F1 2010F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter MS7XWDC
I actually meant TRD. I don't ever see a BTCC (with some support stuff) game being made again, just no market for it now.

Ok that would suffice...
The TRD games were pretty decent đź‘Ť
I think that the leaderboard should have all the top times on a replay and the other players vote weather it's clean or dirty.
I think that the leaderboard should have all the top times on a replay and the other players vote weather it's clean or dirty.

Penaltys will be switched on for time trials. The lap will get invalidated.
Also track conditions will be fully rubbered in too.
This game looks very heavy in the tuning and setup area.. if you like fiddling around with setups and being technical then you should give it a try..

I don't think tuning and setups features heavily in F1 2010. I remember Anthony Davidson saying that they didn't want the game to be focused on setups but the racing, citing that in real life an F1 driver turns up and the setup is practically there for that particular circuit. You can adjust things but it won't necessarily gain you a whole lot of time.
For those who bought the game on Steam pre-loading is available already.

I just started downloading it. :D
man that game looks much better than it ever has in trailers. i always didnt like the gloomyness that was grid. dirt and dirt 2 had a bit of it as well
OK... Maybe 'heavy' was the wrong word to use... and he did say you can gain/loose 0.7 sec.

What I was thinking, but obviously got lost somewhere in my head, but the emphasis of setups are still there... It isn't a get in and go game totally.
It's not the same people working on the same games. They have a lot of people working on them. They have a whole "Racing" floor at Leamington Spa studio, (F1 is made at Brum studios), it's not a small floor either.

Yes, I understand that there are different "teams" working on different games. I'm just saying that I would be satisfied with ONE good racing sim from Codies. Given that there hasn't been a single really complete sim-style racing game for the PS3 yet - F1CE, GT5P, FC & SCC have all provided bits of the package, but not the whole enchilada - if F12010 turns out to be that complete sim, I will be perfectly happy. Codemasters can then make as many Grid-style games as they want...
F1 Fanatic interview, part two:


I especially like some the comments about Anthony Davidson and his perception of racing games:
He’s been brilliant as far as I’m concerned. Not only is he a gamer – he plays racing games all the time – he’s driven the cars and many of the circuits.

He’s able to say to us “you know such-and-such that happens in this game, they’ve got that completely wrong, and everybody thinks that’s really hardcore”.

He helps up massively because when we’re working on something he can say “I can feel this happening in the car now” and we might say “oh, we didn’t think that would come through” and then we can tweak it further.


That’s the thing with the public perception with games like “rFactor” – because they’re hard to play, everyone perceives that it’s an accurate simulation.

But if you speak to Ant, the F1 cars in “rFactor” are more difficult to drive than they are in real life. So he was keen to help us get an authentic experience.
Really? I think it looks perfectly acceptable, and in motion it looks much better than the still shots show.

It's up the individual of course. But I wouldn't write off what could be a good game just because the graphics aren't up to your standards.
I expect that both versions in motion, much like DiRT 2, play nearly identical. However in still grabs, yes there are subtle differences.

The biggest difference I notice is color saturation/brightness levels between the two consoles. If true and assuming these are not grabs from the frame buffer, and I'd relay on better experts to definitely comment, the fix could be as easy as a couple of fiddles with the display's on screen settings.

Arkkk, i was so looking forward to this F1 2010, but the PS3 version looks like CRAP, seriously, not even in comparison, just in general it looks crap. Sadness for PS3 F1 fans. Pc version looks amazing though, not amazing eonugh to spend 3000 US$ to get a pc to run it at full spec.

I'm with Icelt, no difference I can see but the lighting... So bring it on :-)
I'm with Icelt, no difference I can see but the lighting... So bring it on :-)

That's a big deal though. Seeing how much better the PC version looks I'm now going to probably pick that up first.

Though something isn't right with those PS3 screen shots. They almost look out of focus...Regardless though PS3 version looks like ass.
In that comparison it says the PC version will get a DX11 patch after the release.

I would've thought the game would be DX11 on launch. Anyone confirm this? With Dirt2 being the first DX11 game way back in around DEC 2009 surely CM have this sorted for launch. Anyway, if true it could look even better once added.


Arkkk, i was so looking forward to this F1 2010, but the PS3 version looks like CRAP, seriously, not even in comparison, just in general it looks crap. Sadness for PS3 F1 fans. Pc version looks amazing though, not amazing eonugh to spend 3000 US$ to get a pc to run it at full spec.

If Dirt 2 is anything to go by then a GTX 460 will be enough to run 60/70fps at 1920x1080p. This game may be more demanding so I'll wait till I bench it but a $600-800 PC will play this on max settings 60fps/1080p. You don't need $3000.

2 GTX 460s can get 135/140FPS at 1920x1080 on Dirt 2 max settings and these cards are only $170 each.
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If Dirt 2 is anything to go by then a GTX 460 will be enough to run 60/70fps at 1920x1080p. This game may be more demanding so I'll wait till I bench it but a $600-800 PC will play this on max settings 60fps/1080p. You don't need $3000.

2 GTX 460s can get 135/140FPS at 1920x1080 on Dirt 2 max settings and these cards are only $170 each.

He is correct about not needing a $3000 pc(max $1000) and do not worry about 2 card systems. It is just a waste of money, because you can upgrade 6 months later. Try to price video cards around $120-$150. I ordered a nice pc here a while back for a guy minus operating system and case price for $723.
Urk. I was just looking online to see how much a steering wheel would cost me, since I'll have to play the game on PC and the controls seem a bit finky (even if I run my preferred setup) ... and the Logitech G27 is $550. That's not going to happen. Mind you, it is the top-of-the-line model; a quick look online shows steering wheels that you can pick up for $70. Still, I can't imagine that they would be high-quality. And I wouldn't exactly have a gaming chair to mount it on, either. The good news is that I've found you can buy XBox 360 controllers for PC for $40, actual Microsoft ones, not crappy third-party varieties.
So, basically the PC version has even more brown effects? :lol: I'm rather glad I don't rely on my PC for gaming.
i hope the game don't have a catch-up system. when you are at 1st place, the IA van easly follow. when you are behind they slow down.