Cappuccino Cup Racing (RM) - SEASON 1 COMPLETE!

  • Thread starter BrandonW77

Best Race Day/Times (Top 2 Will Be Chosen)

  • Total voters
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Stingray, we aren't starting for over an hour and a half, you've got plenty of time.

Practice room is now open, in my private lounge for now. We'll see how that works out.

See you at the track!

watermelon, you're monologing again haha, ;) I kid!

I'll be there in a mo, was gonna do some Monaco F1 practice but the room froze on me, anyway that's for another thread :)

Glad I'm finally able to join you guys!
If you guys don't mind, could you post whether you think you can make tonight's race or not? That way I can have an idea of who to try to wait for and who not to wait for.
I'll be there! Hoping to arrive early enough to practice some as well. I'm going to be seconds off pace if I don't get laps in before quali. Looking forward to trying some laps on Duder's settings.

@BrosifDuder: Speaking of settings, I was thinking about your nice post on ride height adjustments and their effects on under/oversteer. At first I was confused because what you were saying seemed to be the complete opposite of real world physics, but upon reading it twice I saw the part about how "Many GTPlanet members agree [the settings] have the opposite effect of what would be expected in real world scenarios". This piqued my interest so I did a little searching around GTP and I found this disturbing revelation about GT5 suspension settings.

For the tl;dr crowd, the OP (supported by the first few posters) essentially says that GT5's suspension settings are all backwards! Basically, in the left half of the suspension settings screen (spring rate down to ARB), the front settings actually apply to the back, and the back apply to the front. :crazy:

  • When entering your settings, swap the front and rear column headers in your mind. Settings in the right column apply to the front, and settings in the left column apply to the back.
  • This may explain why Waznz's -5 / +5 ride height setting actually reduced oversteer when it should have actually increased it.
That may sound ridiculous enough, but it gets even more confusing. On the right half of the suspension settings screen, camber settings and rear toe settings reportedly behave accurately. However the front toe settings have the exact opposite effect of the value entered!

  • If you add positive front toe angle, you are actually adding negative front toe angle (Based upon the real world principle that positive front toe increases corner stability while negative rear toe improves turn in and makes a car more 'pointy'). Therefore in GT5:
  • Add negative front toe to increase cornering stability (and possibly understeer if too much is added).
  • Add positive front toe to increase turn-in (and possibly oversteer if too much is added).
The kicker is, only the actual physics of the game are borked backwards. If you were trying to confirm the backward settings visually, you can't! The visual representation of the inputs in the suspension settings screen are reproduced accurately!
For example:

  • With a ride height setting of -20 / +20, in game the car will appear to be lowered in front and raised in back, but it will behave as if it was raised in front and lowered in back! :dunce:
Regardless of this craziness, I completely agree with Duder's and StigsHero's posts about how to drive the Capp given its inherent characteristics. I am actually enjoying driving the Capp with its oversteery nature because it forces me into finer throttle and steering input techniques. I haven't tested any of the backwards settings theories myself, but seeing as it's info coming from veteran GTPers and corroborated by some experiences in this thread, I thought I'd share this with everyone hoping that we can use this info to devise tunes we are more satisfied with, and maybe alleviate some of the :banghead: frustration that anyone applying logical, methodical real world practices may be experiencing!
Ok, I don't wanna clog this thread like the one that was referred to above, but I took part in that discussion but gave up on it as some of the people in it were quite rude and I just didn't care for it. Think about how many factors are involved in duplicating IRL physics into a game, and there's bound to be some glitches. SOME of the settings work backwards for SOME cars, feel free to swap a setting or two around and if it helps, great. But don't go swapping everything around on your cars base off of that somewhat sloppy and basically all theory thread, I assure you it's gonna really mess up all the tuning and practice you've put into your cars. Keep in mind that most of that incredibly long discussion took place during the online outage
Ok, I don't wanna clog this thread like the one that was referred to above, but I took part in that discussion but gave up on it as some of the people in it were quite rude and I just didn't care for it. Think about how many factors are involved in duplicating IRL physics into a game, and there's bound to be some glitches. SOME of the settings work backwards for SOME cars, feel free to swap a setting or two around and if it helps, great. But don't go swapping everything around on your cars base off of that somewhat sloppy and basically all theory thread, I assure you it's gonna really mess up all the tuning and practice you've put into your cars. Keep in mind that most of that incredibly long discussion took place during the online outage
Thanks for the insight Mudd. I'd be happy not to discuss this any further too as I'd prefer it if that info is completely unfounded. It sure would make things simpler!
Gonna take that as a "yes, we're busy racing"... Knew I wouldn't make it in time to these things. Thats why I fell off the thread..
Gonna take that as a "yes, we're busy racing"... Knew I wouldn't make it in time to these things. Thats why I fell off the thread..

Yeah, we were racing, sorry man. We were in my private lounge, I believe your on my PSN list so just look for the yellow circle above my coffee cup when we're racing.

Here are the results for Tuesday Night: Round 2. Congrats to BrosifDuder on another victory. I think we'd better get used to seeing a Duder at the front! Other than some drama in the first turn of the first lap, it was a clean race and everything went smoothly. Thanks to everyone for the great turnout!


