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Of all tracks not on the 2015 calendar, which would you like to see?

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  • Fuji International Speedway

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  • Circuito de la Sierra

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Well, looks like I'm out for the Nürburg races. Broken wrist from playing soccer. I hope to be healed up for Silverstone. Good luck to Tay and Trobes at Nürburg 12 Hours.
You can do it Selene! I kept racing with a cast after dislocating and shattering my elbow :P (I had an operation on it just before Spa too actually)

Only kidding, get better soon! I'll try my best at Nurb'
Severe alteration of all future plans...AUEC is coming to an end following the end of the Nürburg 12 Hour race. Disagreements between Hardy and the General Assembly have forced an abrupt closure of the organization. Following the race, this thread will become dedicated to the IndyCar Series that's been in the works.
Just an update, apparently my room has had a complete overload in the circuit. So far the laptop and the internet modem are still in working order however there may be hundreds of dollars in equipment damage (including PS3, G27, Sound System, & Lamp). Not sure if anything is completely destroyed yet but will be another update soon on whether or not everything works. If it doesn't I'm out of a drive for the rest of the season.
Severe alteration of all future plans...AUEC is coming to an end following the end of the Nürburg 12 Hour race. Disagreements between Hardy and the General Assembly have forced an abrupt closure of the organization. Following the race, this thread will become dedicated to the IndyCar Series that's been in the works.

Can't you pit your differences aside for the remainder of the season? Y'know, as a sign of respect to all of the drivers who committed to this grueling calender :rolleyes: I for one, won't be attending Nurburgring if this is how it's going down.

AUEC is/was the only thing keeping me playing Gran Turismo... Playing my Playstation even. This is more than the death of a league to me, it's the death of an entire generation of gaming. :(
Can't you pit your differences aside for the remainder of the season? Y'know, as a sign of respect to all of the drivers who committed to this grueling calender :rolleyes: I for one, won't be attending Nurburgring if this is how it's going down.

AUEC is/was the only thing keeping me playing Gran Turismo... Playing my Playstation even. This is more than the death of a league to me, it's the death of an entire generation of gaming. :(
We are working on trying to bring the rest of the season together, now that AUEC itself knows that Hardy isn't bluffing. We'll keep on with the Nurburgring race as we have. Hopefully we'll have some sort of agreement by the weekend. Until then, please finish out qualifying. Strong solidarity from the drivers will help keep the season going and might persuade the aggressors to ease off of Hardy.
I for one, want AUEC to end, but for the TEC to finish off the season on its own. That was Hardy's intention, to free the TEC so that things wouldn't feel quite so restricted. Hopefully, we can get somewhere quick.
Update: Nothings exploded and everything seems to be in working order as I am able to sign in and the speakers still work so I will have a drive as well as some wet weather testing time. Meanwhile, What in the world has happened in the past few days? What exactly is going on with the series? Do I need to curl up in a ball with a tub of rum raisin ice cream yet? XD
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What's happening is Hardy is actually trying to fight for more freedom to run things as he needs and wants to, but the General Assembly wouldn't budge, so he quit hosting everything. The X2014, to my knowledge, is done. The issue now is just trying to make sure that the TEC finishes its season.
What would need to happen for all of us to have a drive next year? I'm not sure if this was a planned end to the season but, I'm kind of shocked that this came up so quickly with stated plans for next season. Does this mean an end to all of the races or more of a "reorganization" of sorts? That and is Silverstone still a race on the calendar? I was kinda amped for that one.
Silverstone was scheduled for August 23
To my knowledge, I say that because I'm not a part of the debate, nothing AUEC related, is making it beyond the end of this year. Maybe one off races like it used to be, but not a season.
If Hardy is having issues with the rest of the organization, why don't you simply appoint someone else to run things? You have a huge board of directors and it seems that the only implications would be dropping Hardy's series' from the AUEC calendar. Then, you can run your things your way and he can start his own thing.

It's a tough area. I think that if you are going to have someone run something, you need to give them some freedom to run it how they want to. However, in the case where someone agrees to run something in a certain way, they need to follow those rules. In some rough areas, Hardy was there at the event and realized that some things needed to be changed.

While I think that whoever is running an event should have those freedoms, I also realize that whomever created said event wants it run in the way they want it, and if they don't want to change things, they shouldn't have to, even if others really think (from experience) that changes need to be made.

