F1 2010F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter MS7XWDC
Well just had another 2hr session and in my opinion Codemasters can shove this game. There is one almighty bug in this game that completely ruins it. The bug is whilst making a pit stop during a career race. Countless times this evening I would enter the pits in 1st and leave around 20th. This is because the lollipop man doesn't allow you to move until all the A.I in the pits exit. Another bug is when you arrive in the pits and have the pit limiter on automatic and the A.I start driving through you in the pit lane. This also costs you many places and I don't see how they can drive through you when your speed is limited.

Im getting very frustrated with games having to be patched after release. How the bloody hell can this bug in the pits be missed? Didn't the gametesters even make a pit stop!!
Well just had another 2hr session and in my opinion Codemasters can shove this game. There is one almighty bug in this game that completely ruins it. The bug is whilst making a pit stop during a career race. Countless times this evening I would enter the pits in 1st and leave around 20th. This is because the lollipop man doesn't allow you to move until all the A.I in the pits exit. Another bug is when you arrive in the pits and have the pit limiter on automatic and the A.I start driving through you in the pit lane. This also costs you many places and I don't see how they can drive through you when your speed is limited.

Im getting very frustrated with games having to be patched after release. How the bloody hell can this bug in the pits be missed? Didn't the gametesters even make a pit stop!!

That just sounds totally ridiculous and they just lost a sale because of it 👎
Can anyone here finish a race at Monaco?

If you spin out on the track, you get flagged for illegal blocking. If you try and recover from a spin, you get flagged for wreckless driving, or causing an incident. Also, a car was blocking the track up ahead after a crash between two A.I's. I stopped and waited patiently for a clear road like everyone else behind me... but I received a flag for blocking.

It seems impossible to finish a race in Monaco, with all of these unrealistic penalties.
Well just had another 2hr session and in my opinion Codemasters can shove this game. There is one almighty bug in this game that completely ruins it. The bug is whilst making a pit stop during a career race. Countless times this evening I would enter the pits in 1st and leave around 20th. This is because the lollipop man doesn't allow you to move until all the A.I in the pits exit. Another bug is when you arrive in the pits and have the pit limiter on automatic and the A.I start driving through you in the pit lane. This also costs you many places and I don't see how they can drive through you when your speed is limited.

Im getting very frustrated with games having to be patched after release. How the bloody hell can this bug in the pits be missed? Didn't the gametesters even make a pit stop!!

Very annoying bug. Enter the pit 1st on Monaco, leave the pits 24th... And happened a lot of other times. Pissed me off so much I set AI to Easy, turned off Fuel/Tyre simulation so I can actually have fun playing the game and not end up last everytime I enter the pit.

Yup, I'm lazy. But the game gets dull quickly, so trying to make it as fun for me as possible and not annoying.

The major problem with this game you basically have the exact same "car" for the entire game on 19 tracks that you have to do about 20 laps on everytime (20%, short). It makes it really dull quickly.
Well just had another 2hr session and in my opinion Codemasters can shove this game. There is one almighty bug in this game that completely ruins it. The bug is whilst making a pit stop during a career race. Countless times this evening I would enter the pits in 1st and leave around 20th. This is because the lollipop man doesn't allow you to move until all the A.I in the pits exit. Another bug is when you arrive in the pits and have the pit limiter on automatic and the A.I start driving through you in the pit lane. This also costs you many places and I don't see how they can drive through you when your speed is limited.

Im getting very frustrated with games having to be patched after release. How the bloody hell can this bug in the pits be missed? Didn't the gametesters even make a pit stop!!


That happened to me last night. I was running 10th at Malaysia, head to my first pit stop, Sutil overtook me, fair enough, I had trouble finding the pit entrance. So speed limiter on, and the other AI cars start piling into the pits behind me, but they turn into Ghosts and go through me, faster!

I'm still at the stop, and all the AI cars leave the pits quicker, way before me!!!! :indiff:

Ended up 19th in race because of that :grumpy: 👎
My objective was to place 18th or higher... Virgin management not too happy.... :nervous:
Well lets make sure we raid their forums on fixing some of these things!! The rear view mirror lag is def a little annoying too
Relieved others are experiencing the same problems as me. All I could think about whilst playing this game is thank god GT5 is coming out soon. Im of the opinion that because developers can patch a game this makes them lazy when testing.
Relieved others are experiencing the same problems as me. All I could think about whilst playing this game is thank god GT5 is coming out soon. Im of the opinion that because developers can patch a game this makes them lazy when testing.

