F1 2010F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter MS7XWDC
does anyone know if the console version has perks over PC? Bc the PC version is only $40 ($35 if you pre-order on steam) and $60 for console? Thats kinda BS imo
does anyone know if the console version has perks over PC? Bc the PC version is only $40 ($35 if you pre-order on steam) and $60 for console? Thats kinda BS imo

The price difference is due to the licensing fees developers have to pay to publish on a console, whereas PC is an open platform.

As far as "perks", chances are there will be more people playing online with the console versions.
Wow thanks for that. I think ill def be getting this. I will be my first F1 game. The F1 car in GTP def has me interested enough that Im sure ill love it.
and the flashbacks, again, another carry over from past Codemasters racers, offers the player the chance to correct a mistake should they make one, depending on how hardcore you make your race settings. Sure, it’s not a Forza III rewind (and it’s obviously limited to single player modes) but it’s something that some might find a little odd.

It sounded great until this towards the end. :indiff:
Of course I wont :) ... But it's a shame that they had to put it in there that's all.

It's only for single player. You are not going to use it.
Why are you dissapointed in an option that you won't use.

When you improve at the game and up the difficulty their won't be any flashbacks.

If you can't achieve that level of playing, then maybe it might help you.
Its for the non die hard fans like us, the regular racer who doesnt wnna put that effort in to put his car in a wall on the last lap of a long race.
Someone moaning about 30fps.....FFS :indiff:

24 cars on track, fully dynamic weather system, beautiful looking cars and tracks, the hardware hasn't suddenly improved.....what did you expect?

Dynamic lol... It will be no more dynamic then the weather in F1 CE but hold on.... It had 60 fps and 22 cars to boot and for me, more detailed graphics. 💡.

The weather and dry lines will be scripted as will rubber build up. Cars and graphics are barely an upgrade on Grid apart from the rain. You'd think in 2 years they'd actually upgrade the engine instead of just slopping on a new coat of paint and calling it all new.

It is an absolute joke that any racing game runs at 30fps.
You do realise you can only see something like 26fps anyway, and as such you wont actually notice any difference between 30fps and 60fps unless you can faster than ahuman.
Dynamic lol... It will be no more dynamic then the weather in F1 CE but hold on.... It had 60 fps and 22 cars to boot and for me, more detailed graphics. 💡.

The weather and dry lines will be scripted as will rubber build up. Cars and graphics are barely an upgrade on Grid apart from the rain. You'd think in 2 years they'd actually upgrade the engine instead of just slopping on a new coat of paint and calling it all new.

It is an absolute joke that any racing game runs at 30fps.

Well I tell you what, while your sitting their in your misery and bitterness I, like thousands others, will be sat enjoying what is looking to be a fantastic F1 game.

Scripted weather and rubber build up? Have you read anything about this game or are you bashing out of pure spite? More detailed graphics in F1:CE? Well guess that tells us all not to take your opinion too seriously.
It will be no more dynamic then the weather in F1 CE but hold on.... It had 60 fps and 22 cars to boot and for me, more detailed graphics. 💡.
F1 CE had 30fps, too, and awful motion blur.

You do realise you can only see something like 26fps anyway, and as such you wont actually notice any difference between 30fps and 60fps unless you can faster than ahuman.

Definitely not true.
I'm not going to quote the dummy badmouthing a game he hasnt even played yet. They say 'never argue with a fool -he will drag you down to his level and then beat you with experience'.

I guess we can excuse Codemasters for allowing stupid cheats in Dirt2 ..its not like the game is based on reality. Gran Turismo 5 can also be excused for including a slew of cars nobody gives a rats ass about (is the Prius in there too?) After all, GT5 is about driving, not racing, and theres room for that too -especially when its done with such genius.

