Estimate GT Sport sales

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How many copies will GT Sport sell?

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No it wasn't time to move on, they just got their ass handed to them and ran away from creating a proper GT and beating their rivals by crafting a better game.

Everyone has his own opinion. But in my eyes they have created a better game this time. I have all the games of both franchises since more then a decade. I played GT5 a lot and I did post here on gtplanet as well, but GT6 was dropped quickly and I wasn't really interested because there were superior games around. I didn't even post here if I recall correctly.
So I didn't have big expectation for GTS. But they got me with the matchmaking. Sure the system not perfect but i had the best races since years. All races against the AI seem so dull and pointless now. If I happen to find someone of equal skill on the track and a fierce yet fair battle ensues over multiple rounds that's the best part of the game. And after a few rounds you learn his weaknesses and can attack at the right time or it's the other way around. A human opponent has a completly different aura then a AI.
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No it wasn't time to move on, they just got their ass handed to them and ran away from creating a proper GT and beating their rivals by crafting a better game.

If someone's opinion of the game triggers you then the game must not be very good. Nothing hurts more then the truth.

dude, the only one that's triggered is you. for multiple posts now you've posted nothing but emotional conjecture. I mean you just characterized GT Sport sales as a juvenile school yard fight where PD was physically beaten and ran away.

I don't even know what you're babbling about anymore or why you're resorting to such silly argumentative tactics and juvenile analogies. you're also being passively aggressively antagonistic for some weird reason. that kind of writing is what Reddit was made for.
I'm not triggered in the least, I just have absolutely no respect for trolls. I do think that maybe you should look up constructive in the dictionary, I don't think it means what you think it means.
Name-calling people are generally triggered people.
Also, look up "internet forum" in the dictionary while you're reading it.

We're not all here to just be "constructive" towards everything you personally like.
I think GTS sucks big balls. The biggest. GTS is a hollow shell filled out by a team that panicked when faced with competition, a team that ducked and ran and restructured their entire game because they weren't keeping up.
The truth isn't always constructive.

I mean you just characterized GT Sport sales as a juvenile school yard fight where PD was physically beaten and ran away.
That literally didn't happen.
Well, if you add a bunch of words like "juvenile", "school", "yard" and "fight".
Tell me more about emotional responses.
Name-calling people are generally triggered people.
Also, look up "internet forum" in the dictionary while you're reading it.

We're not all here to just be "constructive" towards everything you personally like.
I think GTS sucks big balls. The biggest. GTS is a hollow shell filled out by a team that panicked when faced with competition, a team that ducked and ran and restructured their entire game because they weren't keeping up.
The truth isn't always constructive.

Maybe you should look up constructive too. The truth can be expressed either constructively or non-constructively, trolls choose to do it non-constructively and then refer to people who call them out as triggered as away of marginalizing them. It seems the only people required to be civil on this board these days are the ones who actually enjoy the game.
That literally didn't happen.
Well, if you add a bunch of words like "juvenile", "school", "yard" and "fight".
Tell me more about emotional responses.

This form of dialog is literally beneath me. This is the sort of dialog you hear between Sony/Xbox fanboys.

I'm not even countering your points here, I'm simply posting to let you two both know that I see what you're doing and it's silly. Maybe you're miffed about wasting $60 or something, I don't really care, but I'm posting to let you two know that this is a poor show of character on your part and I'm not impressed by any of it.
Really what racing games did we have that we don't anymore ? And which are the ones that we have that sale poorly ?

Forza lost sales since becoming a yearly release not due to some imaginary downfall of racing genre. Forza is doing quite well actually given the pathetic user base of the xbox1 in Europe and in general.

