• Thread starter BrandonW77
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So, I'm rather inexperienced when it comes to tuning my own car. What factors do you take into account when tuning from track to track? How do you figure out what changes need to be made, from the layout and demands a track has?
So, I'm rather inexperienced when it comes to tuning my own car. What factors do you take into account when tuning from track to track? How do you figure out what changes need to be made, from the layout and demands a track has?

Wow. We could have an entire thread about this and still not have any definitive answers.

Personally, I try to find a good baseline setup that I know works on a relatively flat track with a nice variety of turns. Tsukuba and Grand Valley/Grand Valley Reverse are my favorites. My main focus for the baseline is suspension and LSD, knowing that the gearbox can always be adjusted to better suit a track.

The things that dictate setup range from number/length of straight sections, elevation changes, camber of corners... I dunno, maybe Brandon can post some tutorials with the help of the Anonymous Tuner.
It's pretty simple cipher. There's no magic calculation going on or anything.

You either want your car loose, or not. You play with the ride height and toe settings mainly. The rest of the suspension settings will either be set low or high. Low for bumpy tracks or tracks that have a lot of ups and downs and high (or tight) for smooth tracks or tracks with long straights or flat (think indy).

The main thing is tuning for the driver, not the track. You need to get the tune to make the car comfortable and confident for you to drive, once you have that you should be able to get around any track fast.

The only time you really need to go back to the drawing board when it comes to tuning suspension is when you have a problem corner.

If there's a corner that you keep under steering or spinning out on most people usually just go through the corner so slow that they lose tons of time. They do that so they don't spin out or go off track.
These "problem corners" usually ruin laps so these individual corners are really the only things you need to specifically tune for.

You figure out which turn you're losing the most time at and then set up your car until you can confidently get through it.
These instances will be sort of rare though.
The things that dictate setup range from number/length of straight sections, elevation changes, camber of corners... I dunno, maybe Brandon can post some tutorials with the help of the Anonymous Tuner.

There are some general tips on how to adjust for different tracks in the Tuning Shop. Read the text under the tuning graphics, it talks about how to adjust ride height for different tracks.

It's hard to give good tuning advice because everyone has a different driving style. Some like a bit of oversteer, some like a bit of understeer. But like Wardez said, it's really more about confidence. Find a setup that makes you feel comfortable with the car and it will allow you to be more aggressive.

Of course the thing that will drop your lap times most is not necessarily having the perfect setup, it's about improving the meat behind the seat (the driver). I drop more time from my laps by finding better lines and braking points than by tweaking my setups. 2 keys to doing well in the Capp are maintaining momentum and getting good exit speed, master those and you will do well.
I've updated the Tuning Shop with Transmission and Aero settings and information.

IT'S RACE DAY!!! I have to say I'm more excited for tonight's preseason race (10pm EDT) than I have been for a Capp race in awhile. I had a ton of fun on Tuesday with the double-header format so I'm expecting tonight to be a blast! These were the first thoughts that popped into my head this morning. :)
A combination of the 2. Mr. Penso and I worked directly with one of the "pro" GTP tuners and our own experience. We're withholding his identity to keep people going directly to him and overloading him with questions. He's kinda like the Capp Cup Stig. ;)

Some say he is illegal is 17 states and that he only knows 2 things about ducks.....and they're both wrong.

All we know is, he's called The Anonymous Tuner.

Hi ,good morning, ok for the "anonymous tuner" but i don't want to pass for a stupid ,pretentious , tuner, more self obsessed than a hollywood star.
I'm the total opposite. We just acknowledge the fact that i did not wanted any credit or publicity for my garage. I'm not running after 500.000 visit, or to be famous anyway, for me it's just a fun hobby and i always try to help anybody who ask me a question in my thread. This, only if i'm able to answer, i'm a beginner too in tuning and i still learn a lot everyday with everybody and my own curiosity and passion for the game.
Ok my friend, that is clear now. If anybody have a question ,it will be a pleasure to answer, if i'm able to do this .
I have a tune for suzuka east, but i'm not very satisfy with it, nothing transcendent. A lot of combinations fit to this track.
The principal are the gears settings, with a 3 & 4 adapted for the S turns and the out of the first corner. 1&2 are just for start and need to be spread the best you can .
For the balance it's also very sharp. The exact point to set the ride height to not oversteer and loose speed and have enough eagerness for the car make his way staying on the good steady driving line.
The pilot will do the difference. I turn 55'200" to 500" and overtake will be possible only by mistake of the other driver in front of you.I think.

Have a good day eerybody, see you all on track tonight.:)
Well I guess the Stig's out of the bag then. lol Praiano is our anonymous tuner, JohnnyPenso has worked with him in the past and highly recommended him to me for this project. I think it's great that Praiano was willing to help us out with this and even greater that he will get to race with us this season.

