F1 2010F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter MS7XWDC
Surely you were not expecting them, what with it being based on this season. Plus Fuji has lost the GP anyway hasn't it?

i was not execting them, but when they want you to complete 7 championships it just doent feel right when the tracks wont change in real life. its not a big problem at all for me. its just i would rather a game developer come out with a game every 2 years instead of 1, and if we dont see a F1 2011 it will get my scratching my head even more. all they are going to change is the cars anyways. im not gonna buy the game for 2 tracks next year.
I think that codemasters should have put the test drivers in the game so they can have a midseason switch like the chandok-Yamamoto switch. Sauber didn't have a test driver though and just stole nick heidfeild though.
Mid-season switches would only make things more complicated. The career mode is based around you, the player, making certain decisions and performing certain tasks to move through the game. That's complex enough as is, what with all the factors that influence how you will progress. But to include mid-season driver changes, Codmasters would have to program that for each and every driver on the grid - and they'd have to be unique to each team, since the conditions for Lewis Hamilton to be dropped would be vastly different to the conditions for Bruno Senna. And for what purpose? To have a grid at the end of the season that accurately reflects its real-life counterpart? When you look at it, both Pedro de la Rosa and Karun Chandhok have done more races than their replacements (technically, Chandhok and Yamamoto will each have done ten races, but Yamamoto did one in Senna's car). Including mid-season changes would just be a hell of a lot of effort and space taken up for a purely cosmetic change. If you really want to see Nick Heidfeld or Sakon Yamamoto on the grid, play as them in career mode.
F1 2011 is definitely on the cards. Codies have got quite a few coming out next year. Grid 2, Dirt 3 and I believe the return of a certain touring car game.
Mid-season switches would only make things more complicated. The career mode is based around you, the player, making certain decisions and performing certain tasks to move through the game. That's complex enough as is, what with all the factors that influence how you will progress. But to include mid-season driver changes, Codmasters would have to program that for each and every driver on the grid - and they'd have to be unique to each team, since the conditions for Lewis Hamilton to be dropped would be vastly different to the conditions for Bruno Senna. And for what purpose? To have a grid at the end of the season that accurately reflects its real-life counterpart? When you look at it, both Pedro de la Rosa and Karun Chandhok have done more races than their replacements (technically, Chandhok and Yamamoto will each have done ten races, but Yamamoto did one in Senna's car). Including mid-season changes would just be a hell of a lot of effort and space taken up for a purely cosmetic change. If you really want to see Nick Heidfeld or Sakon Yamamoto on the grid, play as them in career mode.

Ok, lets be honest here, its not that difficult. :lol: Simply have a "staying" factor for each driver, whereby the chances of each driver being switched are affected by this and also their results. Not the hardest thing in world is it?
The only reason its difficult for Codemasters right now is because the game is finished.
But for 2011, they could always do it, it depends how they have coded their engine whether its easy or not.

There have been race management games with far more complex algorithms than that :lol:.

I would be interested to see that kind of system in a racing game one day. Some sort of active driver market basically, making it easier and harder to land a race seat depending on contracts, driver results and economic climate. If they spent the time designing it properly, it wouldn't be that difficult to implement.
Not difficult in the least. But who knows, I bet if they introduced it with the official license, there's no way Bernie would allow it in the first season. There'd be some discussions had with FOM if they wanted to do such a thing.
F1 2011 is definitely on the cards. Codies have got quite a few coming out next year. Grid 2, Dirt 3 and I believe the return of a certain touring car game.

Ohmygod please be true!!!
They are bringing TOCA Toouring Cars back? Best game on the PS1 by far....
Ohmygod please be true!!!
They are bringing TOCA Toouring Cars back? Best game on the PS1 by far....

I actually meant TRD. I don't ever see a BTCC (with some support stuff) game being made again, just no market for it now.
I know it's just I thought it was just a turn into the arcade genre for the toca series. What's trd?
Cool . Have an awesome sim like toca have an arcade racer like grid have an off road racer like dirt and have the f1 license. It really Is a promising time for codemasters.
I think F1 could do really well in sales. I quite enjoyed TRD3, certainly the concept, even if the physics were weak, though it s a 5-year old game, using an even older engine iirc. They're certainly dedicated to producing racers atm.
I agree. I think they're after wtcc, btcc or indycar licenses so they are trying there best with racers. I hope they put the f1 weather system in toca next year. Sim racing on the ps3 is finally coming alive:).
I agree. I think they're after wtcc, btcc or indycar licenses so they are trying there best with racers. I hope they put the f1 weather system in toca next year. Sim racing on the ps3 is finally coming alive:).

Indeed. And most may not appeal to hardcore sim monkeys, but they sure are fun to play.
A BTCC game is sorely missed, even if its "arcade" physics, it was nice to have a racing game which featured that race calendar. Race Driver is no longer a related series really, ever since Race Driver 3.
Give me my Oulton Park, Thruxton, Brands Hatch, Croft, Knockhill...etc in game form again!

As a side note, I would love to see the Birmingham Superprix in a game at some point, simply because I never witnessed that track when it existed but it appears from the few videos on youtube to be another action-filled circuit.
Give me my Oulton Park, Thruxton, Brands Hatch, Croft, Knockhill...etc in game form again!

