Bugatti thread.

All I can say is that if the Buggatti's are in I hope they drive better than they do in Forza 3, especially the Veyron that thing is a sled in FM3. Fast but no handling at all.

The Veyron drove well in NFS shift, if felt like it was ripping of asphalt as it went into a corner.

I know, shame on me for having NFS Shift :( .
It would be nice to see some post war racing cars


Only post 1st WW :)

I'm glad its not just me who'd like to see some real Bugattis, this and maybe a type 57sc, hopefully to race against and Alfa 8C 2900:tup:
I'm excited to drive the Veyron, I'd love the Veyron Grand Sport, but I'd also really love to get my hands on the Galiber concept. Luxury has never been so sexy.
Yes it's in.

It will probally be named "Volkswagen Bugatti Veyron"

But on past GT's the tuning companys in this case "Bugatti" have always been after the manufactures.
I thought they were dreadful in Shift, but then I tried the Nord race with 15 others bashing me about and once you got knocked off the track, I just couldn't get it back on and spent about five corners bashing about, like the stampede scene in the modern King Kong film.

It does understeer a lot in FM3, I agree there.
Yes it's in.

It will probally be named "Volkswagen Bugatti Veyron"

But on past GT's the tuning companys in this case "Bugatti" have always been after the manufactures.

How can you call Bugatti a tuning company? It's an independent brand owned by VW.
Look at the end of this video:

As you can see the manufacturer's are in alphabetical order and the only B starting name is BMW... IMHO there's no bugatti in the game, who knows maybe it's like porsche that is an EA/microsoft exclusive

Prize cars have not yet been seen in the menus, therefore I think all prize cars are left out, and the veyron is a prize car
It could be a prize car or it could just be one of the cars/manufacturers that opens up as your level increases. I'm suprised no many people have mentioned the text where it says the number of cars available for this manufacturer at the current level. If a manufacturer has no cars available at that level then it might just be that the manufacturer itself doesn't show up until you've reached a level where at least one cars is available.
Really dissapointed we even dont know if the normal Veyron will be in it, Let alone the Super Sport.

I just wont be happy with the standard Veyron anymore, the super sport is so much faster, and I dont just mean top speed.
Epsecially after I knew there would be elements of top gear in gt5 and when the SUper sport reached and is still keeping the fastest car on top gear i thought it would be in gt5 for sure :S
Personally, I believe it is good because now we have a car to which all cars can be compared. It is the fastest production car, so it gives us a great chance to test all of the others cars against it. From there, you can make adjustments. Let it be the constant in this experiment of vehicular madness!

You forgot an R.
The Veyron drove well in NFS shift, if felt like it was ripping of asphalt as it went into a corner.

I know, shame on me for having NFS Shift :( .
I guess that is a matter of opinion. IMO nothing drives well in Shift.
honestly guys.. i cba to read through 555 posts to find out wether or not any of you know if theres the bugatti supersport in the game? or only the "standard" veyron? :) (and the grandsport?)
I'm suprised no many people have mentioned the text where it says the number of cars available for this manufacturer at the current level. If a manufacturer has no cars available at that level then it might just be that the manufacturer itself doesn't show up until you've reached a level where at least one cars is available.

I don't think this is the case. One of the videos in youtube clearly shows a manufacturer on that list with 0 cars available at this level.

I can imagine it being a prize car though.
I don't think this is the case. One of the videos in youtube clearly shows a manufacturer on that list with 0 cars available at this level.

I can imagine it being a prize car though.

Does it really? I saw that clip the other day and it was ambigous to me.

It said something like "Cars available from this manufacturer at your current level 0"

It did not say "Cars available from this manufacturer at your current level :0"
Nor did it say "0 cars available from this manufacturer at your current level"

Could it be that this means There are cars available from this manufacturer at your current level which happens to be level 0? If I remember correctly the same video showed the players A-Spec level = 0.

So maybe this has been missunderstood and if so could explain why some manufacturers are not shown on the screen. Also some may be locked until the player reaches a certian level or wins a certian event.

Edit: As for standard or premium I am under the impression that all newly added cars will be premium and most cars added from older versions such as GT4 will be standards.
If they added the Mclaren mp4-12c and the Lexus LFA.... (2 very recent exotic sports cars) they will have added the Veyron and the SS Version too, don't worry.

Unless they are holding them over until GT6.... MAYBE they would hold over the super sport if anything

But the chances of the Veyron being a standard car are virtually zero.
If they added the Mclaren mp4-12c and the Lexus LFA.... (2 very recent exotic sports cars) they will have added the Veyron and the SS Version too, don't worry.

Unless they are holding them over until GT6.... MAYBE they would hold over the super sport if anything
They aren't. The Veyron was seen months ago in the postcards for GT PSP. The MP4 & LF-A were recently shown in the TG Article.
Well if people who currently have their copy of GT5 try to transfer their save from GTPSP, then they can access the Veyron in Arcade mode. The thing is that not all cars from GTPSP will be standard cars in GT5, at least the Ferrari Enzo and F2007 are not, and I don't believe PD will include any standard model for the Ferrari. Once we have someone transferring the save from GTPSP to GT5, then we'll have the answer.
Well if people who currently have their copy of GT5 try to transfer their save from GTPSP, then they can access the Veyron in Arcade mode. The thing is that not all cars from GTPSP will be standard cars in GT5, at least the Ferrari Enzo and F2007 are not, and I don't believe PD will include any standard model for the Ferrari. Once we have someone transferring the save from GTPSP to GT5, then we'll have the answer.

Dont tell me you need to play the PSP version to get the veyron in gt5?
I still think the Veyron will be a Standard car. Just like the Countach. Both were new to GT PSP. And we already know the the Countach is only availavle as Standard in GT5.