DA's Super GT Series|PURE Spec 1.0|Last Round 4/14

I already announced that i can help. Depending on my schedule, i should be able to help. Just let me know if you need anything.

My 2 pennies: I prefer qualifying taking place on race day.
^This gets my vote^ It doesn't take all week to get 12 cars qualified.

Like Bo and RR said. Run 20 minutes and drivers shout out or text in their times until an update fixes the issue. The Steward process is really fantastic, promotes working with other racers and friendship amongst competitors. But if you have no time maybe hold off on that until you get a good core of members to work it for you. Tough call.
Like Bo and RR said. Run 20 minutes and drivers shout out or text in their times until an update fixes the issue. The Steward process is really fantastic, promotes working with other racers and friendship amongst competitors. But if you have no time maybe hold off on that until you get a good core of members to work it for you. Tough call.

I agree with you. Steward stuff is too involved for this series because it's just getting going.

Qualifying will run the same as it did last week. Everything will work out fine.
Ive decided to stick with the EPSON NSX '08 I though the extra 50kg would be bad but after testing the available cars it dosent seem to be slower.
1. DA6righthand/DA6righthand/Honda ARTA NSX '06
2. Amphibious82/Amphibious/Xanavi Nismo GT-R '08
3. Gillard17/Irishstig17/Nissan Xanavi Nismo Z '06
4. Z Crazy/Z-Crazy/Honda Takata Dome NSX '06
5. UnshavenYapper/UnshavenYapper/Nissan Motile Autech GTR 08
6. Robbie2ffy/Robbie2ffy/Toyota YellowHat YMS Supra '05
7. boshuter/boshuter/Lexus Bandai Direzza SC430 '06
8. freshseth83/TF-110B/Nissan Stealth GT500 GTR '08
9. NaSuU/NaSsuU/Honda Raybrig NSX 06
10. awr117/redrobin347/Lexus Petronas Tom's SC430 '08
11. RodeRuner1967/T-n-T-2000/Honda Stealth NSX
12. Kakarot/Sinladar/Honda EPSON NSX '08

hope im not too late to get the last spot

I'm glad your here my friend. This is going to be fun.:)
I can qualify on Friday's.👍

I like the idea of qualifing on race day better. I should have read farther down the post. lol

We will be qualifying on race day. It'll be the same thing as last weekend, room opening at 3 and qualifying begins at 3:30pm and lasting for 15 mins. I'll post friday evening how things will work Saturday. Just pay attention to this thread because it's where I post all the nitty gritty details.
We will be qualifying on race day. It'll be the same thing as last weekend, room opening at 3 and qualifying begins at 3:30pm and lasting for 15 mins. I'll post friday evening how things will work Saturday. Just pay attention to this thread because it's where I post all the nitty gritty details.

Perfect, see you all there.
I'm glad your here my friend. This is going to be fun.:)

Thanx I agree :)👍

Also on a side note Im posting this here because DA's PM box is full.

@ DA6righthand Ok I figured out the problem, the stats you have listed for the EPSON NSX are based off of the car at 168-170 miles on it wich at 99.5% pl gives you 530hp and 606pp so your stats are correct. Also at that mileage the car has 533hp at 100%pl.

However the car is not fully broken in at 268 miles it needs closer to 200 to be fully broken in. This is what caused the problem because at 200 miles the car has a max power of 534 at 100% pl. That is why it has to be at 99.3% or 99.2% pl both give 530hp and both say 607pp.

Also I only used stage2 turbo and ridgidity improvment, nothing else. I know its only a verry small diffrence so it really shouldnt be a concern just wanted to point it out. Hopfully you didnt test out all the cars at 168 miles, otherwise all the stats could be slightly off as well.
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Thanx I agree :)👍

Also on a side note Im posting this here because DA's PM box is full.

@ DA6righthand Ok I figured out the problem, the stats you have listed for the EPSON NSX are based off of the car at 168-170 miles on it wich at 99.5% pl gives you 530hp and 606pp so your stats are correct. Also at that mileage the car has 533hp at 100%pl.

However the car is not fully broken in at 268 miles it needs closer to 200 to be fully broken in. This is what caused the problem because at 200 miles the car has a max power of 534 at 100% pl. That is why it has to be at 99.3% or 99.2% pl both give 530hp and both say 607pp.

