
  • Thread starter Waheed
@Brend I didn't know that Driveclub had minus side of the laderboard until now. Haha :lol:

God, I forgot that happened! :lol: :lol:

I thought an update would fix it. :scared: That has been the case on my side too since like June!
Drifting in hard core mode is bliss! Finally I can be competitive with the wheel while drifting.
Be like me, blind as a bat so you don't worry about reading the speedo - seriously though, you folks actually can read that thing in other cars? I always go by the sound.
Well, I'm a bit of a perfectionist (or straight up annoying) when it comes to this kind of thing. I ALWAYS play using cockpit view in any game where it's available (since the first Test Drive for PC, back in 1987), because I love the driving (and gaming) experience to be as authentic as possible, even if the game is not a simulator.

And I sit a few inches away from my monitor, so yeah... I'm drawn to the smallest details. It shouldn't be hard to correct this kind of thing. Even Turn 10, which is lazy to make any corrections to its Forza games, has been releasing patches to address wrong camera positioning on cockpits (Forza 6 had A LOT of those). Now, some cars that were awful to drive on cockpit view (Ferrari Cali T, Lambo Reventón, Challenger HC) are much better.
System is perfect now. If you hit a wall, you're out.

Maybe you should actually try it before making a statement like that? Doesn't take a lot of playing to realise that double penalties are neither fun nor fair. And that's exactly what the Hardcore penalties amount to.
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I've just got a PS4 as a present, and I immediatly bought Driveclub. Usually, I'm not a huge fan of arcade racing games but Driveclub is visually mind-blowing, with an extreme speed sensation and really fun :D

I've tested the hc mode on a lot of races. The RWD are really funnier to drive, you can feel the car, control precisely the oversteer, I love it :D. The game lose a little of its insame speed but it's ok. On the other hand, the FWD became really boring. The Megane RS for exemple is a really funny car to drive IRL, it can oversteer easily (lift-off) but in DC with hc mode the car can only understeer, understeer and understeer again... Without hc mode this car was really fun to drive.

As I'm only at the beginning of the game, the hc mode seems to be a problem because the game went from "really easy"(win the 3 stars in 1 or 2 attempts) to "clearly impossible" (I did 10 times the same championship and I still have 1 star missing :banghead:). As you are really slower in hc mode, some original challenge TTs are not appropriate anymore... So I d'ont really know what to do :confused: Switching between the 2 modes would be really painfull as you need to re-adapt each time :nervous: Do you have any advices guys ?
I'm really happy with hardcore mode, all cars behave differently from each other in a realistic way and some of them are even easier to drive than before.
Thanks guys, I had a chat with Rushy on Twitter and he just said I should restart the update. Worked and downloaded.

I've also got the problem that you had, so did you go Options > Delete and then on the Driveclub icon Options > Check for update?

I tried pausing/resuming it, and it's still stuck on 0% of it's download preparation.

Update: It seems to have jumped into action. With 2GB to download instead of 0.9GB. Oh well, it's better than 13GB. It's 1AM and I can finally get some sleep in anticipation for tomorrow morning. :lol:
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I've also got the problem that you had, so did you go Options > Delete and then on the Driveclub icon Options > Check for update?

I tried pausing/resuming it, and it's still stuck on 0% of it's download preparation.

Update: It seems to have jumped into action. With 2GB to download instead of 0.9GB. Oh well, it's better than 13GB. It's 1AM and I can finally get some sleep in anticipation for tomorrow morning. :lol:

Hah, yeah, I was about to post that mine took 20 minutes or more before the bar started moving!
Maybe you should actually try it before making a statement like that? Doesn't take a lot of playing to realise that double penalties are neither fun nor fair. And that's exactly what the Hardcore penalties amount to.
Maybe you should actually not assume that I haven't tried it.
I'm really happy with hardcore mode, all cars behave differently from each other in a realistic way and some of them are even easier to drive than before.
So your faster in hardcore mode! I dont understand the logic that we'd be slower with assists turned off which is claimed by Rushy and mos peple that have turned assists off.
I think they should change the braking a little bit on hc mode. When you lock up your brakes, it doesn't actually feel like you lock up your brakes.
So your faster in hardcore mode! I dont understand the logic that we'd be slower with assists turned off which is claimed by Rushy and mos peple that have turned assists off.
I can understand what he means.There are some cars that in normal mode have liftoff oversteer but in hardcore mode I can feel the car better and control the problem,so although overall I'm slower in HC mode,the car is easier to control.