F1 2010F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter MS7XWDC
What were you expecting? Bahrain is the first race of the season.

It's unfortunate from a pure gaming point of view, if a gamer foreign to F1 jumps into a career they're welcomed by a game seemingly made up of 140 shades of brown and they'll think it looks crap (like I did). Fortunately the more green tracks are a much more pleasant visual experience.

I also will add that their are some slowdown issues. Going down the main straight in Bahrain, when all the other cars are in the pits gives some framerate slowdown, nothing unplayable but noticeable. Also everything in the sidepod mirrors are at a visibly slower rate.
despite Anthony Davidson saying the likes of rFactor try way too hard to be difficult and so end up completely innaccurate.

Remember though AD is on the payroll. I don't mean to suggest that he is disingenuous with his comments, but at the same time we all should keep in mind that he was PAID by CM to help develop the product.
My copy will arrive today. Alot of varying opinions. I'm hoping this will take the time up until GT5.
I don't agree with this - once I developed a certain level of proficiency at F1CE (& I'm far from being the fastest driver in F1CE), I was never taken out by the AI. Yes, the braking points are VERY precise - my guess is, that if in a RL F1 race you braked 5 metres earlier than expected you would also risk getting rear-ended.

It's buggy AI, end of. 50 metres behind the car in-front and it brakes, it should not be hitting it.

Anyway, it's 5 year old code from an older console, so can't compare it to F1 2010. My copy hasn't come this morning. Good old posties, maybe we can strike about their incompetence? Still, £3 off at ShopTo iirc.
👎 This game is too easy. I have the hardest difficulty and all aids off and I just qualified 11th and finished 2nd at Melbourne in a damn Lotus. Might just play multiplayer until GT5 and trade it in then.
I can't believe the list of names is missing my name. Jack is only one of the most common names out there!
Remember though AD is on the payroll. I don't mean to suggest that he is disingenuous with his comments, but at the same time we all should keep in mind that he was PAID by CM to help develop the product.
Yes, he was paid to help develop the product. He's not just endorsing it, he's been involved from the outset. He was visiting every two weeks to see what they'd developed and give feedback. The idea was to get the game as close to reality as possible. Having seen the extent of Davidson's involvement, I'm inclined to believe him when he says rFactor tries too hard to be realistic and so missed the mark.

Also, the guy who made the claims about it not being realistic enough after two laps has a history of making some pretty absurd claims. I remember him lecturing everyone on how roads are built back when Korea was in doubt; I remember it because I'm the son of a civil engineer, so I know a thing or two about building roads. I had to keep correcting the moron, but gave up when I realised he took every opportunity to criticise the sport. If the FIA said the sky was blue, he'd argue that it's red.
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👎 This game is too easy. I have the hardest difficulty and all aids off and I just qualified 11th and finished 2nd at Melbourne in a damn Lotus. Might just play multiplayer until GT5 and trade it in then.

Maybe you're just an extremely fast driver or have taken to the game very quickly. On certain circuits in F1:CE an average player can easily win even in the Super Aguri on the hardest setting.
Isn't the physics engine straight from GRiD? If I would class this game, I would say it's arcade. You can full on rub wheels and lean on other cars like it's NASCAR :ill:

Maybe you're just an extremely fast driver or have taken to the game very quickly. On certain circuits in F1:CE an average player can easily win even in the Super Aguri on the hardest setting.

I am pretty decent at GT5 but it's more an AI thing. There's corners where they are in 2nd gear and I'll be in 4th.
It's buggy AI, end of. 50 metres behind the car in-front and it brakes, it should not be hitting it.

Anyway, it's 5 year old code from an older console, so can't compare it to F1 2010. My copy hasn't come this morning. Good old posties, maybe we can strike about their incompetence? Still, £3 off at ShopTo iirc.

Yours still not come as well? Mine neither, although I'm frankly more concerned about it being nicked or delivered to a very similar address around here rather than it showing up early.

I don't think you get the £3 at shopto if it shows up tomorrow (Friday), but only if it comes after Friday.
Just got this game and i am very dissapointed

Played it on the PS3 with a Fanatec turbo S.
Graphics are bad, force feedback is weird(wheel doesn't center), sounds are awfull.
No sense of speed,

F1 CE is better in every way!
So much hype around this game and they don't deliver one bit.
I know it's arcadey, but there's no point in playing this game in your sim rig with a steering wheel.

Don't buy.
Just got this game and i am very dissapointed

Played it on the PS3 with a Fanatec turbo S.
Graphics are bad, force feedback is weird(wheel doesn't center), sounds are awfull.
No sense of speed,

F1 CE is better in every way!
So much hype around this game and they don't deliver one bit.
I know it's arcadey, but there's no point in playing this game in your sim rig with a steering wheel.

Don't buy.