Or the bug was found late in a build close to release and they were unable to fix it in time. Many games can get stuck in development hell if the developers try to fix everything and this game is particularly time-critical what with the season almost over and GT5 close.
The game isn't finished when they send it for testing, so a bug like this can not appear for many builds and then suddenly appear just before being mastered.

Be grateful it can be patched at all! GT2 had some serious bugs and it couldn't be patched, only fixed in later releases!
The other option is to come in early or late for your scheduled stop. It's what I have been doing as I read about this bug yesterday and have had no problem at all.
I still feel that if Studio Liverpool had had another 4 years to work on a follow-up F1 game they would likely have come up with something more impressive ...

Psst...Studio Liverpool/Psygnosis had been working on F1 games for 10 years before F1:CE ;).
In fact, Studio Liverpool has produced more F1 games than any other developer ever.

That happened to me last night. I was running 10th at Malaysia, head to my first pit stop, Sutil overtook me, fair enough, I had trouble finding the pit entrance. So speed limiter on, and the other AI cars start piling into the pits behind me, but they turn into Ghosts and go through me, faster!

I'm still at the stop, and all the AI cars leave the pits quicker, way before me!!!! :indiff:

Ended up 19th in race because of that :grumpy: 👎
My objective was to place 18th or higher... Virgin management not too happy.... :nervous:

Ok i still love this game but i have to jump on the glitch bandwagon too. I was racing at Kuala Lumpur, started with dry tires and conditions were overcast. It started raining and through the race it was slowly getting heavier. I made the decision to pit as per strategy and go onto prime tyres knowing that the rain would probably get heavier.

Fast track to the last lap the track is now soaked, the rain is coming down heavy and the racing line is drenched. My f1 car has turned into a boat. I'm unable to break into the corners and the car is getting no traction what-so-ever. The only problem is.. everyone else is driving likes it sunshine and flying past me! Not one accident or car going off. I ended up going from 1st place to dead last in one lap!.... Very frustrating.
Or the bug was found late in a build close to release and they were unable to fix it in time. Many games can get stuck in development hell if the developers try to fix everything and this game is particularly time-critical what with the season almost over and GT5 close.
The game isn't finished when they send it for testing, so a bug like this can not appear for many builds and then suddenly appear just before being mastered.

Be grateful it can be patched at all! GT2 had some serious bugs and it couldn't be patched, only fixed in later releases!

Nice to see another person present the exact same line of reasoning I had to use in 'that' part of the forum sometime ago. With that being said, has anyone else been rear-ended (or even taken out) by Buemi at Bahrain? That douche rear-ended me twice, and even punctured my rear-right tire.

I find this game rewarding, it gives me something that no other racing game has given me, and that's actually feeling attached to the event, the race, the car, and the circumstances. During the race on the last few laps I experience yet another puncture (a natural occurrence this time around) and I was in eleventh, driving for HRT - I finished dead last when I was supposed to finish in 18th, which I would have far succeeded in doing. :mad:
Psst...Studio Liverpool/Psygnosis had been working on F1 games for 10 years before F1:CE .
In fact, Studio Liverpool has produced more F1 games than any other developer ever.

Yes, it seems to be true that experience with the genre, even on another system, gave SL a big leg up in working on F1CE for the PS3. (Of course, talking about bugs - F1CE didn't even have FFB for a long time after its release).
Yes, it seems to be true that experience with the genre, even on another system, gave SL a big leg up in working on F1CE for the PS3. (Of course, talking about bugs - F1CE didn't even have FFB for a long time after its release).

Well, CE was simply a port of F1 06 anyway...

Nice to see another person present the exact same line of reasoning I had to use in 'that' part of the forum sometime ago.

