Concours Club [Single Make Same Tune Racing]

  • Thread starter Captain Roh
Man alive!! What racing we had yesterday!

The attrition rate was high, but everyone who stayed on track was battling hard and dealing with immense pressure! Credit to everyone this week, it was a difficult combo but the results were so close!! You all did a great job 👍

: Week Fourteen, Corvette ZR1 :


At the top there weren't many points between myself and Paginas. He put up a great fight, and he also made sure the feat of winning all Concours races in a single weekend was unachieved once more! :irked: lol. I won three out of the four, handing over victory at daytona road in the sprint race with a mistake at turn one. Paginas was pressuring me hard, and kept close enough to capitalise on my mistake 👍

Third place on the podium was anybodys to take however. Rotorist won through by one point. Beating BlaqueJack by the narrowist of margains, who also beat Kamy by a single point, who finished just another single point ahead of Crispy! Great job guys. Probably the most contested spot in Concours history was that third place!

It was a real shame a lot of you couldnt make the grid on this one. It'll go down as one of the better Concours for me. Not only because I took the win, but because it was totally thrilling! If you get chance to race this car again I thoroughly recommend it :sly:👍

: Final Thoughts :

If I may I'd like to make a special mention this week. Its sad but all too often I see Concours members come and go. They compete in one event, get beat up badly and never come back. I also see regular participants skipping events because they've been put out of their comfort zone or believe they have no chance to win. Heck, I have even seen members quit Concours completely because the challenge is too great! This man however takes it all in his stride to become one of the longest standing Concours members and regular contenders...

Mr BlaqueJack, a true inspiration to all of you. He'll be the first to admit he isnt the fastest, but he has more grit than any one of us other guys. Week in week out, often driving alone, he puts in the laps and finishes the race. And against all odds he sometimes takes home the points through hard work, sheer determination and ever increasing skill.

It was genuine heart felt disappointment to see you miss out on a podium this week friend, to come so close and go home empty handed must be a bitter pill to swallow. That said, I know you will be back fighting next time around. With limited grip and a hole in your jaw ;) you'll be back holding up the Concours grid like a corner stone of the Empire State.

Join me in celebrating Concours most inspirational man gentlemen. BlaqueJack. Good show mate :)👍
ARGH !!! Friday my ISP connection went down and was informed it could take up to 72 hours to restore (thanks for nothing Sky) Back today, but missed a whole weekend of online racing. Looks like you guys had great fun though. 👍 Next time!!
I fully agree about BlaqueJack. I admire his persistence in competing with us every Sunday. Well done m8.
Looking forward to this weekend gentlemen. To be honest I'm looking forward to the next three weekends ;) I have a plan, and I hope you all will like it! No questions will be answered though its a secret :D But if it proves popular it could see a radical change to the Concours format. All the while sticking to the same principles it was founded on of course. All will become clear in time 👍

You thought I'd forgot didnt you.

Well check out this weeks combo. Plan is in action. Hope you like it.

Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Oh no. No no no. I won't drive the Corvette on those tires again. Heck, I sold the damn beast when I left the lobby last sunday. :yuck:
Put me down for GT2 on the M3. :cool:👍, I like the Vette, with it's scary handling...but then again, I like the M3 with it's pleasant handling! But....which is better....only one way to find out!!


Seriously though, I think I'm going to opt for the M3 and see how far into the group of Vettes I can get (If at all :lol:)

I like a challenge 👍

And also I have to echo the words of 'The Captain' on the subject of a certain Mr BlaqueJack, like you said he's definately the gritiest one of all of us, and turns up week in, week out without fail, and sometimes even with a very painful hole in his mouth 👍

Mr BlaqueJack....I/we salute you :cheers:
Actually, to keep things a little more organized lets do it like this:

Make your post as usual but copy and paste this list and add your choice to it;

Captain Roh - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Kamykaze - BMW M3 coupe
Crispy - BMW M3 coupe
Well guys, as I missed out on last week's bash it'll be the 'vette for me 👍

Captain Roh - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Kamykaze - BMW M3 coupe
Crispy - BMW M3 coupe
Cpt. D - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Guys, in order to make your decision safer, I just put some laps in Speedway reverse in both vehicles. Time difference in from 3 to 3.5 secs in favor of the "beast" of course. Only problem is that I practiced offline and without tire wear. I'll race them online in order to learn more about tires.

As for my pontium finish this Sunday I'd gladly exchange it with a Schumi's potium in Montreal - which he fully deserved IMHO with his performance in variable conditions w/o DRS...
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Captain Roh - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Kamykaze - BMW M3 coupe
Crispy - BMW M3 coupe
Cpt. D - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
RalliArt - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Captain Roh - Chevrolet Corvette
ZR1Kamykaze - BMW M3
coupeCrispy - BMW M3 coupe
Cpt. D - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
weescotman - BMW M3

this is a great idea!
I'll tidy up that list there for you shall I wee ;)

Captain Roh - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Kamykaze - BMW M3 coupe
Crispy - BMW M3 coupe
Cpt. D - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
RalliArt - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Weescotman - BMW M3 coupe

Was nice to get home from work and see that we actually have a race on! :lol: For a second there I thought everyone was going to go for the M3!

You may all be thinking that these cars dont really have a lot in common, and you'd be right. I had this idea for GT racing at the same time as I thought about using these two cars for concours though. They seemed to have just enough difference speed wise to make the idea work as a test. What I eventually plan to do is use two similar cars, wether they are stock version and RM versions of the same car. Or cars that share some kind of common ground for example. Like an evo 6 and an evo 10. Or a Gallardo and a Scudaria etc.