That's it, i've decided to trust no one's opinion but my own. I've heard far too many polar opposite opinions coming from like minded gamers to have a clue how the game is going to handle. Despite what you've said, i've heard plenty of people coming from Iracing and rFactor background's applauding the game's handling. Then again, i've heard just as many who say they hate it. This isn't making any sense :scared:
Just got this game and i am very dissapointed

Played it on the PS3 with a Fanatec turbo S.
Graphics are bad, force feedback is weird(wheel doesn't center), sounds are awfull.
No sense of speed,

F1 CE is better in every way!
So much hype around this game and they don't deliver one bit.
I know it's arcadey, but there's no point in playing this game in your sim rig with a steering wheel.

Don't buy.

The Fanatec wheel isn't officially supported and it was noted by Race sim Central that the FFB felt as though it was inverted, a feeling you'll recognise if you've played various PC sims that require tweaking.

This is the official list.


• Logitech Driving Force EX/RX
• Logitech Driving Force Pro
• Logitech Driving Force GT
• Logitech G25 Racing Wheel
• Logitech G27 Racing Wheel
• Thrustmaster Run’N’Drive Wireless Rumble Force
• Thrustmaster Dual Trigger Rumble Force

Xbox 360:

• Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller
• Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel
• Logitech Drive FX Wheel
• Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S
That's it, i've decided to trust no one's opinion but my own. I've heard far too many polar opposite opinions coming from like minded gamers to have a clue how the game is going to handle. Despite what you've said, i've heard plenty of people coming from Iracing and rFactor background's applauding the game's handling. Then again, i've heard just as many who say they hate it. This isn't making any sense :scared:

Hey but don't forget to post your own review, just in case others are more trusting than you and in being so they are waiting your opinion! ;)

PS - I am waiting yours, and others, but in any case I'll most probably skip this one. You know, I actually never even started a career in F1:CE, F1 simulation is not really my cup of tea. And, besides, GTR Evo and the 100+ tracks it has available is a whole new world open to exploration from yours truly
Hey but don't forget to post your own review, just in case others are more trusting than you and in being so they are waiting your opinion! ;)

PS - I am waiting yours, and others, but in any case I'll most probably skip this one. You know, I actually never even started a career in F1:CE, F1 simulation is not really my cup of tea. And, besides, GTR Evo and the 100+ tracks it has available is a whole new world open to exploration from yours truly

So there's where you've been all this time.... 👍

Yeah Shaggy, I'm indecise about this one too. Your opinion would be highly appreciated.
Well i just got this game today and ive been playing it on the PC with a Fanatec Porsche Turbo wheel. The force feedback settings took some tweaking and so did the steering settings, but once done right this game is a real pleasure to drive. The FFB from bumps and kerbs, grass and gravel is all brilliant.

Its actually my first day with the Fanatec too and i can say im EXTREMELY impressed with it. As for the game i don't think it's too easy, one mistake and your out of the race on the hardest difficulty. And the physics seem very good to me. The cars are very twitchy as i would expect an F1 car to be, and trying to race in the rain with no traction control on is impossible for me at the moment.

Two thumbs up from me.
The Fanatec wheel isn't officially supported and it was noted by Race sim Central that the FFB felt as though it was inverted, a feeling you'll recognise if you've played various PC sims that require tweaking.

Okay, That is exacly what I have!!
I have A G25 and i'm going to try that out right now.
That's it, i've decided to trust no one's opinion but my own. I've heard far too many polar opposite opinions coming from like minded gamers to have a clue how the game is going to handle. Despite what you've said, i've heard plenty of people coming from Iracing and rFactor background's applauding the game's handling. Then again, i've heard just as many who say they hate it. This isn't making any sense :scared:

+1. I've been driven mad by all the conflicting reports I have read over the past three days. My opinion is the only one I can trust, I have however heard from some guys I regularly race with and they have said positive things but until I play myself I just don't know.
Okay, That is exacly what I have!!
I have A G25 and i'm going to try that out right now.

If you look at Thomas's blog you will see that he is already in touch with CM and they are working on a patch, but Fanatec themselves are working on a new firmware update that will enable you to reverse feedback in the wheel settings in case CM don't get the patch out quickly enough.
Yes, he was paid to help develop the product. He's not just endorsing it, he's been involved from the outset. He was visiting every two weeks to see what they'd developed and give feedback. The idea was to get the game as close to reality as possible. Having seen the extent of Davidson's involvement, I'm inclined to believe him when he says rFactor tries too hard to be realistic and so missed the mark.

Also, the guy who made the claims about it not being realistic enough after two laps has a history of making some pretty absurd claims. I remember him lecturing everyone on how roads are built back when Korea was in doubt; I remember it because I'm the son of a civil engineer, so I know a thing or two about building roads. I had to keep correcting the moron, but gave up when I realised he took every opportunity to criticise the sport. If the FIA said the sky was blue, he'd argue that it's red.

