason why the new generations are so unhappy, empty and without objetives. They don't realize that the interesting and the most enjoyable part of life is on the way, not in the finish line.
While this is painfully true, it's not quite the same thing. I'm an early retiree and I've basically been doing almost nothing but play GT7 all day. And I'm still impoverished because everything is crazy expensive, except the Gr3 and 4 car prices are the same. I wasn't paying attention and just buying one car and race tuning it killed my earnings, about 500,000 credits. I don't want to use the same three or four cars every race. Yes, it would be sensible, but when the game is about two things, collecting cars and racing them, not being able to race most of them because we're poor kind of stinks.

It would be a different matter if we got mostly highly desirable cars and could sell the ones we don't want till a later day, or if payouts more closely matched previous titles and real life. Or if some of the new street cars were more sensibly priced, and some of the used car prices weren't insane. So if some yahoo with all the time in the world still finds the slog to be a... well, slog, you can imagine people with little free time feel when GT4 and 5 were pretty okay in this regard. Not to mention, within several days, they nerf the less than extravagant payouts in a patch.

If GT7 was a brand new game we'd be in a different boat, but it's competing with its own legacy here.
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This would truly be putting the consumer first and that would be a love letter from Kaz to those loyal to his brand. Sadly, it would fly in the face of the millions (if not billions) he stands to make from microtransactions.

It's such a great idea though
Thank you.
Go make some big signs on sticks and block traffic on the highway, that'll tell 'em.
Would you accept it if your salary would be cut in half two weeks after you started a new job?

I cannot understand why people act as if this is fair......... It's all just to make more money with MTX......... But I think this will not have the effect PD was hoping for.
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This is a joke, the grind pas
t the menu books was already tedious, and now its 2x worse? They might as well delete all the legendary cars

I dont know who has time to grind 8h a day same damn race over and over just to be able to buy one car they happen to like, people have lives and GT7 isnt the only game on the market either
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But why would they care about this (online only) if the players actions after buying the game are irrelevant to them?
Because exploits bypassing game structure bypasses the need for microtransactions for the whales. Fully locked down server-side game saves don't allow that to happen, period. There's also the side benefit that it (in theory) helps keep people from mucking around in Sony's security measures for the console at large.

And the idea that game publishers don't care about player engagement is based on what exactly?
Based on the fact that Sony aren't as clueless to the situation they've gotten themselves into as you seem to be implying they must be. You think they were somehow completely caught off guard against the backlash that these things would bring? This is the third game that has had them. Sony is perfectly capable of reading the room. They saw the increasing backlash against microtransaction in big budget games and the industry moving away from pay to win ones over the past few years. They saw what happened with Forza 7, where the mere hint that the game would have microtransactions sent people into such a frothing rage that Turn 10 basically completely redesigned the career mode to take it out. They saw Microsoft going out of their way to say such mechanics would be absent from the franchise henceforth. They knew the initial backlash would be so bad that they hid most of the details regarding the implementation until after the review window was over, knowing most outlets wouldn't actually revise their reviews in a way that would effect performance metrics no matter how much they edited in to bitch about them (See: IGN's review); and that even if they did it would be after the launch hype drowned out any negative press or made any negative press irrelevant.

Then they implemented them anyway; and for good measure introduced a system similar to the one Forza 7 was attacked so strongly for. It was a calculated move where they knew that the additional income it would bring would more than drown out the people taking issue with it; not to mention that (again) this is the third game that has had them. Sony didn't care when people criticized them for it in 2013. They didn't care when people criticized them for it in 2017. Why would Sony care when people criticize them for it in 2022? Because it's even more obvious this time?

