I'm not getting why you think corporate lobbying is a more moral alternative to fudging test numbers when part of your tirade is how corporations are held to a different ethical standard than individual people.
Because if you admit publicly that emissions targets set by the governments aren't reachable and work with them to find another alternative instead, such as ceasing mass-production of diesel engines for passenger vehicles, then it is more honest.
That's nice. What I said was that any lobbying Volkswagen would have done would have been to get the engines to the same level they are now; because it stands to reason (albeit possibly not true) that what they are now is the best they can do based on the circumstances established in advance and the subterfuge was simply to hide that.
Except other car manufacturers have managed to produce much cleaner diesel engines
without cheating! Did you not hear a diesel BMW X5 was also tested in the same manner as the VW, and passed the emissions test?
Do you think Volkswagen would lobby the US government to have emissions targets that are not as strict as are in place, but still more strict than VW can meet? Do you think Volkswagen is capable of better but simply didn't bother because they figured faking it was easier or whatever? The latter is certainly possible. Because otherwise your clarification is meaningless.
No. In fact I made it perfectly clear multiple times they should have lobbied
not just the US government, but governments the world over, to set emissions targets that were achievable; yet still much more environmentally friendly. Do you need your eyes tested, or something?
I didn't misunderstand or misrepresent anything. You still don't grasp that corporate lobbying isn't the inherently virtuous practice you're presenting it as; and it will continue to make your arguments about morality look ridiculous every time you preach it. It is no more "moral" for Volkswagen to use their corporate clout to have emissions targets softened to something they can reach than it is to fake test results to reach them but actually have their engines produce the best they can accomplish instead; because the end result is still pretty likely that Volkswagen engines are producing the amount of emissions that they are now.
Seeing as you basically just repeated yourself, I've already covered this in the first paragraph of this reply.
You're not very good at this. You were the one who raised the topic. Suffice to say, when you say something like "it wouldn't have cost much money for them", the obvious response is going to try to refute that.
What is the "money" argument, by the way? I'd like to know what you're pretending bringing up the financial stakes involved, because it would make this easier when you continue to try and browbeat people with it.
I'm the one who keeps bringing up financial stakes?! Even though every time I point out it was morally wrong of Volkswagen to cheat emissions laws, you're the one who brings up 'protecting market shares'. How can you expect me not to get annoyed when you're giving off the impression you believe it's all fine and dandy for a corporation to cheat, if it protects some of their profits?
Unless they are doing things like corporate lobbying against the interests of public health, of course.
Except lobbying to find a solution other than 'clean-diesels' that aren't really clean, would have been doing the exact opposite.
Again, who is "they"? And why is ignoring environmental issues alright if they get the government to back off those same environmental issues?
'They' was obviously referring to Volkswagen! Come on now...
Nope. I'm suggesting that 5 days into the scandal there's no basis to claim the corporate wide conspiracy to dodge emissions laws; which is kind of a necessary thing when that's what you basing your arguments on.
Despite as I and another user since have pointed out that due to product testing being mandatory before mass-production, there's no way only a small group of engineers would have been aware of this 'Defeat_Device' software.
Lol, this is going to be rather embarrassing for you; I actually have...
They're different enough that it's ridiculous to assume that access capacity would be made up with petrol engines.
Nonsense! Have you
ever actually worked on a diesel or petrol engine? Because I have. Both in the same week. It's not as if one's was an engine and the other was a finely-baked soufflé; both were engines. The same tools were used for each.