F1 2010 is just the start of what will be an annual (probably) title devoted to the sport. Its going to be classy and up to date in a way the smaller publishers just cant match. This isnt going to be like the Ferrari Challenge sequels, all half assed and leaving disappointment in their wake. And its not going to be like F1CE either, which was strong in its day, but simply didnt have the resources behind it to keep the ball rolling. Codemasters can AFFORD to obtain the F1 license and then sit on it until they do all the work to produce a title. They can afford to grow the game in a way we really dont see very often. Polyphony is great and all, but jesus it better be when it takes them as long as it does. And Codemasters is setting a trend with these 'video diaries' or whatever, and making the wait that much easier to relate to.

I'll never buy Dirt3 -not after the crap they allowed into Dirt2, but F1 2010 is going to be a whole new era I think. The start of whats possible when developer and publisher with a long track record in racing games, and with plenty of resources, devotes itself to the premier motorsport class in the world. F1 2010 will *easily* outclass F1CE in every important way, and thats only the beginning.
Dynamic lol... It will be no more dynamic then the weather in F1 CE but hold on.... It had 60 fps and 22 cars to boot and for me, more detailed graphics. 💡.

The weather and dry lines will be scripted as will rubber build up. Cars and graphics are barely an upgrade on Grid apart from the rain. You'd think in 2 years they'd actually upgrade the engine instead of just slopping on a new coat of paint and calling it all new.

It is an absolute joke that any racing game runs at 30fps.

F1CE was also 30fps game but I think it looked more realistic than codies F1 2010. F1 2010 also has nice gfx and nice weather effects IMO
I'll never buy Dirt3 -not after the crap they allowed into Dirt2,

I was probably as disappointed at Dirt2 as you are, but I do have faith in the 3rd. I believe that have listened to the fans and will not be repeating their mistakes. Pretty much every article on the game thus far, has mentioned them including WAY more rally and less of the "americanized" things. So I would have faith in it.

I am going to start a gamefly account so I can rent F1 bc I really dont know how I will feel about it (and because I wont have $60 when it comes out :P). And if it is great I will no doubt buy it. Im excited for the series being run on here too ^_^
F1CE was also 30fps game but I think it looked more realistic than codies F1 2010. F1 2010 also has nice gfx and nice weather effects IMO

F1 CE ran at 60fps

Well I tell you what, while your sitting their in your misery and bitterness I, like thousands others, will be sat enjoying what is looking to be a fantastic F1 game.

Scripted weather and rubber build up? Have you read anything about this game or are you bashing out of pure spite? More detailed graphics in F1:CE? Well guess that tells us all not to take your opinion too seriously.

Why would I be miserable about a more then likely sub par game? With the **** that codemasters release how can you expect them to release anything else on that same engine? You do realize that programs like Inside sim racing are paid to give favorable reviews... How do you think they pay for production costs and get early versions of games?? Or Black versions of the I7 from intel?

And as with anything from codemasters, you should take what they say with a large pinch of salt. The rubber build with be the same regardless of which track or tyre. Their "dynamic weather" will be pre scripted weather where their code will break down in each race. Races like Australia where it's mid-rare chance of rain will be just that. China will have a good portion of rain. And it will more then likely be divided up into quarters each race of when it will and won't rain. This is no different to anything we've seen. The dry line will be exactly the same as the rubber build up engine. Pre scripted. Stops raining, dry line for 5 laps before the entire track is dry.

The lack of F1 games has ridiculously lowered people's expectations of how the game should be developed. I'm going to rent this before purchasing because i'm not being fooled into another piss weak Codemasters game again. If you've got the hardware, i'd be more excited about the Williams F1 car and Spa on iRacing.
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You do realise you can only see something like 26fps anyway, and as such you wont actually notice any difference between 30fps and 60fps unless you can faster than ahuman.

There is no actual way to tell how many frames a human eye can see in a second as human eyes simply don't see in fps.