The online save thing is similar. That's been an extremely controversial issue in gaming for longer then pay-to-win microtransactions have; and games that had such a system once famously directly affected people who owned Sony consoles for a month in a situation that ultimately cost Sony hundreds of millions of dollars to clear up. It wasn't a secret to anyone, least of all Sony, the blatant anti-consumer downsides of implementing such a system into a single player game. Sony took that decade of knowledge of consumer reaction and... still had them implemented into this game, and fobbed off anybody attempting to question it when it was raised prior to release.
Drop in MTX, negative press, lesser interest in future games, loss of trust between publisher and designer etc...
A little under a decade ago PD and Sony released GT6, a game so pointless (at best) that they had to trot Kaz out to spend 6 months basically just making up things that the game "could" have put into it post launch to build hype for it (since the actual launch version of the game was worse than GT5 was to that point); then shut down the servers for a much more popular game almost immediately afterward to try and force the issue for people who were unimpressed; then shut down the servers for GT6 immediately after its sequel released and making the single defining feature for GT6 inaccessible. It also had microtransactions, and undoubtedly had the game design changed to buttress them; yet Sony took all the negative press that got them at the time and did 🤬 all to have it changed during that game's post-launch support period.

So no, I don't think PD or Sony are actually terribly concerned about any of those things you listed, so long as the reaction to them happens after the initial sales window and review embargo date and is mostly confined to people on game sites talking about them. And that's not even counting that people will come out of the woodwork to defend even the stupidest decisions regarding this franchise, as they are still doing in this case when this game launched and the scope of its design as it pertained to microtransactions specifically was present. If Sony actually is concerned about it, they've done nothing in the past decade of doing exactly the same thing to suggest as much.
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Would you accept it if your salary would be cut in half two weeks after you started a new job?

I cannot understand why people act as if this is fair......... It's all just to make more money with MTX......... But I think this will not have the effect PD was hoping for.
Obviously not mate, but it's not real money so you can't really make that comparison, it obviously doesn't hold the same value.

I don't think PD care about the MTX, it's definitely Sony that's behind this.
Everything has to be unlocked as fast as possible
It shouldn't be locked in the first place. The box says it's a driving simulator, not a car collecting simulator. Having the cars is a prerequisite for being able to play the game. Progression should be about becoming a better driver, not doing pointless chores just to be able to start playing the game by obtaining the cars.

Yes, I know GT has always had this element, but it still sucks, and it was barely an issue in GTS with the ability to just leave it running overnight doing a BMB race. GT7 was already pretty unplayable before this latest update in terms of the time you had to spend doing chores just to obtain the cars required to START playing the game properly. Making it even less playable with this latest update is just ridiculous. It's as if these companies are competing for who can exhibit the most hate towards their paying customers. I've already refrained from buying FH5 due to this kind of attitude from PG, with them refusing to address the problems of FH4, and I expect I'll never buy another GT game if PD continues with this nonsense.

Anyway, my mistake for paying attention to the YouTubers who were saying how much they love the game and how perfect it is.
Wow, I see people here talking about taking time to buy "fictional" Gr.3 and Gr.4 cars?

How about the actual cars that have fans and us players, majority, wants to play around with? Like the Ferrari 330 P4, the Porsche 917k, the Ferrari LaFerrari and then Enzo, the Carrera GT, the F50, etc, etc.

All of these cars with the former payout, would take you between 2 to 10 hours to buy for each one. For reference, there are story-games with campaigns that last 10 to 20 hours. The whole game, and the average game lasts about 30-40 hours.

Yet, you have to waste 10 hours to buy 1 car. And there are about 6-7 other magnificent and exciting cars that you want to try driving that unfortunately also take that amount of time to get, and about 30-40 other great cars that each will take 2-3 hours to get the money to buy them...

UNTIL this patch came. Now the event that gives the most money which is still the same (Fisherman's Ranch), gives you less than half of what it did before. Which means that now you need to waste twice the time to get that same car, 20 hours.

Who the hell can say this is reasonable? I wouldn't mind 20 hours of continued campaign, doing several different championships, a lot more café menus, missions, endurance races etc. But no, it's literally just doing the same race over and over again, and it's a pretty boring and crappy race as well, in the dirt, the weakest thing about Gran Turismo since... ever.

Please someone explain to me: How is this reasonable?

