If that is the reason then why would they not put the Monaco flag? The copy right restrictions are on the track and city, not the countries flag.
As i've said before, a Country cannot copy right its own flag. Your "point" about Sienna is absolute void, their not trying to copy right the national flag, they are trying to copyright a symbol of a specific part of the city, there is a big difference. It is like the London Olympics are copyrighted for advertisement, but the English flag cannot be copyrighted.
That was my point, and it is correct. Regardless of what the infallible monster says.
Famine, let me try to put this into context for you. You are wrong. <- that's the clearest I can make it for you.
You know the reason the UN uses the Monaco flag as opposed to the French flag, which would be the correct national flag? Because it would be too confusing for some imbeciles, namely you, to have 2 flags exactly the same for different countries. That is the sole reason. That doesn't make Monaco's flag a National flag, it is still a civil flag.
Here is a good example for you, Northern Irelands National flag is the Union jack. However, for almost all purposes, they identify themselves with the Ulster flag, their civil flag, for easier identification.
I just don't get it. I really don't. For someone who claims to be the "Moost interligernt pursun on teh forumz" you sure have a good knack for not understanding things clear as day. The fact that you won that "glorious award" leads me to have doubts about the competence of the voters/members of the forum.
If you look at my post I said "I know I said I'm not replying, but this is just a joke." As in your "argument", your "points" and your "conclusion" are an absolute joke, to the point where is it no longer funny.
Remember the Piazza del Campo example above? That track was complete and in the game. I've driven it, along with thousands of others, in a pre-release demo. It was removed entirely after legal action was threatened over some flags.
Sienna was not removed for containing the Italian flag? Was it removed for containing a National flag? No, the gist of that article you posted was talking about how a certain part of the section of the track contained copyrighted symbols of the city.
I would like to see you, or anyone for that matter, try to copy right an actual national flag, such as the French/Spanish/German flag.
And to whoever said that the link I gave disagreed with my post. No, it doesn't. It actually says the National flag of Monaco is used for civil purposes. It does not say it is used as a National flag. It is independent of Frances government, that does not mean the national flag is any different. Again refer to the example I've given about northern Ireland, it is pretty much the same context.