F1 2010F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter MS7XWDC
That's for me to decide.

I'd be interested if people had settings for the Fanatec on the 360.
Found a copy at my local BestBuy. I am not nearly as excited for it as once was do to the issues with the Fanatec wheels. I sure hope they get a patch or firmware update out soon.
I think this is the 1st time I have seen in this forum where the sentiments in a thread are all very similar according to peoples experience when comparing a game and criticism is not met with harsh backlash. I wonder if its because people have less emotional investment in this than the usual GT vs Forza battles?

The game is addictive, because of the competition for sure and I can only hope that I get used to the mushiness of the F1 cars in this game when compared with F1:CE.

I think it has to be said that F1:CE, for a 1st generation PS3 game, to be holding its own compared to F1 2010, especially considering the different studios experience is remarkable. If that studio had another go at an F1 game I have no doubts it would be better than this one.
Is it that surprising Fanatec wheels aren't well supported? It's not exactly a common product is it? Of the small people who use wheels, most will be Logitech.

Also, let's not forget that Sony not only had experience in designing F1 games, but F1CE was it's 10th F1 game? That's a lot of invaulable knowledge that Codies don't have with F1 games. So, yes, if Sony Liverpool made this version, they probably would have had an easier dev cycle.

I also think people are being a little harsh with the bugs, yes there are clearly a lot out there. But most games tend to have quite a few bugs on release. It's just not feasible to get the amount of data from release to general public as it is from QA.

Maybe people were expecting it to be a step-on from F1CE, rather than a wholly new F1 game? It was never going to feel the same. Meh, I'll wait till the morning, when hopefully the postie delivers it. Have been in touch with my Codies contact, so maybe he'll drop some info if/when he replies.
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The game is addictive, because of the competition for sure and I can only hope that I get used to the mushiness of the F1 cars in this game when compared with F1:CE.

I think it's only "mushy" because F1CE is the opposite - very precise, "crisp" steering (like the difference between the graphic styles!) - I've no idea which is more true to RL. No question that I prefer the feel of F1CE's FFB though.

I think it has to be said that F1:CE, for a 1st generation PS3 game, to be holding its own compared to F1 2010, especially considering the different studios experience is remarkable. If that studio had another go at an F1 game I have no doubts it would be better than this one.

I think Studio Liverpool really did a remarkable job with F1CE - they got all the basics right the first time around. I've got to believe that a second or third edition would have been superb. However, obviously they're never going to have that opportunity ... :(
It's weird, I never could get in to the Style of F1CE, sure, after a half hour, I was back in to it, but it did feel quite different to other racing games. Shows just how different all our driving styles are, I'm quite aggressive, lots of flicking rather than smoothness.

Tbf, it was Sony Liverpool's choice to not have another opportunity. They clearly weren't making much money from it in the end, I suppose giving up when Schumacher did, was probably quite bad timing! Looks like 2010 will get good sales, indeed at estimated 2 million in Europe, that's very, very good.
So the Best Buy supposedly has some copies of this in stock and I'm wondering if I should actually pick it up. Right now there are a lot of mixed signals coming through, and it doesn't seem like it's finished?

If it's any matter, I loved F1CE and it's probably one of my most replayed games in my collection.
So the Best Buy supposedly has some copies of this in stock and I'm wondering if I should actually pick it up. Right now there are a lot of mixed signals coming through, and it doesn't seem like it's finished?

If it's any matter, I loved F1CE and it's probably one of my most replayed games in my collection.

