DA's Super GT Series|PURE Spec 1.0|Last Round 4/14

... You guys have never driven a race car!

Speak for yourself, :)

Got a couple of of racecars under my belt. All on rock-hard super cycled slicks in a demo reference, but racecars none-the-less.

I do agree with you on sims and aero though. All they can do is preprogram situations for a particular value of simulated grip and drag.

As far as the soft, hard, medium thing goes... I prefer the tire that allows me to go the fastest. You'll never see me using a tire that doesn't offer an advantage over another, but at the same time in a spec racing class or setting I have no problem using what's available. My real gripe about the hard tires is they are too slow in terms of lap time in comparison to the softer tires. Longevity is good between all the compounds but they are spaced a little too far in lap time. People don't use them because there's is no advantage to them. One exception, appears to be the GT300's. They can use a Hard or Med tires very effectively.


...I don't think anyone knows the #'s officially on the amount of downforce the cars make.

Yeah, the actual info is very hard to find, but some companies will make public their figures over time. Here's a link to a cool LMP site, http://www.mulsannescorner.com/ . The site is geared toward very technical reading, but still good to go through. They also have an aero-database for many different types of cars through many different genre's. Take a look through, I noticed they had the McLaren GTR that raced in both the FIA championships and the Super GT championship so thats the closest thing I can find to a Super GT car and the level of downforce they create. However the site have tons of LMP/Group C/GTP figures. Its cool to get more insight on how some of the cars in the past were so dominant. For example the all dominanting late 80's-early 90's Nissan GTP car. When you look at the amount of downforce that car generated and the drag levels it had its easy to see why an excellent driver like Brabham was so dominant.


...Like the fact the Advan (Yokohama tires) GTR isn't nearly as good as the others (on Bridgestones). And the Epson/Stealth NSX (on Dunlops) aren't as good as the other NSXs. So perhaps subliminal tire modeling is taking place as the cars are identical (save for the 50kg extra weight on the Epson)..

I used to think this as well, but there were outliers to that way of thinking. E.g why was the Denso SC430 so good on the Dunlops? It didn't make sense to me at first. All the other Dunlap cars were pretty bad, but after I read a few of the descriptions it became very clear. PD went out of their way to model the cars to the pecking order of the class, Most of the cars in that list were alone in development. Meaning they had no help and had to do it alone. That's a big deal as far as tires go. I think PD handicapped the cars as best as they could to portray that, in some cases I think they went too far, Clarion GTR and Epson NSX. But I believe the Stealth NSX is actually a quite good car even on the Dunlops.
I was only suggesting this could be taking place because IRL, like you said, the pecking order is pretty accurate. Even this season IRL SGT- the Epson HSV and Advan GTR are at the rear of the field through round 1 @Okayama. This is down to tire development it's said. The DENSO car ended up switching to Michelin tires a few years ago, but the cars in GT500 using Yokohama and Dunlop tires still are towards the rear.
I'd like to share a textbook pass by ToyotaSupra. The pass requires 2 turns to be completed. I was the victim of the pass. But notice how both drivers gave each other enough room. Very clean pass by Toyota.

Here you can see Toyota braking a bit later and grabbing the inside line.

Knowing Toyota was below me, i respected his position by giving him enough space underneath.

The drag race was on after exiting the 1st turn of the passing attempt. Toyota sitting in the prime position for the next turn.

Entering the 2nd turn. Once again, both drivers giving each other space. This turn is tricky enough for just one car.

Just past the apex of the turn you can clearly see Toyota with the advantage.

Pass completed and we both continue on racing.

Great pass Toyota!
Thankyou man it was pretty tricky Passing into that tight corner But good battle 👍:)
That was good racing guys! Now just bring it to Spa this weekend. I'll get points updated in the next couple days. I wont forget your point I owe you Seth.

Also, I knew I wasn't going to place well at Laguna and I was ok with that. But for the game to screw me over and give me no engine noise was rough. It was so hard trying to go fast and keep track of speed and what gear I was in. Try muting the sound and running, it ain't all that pleasant. I seriously hope I'm issue free this weekend. It was the first time I ever had any problems with sound...hopefully the last.

Anybody tried the different tire compounds at Spa yet? Results? I know time-wise the mediums are about 2-2.5 seconds slower but not sure on how long they last. Haven't had any significant practice at Spa for quite some time.
Good race Red.

Thanks, was nice to get a win.

Anybody tried the different tire compounds at Spa yet? Results? I know time-wise the mediums are about 2-2.5 seconds slower but not sure on how long they last. Haven't had any significant practice at Spa for quite some time.

Based on the 1st practice race at SPA, i'd say softs are the way to go.
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Thanks, was nice to get a win.

Based on the 1st practice race at SPA, i'd say softs are the way to go.

That race was 18 laps. This weekend is 51 so maybe mediums would work.
I used mediums last time we were at Spa. I held my own, but i was swallowed up on the straights, but that's expected with 502hp! ;) I think I was getting 2:16's on mediums from testing. Maybe faster because my gearing was wrong. 2:15's are probable.