Not saying you should believe this other guy on another forum (why exactly do we need to know about this character?), but what Anthony Davidson says isn't exactly fact either, just professional opinion. To some extent I'd agree with him about some simulators trying to recreate too much while missing out that the player doesn't get the same experience and sensations while playing. Like making the cars extremely snappy for example but not providing the Force Feedback for the player to react in time. However, it remains to be seen if Codemasters' example is really better or not. As Icelt noted, he's also on the company payroll - of course he's not exactly going to say "F1 2010 is crap, not realistic at all, buy rFactor". :lol:

I will wait till I try the game before I decide whether its more realistic or not.
Just got this game and i am very dissapointed

Played it on the PS3 with a Fanatec turbo S.
Graphics are bad, force feedback is weird(wheel doesn't center), sounds are awfull.
No sense of speed,

F1 CE is better in every way!
So much hype around this game and they don't deliver one bit.
I know it's arcadey, but there's no point in playing this game in your sim rig with a steering wheel.

Don't buy.
I've got limited time with the game but this is drivel if I've ever read some.

"Graphics are bad" There's not a better looking F1 game on the market. It's built and the same engine as Grid and the Dirt series. That should give everyone an idea of what to expect.

"Force feedback is weird" The Turbo S isn't supported on the PS3 and it was mention by the InsideSimRacing guys that it felt as if the feedback was reveresed on the Fanatec wheels on the PS3.

"Sounds are awful" Play a video of a hotlap in the game next to an onboard of a real car. It's very close.

"There's not point in playing in your sim rig with a steering wheel." This might be the most laughable comment of them all. If you're not using a wheel for this game, you're missing out and I don't even need to use a controller to tell you that. Try it with a supported wheel like the G25/G27 and see how it goes for you.
I've got limited time with the game but this is drivel if I've ever read some.

"Graphics are bad" There's not a better looking F1 game on the market. It's built and the same engine as Grid and the Dirt series. That should give everyone an idea of what to expect.

"Force feedback is weird" The Turbo S isn't supported on the PS3 and it was mention by the InsideSimRacing guys that it felt as if the feedback was reveresed on the Fanatec wheels on the PS3.

"Sounds are awful" Play a video of a hotlap in the game next to an onboard of a real car. It's very close.

"There's not point in playing in your sim rig with a steering wheel." This might be the most laughable comment of them all. If you're not using a wheel for this game, you're missing out and I don't even need to use a controller to tell you that. Try it with a supported wheel like the G25/G27 and see how it goes for you.

I just did a few laps with the g25, and I must say that it's much better now.
There's nothing wrong with the force feedback, and the handling is pretty good and fun. Not ultra realistic but fun.

Most of the time I play GT5P and the graphics of that game are way, way better than that of F1 2010. I use an 32'' 1080p Lcd tv that sits right in front of me, so i'm really close to the screen.
F1 CE looks a little better than f1 2010, nicer colors and not so washed out.

I have been to several f1 races in the past and the sound of this game is everything but close. Engine sounds are really weak and doesn't get me excited one bit.

I would give this game a 6/10
So there's where you've been all this time.... 👍

Yeah Shaggy, I'm indecise about this one too. Your opinion would be highly appreciated.

Yep Ben,I'm also waiting on your review(and jjaisli also) to make a decision...I'm getting all kind of different opinions so more and more confused:scared:
l am going to try to rent a copy today . Will give my opinion as soon as l have one.
l never buy games without a trial run anymore , been burned too many times. :)
Yep Ben,I'm also waiting on your review(and jjaisli also) to make a decision...I'm getting all kind of different opinions so more and more confused:scared:

It's fun if you don't take it too serious. That's about all I can offer to this thread.
Only read the last few pages of this, but are people claiming this game is a sim?... I've been playing all night with all assists off and unless I am an F1 driver this is not a sim. No where near it. It is fun and challenging, but it is no sim. Classic codemasters really. Fun and provides good racing, but don't take it too seriously.

I was expecting better graphics also. Very low resolution, I would not be at all surprised to find out that they are rendering internally at sub HD (maybe they are one of the developers who struggle with the PS3? Is the 360 version graphically different?). Does not take away from the fun though :) It will make the wait for GT5 fly by.
Only read the last few pages of this, but are people claiming this game is a sim?... I've been playing all night with all assists off and unless I am an F1 driver this is not a sim. No where near it. It is fun and challenging, but it is no sim. Classic codemasters really. Fun and provides good racing, but don't take it too seriously.

I was expecting better graphics also. Very low resolution, I would not be at all surprised to find out that they are rendering internally at sub HD (maybe they are one of the developers who struggle with the PS3? Is the 360 version graphically different?). Does not take away from the fun though :) It will make the wait for GT5 fly by.

I agree it looks very low res.
Maybe the xbox 360 version looks better. Let's wait on the comparising video's.
(why exactly do we need to know about this character?)
Largely because I wanted to highlight the differences in opinion. On the one hand, you've got a guy who hates the game after doing two laps of Bahrain; on the other, people who can't get within a second of the other cars.

But also because that guy is a complete joke. If you encounter him online, he goes by the name Kucki. We use different formats, so push him into the wall for me since I can't do it myself.

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