Well I’m speaking from an American perspective, I know Europe is different and the reason some of these games still keep getting sequels(like MXGP or F1) but we have lost many big franchises due to poor sells. Midnight Club, Test Drive, Burnout, Ridge Racer to name some that used to be huge. Motorstorm bombed after the first one, both sequels sold poorly. When companies tried to do new series(SplitSecond/Blur/Driveclub) they bombed hard as well and that wasn’t because they were bad games. The WipEout remaster bombed. So many arcade racers and companies went the way of the dodo. NFS doesn’t sell near what it used to. We have a few more simulators on console now but Project Cars 2 had pathetic numbers in the UK and everywhere really and Assetto Corsa didn’t do well on console either. In America games like MXGP, MotoGP, WRC, Dirt 4 series don’t even make a blip in the top 20. It’s just not a popular genre in North America or Japan anymore.
Maybe you should look up constructive too. The truth can be expressed either constructively or non-constructively, trolls choose to do it non-constructively and then refer to people who call them out as triggered as away of marginalizing them. It seems the only people required to be civil on this board these days are the ones who actually enjoy the game.
The battle cry of GT fans for decades. "Stop criticizing my GT!!!!" "Be constructive towards my game!"

Like I said, we're not all here to fluff up your favorite game.

This form of dialog is literally beneath me. This is the sort of dialog you hear between Sony/Xbox fanboys.

I'm not even countering your points here, I'm simply posting to let you two both know that I see what you're doing and it's silly. Maybe you're miffed about wasting $60 or something, I don't really care, but I'm posting to let you two know that this is a poor show of character on your part and I'm not impressed by any of it.
Attacking the poster again?
Yeah, keep talking about lack of character, obviously you're stuck around mirrors today. 👍

Don't worry, I won't address your lack of dialogue, lack of character, or lack of personality. (We are trading insults like children now, right?) ((From that schoolyard you made up, I presume))
The battle cry of GT fans for decades. "Stop criticizing my GT!!!!" "Be constructive towards my game!"

Like I said, we're not all here to fluff up your favorite game.

I'm not sure if you really don't get it or you are just being obtuse? It's not "my" game. I am fully aware that it has flaws. I understand that you don't like the game. I an fine with the fact that you don't like the game. Be as critical of the game as you want. but all that can be done in one of 2 ways. Either constructively, or like you were on reddit or 4chan. I choose the former, you obviously choose the latter.
I'm not sure if you really don't get it or you are just being obtuse? It's not "my" game. I am fully aware that it has flaws. I understand that you don't like the game. I an fine with the fact that you don't like the game. Be as critical of the game as you want. but all that can be done in one of 2 ways. Either constructively, or like you were on reddit or 4chan. I choose the former, you obviously choose the latter.
Have you considered trying to give an example of your constructive criticism?

I'm not in GTS threads often, so I haven't seen you criticize anything about GTS, but I have seen you get offended when people don't like it.

How's this for constructive?
GT was on the backhand for the entire PS3 generation, desperately trying to catch up, and never doing as much. Despite having nearly a decade, they managed a measly 2-3 games that delivered a vast majority of outdated, not-so-much-retouched previous generation content.
Upon release of PS4, PD and Kaz were confident, stating things like "there won't be a long wait" and "soon". Eventually, presumably after seeing how greatly Forza/T10 had raised the bar on classic GT style games with the likes of FM5 and FM6, PD decided not to pursue that market which they had always been, the market game they created. Instead they decided to delete everything, which was all claimed to be future-proofed by Kaz himself.
Obviously it wasn't, and PD gave up trying to make a game like any of the games that made GT a huge worldwide success.

There are only two (2) logical explanations for this.
1. PD decided that nobody wants 700 cars, real cars, real tracks, or any kind of decent gameplay besides online multiplayer.
2. PD realized they cannot compete with their rivals at this time, so they tried a curve ball. Born more out of desperation than anything, they figured maybe if they return to lower content levels, they can much more easily keep their graphical advantage, and smooth, flowing gameplay. After all, doesn't it have to be easier to make a "polished" game with fictional cars and tracks, and lots of duplicates of around 50 real cars?
It's far easier to build an NSX, a tuned NSX, a harder tuned NSX, a race NSX, and a faster race NSX, all based off a single NSX than it is to build 5 actually different cars. And it's even easier to build a car that doesn't exist.
They removed tuning, tuned cars on their own, and sell them as "different" cars. How is that not laughably bad?