Also I only used stage2 turbo and ridgidity improvment, nothing else. I know its only a verry small diffrence so it really shouldnt be a concern just wanted to point it out. Hopfully you didnt test out all the cars at 168 miles, otherwise all the stats could be slightly off as well.

Thanks, it doesn't say how full my pm box is til its 100% full.

I'll figure out what to do with the EPSON today.
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Thanks, it doesn't say how full my pm box is til its 100% full.

I'll figure out what to do with the EPSON today.

You don't need to do anything with the Epson. When it's fully broken in and fresh oil change the specs are exactly right.
You don't need to do anything with the Epson. When it's fully broken in and fresh oil change the specs are exactly right.

Actually they aren't. My EPSON with fresh oil and 1,100mi on the clock and allowed mods didn't match what I had posted. I will correct it...soon.
Thanx I agree :)👍

Also on a side note Im posting this here because DA's PM box is full.

@ DA6righthand Ok I figured out the problem, the stats you have listed for the EPSON NSX are based off of the car at 168-170 miles on it wich at 99.5% pl gives you 530hp and 606pp so your stats are correct. Also at that mileage the car has 533hp at 100%pl.

However the car is not fully broken in at 268 miles it needs closer to 200 to be fully broken in. This is what caused the problem because at 200 miles the car has a max power of 534 at 100% pl. That is why it has to be at 99.3% or 99.2% pl both give 530hp and both say 607pp.

Also I only used stage2 turbo and ridgidity improvment, nothing else. I know its only a verry small diffrence so it really shouldnt be a concern just wanted to point it out. Hopfully you didnt test out all the cars at 168 miles, otherwise all the stats could be slightly off as well.

Fixed it. 99.2%pl gives you 530hp at 607pp.
The NSX's got a huge advantage at these specs on fast tracks. If you have tire wear figured out, they should be winning a lot of the races. Hopefully others can keep pace.
The NSX's got a huge advantage at these specs on fast tracks. If you have tire wear figured out, they should be winning a lot of the races. Hopefully others can keep pace.

NSX's eat tires quick compared to other cars. I predict otherwise. I guess we will see though.
The cars are close to perfectly balanced. You will see thruout the championship. 👍
The cars are close to perfectly balanced. You will see thruout the championship. 👍

If anybody knows, its these guys. Best group of racers I've ever seen since I bought gt5. Nobody else comes close. Seriously!!!!
EDIT: and the fastest...
Ok, here goes. This is highly important!

I'll be in my lounge Saturday from 2 p.m. to 3p.m. EST if anyone does not understand this. That will be the time to ask questions. Do NOT start asking questions when we start this process! Just sit back and go along with what I say.

When qualifying is getting ready to start, we all have to enter the track in a certain order. This is the best way to reassure everyone is as close to the regulations outline in the first post.

Cars will first enter the course according to performance points, starting with the lowest and will work our way up to the highest. Several cars will enter at the same time because they have the same PP's. The restrictions will be set to 604 to allow the Yellowhat Supra to enter (robbie2ffy). Once he is entered, do not start driving. Just stay put in pit lane. Performance points restrictions will be raised to 606 to allow the Arta, Raybrig, Stealth, and Takata NSX's to enter. They are also required to not drive away. Stay in pit lane. Again, PP restriction will be raised to 607 to allow the Xanavi and Autech GT-R's to enter the course. Hopefully everyone can fill in the blanks for how the rest of the field will enter. So, in order of performance points, cars will enter in this order:

1. Yellowhat Supra - 604pp
2. Arta/Raybrig/Takata/Stealth NSX's - 606pp
3. Xanavi/Autech GT-R's/EPSON NSX - 607pp
4. Stealth GT-R - 608pp
5. Petrona's SC430 -609pp
6. Bandai SC430 -612pp
7. Xanavi Nismo Z - 615pp

After everyone has entered, stay put. Once I give eveyone the que, exit the course. DO NOT TOUCH THE SETUP MENU! DOING SO WILL DEDUCT 10 POINTS and possibly lead to DISQUALIFICATION! Once everyone has exited the track and is back in the lounge, we will begin to start entering the track according to weight starting with the heaviest cars first.