I don't want to get the most expensive cars in 1 hour, but there's a goddamn fine line. How about people like me who have been around since Gran Turismo 1 for PSone? We are no longer kids with tons of free time, we are now adults who have a job and wife/husband and kids, we barely have time to play the game these days but we are still the same fans of Gran Turismo we have been since day 1.

Why Polyphony even bothers to add 424 cars if most of them are not going to be used because a lot of them are crazy expensive and people won't have the time to grind for them? Might as well not even waste the resources on them right?
Exactly... Polyphone adds those cars TO BE PLAYED WITH. Each car is a new experience, for PD themselves and us, and us who play the game NEED to have a REASONABLE opportunity to DRIVE THEM ALL.

As it stands, you will not be able to drive the most historical and exciting cars unless you waste 300-400 hours just on grinding. And that's also assuming the cars are available to buy because it's literally luck of the draw until they appear in the Legendary Car dealer or even more luck of the draw to get an invite to buy the most exclusive cars in Brand Central.

I was "just", 5.4 million credits away from buying the Jaguar XJ13, but after this patch, I've just lost the motivation to continue.

And funny the Patch notes say that the events rewards were changed accordingly to the time/difficulty it takes to complete them.

But yet, a 3 minute 1lap Rally Race against one single AI car gives you 30.000 (plus the race bonus) and an over 21-22 minute race with pitstops against several AI where the leader is about 30-40 seconds ahead of you in the circuit La Sarthe only gives you a measly 70.000 credits (plus the race bonus).

That 3 minute Rally race gives you an average of 771.428 credits per hour (with the clean race bonus)
That 22 minute La Sarthe race give you an average of 286.363 credits per hour (with the clean race bonus)

Again I ask: THIS^ is reasonable?

Err... no.
I always felt some pride when I finally was able to buy a car after a lot of grinding. How is it any fun to race in like 3 short races to get enough payout to buy the super expensive cars? Exactly, it is not.
I can also remember the online events in GT6 that sometimes paid you over a million in 30 minutes. Ridiculous. What's the point in that?
Grinding has to be exactly that: A grind. It has to consume time. It has to be hard. It has to be a bit boring.
Plus, with the 20 millions cars not being worth 20 millions anymore and the XJ13 so far being an unicorn (but still with a 35% discount), I really don't see any valid reason to boycott the game in the hopes to increase the payout. Plus, we will get more events in the future that might or might not have higher payouts.
You don't even need these cars, they're optional. It's nice to have them, sure, but complaining it takes too long to purchase them because you're impatient and don't want to spend some sweat into it, I consider this lazyness.
1 million for a 30 minute seasonal race where it was tweaked to be hard race for the average player was a damn fine payout.
not to mention that you only win that 1 million ONCE, you could repeat the race again but will have no prize.

And even if you could repeat the race and win the money, you still had to do that same race about 19 more times to buy 1 car that was worth 20 million, and you still had about 5 or 6 that cost that and several others costing 10 and 15 million.
But at least it wasn't doing the same race over and over again, it updated weekly with 2 or 3 new races if I remember correctly which didn't make it boring.
20 times a race of 30 minutes, that's still 10 hours to get 1 single car. And you have the nerve to say it's ridiculous and it's too fast to get money?

A grind has to consume time. Correct
A grind has to be hard. Not necessarily, but I do appreciate if it is, I personally like a challenge.
A grind has to be a bit boring. No. That's where you are clearly wrong. If it gets boring, it stops being fun, if it stops being fun, it can no longer be called a game. Might as well be your own damn job.

It's not about needing the cars. It's them existing in the game in the first place for us, fans of those cars, to try them out.
Sadly in current times, the youngest generation don't want to wait and work for nothing. All need to be in the moment, right now, without any effort, NOW. In other way.... the tantrum begins. Is a western world phenomena. A spoiled generations habituated to demand demand, demand.
Some of us are adults who have children of our own. In addition to careers and other obligations. We'd much rather not have the earning potential in a series we love artificially nerfed to further line their pockets.
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1000% agree with you man

Sadly in current times, the youngest generation don't want to wait and work for nothing. All need to be in the moment, right now, without any effort, NOW. In other way.... the tantrum begins. Is a western world phenomena. A spoiled generations habituated to demand demand, demand.
That is the reality in a modern world and I think that is the reason why the new generations are so unhappy, empty and without objetives. They don't realize that the interesting and the most enjoyable part of life is on the way, not in the finish line.

