No - danoff didn't say drugs are good. He said you've been brought up to think "Drugs are bad".
The difference being?
Think about it for a minute. What constitutes "drugs"? Heroin? Cocaine? Calpol?
There are two different types of drugs:
- Legal and/or prescribed pharmaceuticals
- Illegal, mind-altering controlled substances that have NOT been medically prescribed
You can get addicted to medicinal nasal spray. You can overdose - quite effectively - on paracetamol.
I'm aware that it is possible to OD on OTC medication. However, there are labels etc. that tell the user the dosage, how often to take it etc. I don't see how that would be possible with marijuana. Especially considering the fact that we have Marinol already. The FDA has not approved of any smokable medication.
Caffeine, which is perfectly legal, is 500 times more potent in its effect than crack cocaine is. Yet you wouldn't say that someone taking nasal spray, paracetamol or drinking coffee is a stoner/junkie, would you?
Of course not, because the nasal spray and caffeine are legal.
And an irresponsible minority is a reason to inflexibly control a responsible majority why?
Not until a cost/benefit analysis is performed can a question like that be answered.
Regulate drugs and you'll have pharmaceutical grade batches, slashing addiction rates and death rates. You'd also have set, lower prices and possibly even room for taxation on there too. Drugs supporting the economy? Whatever next.
What a wonderful idea! I wonder why this hasn't been tried before...
I wonder how much less crime you'd have around there if drugs weren't criminalised.
Under a legalization scenario, a black market for drugs would still exist. And it would be a vast black market. If drugs were legal for those over 18 or 21, there would be a market for everyone under that age. People under the age of 21 consume the majority of illegal drugs, and so an illegal market and organized crime to supply it would remain -- along with the organized crime that profits from it.
Let's say we do legalize marijuana. If only marijuana were legalized, drug traffickers would continue to traffic in heroin and cocaine. In either case, traffic-related violence would not be ended by legalization.
Let's say we legalize marijuana, heroin, and cocaine. If only marijuana, cocaine, and heroin were legalized, there would still be a market for PCP and methamphetamine.
Where do we draw the line? Or do you support legalizing all drugs, no matter how addictive and dangerous?
OK, let's say we do legalize drugs (pick any one you want, pot, smack, whatever -- I don't care). Let's say we set up a government agency (or corporations) assigned to distribute drugs. Under a legalization scenario, for safety purposes, these agencies/corporations most likely will not distribute the most potent drug (besides, if they're keeping the profits, they'll want repeat customers). The drugs will invariably be more expensive because of the bureaucratic costs of operating such a huge distribution system. Therefore, until 100 percent pure drugs are given away to anyone, at any age, a black market will remain.
To claim that drug use is "victimless crime" is insidious. I'm appalled at the fact that people would try deny the relationship between drugs and violence, especially when looking at
Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) estimates.
You want "The State" to go into people's houses and say what things they are and aren't allowed to use,
Only when it comes to illegal substances -- just so we're clear on things.
despite there being no tangible, direct harmful effects on other people.
I suggest you check your facts again.
Under your "not designed to help people" rule, I wouldn't be allowed to sit with my feet up watching the match with a beer.
I only said that because there were people here suggesting that drugs should be legal. I was only providing a counter-point.
I wouldn't be allowed to drink some pleasant 80-year-old port as an aperitif, with a Gevry-Chambertain with my meal and a sparky Moscatel to finish with.
As long as it's legal now, I don't see why not. Besides, you're in control of your own body.
I wouldn't be allowed to light up in my back garden.
If you're referring to cigarettes, I could care less at this point. You want to destroy your lungs, be my guest. If, however, you're talking about marijuana -- you wouldn't be allowed to light up (and that's not my fault either -- that's the law).
I wouldn't be allowed to sit in bed watching crap TV in the morning before I go to work with a cup of coffee in my hand.
Once again, the only reason why I went to that extreme is because some people were going to the other extreme. I should have been more honest about my feelings on the subject.
In fact it all seems rather like Demolition Man...
