DA's Super GT Series|PURE Spec 1.0|Last Round 4/14

Thanks for the input. Is anyone in your series driving the Lexus TOMS? If so, how are they fairing with the rest of the field?

Its hard to use someone else's performance to judge how fast a car is. I would imagine you'd have to have quite a few different people driving the same car to get a good overall view of where it stands. I took a look at the overall standings on Pure's thread/site and the guys driving that car were way off the pace that I've done in that car with less hp (but they were 30kg heavier).
Hey DA...... been out of town for the last few days and haven't been able to practice since you and I were on last. :scared:

I'm going to change my car to the Lexus Bandai Direzza SC430 '06. I've used it before and have a pretty good setup for it, I just don't have the time to dial in that NSX.
Hey DA...... been out of town for the last few days and haven't been able to practice since you and I were on last. :scared:

I'm going to change my car to the Lexus Bandai Direzza SC430 '06. I've used it before and have a pretty good setup for it, I just don't have the time to dial in that NSX.

Sounds good. I've gotta get this stuff squared away about how we will all enter before qualifying.
Sounds good. I've gotta get this stuff squared away about how we will all enter before qualifying.

Yeah, not really sure of the best way to do that, it's gonna be a PITA no matter how you do it. Maybe PM one of the guy from the PURE series and ask how they do it.

What is the HP of the Woodone GT-R? It's not on the OP.

I assume the race tomorrow is 18 laps + 1 for pace lap?

I'm gonna get on and run some laps now to get the gearing set on the Lexus.
Yeah, not really sure of the best way to do that, it's gonna be a PITA no matter how you do it. Maybe PM one of the guy from the PURE series and ask how they do it.

What is the HP of the Woodone GT-R? It's not on the OP.

I assume the race tomorrow is 18 laps + 1 for pace lap?

Yes 18 + 1 laps.

I pm'd the PURE guys and they let me know how to do it. I'm figuring out what order things will go right now. If the pre race post isn't up tonight, it will be early tomorrow.
Its hard to use someone else's performance to judge how fast a car is. I would imagine you'd have to have quite a few different people driving the same car to get a good overall view of where it stands. I took a look at the overall standings on Pure's thread/site and the guys driving that car were way off the pace that I've done in that car with less hp (but they were 30kg heavier).

Exactly this! 👍

The series has some crazy fast drivers in it, but there is a wide variety also. The PURE specs are only run on Racing Hard tyres in the series too, so we couldn't comment on the performance using different tyres either, but it shouldn't alter too much as far as I know. That being said and in response to 'awr117', I believe the Toms and Denso Lexus's to be very similar, if not the same and I know 'GTP_CSL' is sitting 3rd in the PURE championship with the Denso Lexus. The Tom's Lexus driver has also had some top 10 qualifying results which demonstrates the capabilities of the car also. For what it's worth, I had the Yellowhat Supra, Stealth NSX and Tom's Lexus as my 1,2,3 car choices in the series. A lot of time and effort went into getting the specs to where they are for a fair, full season of racing and it's worked well within our championship. At the end of the day, we all have different preferences and certain cars will work for one and not others.

Pick wisely my friends! :sly:

EDIT - With regard to qualifying, I just experienced a different way of doing it in a race this evening. Similar to PURE Live qualifying, but everyone goes at the same time, just prior to the main race. We set up a 4 lap race, then got everyone to spread out on lap 1, laps 2 and 3 as 'flying' laps (without catching any draft), then cool down last lap, before stopping before the finish line and applying handbrake. Everyone posts their best lap in Chat, then you arrange the cars on track in reverse order (slowest in 1st, fastest in last place). Then proceed to drive over the finish line in these positions. You then set the grid order for the next race to reverse grid from previous race and it will be set up for a standing start if you wish. You kind of rely on honesty, but cheats could easily be found by saving and checking the replay later ;). If you're having a pace lap start, then no need to sort the order at the end of the qualifying race, you could do that at the start of the main race of course.

Just a thought :)
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I got the Lexus running much better now. The transmission required some serious adjusting. Much more enjoyable now 👍
Ok, here goes. This is highlyh important!

I'll be in my lounge tomorrow from 2 p.m. to 3p.m. EST if anyone does not understand this. That will be the time to ask questions.

When qualifying is getting ready to start, we all have to enter the track in a certain order. This is the best way to reassure everyone is as close to the regulations outline in the first post.