I've recently come across the very circumstance I described with a different game recently, so I know all too well what can happen during testing.
For What Its Worth: Everyone that has given there two cents worth I’m sure most of them have a lot more experience then I do at these games but my references are go-karts, SCCA pylon driving, and asphalt roundy rounds, as well as GT4, GT5p, and NFS SHIFT. All I have been able to accomplish is the very first part of the game with the Bahrain track where as after practice and qualifying I was able to win my first race. The pit guy said that “I did a great job” lol.

My feeling about the graphics are that my old 30” CRT TV did a pretty darn good, it was cleaner then GT4 and better then SCC. The AI cars acted like they were being driven by real people, the car that I picked is totally realistic in that it pushed correctly when I dove in to deep and reacted to my breaking and gas inputs very predictably.

The game is going to be a lot of fun from my point of view and I think that my prolog experience aids me in being able to get through the corners well. The car I chose reminded me of the down force cars in GT4 for the high speed stuff and the very delicate accuracy style of prolog helps me to get in and out of the slow speed stuff. If you like the accuracy driving thing I would recommend the game, 4 out of 5 stars.
This is a wonderful game. Hugely addictive, massive fun and pretty tough. FFB with the DFGT is brutal but awesome and while not perfect the graphics are still nice.

Detailed review over the weekend.
That wasn't a bug, only the result of "money-wars"

yes, I realize that, but, in effect, it meant the game was not really "ready" at the time it was released.

Well, CE was simply a port of F1 06 anyway...

Did you play F1 06? In what way was it different from F1CE?

Is there an option to adjust the strength of FFB?

Yes, but it's not possible to get it quite as meaty as I would like.

The graphics are perfectly adequate, but not great - ie. not a reason to buy the game. As I've already said, I think we've got to stop being taken-in by the way graphics look in pre-release You Tube videos - anything looks pretty good on that scale & resolution ...
Look what I found in the FFB directory under the carsetup xml file :)

Some left over bits from Dirt 3?

<!-- Car setups for force false
This file holds a list of car specific setups. If a car is not found here no modifiers are applied.
name= Folder name of car
scaleForce= wheel linear force scale
scaleFriction= wheel friction force scale
scaleEffects= collision, gear change etc effects' force scale-->
<FFBCar name="sst" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="555" template="sst" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="405" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<!-- Old car names should be removed! -->
<FFBCar name="RD3 Style Test 4WD" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Subaru Impreza Spec C Tarmac A" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Mitusbishi Evo IX" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Subaru Impreza 555" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Peugeot 205 T16" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Citroen Xsara Rally X" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Audi TT" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Suzuki Swift Super 1600 Tarmac" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Citroen C2 Super 1600" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="McMillin Racing Buggy" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Lancia Stratos" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Fenomenon Stratos" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>

There is also a catchup.xml in the AI folder....
Which is sorta in binary format

catch_up config user name f1_race_level_0 Q params enabled true minDistance 20.000000 maxDistance 600.000000 powerAtMinDistance 1.0 powerAtMaxDistance 0.4 minSpeed 30.0 minRaceDistance 0.0 playerCatchup false useLeadForMaxDistance false reverseEnabled false reverseMinDistance 50.000000 reverseMaxDistance 400.000000 reversePowerAtMinDistance 1.0 reversePowerAtMaxDistance 1.2 config user name f1_race_level_1 T params enabled true minDistance 100.000000 maxDistance 600.000000 powerAtMinDistance 1.0 powerAtMaxDistance 0.5 minSpeed 30.0 minRaceDistance 100.0 playerCatchup false useLeadForMaxDistance false reverseEnabled false reverseMinDistance 50.000000 reverseMaxDistance 400.000000 reversePowerAtMinDistance 1.0 reversePowerAtMaxDistance 1.2 config user name f1_race_level_2 T params enabled true minDistance 100.000000 maxDistance 600.000000 powerAtMinDistance 1.0 powerAtMaxDistance 0.8 minSpeed 30.0 minRaceDistance 300.0 playerCatchup false useLeadForMaxDistance false reverseEnabled false reverseMinDistance 50.000000 reverseMaxDistance 400.000000 reversePowerAtMinDistance 1.0 reversePowerAtMaxDistance 1.2 config user name f1_race_level_3 Ç params enabled false minRaceDistance 0.0 minSpeed 30.0 reverseEnabled true reverseMinDistance 100.000000 reverseMaxDistance 400.000000 reversePowerAtMinDistance 1.0 reversePowerAtMaxDistance 1.2 config user name none . params enabled false reverseEnabled false
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Look what I found in the FFB directory under the carsetup xml file :)

Some left over bits from Dirt 3?

