Create a Nation

  • Thread starter JMoney
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If I can spare a few, i'll help there in exchange for tech.

Sure, I have developed a new type of jet that can take off in any direction and reach Mach 5. I will supply you prototypes that will at least reach Mach 1. I am also selling fully functional Mach 5 ones for 1 Billion for 3 functional jets, you can recreate them with your parts from there. Allies of New Jahgeeia can get 5 for 1 Billion. I will be delivering them in 6 Months.
Never. I'm not taking $5,000,000,000 and leave Japan occupied. The Japanese deserve their independence, not to live under the rule of tyrants such as yourself.

Good day to you, sir.

War it is. Prepare for annihilation. Magpul, Lancer, Adam, The Tyrant...

Let's do this.

Oh and storm? Dixie says hello.

Magpul, Lancer. Put more in Japan, 600k wont do. New Jahagiea, I don't know how you'll defend your Japan areas.
Sure, I have developed a new type of jet that can take off in any direction and reach Mach 5. I will supply you prototypes that will at least reach Mach 1. I am also selling fully functional Mach 5 ones for 1 Billion for 3 functional jets, you can recreate them with your parts from there. Allies of New Jahgeeia can get 5 for 1 Billion. I will be delivering them in 6 Months.

I'll take 10 for 2 bil.

Current Funds: 20 Bil *Trade will cover it*
I'll see them in New Orleans tomorrow.
I am sending in 150,000 troops as well as a Mach 2.5 Prototype Jetspry to conquer the Falkland Islands.

I'll take 10 for 2 bil.

Current Funds: 20 Bil *Trade will cover it*
I'll see them in New Orleans tomorrow.


Current Funds: 59 Billion
Sending out 1,400 troops (400 Jaguar Warriors, 1,000 Regulars) from Idaho to raid the Raikovakian encampments based outside of Arizona. They will sneak around during the night, stealthily killing the Raikovakian troops. Once a chunk of their force is dead, or our troops get spotted, we will retreat.

Military Distribution:

California: 150,000.
Arizona: 100,000.
Nevada: 100,000.
Oregon: 100,000.
Utah: 100,000.
New Mexico: 100,000.
Texas: 674,000.
Washington: 101,400.
Idaho: 101,400.
Barbados naval base: 26,000.
Montana invaders: 100,000.
Raiders: 1,400.
New Jahgeeian assistance force: 200,000.

Total number of troops: 2,002,800.

To The Soviet Republic of Siberia: Our nation wishes to make a trade. If I give you 2 of our 12 War Machines, you will give us $1,000,000,000. These machines are not going to be sold cheap, but that's because that they are probably the strongest tank in the history of the world.
Park, i'll take Fur.

Knight, MSSR's based in Hawaii.

Oh and Storm, your "buddy" New Jahagiea has land in Japan, read page 47 ;]
Tyrant, lets do this. I'm pushing into Texas when The NAIV's clear the border trenches.
I only want access to Twin Ring Motegi, I don't really want all the land. I will actually be giving it away to a underlanded country at some point.
Texas is under attack. Snipers in Texas have been sent to kill high-profile generals from the USS in order to decrease the morale of enemy troops. In addition, helicopters are launching attacks on enemy supply trucks, reducing the amount of food and ammunition that my enemies get.
New Jahgeeia is inviting all current leaders to Cityville in order to hopefully avoid WW4.
When the trenches clear, I will invade texas with a million and leave 550 to defend.
The tyrant sends 30,000 boxes of "classified" items to the aircraft carriers and naval ships stationed in the Gulf.

50 squadrons of RKAF-001s armed with X2xAG missiles launch for Texas. A new submarine is launched from the New Island City bay, called "Exodus." Based on the Hrimfaxi.


It deploys UAVs and SAM-SAA missiles, plus contains 30 "Ballistic missiles," which detonates at 4,000 feet and destroys anything within a 200 mile radius from the explosion horizontally, and that is between an altitude of 3,000-15,000 feet. It takes 15 minutes to load one, and it takes 2 minutes for it to detonate after launching.

In other news, another air base is being built in the southern part of New Hope. It consists of a ramp that launches vertically. No other news has been found.

The new weaponry has the tyrant needing to spend more money. He spends 5 billion on all of these weapons and the Exodus. He then spends another 10 billion developing the newest weapon that he says "Will assume our dominance in the sky."

Total budget: 24 billion
Since I got 650k troops from knight, ill put them in japan and move thosealready there to the texas invasion, now consisting of 1.5 mil
Damn, I'm heavily outnumbered. Still not giving up until Japan gets it's independence.

Raikovakia, I have missile shields activated. You cannot fire missiles at me. And to make things even better for me, the missile shield can only be deactivated by my command. EMP's don't work since it is not electric.

I need some allies. Several resources, mainly corn, oil, and steel, will be handed out to whoever sends some troops to help defend my land. I may be the world's leading superpower, but that doesn't mean that I can do everything by myself.

Emperor Montezuma III will meet up in Cityville to discuss terms.

I'm spending $1,000,000,000 to develop nuclear shells for my War Machines. These are not missiles so they can't be destroyed by missile shields or any SDI "Star Wars" thingies.

Budget: $33,000,000,000.
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The trenches have been cleared from NAIVs and raikovian missles. The1.5 million invaders are coming to capture texas.
I would like to invite the president of the USS and Raikovakia to my Cityville Summit as well as any other leaders involved with this impending war in the South.
Damn, I'm heavily outnumbered. Still not giving up until Japan gets it's independence.

I need some allies. Several resources, mainly corn, oil, and steel, will be handed out to whoever sends some troops to help defend my land. I may be the world's leading superpower, but that doesn't mean that I can do everything by myself.

Emperor Montezuma III will meet up in Cityville to discuss terms.

They don't seem to be troubled, we all are treating them fine. Bug off. We're coming back for Texas, baby!
Artilleries fire in the Arizonian territory. The ships deploy F-14 squadrons. The RKAF-001s have just flew into Texan territory.

The Exodus is stationed 40 miles from Texan land.
I would like to invite the president of the USS and Raikovakia to my Cityville Summit as well as any other leaders involved with this impending war in the South.

Mr. Anderson will attend
I would like to invite the president of the USS and Raikovakia to my Cityville Summit as well as any other leaders involved with this impending war in the South.

Would love to attend said meeting if the invite is sent.
So where is the kingpin running from? Australia/NZ?

Greetings sir! I am afraid I have the Marshall Islands, unless you'd like to wage a war. Please, you may take New Caledonia instead.

Best of luck.
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