In future I think the cars need to have similar cornering speed as well as different straight line speed, as the ZR1s were often holding the M3s up in the corners to the point they should have almost been letting us by

. Ultimately that was my problem, I knew if I let a ZR1 pass by getting out the gas I would then be slowed down for the following corners quite alot, I'm thinking same compound tyres in future will resolve this, meaning that a faster class car won't be held up in turns by slower ones and slower ones won't be held up either when letting a faster car go.
There's also a slight bit of unclearness as regarding 'in a battle' though again I don't feel I was right in my case, it is difficult to measure that a perhaps a more clear cut method such as within X of other class driver.
Ultimately both incidents were really only warning worthy anyway, as the receiving end of Douqas Indy incident, I only ended up in the grass as the little punt sent me slightly quicker then I anticipated (no more then slipstream though) it was just a case of impatience which put me under a bit of pressure and I borked it

, I wouldn't have given any penalties for it 👍.
I know incidents aren't supposed to be discussed here, but in this case with the new format there are lessons to be learnt and so I feel discussion here is worthwhile, to turn awesome racing into multi-class perfection 👍.
I sort of agree with all of that. I also asked for suggetion in my report post, so the contribution is appreciated 👍
However I eluded to the problem I have in that if the cornering performance in each class is the same, why would anyone choose to race GT2? Everyone likes to go fast right!?

I go back to my initial dilemma before this combo was posted.. Do I force people into driving a particular class or give
them the choice. I'm inclined to go with the latter. This isnt a serious, albeit respectable, racing championship. People race for fun and a gimmiky podium spot in the first page

Its all about bragging rights and giggles in here. I
always want my members to have 'the choice'!
In my opinion, GT1 should be wild. Challenging your abilities in car control. It should also be faster by some margin. GT2 by comparison, should emphasise skill in race craft more than anything else.
I realise now after our pretty successful maiden multi class, that improvements can still be made. GT1 should out perform GT2 by an even greater differential. 3-4 seconds, as big as it sounds, just isnt enough. However the balance between drivability and performace will be the crucial factor. Next time we do a multi class event much more testing would be prudent!
I do apologise for my incident in the final race, though in my defence the problem was that there was never a chance to let you guys by without jeopardising my position for class lead. Given that those ZR1s were looking at lower class standings and the speed differential it was nigh on impossible bar the main straight for a ZR1 to pass me clearly without me having to throw away my position (by allowing other M3 into my slipstream zone). Though I was still wrong and when I did try to let cars pass I totally screwed it up and misjudging the ZR1s lack of braking and cornering performance, I was braking far earlier then I needed to in order to turn in ok, and the ZR1 had managed to go from slightly ahead to slightly behind

With respect mate, its not up to you to decide how you race infront of a GT1. If you lose time by yielding, thats for you to make up again. Everyone else behind let us through! All you needed to do is leave a car width at the apex, job done. I was stuck behind you from the end of the pit straight to the second tunnel because you were defending. The slipstream effect made my tyres less effective in the corners and I lost even
more time being dragged wide. I even flashed my lights coming up behind you on the pit straight.
As you said discussions about incidents aren't resloved in here. You brought it up however and I felt it needed a response. The only reason it is being responded to is because it isnt an incident even worthy of a warning.
I also acknowledge the difficlutly you had understanding the multi class rules I had outlined. In future, a 'battle' constitutes being immediatly within a passing opertunity of a same class competitor.
Hooray, at least 2 of 3 tracks are real ones June 26th:tup:
Are those 3 all premium cars? I haven't checked the dealership yet
You should know me better by now Jack

Of course they're premium! Infact let it go on record that Concours will race exclusively premium cars. Mostly because I only drive cockpit cam

but seriously because I cant guarantee everyone can find the same standard car for each event. Its a bit of a lottery that dearlership 👍