<!-- Car setups for force false
This file holds a list of car specific setups. If a car is not found here no modifiers are applied.
name= Folder name of car
scaleForce= wheel linear force scale
scaleFriction= wheel friction force scale
scaleEffects= collision, gear change etc effects' force scale-->
<FFBCar name="sst" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="555" template="sst" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="405" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<!-- Old car names should be removed! -->
<FFBCar name="RD3 Style Test 4WD" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Subaru Impreza Spec C Tarmac A" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Mitusbishi Evo IX" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Subaru Impreza 555" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Peugeot 205 T16" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Citroen Xsara Rally X" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Audi TT" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Suzuki Swift Super 1600 Tarmac" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Citroen C2 Super 1600" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="McMillin Racing Buggy" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Lancia Stratos" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Fenomenon Stratos" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>

There is also a catchup.xml in the AI folder....
Which is sorta in binary format

catch_up config user name f1_race_level_0 Q params enabled true minDistance 20.000000 maxDistance 600.000000 powerAtMinDistance 1.0 powerAtMaxDistance 0.4 minSpeed 30.0 minRaceDistance 0.0 playerCatchup false useLeadForMaxDistance false reverseEnabled false reverseMinDistance 50.000000 reverseMaxDistance 400.000000 reversePowerAtMinDistance 1.0 reversePowerAtMaxDistance 1.2 config user name f1_race_level_1 T params enabled true minDistance 100.000000 maxDistance 600.000000 powerAtMinDistance 1.0 powerAtMaxDistance 0.5 minSpeed 30.0 minRaceDistance 100.0 playerCatchup false useLeadForMaxDistance false reverseEnabled false reverseMinDistance 50.000000 reverseMaxDistance 400.000000 reversePowerAtMinDistance 1.0 reversePowerAtMaxDistance 1.2 config user name f1_race_level_2 T params enabled true minDistance 100.000000 maxDistance 600.000000 powerAtMinDistance 1.0 powerAtMaxDistance 0.8 minSpeed 30.0 minRaceDistance 300.0 playerCatchup false useLeadForMaxDistance false reverseEnabled false reverseMinDistance 50.000000 reverseMaxDistance 400.000000 reversePowerAtMinDistance 1.0 reversePowerAtMaxDistance 1.2 config user name f1_race_level_3 Ç params enabled false minRaceDistance 0.0 minSpeed 30.0 reverseEnabled true reverseMinDistance 100.000000 reverseMaxDistance 400.000000 reversePowerAtMinDistance 1.0 reversePowerAtMaxDistance 1.2 config user name none . params enabled false reverseEnabled false

At 1st glance that just strikes me as lazy honestly. That said after another session today, I am really liking this game. You have to modify your style to the car but its rewarding.

You can't go bombing into corners like F1:CE and you have to watch the shift lights and can't go off the sound of the revs as much. Turn on the racing line and use their braking points, begin to break just BEFORE it gets orange and then red, don't wait until you hit the color transition.

1st career race I finished 2nd on legendary, with Sauber, but I was tracking down Webber until a puncture. Good game, I upgrade my rating of a 7 to a 8.5 now. The lack of being able to change brake bias mid-race is still crazy and my tires must be made of butter cause I get half the expected life every time.
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Does anyone else get their quoted tire life. My tires turn yellow at exactly half of what the rating says my options are done after like 8 laps and prime after close to 12 or so its a litte crazy. Unless I am reading the OSD wrong, what does the ! menu in-race mean if my tires go yellow?
Look what I found in the FFB directory under the carsetup xml file :)

Some left over bits from Dirt 3?