It's things like this that make me extremely picky about which series' I race in, and often leads to me just hosting my own series. (Sadly, I don't have time for that right now.) Whenever I host a series, I am very particular about how I want things. On the rare occasion I can't make an event, I would not want someone changing the rules, shortening the race, or changing the track without my approval. However, in recent events (SSRX, for example) I agree that certain rules need a change. I disagree with Motegi as a replacement for points (even half-points), it would've been fine in my opinion if it was not for points, as at that event, just about everybody did not want to run the track and with the current setup for the X2014 Jr's, nobody could really gain any ground on anybody at all.

In summary, some changes might need to be made, however if the board doesn't want to make those changes, that is their entitlement. Hardy can go his own way, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, I don't think you should just cancel everything because of this, just get someone else.
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The issue is that no one else wants to run them or has time to. Hardy got tired of hosting everything, so he asked for help and was denied. He attempted appointing NearFear as a race official so he could handle the X2014 series, which was denied as well. From Hardy's standpoint, I can see why he's doing what he's doing. He has done everything possible to keep things afloat, and despite the stuff I nag on him for, if AUEC wasn't so steel-headed, he can run amazing series, and he knows it. They just don't like feeling left out. Hardy's stated multiple times that he did not like the X2014 Juniors, and he was becoming overstressed with the TEC. This is why he completely stopped things, he got fed up with the extreme interference the General Assembly was doing, and he felt (and apparently 98% of the drivers do too) that the General Assembly should be simply political, not an actual body of power.
Quote from an e-mail from Hardy at 4:45 p.m. EDT. "The TEC season will continue without AUEC interference. Bathurst and Brands Hatch have been dropped. Silverstone, RBR [Spielberg], Sarajevo [Cape Ring], and Motegi will follow the Nürburgring races."
Well, this is quite silly... Considering that I thought everything was about fun and the endurance experience. anyway it's quite a bummer that everything has dropped due to something that seems quite easy to handle. I understand everyone's take on the situation though I'm confused how the general assembly could expect him to host everything without any assistance. The races themselves are a lot to manage and with the current state of the game as well as the number of registered drivers from what I understand is near impossible to keep things running smoothly. Though I am glad to at least get to race Silverstone :)
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Well, this is quite silly... Considering that I thought everything was about fun and the endurance experience


I don't know why everything has to be so serious. It's just a game after all... I want to race and have fun. Some of the best races I've had on any game have been with you guys. If Hardy can keep enough of us together then I'll stick with him. Hopefully all of the politics get left at the door.
Hardy might have achieved it, but it's up to the drivers now. He's committed to the season
I'll always be here to study and drive; though from my point of view if this is going to work with new management it would be be worth considering getting more drivers for the future.
Thread updated to include new driver and team additions as approved by Hardy for the IndyCar Series next year. Also, confirmed tracks for next year include Daytona, Indy, Motegi, Madrid, Ascari, Apricot Hill, Laguna Seca, and Willow Springs.
cshardy62096 has set the first complete #N12H Qualifying time, earning a final average of 536.758 seconds.
Hardy has told me (& I'm hoping everyone else) that the X2014 Jr. series will continue at the same time on Monday's, for 3 more oval races. (Daytona, Indy & Motegi, not necessarily in that order.) I hope this is still the case so we can at least somewhat finish off the season. I hope to see all of you X2014 Jr. drivers tonight.
Hardy has told me (& I'm hoping everyone else) that the X2014 Jr. series will continue at the same time on Monday's, for 3 more oval races. (Daytona, Indy & Motegi, not necessarily in that order.) I hope this is still the case so we can at least somewhat finish off the season. I hope to see all of you X2014 Jr. drivers tonight.
Me and Near are coming as well.
Race room opens at 7:00 p.m. EDT. Qualifying at 7:45 p.m. EDT.
On a further note, I will be hosting the series finale at Daytona.
I don't even need to watch the replay to be appaled. The phone call was bad enough. I will personally monitor these next two races. If I could curse here I would. Hardy's standards may have dropped, but mine haven't. Those that rendered this race to complete disgusting nonsense will not be shown mercy. I apologize for Hardy's utter stupidity and I will make sure that the final two races will not be this way. I am ashamed and disappointed beyond compare. God have mercy on the idiots, because I will not. Starting as of now, TNR_LILBUDDY, cshardy62096, and TNR_Pfeffer702 are being placed on a 6 month complete probationary period spanning the X2014 Junior Non Tune Championship, Total Endurance Championship, and IndyCar Series pending further review. cshardy62096 has also been banned from the rest of the X2014 Junior Non Tune Championship. I expect the drivers and teams to make formal apologies by the end of the week or further sanctions will be taken.
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