I just did a test today... & reversed my ride height like mentioned here. I didn't like that at all. I was back to having problems with curbs, & could no longer cut across those concrete slabs at all.
But obviously this could have everything to do with all my other settings, and my way of driving, I don't know.
That said, I kept the same tilt, but lowered it on both ends just some, and my speed in the high speed sections improved. But I'm still at + on both ends, no minus.

So my advice is... just forget about WHY something works, and just use what works. haha. :D If you like the effect you're getting, keep it.
Exactly how I tune. Use a slight basic idea and work into what works best for lap times and control.
...I know what you mean. That's a big pet peeve of mine that you can't save different set-ups for a car (like in gt4). I always say I'm going to write things down. Then I always think no I'll remember this. And then I don't. :(

I just take a photo of the screen on my phone and then rename the file to something meaningful.
I just take a photo of the screen on my phone and then rename the file to something meaningful.

I usually have my notebook next to me when I play GT5 and create car-specific spreadsheets in MS Excel. This allows me to keep a car's suspension, diff, gearbox, and brake balance settings in one place and create multiple worksheets within one workbook for individual tracks.
I hate Excel. It has no place in my world and I refuse to acknowledge its existence. lol

I do what elginge said, but simpler. I write the name of the car and track on a piece of paper, hold it in front of the tv and take a pic of the settings screen with my phone. Then I just flip through my camera roll till I find the one I'm looking for. :) (I don't think I can change the file name of photos on my phone.)

Congrats Brosif on another win. What an epic fail on my I changed my tune after qualifying...big mistake. Spun out 3 or 4 times...oh and learn.
OP has been updated with Tuesday nights results and point standings after 2 rounds. Looks like a heck of a battle is shaping up for 3rd place, a 2-way tie for 6th place and a 3-way tie for 8th!

Remember, your worst result will be dropped so if you had a bad race or couldn't make it one night your standings won't suffer. 👍

I just take a photo of the screen on my phone and then rename the file to something meaningful.

Oh, that's a good idea! Though yeah, changing the file names of photos on my phone is a PITA. But I'm old-fashioned and still have a phone that's... well, mostly just a phone. *gasp* LOL

And I'm with Stigshero... I REFUSE to use spreadsheets. Makes it seem too much like I'm at work. :yuck: haha
But then no wonder Brosifduder just mesmerizes me. haha. He's way out of my league.

That said, will you help me sometime when you're online when I am Brosifduder? It would only take about 15 minutes & a couple of laps to run in my MYLObby. Now that I've got my car going the speed it ought to & my transmission more sorted properly, I need someone fast to put the "best time" recording in my track, and then let me see where I'm losing the most time. Yunitard ;) helped me yesterday for like 10 minutes & left, but I stayed to work on my car & the track, and the best time posting was very helpful, for me to adjust my car, and keep looking to see what sectors I was having the most problems with, with different settings.

I don't expect to get as good as Brosifduder in this lifetime... Unless I suddenly become massively wealthy & can pay some mad scientist to implant bionic reflexes of a youth into my neurons or something. HAHAHA.

But I have noticed that it helps me to try & mimic the actions of the fast & steady driver, just at my own level - and then I do go faster, and can do MY best, even if it's not THE best.
At this point, I think I still haven't found my best in this car, because up to now, I've spent too much time monkeying with the set-up. I've had more problems with the transmission settings in this car than any other car I've played with. Indeed, I've had more troubles with all the settings in this car than any other car.
Though that could have something to do with it being fully modified. I've been noticing that it's always easier to set a car up if it's NOT maxed out.
Yes, the Capp RM is a Poodle that thinks it's a Pit Bull. Finding a somewhat comfy setup and sticking to working on your line is best. It's impossible to completely dial this thing in until your certain your driving it your best
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As promised............PonyStig!!!





I'm way behind at work now, but it was worth it!!! LOL

I don't really know what to say. Nice photos? Good job? hmmm...

:odd: but in a good way! :D
The last one was my fave, with pink and purple. All these photos were found on SohnVonStig's facebook page. I un-friended him after seeing what he gets into on the weekends. 👎 lol :lol:
The last one was my fave, with pink and purple. All these photos were found on SohnVonStig's facebook page. I un-friended him after seeing what he gets into on the weekends. 👎 lol :lol:

Hahahahaha it really is a shame I don't have a facebook, otherwise I would totally put those up :D
What kinda laps were u guys running at DF-R ? I know you probably would've posted some lap times but this thread is too long :D
You want Duder lap times or normal human lap times?
I usually have my notebook next to me when I play GT5 and create car-specific spreadsheets in MS Excel. This allows me to keep a car's suspension, diff, gearbox, and brake balance settings in one place and create multiple worksheets within one workbook for individual tracks.

👍 Same method I use. Mine is even formatted, and I'm thinking about adding some macros.
I usually have my notebook next to me when I play GT5 and create car-specific spreadsheets in MS Excel. This allows me to keep a car's suspension, diff, gearbox, and brake balance settings in one place and create multiple worksheets within one workbook for individual tracks.

Well this is pretty well known by now, but I just buy a new car :) Simple! Problem solved. :)
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