• Thread starter BrandonW77
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Just a reminder, let me know your opinion about moving the Tuesday race start time 30 minutes earlier. So far it seems that most people will be ok with an earlier starting time but I've only gotten feedback from a handful and I don't want to put it out of reach for too many people.

I will try to get a poll up for the Tuesday starting time but until I do I'll probably just drop a reminder in here to make sure everyone sees it.
I'm going to open my lounge tomorrow night (Thursday) for some free practise.
Should be online about 7:45 UK time if anyone wants to join me.
Thanks guys. I'll try to keep all of this in mind. I'll do some laps at Tsukuba to see if I can get somewhere around 1:02-04.
Just the transmission, but most of the time I leave that alone too since the tracks we're running are sort of similar with top speed.

Once you get used to either of the tunes that's posted in the OP then you'd probably be good keeping it the same through out the season.

I never changed my set up once through out the whole of season 2. I think I messed with transmission settings for Clubman, but that's it.
Thanks guys. I'll try to keep all of this in mind. I'll do some laps at Tsukuba to see if I can get somewhere around 1:02-04.

Do you have the replays from the races on Tuesday? If so, it's worth watching them back. Select a driver who was a wee bit faster than you and watch their lines in the corners, the braking points and when they get on the throttle. Also note their entry and exit speeds.

Also from race to race, what changes to the car do you make?

Transmission is one thing I change most often. Adjusting for top speed is important, but with this car individual gearing can make a lot of difference.

If you are new to this car, don't worry too much about the setup: Concentrate on driving as smoothly as possible and, as others have said, keep the momentum up. If you take too much speed off, it takes a while to put it back on. Use the pre seasonal races as much as you can to practise and don't worry about your race finishes. You'll learn so much from watching and following others around the track. It can be disheartening sometimes but take heart from the little improvements and stick with it: I was awful when I joined this series, but I can now run in the midfield and put up some resistance and that for me is really what this is all about. You've joined the right crowd as everyone is friendly and will help each other as much as possible.
On trans be sure the car can take off fast. I have moved first up tightening gears to keep car in revs. Killed my take off and lost several spots before. These car need some gear to move. No TQ.
I have a master setup for the transmission that I will be adding to the Tuning section. It's sets the ratios and then all you is adjust the Final Drive ratio to get the top speed you need for different tracks. I run it on my Capp and like it a lot. Should get it up in some form later tonight or tomorrow.
I was just checking out your videos. Good stuff 👍. I do disagree somewhat with your view on kerb cutting, however. Being an F1 fan, I prefer to abide by the rules that two wheels must remain on track, and unless otherwise noted, the kerbing is considered part of the track. To designate an area where they don't want drivers cutting the corner, the FIA has the tracks install the steeper red and white rumble strips which no sane driver would want to cut as it horribly upsets the balance of the car. All other curbing is typically white or green and white.

That would mean in your video, the section showing "bad kerb cutting" would actually also be "good kerb cutting". :sly:

Edit: On another note, where did you get the two recommended tunes from?
I was just checking out your videos. Good stuff 👍. I do disagree somewhat with your view on kerb cutting, however. Being an F1 fan, I prefer to abide by the rules that two wheels must remain on track, and unless otherwise noted, the kerbing is considered part of the track. To designate an area where they don't want drivers cutting the corner, the FIA has the tracks install the steeper red and white rumble strips which no sane driver would want to cut as it horribly upsets the balance of the car. All other curbing is typically white or green and white.

That would mean in your video, the section showing "bad kerb cutting" would actually also be "good kerb cutting". :sly:

I guess I don't follow, I thought that's what I was illustrating in the video. 2 wheels on the kerb and 2 wheels on the road is good but 2 wheels on the kerb and 2 in the grass is bad.

The videos are just meant to be general guidelines, basically as long as what you're doing looks somewhat like what we see in the videos than I don't think we'll have any problems. It's also really hard to be pinpoint accurate when trying to illustrate a point with this skinny little car, I had to use the best footage from the 6 or 7 shots I took. Lol
I guess I don't follow, I thought that's what I was illustrating in the video. 2 wheels on the kerb and 2 wheels on the road is good but 2 wheels on the kerb and 2 in the grass is bad.

The videos are just meant to be general guidelines, basically as long as what you're doing looks somewhat like what we see in the videos than I don't think we'll have any problems. It's also really hard to be pinpoint accurate when trying to illustrate a point with this skinny little car, I had to use the best footage from the 6 or 7 shots I took. Lol

What I was getting at is the FIA deems 2 wheels on the kerb and 2 wheels on the grass as ok.
Just a side note on the transmission set up. You need to set up first gear specifically to get a good launch. Set it to high (left on the slider) and you'll bog down and lose speed. Set it to too low a gear (right on the slider) and you'll have too much wheelspin and again lose speed. You'll have to experiment a bit with it to get what works best for you.
What I was getting at is the FIA deems 2 wheels on the kerb and 2 wheels on the grass as ok.