What we need to do in the game to have the credits to buy cars? PLAY. We are not buying a game console to PLAY? They are not asking to carry sand bags under the sun, or wash dishes 10 hours per day, 6 times a week. Just PLAY
We are not buying a console to PLAY?

In 2017 I moved from Gran Turismo to Forza Motorsport because I really like the car catalog and I was not very happy with the Gran Turismo Sport concept. I started to play the 6 and the game pays millions for only 3 races. What's happened? In the first 10 days I already had all the cars what I want and I lose interest and motivation to play it agan.
I use the game for just 3-4 weeks and after that I didn't touch it anymore.
Oh my, not this again. No-one is asking for instant gratification. They are asking for a reasonable rate of progression. Maybe you buy a game expecting to be unable to access content without hundreds of hours of play, but a lot of people don't. That's not being an "entitled generation" that's being a reasonable consumer. I've been playing games since the Commodore64 and never come across any racing game that requires as much grind as this - especially considering the lack of events. I would not be surprised if the vast majority of players never get to drive, let alone own, some of the more expensive cars if things stay the way they are - and I find that kind of sad tbh, especially considering the detail and effort that have gone into them.

And as someone else said, ironically a lot of us are older and now have families. I can spare maybe 6hrs a week max to grind GT - and that's only if I don't want to play anything else.
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I have come to find out if you play as intended you are either gifted the cars you want or earn enough money to buy them

Further more if you arent patient enough to purchase the faster race cars then you probably shouldnt be playing as you are likely the type who dive bomb ever turn and take people out.
If we don't boycott this game until they change the prize money they will continue to rip us off. One week guys that's all it would take.
If people were generally serious then I would happily not play the game for a period of time but this would never happen.
What everyone should do thou is get on social media and tweet @thegranturismo and voice your concerns. If enough people let the devs know that you aren't happy then the game and the devs will be forced to change it or it could damage their reputation.
A grind has to consume time. Correct
A grind has to be hard. Not necessarily, but I do appreciate if it is, I personally like a challenge.
A grind has to be a bit boring. No. That's where you are clearly wrong. If it gets boring, it stops being fun, if it stops being fun, it can no longer be called a game. Might as well be your own damn job.
I can't relate to that because I never considered my job boring. As well as I don't consider grinding too boring.
Then I reckon it is on you to change the tactics and bring some variety in it to not make it boring.
In summary, complaining about grinding still is an absolute first world problem to me and I'm too patient and too relaxed to be angry about such stuff.
It's not about needing the cars. It's them existing in the game in the first place for us, fans of those cars, to try them out.
Let's compare it to a different game: Project CARS. Every car and track is available there from the beginning. This ultimately made me stop caring about the career mode because I had no progression. There was no way to unlock anything. There was no goal. There was nothing to work upon. Which, in the end, made the game boring for me, so I stopped playing it and never touched it again.
A game is not fun when there is no goal to work upon, I personally need these goals to keep me motivated.
I can't relate to that because I never considered my job boring. As well as I don't consider grinding too boring.
Then I reckon it is on you to change the tactics and bring some variety in it to not make it boring.
In summary, complaining about grinding still is an absolute first world problem to me and I'm too patient and too relaxed to be angry about such stuff.