As you can see the possibilites are quite staggering. And I really would like to hear you guys suggestions on this too. Make a post telling me which two cars you think would be good together. And tell me your reasoning behind it. I cant guarantee I'll use it, but it just might inspire me towards great things ;)

Just as a reminder and to clarify this format as well, GT1 and GT2 are not competing against each other. In the event of a GT1 finishing 1st overall, and a GT2 finishinng 2nd overall, both recieve maximum points for a win in their respective divisions. I'm not saying dont race, but do yourselves a favour and go easy on the opposite divisions. You may occupy the same piece of tarmac, but being ahead or behind make no odds. Infact, let me put this out there right now:


If you are GT2 with track position and clear air, and GT1 is approaching you from behind, get out of the way as though you were being lapped. If you are GT2 with track position and battling with another division member, and GT1 is approaching from behind, continue to race. It is up to GT1 to overtake you in this instance.

Is that clear? Its the best I can explain it. And it goes without saying that if you are being lapped in any instance, you must give way obviously. Even if you are battling.
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You mean we're gonna race New vs Old Fiat 500 next?? :sly:
Sounds good.
We can do a remake of the big fight for lemans between Ford and Ferrari. Withe the GT and maybe the Scuderia.
im gunna make my decision when most people have done theres, i would like to see the same amount in each class
I've been planning another event for a while now, a versus one, I was gonna run it on Fridays as a feeder series for SSCS, looks like I've been beaten to it, I was also gonna use the Harry Hill line too Chris (great minds think alike). ;)

Captain Roh - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Kamykaze - BMW M3 coupe
Crispy - BMW M3 coupe
Cpt. D - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
RalliArt - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Weescotman - BMW M3 coupe
VirtualBornRacer - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1

My upload speed is back to normal, but my download is still struggling. I'm gonna host a shuffle race on Friday to test my connection, if it's ok SSCS will be on, & I'll be on track at Concours too.


PS: Whatever you do, don't click the PS Home link in my sig! :lol:
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Damn I really wanna race this. Can't though. :(
Wasn't available last couple of weeks either.:(
On the bright side, holidays on Sunday.:D

Just to be clear, the Corvettes and the M3's arent going head to head! The corvettes are racing the corvettes and the M3s racing the M3s. They just happen to be on the track at the same time! ;) I think you guys already knew that of course, you just chose a poor choice of word :P

I dont plan to do this every third week either. Its just a nice departure from the norm to have in Concour's arsenal.

I hope to bring more ideas to you guys in future too. The Concours ethos is a brilliant one, I know you all agree. Its just nice to mix it up a little every now and then 👍

And speaking of mixing things up again, next week there's going to be another TWO Concours firsts! :sly: Make sure you dont miss it guys. It could be very interesting!
Yeah, didn't read that till after, sorry. Maybe I will run my versus race event after all then.

Go for it, could be really interesting!

And i'll give you a freebie... F40 vs Muira vs 512B is really fun! Crispy, Disaster and I were messing around the other night and had tons of fun! 512B could do with an extra 5PP or so over the others though.

Btw how was your lobby last night? Any problems?
Btw how was your lobby last night? Any problems?

None whatsoever! My connection is now good enough for hosting, so SSCS is definately back on this Saturday!

No GTP guys turned up to last nights shuffle racing, even though I posted it up on here, but 9 friends did & we had a few very clean races, I loved it.

Guys, dont ask me why, but I need everyone who plans on racing next weekend to post in here and confirm! All part of my plan 👍
Guys, dont ask me why, but I need everyone who plans on racing next weekend to post in here and confirm! All part of my plan 👍

Reminds me of when my girlfriend said: " I'm gonna ask you something, but you've gotta promise me first that you'll say yes!" How can I when I don't know what it is! Likewise, I might not like the car/track combo. ;)

On a different subject, here's a replay file of the BMW race on Tokyo. It's very different from any online replay you've ever seen, as I wasn't in the race, I saved it after spectating the whole thing, & as a result you don't get the progressive lag when you're scrolling through the field of cars. The race is almost as smooth as when I watched it live, I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks for the salutations 👍

Captain Roh - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Kamykaze - BMW M3 coupe
Crispy - BMW M3 coupe
Cpt. D - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
RalliArt - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Weescotman - BMW M3 coupe
VirtualBornRacer - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
BlacqueJacques - BMW M3 coupe

I may only race Indy Road course as I do not enjoy (I'm even slower :))the 'pretend' tracks
I may only race Indy Road course as I do not enjoy (I'm even slower :))the 'pretend' tracks


In my opinion mate, Grand Valley and Deep Forest are two of the finest tracks in the whole game! Would be a shame for you to miss out on future events. Practice makes perfect and all that ;)

Just so you know, two of the three tracks are on real world circuits next week. You should enjoy the combo 👍
Captain Roh - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Kamykaze - BMW M3 coupe
Crispy - BMW M3 coupe
Cpt. D - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
RalliArt - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Weescotman - BMW M3 coupe
VirtualBornRacer - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
BlacqueJacques - BMW M3 coupe
Paginas - BMW M3 coupe

im gunna go for the M3 as i didnt do to well last time and i think i can hve the pace to fight for the wins
I'm definitely there on Sunday.

Captain Roh - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Kamykaze - BMW M3 coupe
Crispy - BMW M3 coupe
Cpt. D - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
RalliArt - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Weescotman - BMW M3 coupe
VirtualBornRacer - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
BlacqueJacques - BMW M3 coupe
Paginas - BMW M3 coupe
Douqa - Chevrolet Corvette ZR1

Missed out on the 'vette last weekend so I'll give her a spin.

Anyone on for testing tonight?.

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