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Of all tracks not on the 2015 calendar, which would you like to see?

  • Matterhorn

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  • Trial Mountain Circuit

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fuji International Speedway

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Circuito de la Sierra

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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To sum up AGNT's comment...
The current dates inconvenience him, so he now requires new dates because recording a NFL game is too difficult for him to do.
See, you all are TRYING to take my comments out of context. Im just responding to Hardys PS3 message in my inbox. Which said appointments are now required, but doesnt say whether the Nov test was still on. So I come on here to find out whats going on (because its easier to type longer here, and I assume Hardy is reading here too). I said I was coming to the Nov test (because I missed the Oct road course test), but if appointments are now required, great, I'll take an appointment and I can watch my game when it airs, but was willing to tape delay it to comply to the rules here and get certified on time. I even offered date ranges so that others could test with me if they wanted to, and we could make it a combo appointment so that its less overall work for whoever is giving tests.

NOW WHY DOES THAT DESERVE YOU ALL JUMPING DOWN MY THROAT!? Im posting nicely, working around the changes that are being made (Im not hacking so that should be bonus points for me), and yet Angel and the rest STILL want to make me sound like a villain? Damn, I look forward to beating you all on the track, its the only reason I havnt said **** it, and quit this league already.
Okay, everyone needs to chill. Proven fact: Off track scuffles are 90% of the reason on track incidents happen. Why this is important: I am the head of the Penalty Board so I get to determine what consequences are assigned to which person. Everyone take time to count lucky stars that my job doesn't kick in until November 24 here. Otherwise, I see two people with suspension notices on their heads. If you two are going to go at it, PM it. I do have jurisdiction here.
THREAD UPDATE 2.0! The thread has officially received it's big update, so I urge everyone to read it carefully. A lot of things have been added, a few things changed, but everything is now in a more flowing presentation. To answer a question that @redbullrider20 posed at the press conference last week, the reason it's all a giant wall of text is because I do not really have a clue on how to change that and at the moment, actually foreseeable future up to the Indy 500, I won't exactly have the time to learn.

IRG Investigation: The IRG has concluded its report on the investigation of Nera Takurasi and Selene Espinoza, and has placed a permanent ban on those specific two individuals. As such, the team names Frostfire Racing and Scuderia Aguila have been barred from usage. However, no other people in IRG are suspected to have had any part in what had occurred. I personally thank @KuniKino****a and her team's work into swiftly looking through everything and I have confidence that once the full report comes out, everyone else will be able to have their questions answered.

Open Team Spaces Available: After a thorough revision of the driver roster, there are now 4 team spaces open and 8 driver spots. A further update will add the ability to view which driver has which type of license. Deadline for the 2014 Indianapolis 500 entry list is Sunday, November 23, 2014.

Live Streaming Anybody? We are looking for a minimum of 3 people with experience in broadcasting to livestream events starting at Indy. We are looking for someone that can be in the room to relay the race to at least two commentators, preferably three.
TEAM RACE SEATS AVAILABLE: There are teams looking for drivers, so for those looking for teams, here's the following openings.
Black Rose Racing Team-Chevrolet (Car Color #14): Looking for 1 full time driver and 2 part time drivers.
Cherokee Motorsports-Lotus (Car Color #08): Looking for 3 full time drivers.
Swift Autosport-Lotus (Car Color #09): Looking for 3 full time drivers.
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I have to address this because I feel I'm being ignored by a lot of people, not here but elsewhere. Black Rose Racing Team is first and foremost an IRG dedicated team. We started here, and we intend on staying here. Everything outside of this we do just to fill time. Two of my drivers have been competing in CORE WEC, which is perfectly fine. It's a greatly organized place until the you realize the leader of it likes living in his own bubble feeling untouchable. I had interest in joining and racing, but upon feeling a month of being ignored by their upper management, I feel exactly the opposite now. Why this is relevant: CORE WEC likes to create scheduling conflicts with series its size or slightly bigger. (TBICS is slightly bigger. IRG as a whole spans PS3 and PC and carries about 400 drivers on a week to week basis) Where as before, I have been urging Hardy to be lenient with them on scheduling, I now see the frustration. We've had our calendar posted in solid for 3 months, while they most likely won't release theirs until February, in which it will most likely have several clashes with this calendar and that of Indy Lights, which has also had it's season calendar posted far ahead of time. For those that race in CORE, or race in other weekend series, please point them to our calendar to avoid schedule clashes. I'd like to see our full time drivers now be our full time drivers next year, and I feel that is a sentiment all of us carry. While I do not have political power here, I defer that to Hardy and @KuniKino****a I have done everything to get our schedule out there. To the serious drivers out there, I urge you to do the same. Thank you.
IRG Super License: Three more people have officially gained their Super License, the full list of drivers will be posted Sunday.

