F1 2010F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter MS7XWDC
After further investigation - AI level might relate to the questions you are asked in the beginning(interview), atleast there is some speculation towards this on the CM forums. This may explain why I'm getting pole positions in a Lotus.. Should make a new profile and try I guess (:

Edit: looks like it yeah, this time around I'm lapping around 2 sec away from the Red Bulls.
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AI difficulty is one of the things that kept F1CE interesting for so long (although I appreciate that the level of difficulty varied considerably from track to track). I realize that some people are now pretty familiar with some of the F1 tracks, but I would say that there was no way you (or at least I) could jump into F1CE at the beginning & get pole position on "Hard" after an hour's practice.
The AI was pretty terrible in F1CE when in actual racing mode though, the amount of times I've been taken out from behind because I braked maybe 5 metres early, is stupid.

I'll reserve all judgement till I play it tomorrow (crappy Postal service pending).
It is so hard to tell who is being truthful at the CM forums, so many contrasting easy/hard views, its ridiculous. Gonna stop going there and just wait for myself.
Compared to F1:CE, physics wise, how would you describe it?

I'm still on the decision.making process about this one: visually I'm very in to get it, but I'm a little cautious about the handling of it. Is it too arcadey? Is it sim-like acceptable?

I don't have F1:CE

For me, fun physics for an open wheeler is something like NetKar Pro and the Ferrari Virtual Academy F1 thing, also by the same person.
Sure you get over steer in F1 2010, but it doesn't feel "alive" and responsive when you track through the corners like Netkar Pro/GT5 etc.
Hard to put into word. F1 2010 kinda feels like Toca in a sense.

I thought the AI was ok, they drive decent enough and act proper.
I don't like the bloom and brown tone, and you can't turn it off. Has that typical Codemasters look I suppose
No menu that I have found yet gives that option..

Yes you can. If you choose expert difficulty it auto defaults the AI to professional and some of the driving aids are used. There is one more AI level above that, Legendary, you need to manually change all settings to make sure you have it at the most difficult. And people have said the step up to legendary from Pro is pretty big. I honestly think this is where a lot of confusion lies, people think they are on the most difficult settings but they are not.

Edit: I've now heard conflicting reports that this is not the case! So many conflicting reports about this game. Only one person you can trust and that is yourself.
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The AI was pretty terrible in F1CE when in actual racing mode though, the amount of times I've been taken out from behind because I braked maybe 5 metres early, is stupid.

I don't agree with this - once I developed a certain level of proficiency at F1CE (& I'm far from being the fastest driver in F1CE), I was never taken out by the AI. Yes, the braking points are VERY precise - my guess is, that if in a RL F1 race you braked 5 metres earlier than expected you would also risk getting rear-ended.
I don't agree with this - once I developed a certain level of proficiency at F1CE (& I'm far from being the fastest driver in F1CE), I was never taken out by the AI. Yes, the braking points are VERY precise - my guess is, that if in a RL F1 race you braked 5 metres earlier than expected you would also risk getting rear-ended.

I completely agree with Biggles here.

The only issue I noted is that on certain corners at certain tracks the AI would not necessarily take the fastest line. IE (IIRC) the chicane/esses at Montreal even on "hard" the AI would brake much later into the entry than I. However once I noticed this thanks to repeated shunts, and because the AI was very consistent, whenever I found another car fairly close behind me I could easily and confidently compensate. Result, no more collisions at these locations.
Apparently it doesn't seem the brakes lock even with it off...

Frankly the reports coming from different people vary so much that it's impossible to tell who is incompetent at driving, who is an elitist and who is just trollin'

The brakes can definitely lock up on you. Been playing for a couple hours.
Alright let's get all this sorted shall we?
Yes the brakes do lock up but it's not like iRacing. In iRacing you hear it and can really feel it but in F1 2010 you don't really notice until you try to turn and your car plows straight on.

Go to the trailer > Select the race marker (in between your "Agent" and "Outside") > Select "Difficulty Level" > change it to "Expert"
This will change the AI Difficulty to Legend but if you want to be sure just scroll to the bottom. I believe this is equivalent to choosing "I am looking to compete with the very best" during the introduction interview.

For reference, qualification times at Sakhir (Bahrain) with these settings are as follows:
1st. S. Vettel: 1:56.418
19th. Me: 2:01.027
22nd. J.Trulli: 2:02.170

I do not know how to check the other racer's qualification times though.

Hope this helps!
I do not know how to check the other racer's qualification times though.
Go to the garage during the qualifying sessions and check the monitor on your car. I can't remember the exact button presses buy you can get real time lap data as if you were watching the live scoring on the F1.com website. You'll see who's in what place, what sector they're in, what their time is or if they're in the pits.
Does the game pre-select a default good setting for the car depending on the track and weather or is it always the same and I have to figure out which's the best for each case? I didn't play much yesterday and not at all today so I couldn't notice how this works yet.
Does the game pre-select a default good setting for the car depending on the track and weather or is it always the same and I have to figure out which's the best for each case? I didn't play much yesterday and not at all today so I couldn't notice how this works yet.

I didn't notice anything being picked for me in the bit that I played. You do get a practice session in a short weekend and up to three in a long weekend to hopefully figure out what you need. I also think the more you play, the easier choosing a setup will be.
Does the game pre-select a default good setting for the car depending on the track and weather or is it always the same and I have to figure out which's the best for each case? I didn't play much yesterday and not at all today so I couldn't notice how this works yet.