Those names bring back the memories. Snetterton.. :)

Theres no word given to the flood of experiences represented by a track name. Too bad. I actually won the TOCA2 online world championship on pc (getting me a new TSW wheel, as well as about $800 in prize money from Codemasters for fast laps) so I know those tracks very very well. I hadnt heard or thought of the name 'Knockhill' for ages. thanks!
No problem! They still race at Knockhill in reality - if its possible you should always try and catch the BTCC races on TV or stream or whatever. 👍
I am fascinated that there is so much excitement over a (potential) plethora of racing games from Codemasters. Really, ONE good game with good physics, good AI, & good multiplayer would satisfy me, regardless of the genre - I only have a limited amount of time available to learn & master a complex racing sim. I worry that with too much going on, Codies will wind up producing a bunch of half-baked, flawed games.
...Codies will wind up producing a bunch of half-baked, flawed games.

a.k.a. = SNAFU
US military acronym/word meaning:

No, F1 10, 11, 12 will be vastly different than other Codie games; more progressive in their features, and more true to a set standard of realism. The same would be true of any future touring car game they made. Less so for the Dirt series and Grid. A fully realized F1 game and a Touring Car game would keep me happy for ages. The 'sequel' thing is a big bonus ..at least when it doesnt take 5 years between incarnations.
If I loved Gran Turismo,
Do you think this might be a good
game for me?

I think F1 is ok, But will this game
make me like it even more?
Not to mention by the way the rules are changing year by year, 2011 and 2012 will feel like different games in a way.

I'm hanging on Davidson's words when he said 'this game is like nothing I've played before'.

If I loved Gran Turismo,
Do you think this might be a good
game for me?

I think F1 is ok, But will this game
make me like it even more?

Depends what side of Gran Turismo you like? This game looks very heavy in the tuning and setup area.. if you like fiddling around with setups and being technical then you should give it a try..
I agree. I think they're after wtcc, btcc or indycar licenses so they are trying there best with racers. I hope they put the f1 weather system in toca next year. Sim racing on the ps3 is finally coming alive:).

I look forward to F1 too, I just hope they did a better job with F1 than they did with Grid, regarding physics and handling. Honestly, If you like touring car games, give Superstars V8 Next Challenge a chance, the best touring car game since the Toca series on the PS. Not the best looks or finish, but you get a very good racing feel with It, with very good AI and rainy tracks with drying line etc. I too would love to have a WTCC game for the PS3, but not so sure I want Codemasters to make It. F1 should prove me wrong I hope.

I don't think we will see a true sim on a PS3, but the next best thing you can get today (als long as GT5 is not there) is Supercar Challenge. Dont' flame me, just try It with all assisst off and come back after 500 miles and tell me what you think. If you persisted the first 500 miles, I am sure you agree.

No, F1 10, 11, 12 will be vastly different than other Codie games; more progressive in their features, and more true to a set standard of realism. The same would be true of any future touring car game they made. Less so for the Dirt series and Grid. A fully realized F1 game and a Touring Car game would keep me happy for ages.

Man, I hope you are right ! DTM/WTCC/BTCC dedicated games; Bring It on.
Not to mention by the way the rules are changing year by year, 2011 and 2012 will feel like different games in a way.

I'm hanging on Davidson's words when he said 'this game is like nothing I've played before'.

Depends what side of Gran Turismo you like? This game looks very heavy in the tuning and setup area.. if you like fiddling around with setups and being technical then you should give it a try..

From what i've read your car will have a good default set-up for each track and any tweaking you do will be for personal preference. Codies have stated that there isn't going to be a big advantage for people using set-ups, tenths of a second not several seconds iirc.
I am fascinated that there is so much excitement over a (potential) plethora of racing games from Codemasters. Really, ONE good game with good physics, good AI, & good multiplayer would satisfy me, regardless of the genre - I only have a limited amount of time available to learn & master a complex racing sim. I worry that with too much going on, Codies will wind up producing a bunch of half-baked, flawed games.

It's not the same people working on the same games. They have a lot of people working on them. They have a whole "Racing" floor at Leamington Spa studio, (F1 is made at Brum studios), it's not a small floor either.
From what i've read your car will have a good default set-up for each track and any tweaking you do will be for personal preference
Codies have stated that there isn't going to be a big advantage for people using set-ups, tenths of a second not several seconds iirc
sounds good to me 👍

It sounds like the actual online racing should be decent (on the rather optimistic assumption that people would rather race that just plow into you and weave all over the place).

As long as the racing itself is solid and time-trial leaderboards aren't easily abused with corner cutting it should be a good game.

I'm not too surprised that they mark down the "live the life" part for being repetitive. I thought that was always going to be a bit of a stretch to pull-off and keep it fresh for more than one season.

Unfortunately making F1 games always requires compromises and I don't think we're likely to see a true sim on a console as it just isn't the right audience, and wouldn't be as commercially successful as something that is more accessible. The videos I've seen of the game without aids looks good though.

Shame about there not being any telemetry though. It's very easy to implement and quite a staple of F1 driving.

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