The game is addictive, because of the competition for sure and I can only hope that I get used to the mushiness of the F1 cars in this game when compared with F1:CE.
I think it has to be said that F1:CE, for a 1st generation PS3 game, to be holding its own compared to F1 2010, especially considering the different studios experience is remarkable. If that studio had another go at an F1 game I have no doubts it would be better than this one.
So the Best Buy supposedly has some copies of this in stock and I'm wondering if I should actually pick it up. Right now there are a lot of mixed signals coming through, and it doesn't seem like it's finished?
If it's any matter, I loved F1CE and it's probably one of my most replayed games in my collection.
I think, to be fair, you have to give F1 2010 more of a chance, before making a final assessment. I can say that, in my experience at least, it took a long time to get "smooth" in F1CE - before that I was constantly spinning out on the curbs, running into the back of other cars because I braked too late, or getting rear-ended because I braked too early. And with F1CE there's not a lot of "feel" when you're about to lose it - you just have to learn the rhythm of shifting, steering, coasting, braking & accelerating, so that you can do it almost in a trance.
I think that you're going to have to reach a similar level of competence with F1 2010 before it's possible to make a really fair overall comparison of the driving experience.
Oh dear they've used the Moto GP layout for chapel corner at Silverstone.
Still amazes me how contrasting the opinions are, regarding graphics and physics in particular. Weird how people assume harder = more real. Just another thing I noticed.
No they haven't.
I see no difference at all.
Aside from one driver was quite rubbish.
I see no difference at all.
Aside from one driver was quite rubbish.
I still cant decide wether to get this game or not.
Yeah I'm not getting itI can wait for GT. Sorry to waste 40 seconds of your life there