Let's compare it to a different game: Project CARS. Every car and track is available there from the beginning. This ultimately made me stop caring about the career mode because I had no progression. There was no way to unlock anything. There was no goal. There was nothing to work upon. Which, in the end, made the game boring for me, so I stopped playing it and never touched it again.
A game is not fun when there is no goal to work upon, I personally need these goals to keep me motivated.
I agree with you in regards to requiring a goal to grind for. That being said, have you calculated the amount of in game time you would need to spend to accomplish the goals that you currently have??
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I agree with you. That being said, have you calculated the amount of in game time you would need to spend to accomplish the goals that you currently have??
I haven't calculated that yet, but I reckon it will be a very long time. I needed about 3 years and a lot of time beating Hamilton's times to collect all cars (except the Audi R18 TDI '11 Le Mans which I was not lucky enough to get as a daily prize car). Which I don't mind too much. League racing will be no thing for a while, so I don't need to buy cars asap. And I have played GT Sport for 4.5 years, I won't switch my main game so soon. I guess I will need slightly less time in GT7 as I'm more aware about what to get.
We need to wait for future updates, I'm sure the payout will get better in the future. Games nowadays are more of a service than a game and seldomly release in its complete state.
There was absolutely no reason to nerf race payouts other than pushing players towards buying microtransactions and no amount of convincing is going to make me think otherwise. While I absolutely love GT7's core gameplay and I love learning its physics bit by bit, the grind was already bad enough. This is a slap in the face based on the "they'll but it anyway" mindset.

Presence of mtx in GT6 was already extremely concerning but this time around PoDi and Sony aren't even trying to pretend they respect my time and money. I'm far from defending how video games are monetized these days but at least in GTSport we could buy individual cars, mostly for very reasonable money at that.

This is just outright indefensible. Period.
Let's compare it to a different game: Project CARS. Every car and track is available there from the beginning. This ultimately made me stop caring about the career mode because I had no progression. There was no way to unlock anything. There was no goal. There was nothing to work upon. Which, in the end, made the game boring for me, so I stopped playing it and never touched it again.
A game is not fun when there is no goal to work upon, I personally need these goals to keep me motivated.
PCars had career goals. It wasn't tied to tracks/cars being unlocked, but it had goals. Each to their own of course, but there was certainly a type of progression to be had in PCars career mode. Obviously it just wasn't for you.
While this is painfully true, it's not quite the same thing. I'm an early retiree and I've basically been doing almost nothing but play GT7 all day. And I'm still impoverished because everything is crazy expensive, except the Gr3 and 4 car prices are the same. I wasn't paying attention and just buying one car and race tuning it killed my earnings, about 500,000 credits. I don't want to use the same three or four cars every race. Yes, it would be sensible, but when the game is about two things, collecting cars and racing them, not being able to race most of them because we're poor kind of stinks.

It would be a different matter if we got mostly highly desirable cars and could sell the ones we don't want till a later day, or if payouts more closely matched previous titles and real life. Or if some of the new street cars were more sensibly priced, and some of the used car prices weren't insane. So if some yahoo with all the time in the world still finds the slog to be a... well, slog, you can imagine people with little free time feel when GT4 and 5 were pretty okay in this regard. Not to mention, within several days, they nerf the less than extravagant payouts in a patch.

If GT7 was a brand new game we'd be in a different boat, but it's competing with its own legacy here.
It's true, things in this game are much more expensive than other ones. I been playing for 5 days now and I have a descent collection. Nothing crazy expensive, but two porsches and a Ferrari Tributo. But we have years in front of us to make a great collection of cars and tunning parts. The game is brand new. Actually I'm happy with the earning curve of the game.
In the GT7 the miura and the Jaguar XJ113 was crazy expensive too. If I'm not wrong 20 milliones. Take me almost a year buy one of that ones but was a great achievment. Feel like when you finish the Super Mario in the 90's (When we cant save the game)
I'm playing another game called Call Of The Wild. Is a hunting game. Things there are even more expensive than GT7. Another year to buy a Nitro Express 470, but the way to get there was very enjoyable.

Cheers man, enjoy the driving
You don't need to organise a boycott. People will just naturally stop playing the game pretty quickly if they leave it in this state.

You think the casual millions are going to spend months on this game grinding credits to buy a few cars? No, they'll just move on to another game, maybe that apparently terrible one that just gives people cars as a reward for doing things in game. So they can have fun, driving the cars they want.
I can't relate to that because I never considered my job boring. As well as I don't consider grinding too boring.
Then I reckon it is on you to change the tactics and bring some variety in it to not make it boring.
In summary, complaining about grinding still is an absolute first world problem to me and I'm too patient and too relaxed to be angry about such stuff.