Wateva, let me put it this way, I love F1 and watch every practice, qualifying and race. I would probably get it again, if I had to do it all over, but I have been extremely frustrated. I have restarted races on tracks where I have top 10 times over 20 times. Because I am a huge fan is the only reason I put myself through this, plus I have invested a lot of money in a driving rig a G25 as well as Fanatec wheel. If I only had a pad,I might not. The best example I can give is its mushy, sort of like Grid it has no defining character and is just a game with F1 cars in it. In comparison F1:CE was razor sharp and would bite your head off if you stepped wrong. I was also frustrated with that but not as much because of the game, I was more frustrated with myself when pushing to hard or missing my turn in point. F1 2010 is so vague, with its handling it leaves you frustrated with the game itself because of its shortcomings not necessarily anything you did wrong. Hope that helps.
I think, to be fair, you have to give F1 2010 more of a chance, before making a final assessment. I can say that, in my experience at least, it took a long time to get "smooth" in F1CE - before that I was constantly spinning out on the curbs, running into the back of other cars because I braked too late, or getting rear-ended because I braked too early. And with F1CE there's not a lot of "feel" when you're about to lose it - you just have to learn the rhythm of shifting, steering, coasting, braking & accelerating, so that you can do it almost in a trance.

I think that you're going to have to reach a similar level of competence with F1 2010 before it's possible to make a really fair overall comparison of the driving experience.
Ok, i got my copy this morning and wow, i'm in love with this game, it might not be the most realistic sim racer, but it sure as hell is one of the most fun games i've played in a long time. Will keep me occupied till GT5 comes atleast
I think, to be fair, you have to give F1 2010 more of a chance, before making a final assessment. I can say that, in my experience at least, it took a long time to get "smooth" in F1CE - before that I was constantly spinning out on the curbs, running into the back of other cars because I braked too late, or getting rear-ended because I braked too early. And with F1CE there's not a lot of "feel" when you're about to lose it - you just have to learn the rhythm of shifting, steering, coasting, braking & accelerating, so that you can do it almost in a trance.

I think that you're going to have to reach a similar level of competence with F1 2010 before it's possible to make a really fair overall comparison of the driving experience.

Thats spot on, when I went into this sort of smooth shifting ryhthm, as you say, the car seemed to pick up almost 1 sec honestly. Its not my usual style as the braking points were all moved back about a car length, it didn't feel aggressive and didn't feel right from my normal lines but it was faster.

The way I would explain it is that instead of all my work (braking, setup and downshift) being pushed to the margins of the corners there was much more shifting and braking done before turn-in than I am used to. It also seems a heavy dose of trail braking helps in hairpins.
I just picked up my copy of F1 from Fry’s and got out the door for $54.08, it feels good to break one off in the world of the normally accepted PS3 new release price of 59.95 + tax that is so common these days, thanks again JHunt, and now that I am ready to finally play the game wouldn’t you know it, there is a system update that is there to greet me. Man I can’t win for loosing :banghead:
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Still amazes me how contrasting the opinions are, regarding graphics and physics in particular. Weird how people assume harder = more real. Just another thing I noticed.
Still amazes me how contrasting the opinions are, regarding graphics and physics in particular. Weird how people assume harder = more real. Just another thing I noticed.

I agree,I actually think it should be the opposite, proper physics should make an object you are familiar with feel no different than real life. Of course nobody here is an F1 driver but at speed I am sure people could cruise around respectably without crashing every corner. I think this game gets that right, a car is familiar and I feel perfectly comfortable driving any of these cars and can get up to speed very quickly.

For example within 10 laps of driving around Hungary I was top 10 on the leaderboard online, to me that was familiar and rewarding. The problem came when I tried to push any harder, which actually wasn't to hard and it very hard to picture but I ran what I thought was a mediocre lap, good apexes but not really attacking like I usually do. As soon as I tried to go any faster the game felt unresponsive to different driving style.

I guess thats the best way I can put it. If you drive vaguely, and follow the proper lines like a Jenson Button the game is fine, but if you try and go to a more attacking Hamilton style the game seems like it almost pulls you back into what it thinks is a proper way to drive which is a softer style. I would rather my own style but, oh well. F1:CE did the opposite, you had to drive fairly hard to get the best times. I figure this will grow on me and I will end up liking it better.
The graphics on the PC version are OK, good, but nothing special. It looks much like GTA4 style wise on the PC. Same kind of excessive bloom and browni'ish tone.

