BTCC Online Championship

  • Thread starter Geeky30
Volvo i choose you! :D


And this is me, the driver

Hi everyone, I was told about this and would like to take part.

My PSN: why_pube

I will be using a 330i and drive for Ebay motors, thanks guys! :)
BMW and Ford Focus seems to be overnumbered? Limiting, Geeky? I have to say that if this turns into a kind of Ford vs. BMW Series it's gonna lose it's shine
And a Volvo. :P

Might be nice to see a bit more variety but it doesn't detract from it that much for me.

Good to see the first 2-car team though... talking of which, Redstone team-mate anyone? :D

Entry list really needs updating.
i think we said all allowed but no turbo bigger than lv1, right?

OK, then I guess my BMW is about ready to race, is as easy as that because it can't get turbo :)
Color: Red
Rims: BBS LM (I think that's what its new rims are called) in White
Aero: 2nd style spoiler
Will post picture when I get a decent shot
remember the Hp limit!

I have;) also bought all the sports tyres available

So, will we have event 1 this Friday or will we maybe have a test?
I was planning the race to be next friday, but I am happy to move it, or we can have a test this friday?
Whats peoples opinion? :)
Then, if we make a few Races with the cars, we can make a promovid to put on YouTube or Facebook or whatever to gain more interest
Me and nazzamazza will both switch from using BMW's to using Honda Civics. Our new team will be Honda Racing.
I am not going to be able to contest the entire series, so if you like put me down as a Privateer. (In mi Bimmer of course!)

Wholly Sheet Racing
let my poor volvo be! :D you mean i won't have a tem-mate? ;)

if you guys are around later today add me and let's have a couple laps! ;)