• Thread starter BrandonW77
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I thought Tuesday's race was going to be earlier. If it starts at the same time I'm not gonna be able to race this season.

Tuesday was going to be a double-header, moving Saturday's 3PM race to 6PM EDT. However this would have meant that the race was at 11pm UK time, even later for those on central European time. This was deemed too late for us Europeans, at whom this race was aimed. So that idea was abandoned.
For anybody wanting to participate in tonight's preseason race at Tsukuba that hasn't run with us before, here's a quick rundown of how things will go. Don't let the big blocks of text in the OP's frighten you, it's nothing complicated.

My lounge (BrandonW77 on PSN) will open at 7pm EDT (GMT-4) and there will be an open practice/tuning session for about an hour. At 8:15pm EDT (GMT-4) I will clear the track and we will begin our qualifying session. If there are 9 or fewer people we will qualify as 1 group for 12 minutes, if there are 10 or more I will divide the room into 2 groups (to avoid traffic) and each group will get 8 minutes to qualify. It is asked that everyone use common courtesy, leave plenty of room between yourself and other cars and allow faster cars to pass you if you're not on a fast lap. The 1st race will begin as soon as qualifying is finished and the 2nd race will start with a reverse grid immediately after the 1st race finishes.

For those who may be worried about inconsistencies with qualifying times, there's no need to be concerned. We have done extensive testing and checking of exactly how GT5 handles the qualifying times and the results show that the game always remembers the drivers correct fastest times, it just doesn't always display them properly on the leaderboard on the right side of the screen (when on track). Drivers are free to go back to the lounge after their group has qualified, no need to stay in the pits. I do record the results of each qualifying session and notify the room of who the top 5 starters should be and in 2 seasons we've never had it go wrong. 👍

Hope to see some old and some new faces tonight!
I'll give this another try

#56 IforceV8 GSX-R yellow/silver
Um... hells yeah!

#21 BrosifDuder (BrosifDuder): Capri Blau / Passionate Pink *Tuesday*

Awesome. You've been registered! Preseason races this week in case you need to get the dust off your Cappy. I think it's been in sitting in your garage for too long. :)
Looks like Tuesday is going to be very competitive....again!

For those of you that haven't raced much before, one thing that has really helped me is setting my map scale to 2. With that setting, you can see all the cars around you at a glance, you can tell if they are drafting for a pass etc., without having to look back or to the side and take your eyes off the road in front.

Another advantage is that once someone is off the screen on map scale 2, they are out of the draft as the distance is about 1 second, the same as the distance the draft kicks in. So once they are off the map screen you don't have to worry about them catching you in the draft, although it's possible someone can bump draft back into position so keep an eye on it once in a while just to be safe.
Very nice to see lots of new names here as well as a lot of old familiar names.
Anyone know whatever became of Snoopy? At least he lives on in my avatar!
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Very nice to see lots of new names here as well as a lot of old familiar names.
Anyone know whatever became of Snoopy? At least he lives on in my avatar!

I see him on PSN every now and then but haven't seen him on GTP or in a Capp Cup room for a while. I am wearing a Bobba Fett t-shirt today though, I'll say it's in honor of SnoopyKuan. :lol:
For those of you that haven't raced much before, one thing that has really helped me is setting my map scale to 2.
However, DO NOT try to set it to 2 by going into the menu during countdown for the race. Not enough time ;)
how come im not on the list of drivers? :(

You're on there, right in the middle. :)

If you're not on the Driver's list but have registered, don't think it means I've excluded you or anything. I've just been busy with the rest of the thread (and work) and haven't gotten around to it.
If you don't see your name just send me a reminder and I'll get you updated.
However, DO NOT try to set it to 2 by going into the menu during countdown for the race. Not enough time ;)

And don't keep your beer right next to your keyboard. :lol:
And don't keep your beer right next to your keyboard. :lol:

The only safe place for beer (while playing GT5) is in your stomach!
But not while doing a 2 hour endurance race unless you have a cast iron bladder.
The only safe place for beer (while playing GT5) is in your stomach!
But not while doing a 2 hour endurance race unless you have a cast iron bladder.

Or can get to and from a pee break during a pit stop.

Edit: Anyone else get annoyed on tracks with short straights because they cant grab a swig of beer before they hit that first corner?
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What do you guys say about starting the Tuesday qualifying at 7:45 EDT to start racing @ 8?
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Well there was an incident early last season where dmanaenk was coming around on the last lap to take 1st or 2nd place and all of a sudden he pulled to the side and like 5 or 6 people went past him before he started going again and finished a ways down the field. Everyone was like "WTF was that all about??" Afterwards he explained that he had knocked his beer over, right on to his keyboard!

Then there was a time he tried to change his map scale during a countdown, we all went green and his car was just sitting there on the grid.

And another time he was at the front of the field and suddenly started slowing down in the middle of a straightaway, the whole field went past presuming there had been another beer incident. Turned out his brake pedal was stuck, but I seem to remember him recovering fairly well...........drafting pass me by a tenth of a second to cross the finish line and take away my podium.

He may not have won the Championship last season but he for sure had the most INTERESTING season!! And even after all that he finished 3rd in the points! (and whooped my butt a couple times) :lol:
What do you guys say about starting the Tuesday qualifying at 7:45 EDT to start racing @ 8?

This would be absolutely amazing.

EDIT: It would still be much better.
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What do you guys say about starting the Tuesday qualifying at 4:45 EDT to start racing @ 5?

I think you mean 4:45 PDT / 7:45 EDT. I wouldn't normally ask but Wardez is our current Champ and has been very helpful and influential in the success of this league and I (and others I'm sure) would like for him to be able to race with us this season. So would anybody have any conflicts or objections to moving the start time of Tuesday's race up by 30 minutes to 7:45pm EDT from 8:15pm EDT (GMT-4)?
Well then, if 7:45 EDT works then how about giving ourselves a little breathing room in between heats and such and just starting @ 7:30 EDT?
I'm open for time change and want Wardez in our series. So it gets my vote.
I'm ok with the time change on Tuesdays. Does that mean tonight we're starting earlier or are we still on the original schedule? I'd recommend sticking with the original schedule in case some guys that intend to race tonight don't read this thread before they show up.

Word of warning - there's a system update today. Only takes a few minutes but you'll have to get it done before you go online so try to fire up the PS3 about 10 minutes early.
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I'm ok with the time change on Tuesdays. Does that mean tonight we're starting earlier or are we still on the original schedule? I'd recommend sticking with the original schedule in case some guys that intend to race tonight don't read this thread before they show up.

Yeah, we're going to stick to the original schedule of 8:15 for tonight because it's too short of notice and it's not for points. We will get more feedback over the next day or two and the. Make a decision by Friday.

And......for the first time in the new thread.......The Caffeine Lounge is now open for pre-race practice! Qualifying will start at 8:15pm EDT as originally scheduled and the race should start at approx. 8:30pm.

If you haven't done so, send me ( BrandonW77 ) a friend request on PSN and bring your Capp on out to Tsukuba!
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No problems. I'm gonna head to work early today anyway to grab some early lunch.

Oh and btw Stigs, you should get rid of the asteriks around the thread title as the mods will come in and get rid of it anyway.

I mean, you could leave it up if you wanted to have a bit of extra spotlight until the mods do it, but yeah. All yours.

Cheers guys, have a good one.
8:15 is much better for me (kids usually go to bed around 7:30).

Doing the system update, the I'll be in soon :-)
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