<!-- Car setups for force false
This file holds a list of car specific setups. If a car is not found here no modifiers are applied.
name= Folder name of car
scaleForce= wheel linear force scale
scaleFriction= wheel friction force scale
scaleEffects= collision, gear change etc effects' force scale-->
<FFBCar name="sst" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="555" template="sst" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="405" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<!-- Old car names should be removed! -->
<FFBCar name="RD3 Style Test 4WD" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Subaru Impreza Spec C Tarmac A" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Mitusbishi Evo IX" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Subaru Impreza 555" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Peugeot 205 T16" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Citroen Xsara Rally X" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Audi TT" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Suzuki Swift Super 1600 Tarmac" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Citroen C2 Super 1600" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="McMillin Racing Buggy" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Lancia Stratos" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>
<FFBCar name="Fenomenon Stratos" scaleForce="1.0" scaleFriction="1.0" scaleEffects="1.0"/>

There is also a catchup.xml in the AI folder....
Which is sorta in binary format

catch_up config user name f1_race_level_0 Q params enabled true minDistance 20.000000 maxDistance 600.000000 powerAtMinDistance 1.0 powerAtMaxDistance 0.4 minSpeed 30.0 minRaceDistance 0.0 playerCatchup false useLeadForMaxDistance false reverseEnabled false reverseMinDistance 50.000000 reverseMaxDistance 400.000000 reversePowerAtMinDistance 1.0 reversePowerAtMaxDistance 1.2 config user name f1_race_level_1 T params enabled true minDistance 100.000000 maxDistance 600.000000 powerAtMinDistance 1.0 powerAtMaxDistance 0.5 minSpeed 30.0 minRaceDistance 100.0 playerCatchup false useLeadForMaxDistance false reverseEnabled false reverseMinDistance 50.000000 reverseMaxDistance 400.000000 reversePowerAtMinDistance 1.0 reversePowerAtMaxDistance 1.2 config user name f1_race_level_2 T params enabled true minDistance 100.000000 maxDistance 600.000000 powerAtMinDistance 1.0 powerAtMaxDistance 0.8 minSpeed 30.0 minRaceDistance 300.0 playerCatchup false useLeadForMaxDistance false reverseEnabled false reverseMinDistance 50.000000 reverseMaxDistance 400.000000 reversePowerAtMinDistance 1.0 reversePowerAtMaxDistance 1.2 config user name f1_race_level_3 Ç params enabled false minRaceDistance 0.0 minSpeed 30.0 reverseEnabled true reverseMinDistance 100.000000 reverseMaxDistance 400.000000 reversePowerAtMinDistance 1.0 reversePowerAtMaxDistance 1.2 config user name none . params enabled false reverseEnabled false

That's terrible. It's a rally game with F1 cars.
You guys are crazy! The graphics can be wonderful (on PC anyways).
Here are some screenshots:
Taken with Fraps
PNG (uploaded directly to Photobucket, not opened and resaved)
Core-i5 750 (quad core) @ 3.6GHz, 8GB RAM, nvidia GTX260 on Windows 7 x64

These were taken at Bahrain, ignore the white dot in the cockpit view screenshots, that's just the countdown for a flying lap.

Graphics Settings: ULTRA LOW with 8XQCSAA (No hands!) (No crowds!) (No mirrors!) (No reflections!)

Graphics Settings: LOW with 8XQCSAA (No crowds!) (No mirrors!) (No reflections!)

Graphics Settings: MEDIUM with 8XQCSAA (Cheap reflections!)

Graphics Settings: HIGH with 8XQCSAA (Decent reflections!)

Graphics Settings: ULTRA with 8XQCSAA (Yummy reflections!)

Graphics Settings: ULTRA with No AA (I think my eyes got cut :yuck:)

On the flip side, the PC I actually race F1 2010 on looks like something you would expect to find in a toilet :yuck: There's something wrong with it because this PC that I took the screens on even on low looks better than the other PC on anything other than ultra ... The sky is excessively brown, I get black polygons that randomly flash in the sky and all the track textures look very poor. The models are still nice and the car textures are good but the track ruins it for me. On top of that, it still slows down. It never feels choppy but occasionally it looks sluggish.

That PC is a Core 2 Duo E6400 (or 6200 don't remember), 6GB of RAM, nvidia 8800GTS on Windows Vista Business 32 (so technically 4GB of RAM?). I think maybe the single fan is not cutting it for ventilating the 8800GTS but other games work fine, I updated the drivers too so I'm not really sure what it is.

Dirt 2 looks better (no sluggishness either) and iRacing runs fine on that PC ...
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