Cars will first enter the course according to performance points, starting with the lowest and will work our way up to the highest. Several cars will enter at the same time because they have the same PP's. The restrictions will be set to 604 too allow the Yellowhat Supra to enter (robbie2ffy). Once he is entered, do not start driving. Just stay put. Performance points restrictions will be raised to 606 to allow the Arta, Raybrig, and Takata NSX's to enter. They are also required to not drive away. Stay in pit lane. Again, PP restriction will be raised to 607 to allow the Xanavi and Autech GT-R's to enter the course. Hopefully everyone can fill in the blanks for how the rest of the field. So, in order of performance points, car will enter in this order:

1. Yellowhat Supra - 604pp
2. Arta/Raybrig/Takata NSX's - 606pp
3. Xanavi/Autech GT-R's - 607pp
4. Stealth GT-R - 608pp
5. Petrona's SC430 -609pp
6. Bandai SC430 -612pp
7. Xanavi Nismo Z - 615pp

After everyone has entered, stay put. Once I give eveyone the que, exit the course. DO NOT TOUCH THE SETUP MENU! DOING SO WILL DEDUCT 10 POINTS and possibly DISQUALIFICATION! Once everyone has exited the track and is back in the lounge, we will begin to start entering the track according to weight starting with the heaviest cars first.

Minimum weight will be set to 1130kg and the Xanavi, Autech, and Stealth GT-R's along with the Xanavi NISMO Z and Petrona's SC430 will enter. Stay in pit lane! Don't start driving yet! The weight limit will then be lowered to1100kg and the Arta, Raybrig, and Takata NSX's along with the Bandi SC430 will enter. Lastly, the limit will be lowered to 1090kg for the Supra to enter. So, in order of heaviest to lightest, cars will enter in this order:

1. Xanavi/Autech/Stealth GT-R's, Xanavi Z, Petronas SC430 - 1130kg
2. Arta/Raybrig/Takata NSX's, Bandai SC430 - 1100kg
3. Yellowhat Supra - 1090kg

Now, with everyone on track, qualifying will begin and last for 15 minutes. Leave enough track space ahead of you and behind you so people can qualify uninterrupted. NO EXITING COURSE IS ALLOWED!!! NONE!! At the end on the 15 minutes, everyone will go to pitlane and PAUSE. There will be a 10 minute break before the race start.
Looks like you guys are getting started soon. Good luck to all of you! 👍

Gillard17: I think you're 4 hours ahead of EST.
I'll be in my lounge until 3, then I'll open another room from which we will be qualifying and racing in.
Another preseason race is in the works. Qualifying needs organized. I believe something along the lines of what RIP Welsh mentioned. If GT cant organize the qualifying I'm gonna have to.
I can probably make it work depending on the time. We could try another practice run with qualifying on a Saturday. But this time write down the times and announce the grid positions before starting. It shouldn't take but an additional 5 minutes. I can help with writing down the qualifying times if needed.
I can help with writing down the qualifying times if needed.

That would help. I like you're idea, but I cannot do it without help.

If I have to do it on my own, we could do 2 races on friday with half the field in each race. 4 laps and the best of laps 2&3 are counted as fast laps. I can then review replays and post the grid up here. Having someone help me out would be great though.
any evening will do for me, as long as it aint later then 5-6pm your time. but if its friday 7pm can work too, just keep in mind im 7hours ahead of you.
any evening will do for me, as long as it aint later then 5-6pm your time. but if its friday 7pm can work too, just keep in mind im 7hours ahead of you.

K. I'll keep that in mind.
If we just state our best lap times we should do ok. As long as were honest.

I'd like to think that. What we can do is just qualify, state best times and get behind the next fastest person. If things get way effed up then we should have a back up.

Any other ideas? I'm open for anything. I'd much rather a way to verify times though...maybe we could qualify in my lounge before opening a public lobby so I can direct people via mic. It'd be much easier on my end.
Well if you wanna make it easy/best. You should appoint stewards and qualify week prior race day, each person must Q in front of a steward during a 3 to 4 lap single sprint race alone and record fastest lap. Then post results on the thread. On race day you will line up according to the results on the thread. That's the way some of the more established leagues do it. Hope this helps, didn't mean to bogard the thread :)
I would like to sign up for this.👍

1. DA6righthand/DA6righthand/Honda ARTA NSX '06
2. Amphibious82/Amphibious/Xanavi Nismo GT-R '08
3. Gillard17/Irishstig17/Nissan Xanavi Nismo Z '06
4. Z Crazy/Z-Crazy/Honda Takata Dome NSX '06
5. UnshavenYapper/UnshavenYapper/Nissan Motile Autech GTR 08
6. Robbie2ffy/Robbie2ffy/Toyota YellowHat YMS Supra '05
7. boshuter/boshuter/Lexus Bandai Direzza SC430 '06
8. freshseth83/TF-110B/Nissan Stealth GT500 GTR '08
9. NaSuU/NaSsuU/Honda Raybrig NSX 06
10. awr117/redrobin347/Lexus Petronas Tom's SC430 '08
11. RodeRuner1967/T-n-T-2000/Nissan Stealth GT-R GT500

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