Just move the screen to the left when your in the pit garage, and select a simple setup from the engineer
Just a few first impressions after a couple of hours lapping at Spa & Bahrain.


Immediate impression: VERY disappointing. Very bland-looking & not very detailed (this is on PS3). Certainly not anywhere near GT5P, nor as good as Shift IMO. I would say, in many ways not as good as F1CE. However, it's difficult to make a direct comparison, because the style of graphics is so different. Where F1CE is colour-saturated, F1 2010 has a bleached look.

In any case, after a while of playing, you adjust to the look & it's fine. But I would definitely say that, on the PS3 at any rate, the graphics are certainly not ground-breaking in any way.


Again very different feeling compared to F1CE. I find you really have to be pushing the cars hard before you start to get a true feel for the physics, & I'm not there yet. However, it does feel like there is "more going on" in F1 2010 than in F1CE. The cars skid out fairly readily & the steering feels a little more nuanced than in F1CE. In particular, the cars understeer noticeably - it's easy to plough through a corner if you don't know the braking point.


Pretty good. Again has a more nuanced feel than F1CE, but I really miss the "bumpy" FFB of F1CE. And it's not FC or SCC by any means.


Definitely prefer the sound of F1CE.


No real comments yet, but one thing I noticed is that the cars are VERY difficult to drive in the cockpit view which feels extremely low to the ground. After a while I switched to the T cam view & found it much more comfortable to use, however obviously not as "realistic" as the true cockpit view.
Just a few first =
No real comments yet, but one thing I noticed is that the cars are VERY difficult to drive in the cockpit view which feels extremely low to the ground. After a while I switched to the T cam view & found it much more comfortable to use, however obviously not as "realistic" as the true cockpit view.

and to think that the developers said they had to raise the cockpit view a little bit because it was so difficult to drive from the real driving position.

so i have a ps3 and a g25. is this game worth it? i am completely fine waiting till november 2nd. i have plenty of gt5 p i could play.
..Hard to put into word. F1 2010 kinda feels like Toca in a sense.

I thought the AI was ok, they drive decent enough and act proper.
I don't like the bloom and brown tone, and you can't turn it off. Has that typical Codemasters look I suppose

I don't agree with any of this, well, except for the bit about the visuals. :P

I've been playing since I got it, and it's just great. You can feel the downforce, when you're about to lose grip, but most importantly it doesn't portray the cars as being virtually impossible to handle/drive unless you're hopped on steroids or something. The AI is aggressive at times, but they respond to certain actions almost like an actual human player would, if you've spun out, they will stop or try to avoid you. If you pressure them they'll either respond or apply some pressure of their own. It's just fantastic, can't wait to get into it more so I can give a more detailed review.

As of now all I can say is F1 2010 has some of the best sounds I've heard all year long as far as F1 cars are considered, rFactor gets it right (depending on the mod) but this goes the additional distance. Also has some stellar upshift/downshift sounds compared to everything else I've heard. Doesn't sound too good during replays though, no matter what view you switch to it all sounds compacted; sounds far more dynamic in real-time play when you compare the two. This could all be down to the fact that I'm playing the PC version with a 2.1 speaker setup and I don't have the table space for anything more. So, as it stands that's practically the only complaint I ha---- actually, that's not true at all. What's up with the Stewards penalizing you right off the bat? That's not realistic at all. :lol:
I got the PS3 edition this morning (109$ ffs). I have to say my initial thoughts was that it kinda sucked but after a full distance race I've come around a bit.

I too though the graphics sucked a lot. Unfortunately in career mode it starts in a completely drab Bahrain in the afternoon. Man it's awful.

I also had to turn on traction control. I'm using the controller with a broken R2 trigger so I had to remap to X and O, but makes it almost impossible not to drop the car in every low speed corner. Was extremely frustrating.

The other frustrating things are the penalties. They're way too hard for cutting the track. Even running wide on some corners on the Bahrain course can give you a penalty.

Now onto Melbourne, having done the practice and qualify, the game visuals are looking heaps better. Still nothing close to GT5 level but definitely passable. I will be getting the PC version as well though to compare I think...
Picked this up yesterday after hoping the whole day it would go on sale. Got the metal USB stick as well from EB, really nice, very solid.

Very impressed with the game, challenging but very enjoyable, Im with Lotus atm and still in Bahrain (chose to do the long weekend). Will be playing over most of the weekend, should get some laps in Singapore before the actual race starts.
Been playing for a couple hours this after noon and all I can say is that this game is hard as hell! I'm new to F1 games but damn. I'm having a hard time coming in anything but last even on CASUAL, with TC turned all the way up! I'm playing using the new ECCI wheel and pedals so it aint the controls lol. Feel like it's gonna take me 20 years to be just decent at this damn game :indiff::crazy:
Wow, the game's getting very mixed reviews. And by mixed, I mean from completely opposite ends of the spectrum - some are finding it incredibly difficult, other think it is an absolute cakewalk.

The funniest review so far was one guy who did two laps of Bahrain and decided to return the game because it wasn't "realistic" like rFactor ... despite Anthony Davidson saying the likes of rFactor try way too hard to be difficult and so end up completely innaccurate.