Just please remember that he was courteous enough to take his time and help us out here in the Capp Cup so try not to bother him with too many requests or questions. Posting tuning questions in this thread will often yield the info you're looking for, whether it be from him or one of the other Capperino's.

Praiano, let me publicly thank you for helping us be able to provide these tune's for the group, I want everyone to enjoy their time in the Capp Cup and I hope this helps new drivers get comfortable with their Capp. It's a pleasure to have you onboard and also racing with us! :cheers:
Well I guess the Stig's out of the bag then. lol Praiano is our anonymous tuner, JohnnyPenso has worked with him in the past and highly recommended him to me for this project. I think it's great that Praiano was willing to help us out with this and even greater that he will get to race with us this season.

Just please remember that he was courteous enough to take his time and help us out here in the Capp Cup so try not to bother him with too many requests or questions. Posting tuning questions in this thread will often yield the info you're looking for, whether it be from him or one of the other Capperino's.

Praiano, let me publicly thank you for helping us be able to provide these tune's for the group, I want everyone to enjoy their time in the Capp Cup and I hope this helps new drivers get comfortable with their Capp. It's a pleasure to have you onboard and also racing with us! :cheers:

I'm very happy to participate to this event, and it will be a pleasure to help anybody who need some.
What ae the time of the fasters racers on this track , just to have an idea...??
I'm very happy to participate to this event, and it will be a pleasure to help anybody who need some.
What ae the time of the fasters racers on this track , just to have an idea...??

On which track? At Tsukuba, the fastest qualifying time on Tuesday was 1:01.766, I was about 1 second slower on average. We haven't done enough racing on Suzuka East yet to give a definitive time but around seems to be the target so far.
and overtake will be possible only by mistake of the other driver in front of you.
Nah, front straight @SE is long enough for the draft to work if one manages to stay close to the driver in front through last corner. So I suspect there will be a battle for starting the front straight on the penultimate lap in 2nd/3rd position and then a 2-3 wide in the corners 1-2.

but around seems to be the target so far.
I'd guess the pole will be close to mid-54s.
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Nah, front straight @SE is long enough for the draft to work if one manages to stay close to the driver in front through last corner.

This will be the tricky part, that last turn at Suzuka East is a 🤬!!! lol
Nah, front straight @SE is long enough for the draft to work if one manages to stay close to the driver in front through last corner. So I suspect there will be a battle for starting the front straight on the penultimate lap in 2nd/3rd position and then a 2-3 wide in the corners 1-2.

Last time on tsukuba , i did not feel any draft effect , but the difference of speed at the out before the line can do the difference. Let see what 'll hapen this night.
The difference of speed i've constated last race with 1 or 2 cars was clear and not due to difference of best exit out the last corner before straight only. It was clear ,from same speed during a short time, the other was flying away from me and my car is broken with max power.
Anyway, hope everybody will have fun... I'll for shure.
Good race to everybody.
Last time on tsukuba , i did not feel any draft effect ,
Sure, that's because at Tsukuba once you reach ~100mph you have to turn already, and @SE you cross the starting line at 100+ and then have plenty of straight still to run.
Ok, time for the official announcement about the Tuesday Start Time:


Luckily it seems that moving the start time earlier isn't going to make the race inaccessible to any of our drivers, it may be a little tight for a couple but I hope everyone will still be able to participate. Thanks again to everyone for being prompt with your votes. 👍

The new starting time will take effect this Tuesday for the first race at Suzuka East and will remain in effect for the entire season (on Tuesday only)
The cat is out of the Thanks again Praiano for all the help.

In warmup for the Tsukuba race I believe Brosif got fast lap somewhere around 1:01.4xx, and there were at least half a dozen drivers around 1:02.0-5. Brosif got me by a hair at the last minute and I think even he would acknowledge the 101.4 is hard to repeat consistently. A 1:02 flat is an excellent lap.

At Suzuka East last week there were a few of us running around the 55.2-5 mark qualifying in a couple of races there and the draft was awesome on the front straight. You can't bobble the last corner and expect to catch up but if you come out at equal speed to the leading car you can easily draft by. I could be wrong but I don't expect anyone to get much below 55.0 as you are pretty much wide open through the esses and on the front straight of course. You really only brake for the first corner and the last corner.

The reverse grid race here is going to be very
I've added some Thread Navigation Tools to the top of the OP, hopefully that will make it easier for everyone to go to specific sections of the thread (i.e., The Schedule, The Racing School, etc.).