If Forza 8 comes out with no real upgrades, but just markets a couple different tuned versions as seperate cars, not only will people be angry, but they'll be advertising 2,000 cars. Two thousand.

If you can show me how to word that in a way that you find constructive, I'm happy to hear it.
Well I’m speaking from an American perspective, I know Europe is different and the reason some of these games still keep getting sequels(like MXGP or F1) but we have lost many big franchises due to poor sells. Midnight Club, Test Drive, Burnout, Ridge Racer to name some that used to be huge. Motorstorm bombed after the first one, both sequels sold poorly. When companies tried to do new series(SplitSecond/Blur/Driveclub) they bombed hard as well and that wasn’t because they were bad games. The WipEout remaster bombed. So many arcade racers and companies went the way of the dodo. NFS doesn’t sell near what it used to. We have a few more simulators on console now but Project Cars 2 had pathetic numbers in the UK and everywhere really and Assetto Corsa didn’t do well on console either. In America games like MXGP, MotoGP, WRC, Dirt 4 series don’t even make a blip in the top 20. It’s just not a popular genre in North America or Japan anymore.

Just look at those games, why they bombed.

-Driveclub was a botched launch and a broken mess when it launched, no amount of update upgrades could change that. Unfortunate given it became really good game but damage was done. Last motorstorm was worst one, Dev moved onto DC and botched things.
-Midnight Club - the developer works on GTA now. Basically the car content of GTA is their work.
-Blur got a sequel of sorts - in 2013 released in mobile and became F2P
-Burnout, went from 9s on meta to low 7s
-Need for speed sucks, current one has a meta of 66 and the franchise has not cracked high 80s on meta in over a decade and a half. yet clearly the thing must be profitable for the greedy EA to continue making them.
-PC2 releasing near Forza and Gran Turismo has got to be the stupidest decision they could have made. Game was sent to the slaughter.
-Assetto corsa is really bad on console. meta shows it. PC:85/PS4:73/X1:64
-Test Drive, last one had a metascore of 61.

-As far as MXGP, MotoGP, WRC, Dirt, F1. It's not the racing genre it's the public in NA doesn't care much about those forms of racing, they never did.

There is a clear pattern with all of them, it's falling quality lower and lower review scores. Quality sales quality always sold, especially in racing where there is no story or characters to carry a game.

Forza is the only one to maintain quality if not get better, H3 being the best racing game in a decade. Even GT is starting to hit the rocks, no surprise at the falling sales.

I feel bad for PC2, it had a worse release date then GT6 got.

PD realized they cannot compete with their rivals at this time, so they tried a curve ball. Born more out of desperation than anything, they figured maybe if they return to lower content levels, they can much more easily keep their graphical advantage, and smooth, flowing gameplay. After all, doesn't it have to be easier to make a "polished" game with fictional cars and tracks, and lots of duplicates of around 50 real cars?
It's far easier to build an NSX, a tuned NSX, a harder tuned NSX, a race NSX, and a faster race NSX, all based off a single NSX than it is to build 5 actually different cars. And it's even easier to build a car that doesn't exist.
They removed tuning, tuned cars on their own, and sell them as "different" cars. How is that not laughably bad?

Truer words have never been spoken. Really hit the nail on the head.
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Have you considered trying to give an example of your constructive criticism?

I'm not in GTS threads often, so I haven't seen you criticize anything about GTS, but I have seen you get offended when people don't like it.

How's this for constructive?
GT was on the backhand for the entire PS3 generation, desperately trying to catch up, and never doing as much. Despite having nearly a decade, they managed a measly 2-3 games that delivered a vast majority of outdated, not-so-much-retouched previous generation content.
Upon release of PS4, PD and Kaz were confident, stating things like "there won't be a long wait" and "soon". Eventually, presumably after seeing how greatly Forza/T10 had raised the bar on classic GT style games with the likes of FM5 and FM6, PD decided not to pursue that market which they had always been, the market game they created. Instead they decided to delete everything, which was all claimed to be future-proofed by Kaz himself.
Obviously it wasn't, and PD gave up trying to make a game like any of the games that made GT a huge worldwide success.

