Just a reminder to the newcomers, if there are any incidents during the races whereby you feel that someone gained an unfair advantage or an accident that wasn't your fault, please report it to the stewards either on GTPlanet via a PM or send a message on the PSN. We need to know which race it was in, the lap number and your version of events and we will then review it.
Discussing incidents within the chat box during racing is frowned upon, we don't want to see dirty laundry being aired.

The stewards are Rolo, Skengdigi, Canyondrifter and myself.
Hopefully there won't be any incidents tonight, we all want a good clean race and I hope that everyone drives safely.
If a race is in progress and you are not taking part, please don't use the chat box, it can put drivers off and cause incidents. It's rare, but in the past people have had an accident or disconnected and then started to type messages in the chat and it distracts those that are still on track. Thanks.
I hope that everyone has a great race, especially the PAR drivers.

See you out on the track.