I decided to check out the 2011 F1 rules, in case someone wanted me to back up this statement and realised I made an error. The white lines are considered part of the track, but not the kerbs. Apologies for any confusion I might have caused.
I decided to check out the 2011 F1 rules, in case someone wanted me to back up this statement and realised I made an error. The white lines are considered part of the track, but not the kerbs. Apologies for any confusion I might have caused.

No worries. I count on you guys to keep me on the up-and-up so I appreciate the feedback. 👍

Just a reminder to everyone, please vote in the Tuesday Start Time poll as soon as you can. I'd like to get a decision made sooner than later so everyone can have as much advanced warning as possible.

We have 11 votes in on the poll and so far it looks like moving the start time (for qualifying) on Tuesday up to 7:45pm EDT isn't going to cause any problems. There's only one Tuesday Primary person who voted for 8:15 but he made a comment in the thread that indicates an earlier start time may not be a deal breaker, I have a PM out to verify.

So, at this point it does look like we will be moving to an earlier starting time for Tuesday's race(s). I will make an official announcement in the next day or two but wanted to give everyone a head's up so you can plan accordingly.
I've updated the OP's with some new graphics for the Points and the Prize cars, hopefully these make things a little less un-sightly. :)
Got another couple votes for "either time is fine" in the Tuesday Start Time Poll so it seems like a bit of a landslide towards the earlier start time. That's good to see.

Thanks to everyone for being so prompt with voting, I wanted to get this sorted as soon as we could and you guys helped out a ton with that. It's much appreciated. 👍
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So, lets say I come tuesday and do horrible. Can I post a time Friday or Saturday to make up for it? Am I limited to the days I can show up?
As stated in the rules; you've always been able to run as many as you'd like. And like I said before, declaring a primary night is only used in the case that a certain day is full, not a limitation for points.

You can race as many times as you want, we only take your best result for the week to post to the standings.
As stated in the rules; you've always been able to run as many as you'd like. And like I said before, declaring a primary night is only used in the case that a certain day is full, not a limitation for points.

You can race as many times as you want, we only take your best result for the week to post to the standings.

This is correct. Primary Points Night only means this is the night you'll most likely be able to attend, so if the room gets full and you're locked out on your primary night I can ask a non-primary night driver to make room for you. If you're able to run on other nights then you can run in as many as you'd like, you're not locked into the points you score on your primary night. If you race all 3 nights, which ever one you score the highest in will count towards your weekly points.

Honestly, the whole "primary points night" thing is more of a formality. I formed that rule in response to an incident where a member was locked out of a full room on the only night of the week they were able to race, but it hasn't arisen since then so it's not something to be too concerned about.
Ok, I plan on attending as many races as I can. I think I'll need a couple of do-overs during the season. Also I posted a 1:02.231 last night practicing on Tsukuba. Is that any good?
Ok, I plan on attending as many races as I can. I think I'll need a couple of do-overs during the season. Also I posted a 1:02.231 last night practicing on Tsukuba. Is that any good?

If you go back to the first page where the results of the races are posted you'll be able to figure out everyone averages.
Yeah cipher, you know the pole time was around a mid 1:01 for Tuesday's race so being within a second of that is always good.
Wardez is right, if you're within 1 second or so of the fastest times then you're doing alright.

Here are the qualifying times from Tuesday if it helps.


Ok, I plan on attending as many races as I can. I think I'll need a couple of do-overs during the season. Also I posted a 1:02.231 last night practicing on Tsukuba. Is that any good?

Looking at Tuesday's times, I'd say 1:02.231 would put you at about P5 on the starting grid.
Gonna give this question its own post since it seems to have been overlooked when I included it in a previous one--Where did the two recommended tunes come from? Are they from certain tuner garages or something you veterans came up with during the previous 2 seasons?
Gonna give this question its own post since it seems to have been overlooked when I included it in a previous one--Where did the two recommended tunes come from? Are they from certain tuner garages or something you veterans came up with during the previous 2 seasons?

A combination of the 2. Mr. Penso and I worked directly with one of the "pro" GTP tuners and our own experience. We're withholding his identity to keep people going directly to him and overloading him with questions. He's kinda like the Capp Cup Stig. ;)

Some say he is illegal is 17 states and that he only knows 2 things about ducks.....and they're both wrong.

All we know is, he's called The Anonymous Tuner.
Base tunes are decent for Tsukuba, but I think they will require sizable adjustment for other maps. I had a set-up that I felt was decent for Suzuka east, but it turned out woefully inadequate for Tsukuba. Using base tunes on Suzuka though, I was way slower. Of-course maybe I just needed some more getting used too...
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