And my bad Supra. I lost control when you passed me on the straight. You could have waited a little bit because I was on mediums to the end. You would have passed me probably in the next couple of turns. But you were on my right rear and sent me loose. I tried to recover that's when i smacked you. I was still spinning after the collision.
Well for me around Spa I can do about 4 laps on Softs before my times go off my fastest lap so far is 2.13.673...And on the medium tires about 6laps fastest lap was 2.15.1 sec.
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Spa, is pretty much always a Soft tire track. Even with the SGT 300's, I think it would be tough to see a Med or Hard tire win in strategy.

What I'm finding on tire strategies is the softs are nearly a minute faster than Hards and Meds (Hards and Meds are within 15 seconds of each other). And that's with nine stops vs 6 and 4.

However, I found out the interesting stuff for Spa in a TVR RM. Figured out how to go 6-7 laps on a set of softs, and still turn reasonable laps. I haven't been back to apply that info to the SGT's yet but it might help to cut 1 or 2 stops out.
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Z Crazy
What I'm finding on tire strategies is the softs are nearly a minute faster than Hards and Meds (Hards and Meds are within 15 seconds of each other). And that's with nine stops vs 6 and 4

Excel spreadsheet? Lol
I do ALMS friday night. I don't think I'll be able to practice then. Spa isn't a hard track to figure out. Pretty straight forward. As long as you know the braking points you should do fine here.
I do ALMS friday night. I don't think I'll be able to practice then. Spa isn't a hard track to figure out. Pretty straight forward. As long as you know the braking points you should do fine here.

I think SPA is a pretty technical track. Requires a solid lap to reach the 2.12's.
I think SPA is a pretty technical track. Requires a solid lap to reach the 2.12's.

I'm with you Red, when I first started running the track I was in the 14's and thought that was quick enough. I then started running it with a few friends who are crazy fast and found out quickly how much I was behind. Needless to say there was easily another 3-4 seconds to be had. I still haven't found all the time this track has to offer.

Excel spreadsheet? Lol

Still using them. Best way to determine a base strategy. You can't account for random errors, but all things equal it will tell you the cold hard truth.
Qualifying isn't the race. So 14s during the race will be fine.

Guess we will find out. 14's are relatively slow...unless that's with mediums. Still, softs are 3 seconds faster...
Yeah, I know I have lots of time to pick up off the table at Spa, running with people like Velocity, Duck and Capt have taught me there's a little more to be had.

I have a friend that runs the stealth NSX alot, and at 512 hp he was able to push down to the 9's. I struggle for 11's here, so I have no illusions I need to improve here.

I'm thinking the NSX's will rule this one. With the weight/engine mod hanidcaps the GTRs will struggle and SC430's will likely have a tough time with tires or have to slow their pace to preserve them.

I'm thinking pole should get down around the 11's, but a mistake on the very limited qualifying session and you could find yourself way down the field. The tires will only be good for a pole time for one lap, then they will drop off by about .500-.750 by the end of the second lap (if your really pushing). I'm guessing a race pace in the 12-13s range should net a top 3-4.
Pretty sure that i'll be a good minute from the leader by the end of the race. We'll see, but i plan on trying my best. The straights here are the enemy of the SC430 and probably the GTR's. I do recall in the practice round that i was a bit quicker in the mid section of the track. But the first and last sector favored the NSX's.
Maybe I'm thinking differently or not recollecting the correct times. When I was practicing after last race my first lap out I think was a 2:16 with mediums on the GTR. I donno if I'm recalling correctly or not. I'm not worried about it much though. There's always the draft.
Maybe I'm thinking differently or not recollecting the correct times. When I was practicing after last race my first lap out I think was a 2:16 with mediums on the GTR. I donno if I'm recalling correctly or not. I'm not worried about it much though. There's always the draft.

Softs - 2:11.xxx- 2:12.xxx
Mediums - 2:14.xxx- 2:15.xxx
Hards- 2:16.xxx- 2:17.xxx

Those are ranges of times I can run on the first few laps of each tire, and I'm no stellar driver. There's time to be had. I know this. So I would say you're not remembering correctly. Better hope for that draft lol.
After Spa I'm done with this series. Too many complaints about me, maybe people should drive around if I'm so slow instead of ramming me into a spin.
After Spa I'm done with this series. Too many complaints about me, maybe people should drive around if I'm so slow instead of ramming me into a spin.

Don't start with accusations dude. I was planning to keep complaint/penalty business to pm's. Please, everyone else, do not post if it involves an accusation, complaint, or any drama-causing bs. I don't feel like effin with it.
I can say what I want. Like I told you in PM. I'm no one's friend here, were not close or buddies. It's not like me to bite my tongue. I'll let it be known. If someone wants to pass, drive past me. I don't care who it is what race it is. I said I'm done with this series because there's another series I'm involved with coming up. I'm not going to continue driving with people who complain about incidents that could be chalked up to just incidents but wanna make it bigger than what it is. I'm not trying to stir things up. I didn't mention names, but if they know who they are, oh well.