Funny you should mention that. I guess that means you haven't
evolved yet.
Now tell me. What part of that ISN'T "oppressive, dictatorial control"?
I've already explained why I went to the extreme. However, what part of legalizing drugs isn't "anarchism"?
Of which YOU are in favour.
I am in favor of keeping marijuana and all currently illegal narcotics ILLEGAL. I am in favor of completely ignoring every request NORML makes to legalize marjiuana. I am in favor of keeping cocaine, crack, MDMA, meth etc. ILLEGAL. Are we clear?
Which, according to the second dictionary.com definition of "fascism" makes you a proponent of it and thus a "fascist".
I am not a proponent of fasicsm. I am a proponent of "keeping things the way they are". I am a proponent of "traditional views and values; tending to oppose change." I am a proponent of "being Moderate; cautious." I am a Conservative. I don't see how I can make that any clearer. So when I am faced with the prospect of "sudden change in the established order"
especially in relation to an illegal narcotic... I get flustered. So no more fascism...
I didn't ignore the first definition. I read it and didn't believe it suited you - as you've extensively elaborated. But the second definition fits perfectly, as you can see.[/color][/b]
Doesn't fit -- explained why. Moving on.
And herein lies the biggest question . And herein lies the strongest point . For those of us that cherish freedom and consider it our most basic right as a human , something worth sacrificing our lifes for. We all give up some freedom willingly to live in a society under law but we do it GRUDGINGLY and with great restraint. There is no crime greater than taking our freedom . For a law to be considered worthy of our loss of freedom it must be considered fair and the punishment must fit the crime.
The drug laws do not meet either criteria for a law . They are unreasonable and unfair . they need to be changed. You can not look at the laws on pot and compare them to the laws on beer and wine and see them as equitable .
For those of you claiming freedom must be regulated and limited. I ask you BY WHOM AND AT WHAT COST TO THE FREE ? Who among you that would take freedom are better at judging what libertys the free would take with thier persons ? What makes you a better judge ? If you claim freedom must be limited who will decide what freedom is to be taken ? What will you do to those who will not give up there freedom willingly ? Are the consequences of an unjust law to the society that attempts to impose it worth the damages to society that law has attempted to address ? The current laws on drugs fail on all of these catagorys and yet you still defend them unthinkingly. You are much to free with your willingness to take away freedoms won by blood . You treat the limiting of freedom as if it was nothing more than a traffic ticket.
This is the United States of America . Go back and read its history. more importantly go back and honor the men and women who founded this country and learn the proper respect for FREEDOM.
It sounds to me like you're taking the definition of freedom too literally. Speaking of history, let's go back. The United States was a different country back then -- 95% agricultural, low density, highly homogenous, primitive in technology, slavery was legal (so much for fighting for freedom) --
modern libertarianism simply doesn't apply. You can certainly find quotes where one Founder rants against big government; you can find other quotes where another Founder rants against rebellion, anarchy, and the opponents of federalism. Sometimes the same Founder can be quoted on
both sides of the fence.
- It cannot have escaped those who have attended with candor to the arguments employed against the extensive powers of the government, that the authors of them have very little considered how far these powers were necessary means of attaining a necessary end. -- James Madison
- Stable ownership is the gift of social law, and is given late in the progress of society. --Thomas Jefferson
- All the Property that is necessary to a man is his natural Right, which none may justly deprive him of, but all Property superfluous to such Purposes is the property of the Public who, by their Laws have created it and who may, by other Laws dispose of it. --Benjamin Franklin
I said this before:
The Constitution is above all a definition of a strengthened government, and the Federalist Papers are an extended argument for it. The Founders were smart enough to negotiate a balance between a government that was arbitrary and coercive (their experience as British colonial subjects) and one that was powerless and divided (the failed Articles of Confederation -- which sounds strikingly similar to Libertarianism).
The libertarianism that has
any effect in the world
today has little to do with social liberty, and everything to do with removing most (if not all) restrictions on business.