There are only two (2) logical explanations for this.
1. PD decided that nobody wants 700 cars, real cars, real tracks, or any kind of decent gameplay besides online multiplayer.
2. PD realized they cannot compete with their rivals at this time, so they tried a curve ball. Born more out of desperation than anything, they figured maybe if they return to lower content levels, they can much more easily keep their graphical advantage, and smooth, flowing gameplay. After all, doesn't it have to be easier to make a "polished" game with fictional cars and tracks, and lots of duplicates of around 50 real cars?
It's far easier to build an NSX, a tuned NSX, a harder tuned NSX, a race NSX, and a faster race NSX, all based off a single NSX than it is to build 5 actually different cars. And it's even easier to build a car that doesn't exist.
They removed tuning, tuned cars on their own, and sell them as "different" cars. How is that not laughably bad?

If Forza 8 comes out with no real upgrades, but just markets a couple different tuned versions as seperate cars, not only will people be angry, but they'll be advertising 2,000 cars. Two thousand.

If you can show me how to word that in a way that you find constructive, I'm happy to hear it.

That was perfectly constructive. Contrast it with this and you will get my point I think.

I think GTS sucks big balls. The biggest. GTS is a hollow shell filled out by a team that panicked when faced with competition, a team that ducked and ran and restructured their entire game because they weren't keeping up.
The truth isn't always constructive.
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In Spain, a major retailer has dropped the price of the basic version from 60€ to just under 28€, until next wednesday.

Special Edition remains at 70€.

In Spain, a major retailer has dropped the price of the basic version from 60€ to just under 28€, until next wednesday.

Special Edition remains at 70€.

Not really a surprise.
If you look at sales, dates, and price drops, you'll quickly notice GT gets a ton of sales after used copies flood the market, and the price drops quickly to match.
GT6 was 15 bucks 3 months after release. Its not hard to "get sales" when you give it away.
yeah but the usa aren't really big in the racing scene, I've certainly never seen an American racing driver so I would expect its because America isn't interested in racing, maybe nascar and indy but they cant compete with the big boys
That's why they've only sold 25 million unit's in North America I suppose.
Down to 12th in the latest UK chart.

No indication of sales numbers.
Resetera is the new site where all the insiders and retail experts moved too.

GT Sport also received a BIU award for over 100K sales in Germany along with Mario and Assasin's Creed. GT6 also got a 100K award first month, 200K in second month.
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I’d be willing to say it’s about the same as it was last week but it’s much lower due to all of the new releases. I’d also be willing to say we’ll get a nice bump all over in Nov/Dec due to gifts.
There are new PS4 Pro bundles today (including white console) for £299) with GT Sport, CoD WWII, Fallout 4. Seems to be at all major stores like Tesco and Shopto. Pretty aggressive pricing. I assume PS4 Slim will hit sub £150 this week.
The sales of the game is getting worse and worse. So, more than likely, the DLCs won't be free. :indiff:

I think I wrote it before but DLC policy,usually is decided before a game is released.These plans are already done:How many DLC there are going to be,what they are going to add and if they are going to be free or not.
So sales have nothing to do with DLC being free or not.
The sales of the game is getting worse and worse. So, more than likely, the DLCs won't be free. :indiff:
Well, GT games do tend to sell better when they go on sale. Remember that GT6 sold 2 million copies I think a year or so after release. And it went on to sell a pretty decent 5 million copies in its lifetime. It also had free DLC.

Only time will tell, really.
The announcement of a traditional career in 'GT League' can only help sales, but the question mark is how much and from what level - IMO the damage (reviews etc) has already been done.

I voted 3m in the poll, and still think that won't be far out when the fat lady sings.