I'm not sure if you really don't get it or you are just being obtuse? It's not "my" game. I am fully aware that it has flaws. I understand that you don't like the game. I an fine with the fact that you don't like the game. Be as critical of the game as you want. but all that can be done in one of 2 ways. Either constructively, or like you were on reddit or 4chan. I choose the former, you obviously choose the latter.
Have you considered trying to give an example of your constructive criticism?
I'm not in GTS threads often, so I haven't seen you criticize anything about GTS, but I have seen you get offended when people don't like it.
How's this for constructive?
GT was on the backhand for the entire PS3 generation, desperately trying to catch up, and never doing as much. Despite having nearly a decade, they managed a measly 2-3 games that delivered a vast majority of outdated, not-so-much-retouched previous generation content.
Upon release of PS4, PD and Kaz were confident, stating things like "there won't be a long wait" and "soon". Eventually, presumably after seeing how greatly Forza/T10 had raised the bar on classic GT style games with the likes of FM5 and FM6, PD decided not to pursue that market which they had always been, the market game they created. Instead they decided to delete
everything, which was all claimed to be future-proofed by Kaz himself.
Obviously it wasn't, and PD gave up trying to make a game like any of the games that made GT a huge worldwide success.
There are only two (2) logical explanations for this.
1. PD decided that nobody wants 700 cars, real cars, real tracks, or any kind of decent gameplay besides online multiplayer.
2. PD realized they cannot compete with their rivals at this time, so they tried a curve ball. Born more out of desperation than anything, they figured maybe if they return to lower content levels, they can much more easily keep their graphical advantage, and smooth, flowing gameplay. After all, doesn't it
have to be easier to make a "polished" game with fictional cars and tracks, and lots of duplicates of around 50 real cars?
It's far easier to build an NSX, a tuned NSX, a harder tuned NSX, a race NSX, and a faster race NSX, all based off a single NSX than it is to build 5 actually different cars. And it's
even easier to build a car that doesn't exist.
They removed tuning, tuned cars on their own, and sell them as "different" cars. How is that not laughably bad?
If Forza 8 comes out with no real upgrades, but just markets a couple different tuned versions as seperate cars, not only will people be angry, but they'll be advertising 2,000 cars.
Two thousand.
If you can show me how to word that in a way that you find constructive, I'm happy to hear it.