And as with anything from codemasters, you should take what they say with a large pinch of salt. The rubber build with be the same regardless of which track or tyre. Their "dynamic weather" will be pre scripted weather where their code will break down in each race. Races like Australia where it's mid-rare chance of rain will be just that. China will have a good portion of rain. And it will more then likely be divided up into quarters each race of when it will and won't rain. This is no different to anything we've seen. The dry line will be exactly the same as the rubber build up engine. Pre scripted. Stops raining, dry line for 5 laps before the entire track is dry.

Of course it will be pre-scripted, it's a computer, they don't do anything dynamically other than crash and anyone that tells you they can is simply lying.

If you've got the hardware, i'd be more excited about the Williams F1 car and Spa on iRacing.

Have fun spending a ridiculous amount of money to get the same amount of content.👍
Dynamic lol... It will be no more dynamic then the weather in F1 CE

Are you serious F1 CE's weather was its eather raining light, hard or not at all.

F1 2010 is promising weather like Spa where it could be raining on part of the track and not others.
There is no actual way to tell how many frames a human eye can see in a second as human eyes simply don't see in fps.

Have fun spending a ridiculous amount of money to get the same amount of content.👍

No but the delay is far more noticeable and evident.

The weather system will probably similar to Tiger Woods.

I'd rather spend a ridiculous amount of money and have something done properly, then pay $100 aud and get some half arsed concoction. You get what you pay for. It's not a game thats developed to cater for all types of gamers like this inevitably will be.
F1 CE ran at 60fps

Why would I be miserable about a more then likely sub par game? With the **** that codemasters release how can you expect them to release anything else on that same engine? You do realize that programs like Inside sim racing are paid to give favorable reviews... How do you think they pay for production costs and get early versions of games?? Or Black versions of the I7 from intel?

And as with anything from codemasters, you should take what they say with a large pinch of salt. The rubber build with be the same regardless of which track or tyre. Their "dynamic weather" will be pre scripted weather where their code will break down in each race. Races like Australia where it's mid-rare chance of rain will be just that. China will have a good portion of rain. And it will more then likely be divided up into quarters each race of when it will and won't rain. This is no different to anything we've seen. The dry line will be exactly the same as the rubber build up engine. Pre scripted. Stops raining, dry line for 5 laps before the entire track is dry.

The lack of F1 games has ridiculously lowered people's expectations of how the game should be developed. I'm going to rent this before purchasing because i'm not being fooled into another piss weak Codemasters game again. If you've got the hardware, i'd be more excited about the Williams F1 car and Spa on iRacing.

Its very clear to me that you simply have not read anything about this game or viewed any videos. Stop whining and com back when you have.
Its very clear to me that you simply have not read anything about this game or viewed any videos. Stop whining and com back when you have.

Yes because developers would never big their own game up. I've got two eyes and two ears and a brain. If you cannot comprehend that developers are willing to sell you a lie to sell their product then you are sadly deluded. The fact that they won't release a demo is worrying enough.
I've got...and a brain.

What makes marchi sound dumb is the way he wants to piss on something without having enough information, but thinks he does.
Also, marchi, owners of the PS3 dont exactly have a butt load of racing games to choose from at the moment. Yes, finally after all this time there are a few on the way, but its been quite a long wait. And its not fun to wait. So finally there is a F1 title coming out, after all this time, and before it even hits the street you take it on yourself to judge it a failure. On a forum where nearly everyone is dying to see what we get. We're looking forward to seeing what we get. So I guess in your *cough* brain *cough* we are all gullible fools and YOU are the shining voice of reality and truth.
Well thank you, marchi, for being the smartest one on the forum and seeing through the smoke screen of Codemaster lies and deception. We owe you a lot for your in depth analysis of how F1 2010 fails to deliver on its promises. Maybe you should be a professional reviewer? We all love the way you remove all the excess baggage from your judgments -like actually playing the game, and just make pronouncements using superior mental powers of guessing and YouTube videos. Wow ..impressive! Hey, theres a bunch of guys at the official F1 10' forum that I bet would love to hear from you. Why dont you go there now.

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