An announcement for Saturday's race: RDAardvark will be hosting this week's race so he can get a feel for what goes on with hosting a Capp Cup event. He is going to serve as the main back-up host on Saturday's in the event that I have a scheduling conflict and can't host. So this will be a chance for him to get his feet wet before the season starts, I will basically just be a participant and let him handle everything (unless questions/problems arise). His PSN ID is the same as his GTP ID so make sure you send him a Friend Request before Saturday. It goes without saying that I expect everyone to treat him with the same courtesy and respect you give me, but this has always been a great group so I have no worries about that. :)
For the new drivers:
Tonight's race is at the later time slot of 10:00pm EDT but the schedule will follow the same format as Tuesday. The lounge will open at 9pm for an hour of open practice. At 10 I will reset the track to begin qualifying. Since this is a short track, if we have more than 8 people we will do 2 groups for qualifying @ 8 minutes each.

After qualifying we will start the first race, 13 laps, with the fastest driver from qualifying on pole. At the conclusion of the first race everyone will go back to the pits and we will start the second race with the reverse grid based on the first race results. Do not leave the room between races, the game will put you on pole (unjustly) so I'll have to ask you to go to the back of the field at the start of the second race. I'll give instructions on how to do this if it happens.

I'll post details here when I open the lounge Hope to see you all at Tsukuba tonight!
For the new drivers:
Tonight's race is at the later time slot of 10:00pm EDT but the schedule will follow the same format as Tuesday. The lounge will open at 9pm for an hour of open practice. At 10 I will reset the track to begin qualifying. Since this is a short track, if we have more than 8 people we will do 2 groups for qualifying @ 8 minutes each.

After qualifying we will start the first race, 13 laps, with the fastest driver from qualifying on pole. At the conclusion of the first race everyone will go back to the pits and we will start the second race with the reverse grid based on the first race results. Do not leave the room between races, the game will put you on pole (unjustly) so I'll have to ask you to go to the back of the field at the start of the second race. I'll give instructions on how to do this if it happens.

I'll post details here when I open the lounge Hope to see you all at Tsukuba tonight!

Tsukuba again ???? okokok... i go igo... love this track.:dunce: no?? :guilty:
Yes, we run the same race on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Next week we will be at Suzuka East all week, Madrid Mini the following week, etc. It allows people from multiple time zones to participate in the same championship. You only need to participate in 1 race per week to score points, but you're free to participate in all 3. If you do more than 1 in a week only your best finish counts
Car #99 /TehMasta23 (FlipFlopMomma): Vitamin C (orange) / Scotia White
*sometimes Tuesday, always Friday and Saturday*
Car #99 /TehMasta23 (FlipFlopMomma): Vitamin C (orange) / Scotia White
*sometimes Tuesday, always Friday and Saturday*

Welcome to the Capp Cup, I'll get you registered. We'll be having a preseason race tonight, you're welcome to join! Lounge will be open for practice in about 30 minutes.

Send me a friend request on PSN: BrandonW77
The Lounge is OPEN! Bring your Cappy out to Tsukuba for some Friday night racing!!
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Great racing tonight guys (for the most part). I had some truly exciting moments tonight, my heart was pounding after the first race! Congrats to yuritardid/JohnnyPenso on the double win! Below are the results for tonight's races, the final preseason event at Tsukuba will be tomorrow at 3pm EDT.

Tsukuba Preseason Friday Event

Race 1 Results


Race 2 Results

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That second race... was crazy. That was one of the cleanest, yet most intense races I've ever been in. I approve 110% of the reverse grid starts.
I was so happy to start this race yesterday.... but my connection did not allow me to pass the first turn. Let's see this afternoon.
I was so happy to start this race yesterday.... but my connection did not allow me to pass the first turn. Let's see this afternoon.

Looking forward to meeting you all on track later on!

Don't forget to add me on PSN: RDAardvark
I agree Lancer, the second race was a blast. Trying to chase Owens down, shaving off a tenth here or there was pretty intense. Thanks for keeping it clean and letting me by after the little incident in the final hairpin. You are a gentleman and a scholar sir!! I wasn't paying as much attention as I should, figuring we were just going to try and catch Owens and then battle it out for first, I should have kept paying attention to you right behind

We did have some connection issues last night. Wardez appeared and then disappeared and then reappeared like a ghost and was finally booted for good in the second race. Same with Praiano. Cam was lagging and I think even you Lancer lagged a bit at the beginning of the second race. Probably was a network thing, as I almost black screened the first race, as the screen cleared with about 1 second left in the race countdown. Reminder to everyone to clear their cache from the options menu in GT5, under maintenance I believe. I do it just about every day now.

OH and to Schad and anyone else, I noticed that you Schad have your car set up to shift at around 9000 rpm. We've had lots of testing and practice and can tell you that around 8000 is the ideal shifting rpm. Any more than that and while the engine sounds like an angry hornets' nest, it's more noise than power, much like a Check the power curve and see how dramatically it drops off after 8000 rpm. Set up your gearing so you can shift at 8000 rpm and top out slightly under 8000 on the fastest part of the track, to allow for some drafting rpm. You'll be a couple tenths faster at least.

Edit: I'll try and make todays race but I'm working on and off and it's hard to say at this point...
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