It can't touch GT5 IMO
I feel like I'm in the minority here. Maybe I haven't been playing long enough, but with the excpetion of the far too frequent tire punctures, I have no complaints.

I'm finding it to be much better than F1:CE as a whole. CE's physics felt too "simple" and almost prescripted in a way. Losing control of my car in that game almost always ended in a perfect 360 degree drift, with no chance of "saving it" or regaining grip before it was too late. My biggest issue was with the AI though - computer controlled drivers seemed to have no sense of their surroundings and would brake waaaay too early for certain corners, causing massive pileups. Then there was the strangely high amount of red/yellow flags and oil on the track, which would happen at least once a race, and would put me in a wall, every time, guaranteed.

So yeah, I wasn't a big fan of that game. I love the physics in 2010 on the other hand, and the AI is super competitive. The presentation is great, the graphics are realistic but not bland, and the framerate is consistent with the exception of running down the start/finish straight in practice. The fact that it's 30 FPS and not 60 doesn't phase me as long as it's smooth, and so far it has been for the most part.

Overall, very pleased. Hopefully the minor bugs can be ironed out through a patch. Being Codies' first F1 game, I'm willing to forgive them for some of the glitches being that F1 is a very, hmm...complex sport, with many rules, and this is their first attempt after all.
I see no difference at all.
Aside from one driver was quite rubbish.


I still cant decide wether to get this game or not.
GT5 is only 5 weeks or so away. Plus, as much as i love to watch f1, driving the same car, hearing the same sounds, on the same tracks, against the same competition, every time i play the game might get a bit tiresome. Ok so some of the games I buy only end up lasting me a month anyway, but i would never intentionally buy a game knowing i would stop playing it when gt5 came out! Which i would!!

Yeah I'm not getting it :lol: I can wait for GT. Sorry to waste 40 seconds of your life there :P

I still cant decide wether to get this game or not.
Yeah I'm not getting it :lol: I can wait for GT. Sorry to waste 40 seconds of your life there :P

But an open wheel racing game perfectly complements GT5 in your PS3 collection! :D...

I was in the same camp as you even up to last week. Then I just got the random urge to get this game, I did, and it's been surprisingly good.
Hey guys, my first post on here so I'll let you know.

I actually quite like the game, and driving physics, and agree with the comments above, but I have also experienced the same bugs people are talking about.

A couple of things I've noticed, that haven't been mentioned. The virtual racing line is absolutely useless. It has you slowing down to speeds way too slow for the corner (by indicating red) and sometimes doesn't even change colour. I think that's going to be an issue for drivers trying to learn tracks or beginners.

Another problem is that the AI seem to be incredibly easy to beat. I do not have a wheel, so am using the PS3 pad and I only have ABS and Traction control activated, yet I can still qualify 10th in a Lotus, with the AI on it's highest level?

The crappy mirror graphics are a piss take too, then definitely need to iron some stuff out. I can't believe how good the reviews for this game were, considering the state of the bugs.
So far l have to give this game a rating of 7.5 out of 10 on the Richter scale.
( subject to revision ) :)
edit : l was expecting more in the way of tuning and tweaking , in that respect F1 CE is head and shoulders above this game .
Man that first video sure is obvious enough that person is using a gamepad lol twitchy.

Well All I can say is, not sure how people can have so many complaints. Been playing about 2 hrs and I freaking love it. Hands hurt haha This game is def amazing!!
I finished my first practice session at Bahrain. When I crossed the line after the session had ended, the car just kept going on autopilot lap after lap and wouldn't pit. No buttons worked, so I tried to quit the game. After thinking about it for a bit, the PS3 just turned off.

When I turned it back on, I did the newest system update. Turn on after update, and it won't read the disk. Tried multiple games and DVDs. Nothing works 👎

Anyone else have the lapping problem after a session?

Any ideas on how to fix the PS3?