Let's compare it to a different game: Project CARS. Every car and track is available there from the beginning. This ultimately made me stop caring about the career mode because I had no progression. There was no way to unlock anything. There was no goal. There was nothing to work upon. Which, in the end, made the game boring for me, so I stopped playing it and never touched it again.
A game is not fun when there is no goal to work upon, I personally need these goals to keep me motivated.
You can't bring variety. Unless you plan to spend hundreds if not thousands of hours grinding on this game to get the cars you want.

You have a good thing like custom races, or even the sport races against actual players who are on your level or above you to make racing more fun. But what do they pay you?
5.000 credits for a win after like 10 minutes?
Yeah, good luck buying the legendary cars at that rate mate.

You seem to be completely oblivious to the fine line that can exist in grinding. There's 0 and then there's 100... This is you basically who so far only made comparisons with extreme ends of the spectrum. What you don't realize is that there's numbers between 0 and 100.

Of course I don't want this to be like Project Cars where you have everything unlocked from the start. Where did I even stated that I wanted everything from the start? In fact, NAME ONE PERSON in this thread or any other who demanded everything to be unlocked from the start. No one is asking for this.

Instead of making one of the legendary cars available only after 20 hours of grinding ONE single race over and over, why not add a championship with 10 difference races and with lots of laps on each one of them that takes also many hours to complete, and you get one of the legendary cars as a prize car for winning it? Isn't this much better and far... faaaar less boring?

In fact just look at Gran Turismo 4. You have a Championship which is basically simulating a real life F1 season. It had 15 races, each one of them was pretty much the distance of a real life F1 race (over 300km each) which obviously was a huge championship that would take you over 24 hours to finish. After winning every single race race and the championship, you were rewarded with 4.5 million credits, which was enough to buy any of the most expensive cars of that game (4.5 million) and you got a prize car that was also one of the most expensive cars in the game (the Sauber C9 Mercedes, arguably the 2nd best car in the game after the Formula Gran Turismo which was the car you needed for this championship).
THIS^ is "grinding" done right and rewards you well. THIS is the balance that is needed.

Oh and before doing this championship, you had to do a 24 hour endurance race to win the Formula Gran Turismo itself. Which again, shows you a great balance of grinding, you did a whole 24 hour race and got well rewarded for it.

Or how about instead of making you do the same race over and over for 20 hours, why not about 6-7 hours of that same race? 6-7 hours for most of us who have a job is about 2, 3 or even 4 day sessions, that looks pretty damn reasonable. Especially since you have limited time to get that legendary car as it can go out of stock any time soon.

Or how about 20 hours of different races who give you the same payout? This is still ridiculous but at least there's variety that doesn't cost you massively in terms of time/credits ratio.

Dude... You seriously have no idea on the ridiculous level of grinding we are talking about here.

I'll actually make a thread about it... as soon as the goddamn servers are online and I can play to check the prices of the damn cars for once... Another big negative aspect of this game.
I'm not going to boycott, buy microtransaction or grind.
Just play the game, enjoy it and buy what ever I can buy.
I have around 100 cars already just from completing the missions and buying some.
Of course it will take longer now to get the rest but it's a game designed to be played for a few years not just 2 weeks unlock all cars and be done.
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Let's compare it to a different game: Project CARS. Every car and track is available there from the beginning. This ultimately made me stop caring about the career mode because I had no progression. There was no way to unlock anything. There was no goal. There was nothing to work upon. Which, in the end, made the game boring for me, so I stopped playing it and never touched it again.
A game is not fun when there is no goal to work upon, I personally need these goals to keep me motivated.
The goal in a racing game is to win races and have fun doing it. If the racing part itself isn't fun to you and you need a dangled carrot to keep playing, why are you even playing racing games?

Boycott Command here. Have we synchronized our watches yet?

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