2016 Plans: According to Hardy and echoed by Kuni, IRG is aiming to continue its GT6 operations until the end of 2016, pending any GT7 stuff. This essentially means that the IRG championships on GT6 for 2015 will be the same in 2016. Beyond that, IRG's plans for consoles remains unknown.
Tomorrow I will be creating a poll that will allow everyone to select 19 venues for the 2016 Calendar. This will be done in collaboration with the PRB and Hardy himself. The top 19 selections will join the Indianapolis 500 on the 2016 Calendar. However, all layouts eligible for votes will be tracks approved by the PRB.
I just saw what's going on between @trobes29 and cshardy62096, and I have to say both of you need to grow up and I know both of you will see it. Hardy, you're an adult and the CEO of the biggest thing you've ever been, act like it. Follow the rule that YOU insisted on having in code of conduct. trobes, I know that you may not be the one to start it, but at least prove you are the better man. Disagreements happen, but for God's sake don't try to make a mess of this.
No idea. My bet is that Hardy lost his control on his mouth. Not sure, but I hope they take care of this. Looking at their PSN comments is quite, how do I say it, disgusting to say the least.
Well, in a hopefully better tone, everything looks like a green light for the Weekend Trial. Talked to Hardy, and he thinks that a couple smaller things need to be added so I hope to have that by week's end. Other than that, not much going on. Well, aside from needing a safety car as Hardy's saying that he wants to delay the livestreaming until after GT7 has come out.
Hardy rage quit in trobes' league because he felt his hsv was too slow. Even though trobes has been doing testing for about 2 months to make sure the cars were even.
Then he changed his psn comment to INBD = Horrendous, which we had a good laugh about.
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NOTE: The Indy Lights Series will be hosting a race at Indianapolis Oval on Saturday evening. All TBICS drivers are welcome to attend.
NOTE: The Indy Lights Series will be hosting a race at Indianapolis Oval on Saturday evening. All TBICS drivers are welcome to attend.

Is it also running FGT's? Sorry, probably a stupid question.

Also, you were looking for livestreaming? Unfortunately my laptop isn't fast enough to handle it, the videos when streamed are extremely choppy, but I do have the equipment to make videos after then event. I'm not that technically proficient and my capture equipment isn't HD but if required I can make videos. Due to the length of the races, I'd probably just do what I've done for other series and basically follow the leader. The video below is a sample of what I've done for GTTCC, the other series I presently compete in.

Ninja, the Indy Lights series uses the X2014 Junior. In regards to the videos, I'll just make a new IRG account since the other account is directly linked to me. So if anyone can record races, let me know so I can give you that info.
Ninja, the Indy Lights series uses the X2014 Junior. In regards to the videos, I'll just make a new IRG account since the other account is directly linked to me. So if anyone can record races, let me know so I can give you that info.

Cool, thanks Angel... :D
Since I didn't directly say it before, I would also like to race in the Indy Lights event. When is the start time please?
Room opens at 5:30 p.m. EDT. Qualifying at 5:55, race at 6:00
SAFETY CAR OFFICIALS NEEDED: The IRG Turtle Beach IndyCar series is in need of 4 safety car officials that can serve in an alternating pattern, effective November 3, 2014. If the mandated number, set in place by high IRG officials, is not met, I will personally be forced into the position, which conflicts dearly with my desire to race and lead my team. Current drivers are asked not to drop out to fill request, but to help find safety car officials. Once all safety car officials are collected, a meeting will be held to give them the authoritative power of Race Director. The requirements are:
1) Must use the Nissan Skyline GT-R Pace Car. Indianapolis will be an exception.
2) Must have valid previous experience within the last 12 months.
3) Must have an operational microphone.
4) Must have the rules stipulated in the OP always present.
I guess this is what happens when you take a break from GTPlanet, lots and lots of updates to read through lol.:lol:
Oh yeah, remember a while back I went on vacation and I checked GTP after 2 weeks; 61 Alerts, 12 Conversations Alerts
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