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  • Thread starter rolo912011

Which car should be used for the one-make cup?

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Hi, I like what I am seeing here.

i would like to put myself and my brother down to race as a team.
We will like to use the last two infiniti G35's.

P1K3Y_M1K3Y / P1K3Y_M1K3Y / BMW 330i '05 / 1066 Racing
JordanDaly/ Dj_Repetition / BMW 330i '05 / 1066 Racing

We would like to paint our cars in silver chrome with red wheels (as you may recognise from the drink can) although i was thinking of having one with a carbon bonnet and one without if this would be ok? if not we will figure something out.
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Hi, I like what I am seeing here.

i would like to put myself and my brother down to race as a team.
We will like to use the last two infiniti G35's.

P1K3Y_M1K3Y / P1K3Y_M1K3Y / Infiniti G35 '03 / Infiniti euro shopper energy drink racing
Dj_Repetition / no GTP tag / Infiniti G35 '03 / Infiniti euro shopper energy drink racing

We would like to paint our cars in silver chrome with red wheels (as you may recognise from the drink can) although i was thinking of having one with a carbon bonnet and one without if this would be ok? if not we will figure something out.

OK sure 👍

You can't have a carbon bonnet on the car though as it's a Standard, not Premium.

If you could get your brother to sign up on GTP that would help a lot.
OK great thank you i will have a look at what we can do for a colour scheme and no probs I will tell him to get signed up :)
I would like to change our car choice if thats ok.

i would like to take the ford focus st170's if they are still avaliable
yea i didn't look properly so we stay as we are for now. If we do want to change our mind, when is the latest we can do this? As really we could do with seeing what cars we got between us and finding what works best for us.
yea i didn't look properly so we stay as we are for now. If we do want to change our mind, when is the latest we can do this? As really we could do with seeing what cars we got between us and finding what works best for us.

As long as there is the freedom to change, then you can change as often as you like until the day of the first round (say midnight on 25th).
Been testing some cars...

My findings so far

The axela is awful and has no speed on straights

The g35 is very fun to race and should be able to top the Bmw

The srt is a probable champ winner on the rights hands and probably faster than alfa

This is my impressiond after tuning and racing the cars for a couple of hours each on grand Valley full track. (I use that track to test since it has all kinds of turns, hills and a long Straight).

What are your findings guys?
The SRT4 and G35/350GT are my two major concerns really. I feel I might have to increase the weight for both, depending on the results of tests.

The Axela is on par with the rest for me. Gotta drive it right.
Ok thanks, problem is i thought my brother had a g35 but its the wrong one lol. I have sent you a friend request so any chance you could send me one? Also my brother is signed up for gtp as JordanDaly.
I'll be driving the Alfa for this season Rolo. I've tested it and it's about on par with the Ford and my old VW. I didn't like the Nissan much, but to be honest I don't think the rear wheel drive suits my driving style, it was quick though.

I may have a friend that can join me this season, although he currently has blu-ray issues so I hope that he can get it fixed soon. If he can come on board we will probably team up. :)

Has anyone done any runs on Suzuka yet? Its not one of my strongest tracks but I'll be giving it a try in the next day or so once I've found a base tune for the Alfa.
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Well, HSR is almost ready now (we're in the final discussions for Drivers - and I can confirm that Andy will be driving for us next Season).

All that's left to do now is determinate the positions of the Drivers...
I'll be driving the Alfa for this season Rolo. I've tested it and it's about on par with the Ford and my old VW. I didn't like the Nissan much, but to be honest I don't think the rear wheel drive suits my driving style, it was quick though.

I may have a friend that can join me this season, although he currently has blu-ray issues so I hope that he can get it fixed soon. If he can come on board we will probably team up. :)

OK I'll note that.

Is that canyondrifter? Can you give me some updates on this? I've got a friend request on PSN from him saying he's with you, but I'm not up to speed with it or what you're planning. Is he a GTP member?

Well, HSR is almost ready now (we're in the final discussions for Drivers - and I can confirm that Andy will be driving for us next Season).

All that's left to do now is determinate the positions of the Drivers...

OK well he needs to message me/re-add me on PSN then so he can sign up and I can get his car selection off him. He won't be driving until he signs up with me.

Tough call on the team front, Andy and mo would both more than deserve a place in your 'A' team alongside you.
OK I'll note that.

Is that canyondrifter? Can you give me some updates on this? I've got a friend request on PSN from him saying he's with you, but I'm not up to speed with it or what you're planning. Is he a GTP member?
Yes, that's him. He isn't a GTP member yet (as far as I'm aware).

We are trying to get around his PS3 issues. His Blu-Ray went on the blink and he has to borrow his sons PS3, which isn't as easy as it sounds. Haha. I'm slowly persuading him to join in, he's a good driver and we have done a little testing in the past, using the BTCC regs. :)

EDIT// If he can join in we will team up. I will update you when I find out more myself.
Is the test race gonna be at a calendar or non-calendar track?

Non-calendar. I'll have a look now at some tracks.

Just one, or three? How many races do you all want to do?

What about Fuji F, Trial Mountain and Deep Forest?

Yes, that's him. He isn't a GTP member yet (as far as I'm aware).

We are trying to get around his PS3 issues. His Blu-Ray went on the blink and he has to borrow his sons PS3, which isn't as easy as it sounds. Haha. I'm slowly persuading him to join in, he's a good driver and we have done a little testing in the past, using the BTCC regs. :)

OK well if he could sign up here that would be a great help.

Is it worth me putting him down on the list then?


Strawman__Andy has signed up in a Ford. Ford now full.
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I'm working on him Rolo.....he's going to sign up to GTP. Still needs to negotiate access to his sons PS3 on race days though. :lol:

Don't add him just yet until we know for sure. If he does join the btcc, I imagine that we shall team up.
I'm working on him Rolo.....he's going to sign up to GTP. Still needs to negotiate access to his sons PS3 on race days though. :lol:

Don't add him just yet until we know for sure. If he does join the btcc, I imagine that we shall team up.

hello rolo im interested in joining you guys for some good close and clean racing

Right OK got it 👍 Let me know when you know.


The Mazda could well get 50kg off. If someone could run it on Thursday that would be a fantastic help.

I'm pleased to announce that canyondrifter and myself will be team mates for this season. We will be racing in Alfa's :D

Team name is currently unknown....we're working on it.
Since the fords are now full i will test the mazda and dodge

Just realised i dont have the mazda so scrap that plan