Minimum weight will be set to 1150kg to allow the EPSON NSX to enter. Do NOT leave pit lane yet! Minimum weight will then set to 1130kg and the Xanavi, Autech, and Stealth GT-R's along with the Xanavi NISMO Z and Petronas SC430 will enter. Stay in pit lane! Don't start driving yet! The weight limit will then be lowered to1100kg and the Arta, Raybrig, and Takata NSX's along with the Bandi SC430 will enter. Lastly, the limit will be lowered to 1090kg for the Supra to enter. So, in order of heaviest to lightest, cars will enter in this order:

1. EPSON NSX - 1150kg
2. Xanavi/Autech/Stealth GT-R's, Xanavi Z, Petronas SC430 - 1130kg
3. Arta/Raybrig/Takata/Stealth NSX's, Bandai SC430 - 1100kg
4. Yellowhat Supra - 1090kg

Now, with everyone on track, qualifying will begin and last for 15 minutes. Leave enough track space ahead of you and behind you so people can qualify uninterrupted. NO EXITING COURSE IS ALLOWED!!! NONE!! At the end on the 15 minutes, everyone will go to pitlane and PAUSE. There will be a 10 minute break before the race start.

**When everyone has parked, I (AND ONLY ME) will exit course and go to the watch race/live timing monitor where I will be able to see everyone’s fastest lap. I’ll announce the grid order over the text chat. While I’m typing the grid order, I’d appreciate it if nobody types anything until I’m done. After I announce the grid, there will be approximately 10 minutes before the race starts.

**Read the TIRE POLICIES outlined in post #2! Anybody not adhering to these rules will face a penalty of some sort. This change in policy will help prevent opening lap accidents and frustration.
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Just a quick tip, to save some time.. Since the EPSON NSX can't get below 1150 kg, let it to track at 1130 kg alnong with the Z, GT-R's and SC430's..

Same goes for the 1100 Kg cars (ARTA, STEALTH, RAYBRIG, TAKATA, BANDAI DIREZZA), let them enter together with the YELLOWHAT SUPRA at 1090 kg, cause none of the 1100kg cars can get below 1100kg.

It will save you some time. 👍
Just a quick tip, to save some time.. Since the EPSON NSX can't get below 1150 kg, let it to track at 1130 kg alnong with the Z, GT-R's and SC430's..

Same goes for the 1100 Kg cars (ARTA, STEALTH, RAYBRIG, TAKATA, BANDAI DIREZZA), let them enter together with the YELLOWHAT SUPRA at 1090 kg, cause none of the 1100kg cars can get below 1100kg.

It will save you some time. 👍

Thanks! Definitely saves time. I'll edit that last post here in a while.
The NSX's got a huge advantage at these specs on fast tracks. If you have tire wear figured out, they should be winning a lot of the races. Hopefully others can keep pace.

Premium NSX's (and depending on the Regs Standards as well) always have an advantage on fast tracks, however, I do agree that the car balancing is very well done with the exception of a few hard to tune cars I mentioned eariler (that have been given an advantage if you get them right). I think on most of the tracks we're set to run, any car could get a win at any time. In the practice round at Spa, I tested the notoriously slow Bandai Lexus and ran a time within .3 of the Takata NSX's average lap, a car that I had tuned for the track.
When I picked the ARTA NSX, I didn't think of or know it's advantages necessarily. I picked it because I am a Honda guy and like mid engine cars...and I'm a sucker for the fluorescent red.
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They are faster around turns and have higher hp. IF you can cure the oversteer there is a good chance you can win. Knowing that I still chose the stealth GTR, 1- I LOVE the livery and bare carbon 2- It has better downforce. Even though it's down on power, playing with the ballast helps turn in.
1. DA6righthand/DA6righthand/Honda ARTA NSX '06
2. Amphibious82/Amphibious/Xanavi Nismo GT-R '08
3. Gillard17/Irishstig17/Nissan Xanavi Nismo Z '06
4. Z Crazy/Z-Crazy/Honda Takata Dome NSX '06
5. UnshavenYapper/UnshavenYapper/Nissan Motile Autech GTR 08
6. Robbie2ffy/Robbie2ffy/Nissan YellowHat YMS GT-R '08
7. boshuter/boshuter/Lexus Bandai Direzza SC430 '06
8. freshseth83/TF-110B/Nissan Stealth GT500 GTR '08
9. NaSuU/NaSsuU/Honda Raybrig NSX 06
10. awr117/redrobin347/Lexus Petronas Tom's SC430 '08
11. RodeRuner1967/T-n-T-2000/Honda Stealth NSX
12. Kakarot/Sinladar/Honda EPSON NSX '08
I haven't gotten much practice in this week. Hopefully i am able to keep on pace tomorrow 👍