F1 2010F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter MS7XWDC
Not working. "No Deeplinking please!".

Right click the link, properties, highlight the link and copy, paste into browser, simples.

http ://www.videogameszone.de/screenshots/original/2010/09/f12010_vgl3.jpg
Not working. "No Deeplinking please!".

I wouldn't worry, they've been messed around with. They've whacked the contrast up on the PS3 shots to wash them out, and it's likely they captured using component HD as the output source which takes away clarity.
It seems there is already a trend in the various comments posted about this game, however I wanted to share my fist impressions with you.:)

Yesterday evening, I had the opportunity to test-play F1 2010 with a friend that already collected his ordered copy. His setup was a very nice mix of Slim PS3, 40 inch 1080P Plasma screen and G27 wheel. We spend most of the time in the Time Trial Club(?) competing against each other on the tracks from Spa, Suzuka and Barcelona. (Developers, if you read this, this feature is great but please allow more than just 1 starting lap per tentative. At least you should be able take control of the car way before the start/finish line)

It’s been a long time I don’t expect a racing game to bring the level of eye-candy the GT franchise has to offer (PS console player only), and while a bit skeptical at first I’d say F1 2010 graphics are quite decent. Actually, the track layouts are great and the (sense of) difference in elevation are very very well rendered IMO.👍

After a few trial and error laps with the VR 01, it was decided to level the performance a bit, so my friend picked the RB 06 while I ended behind the wheel of an MGP W01. We drove with all assists off and took the cars with the default tuning setup. (Moreover this pleasant evening was accompanied by a nice bottle of red wine.)
I’m a Third Division Gold Driver on this planet, I don’t think I’ve more than average driving skills, and my pace is way off from the more hardcore racers around here. Still I managed in a few laps to equal (and even beat) the real-world timetables performed by a notorious seven time world champion?!:crazy::odd::confused: Unless we missed a sub-menu difficulty setting, it just seems the handling doesn’t represent much of a challenge. Once you find the appropriate braking points, the worst that can append is a spin at the exit of a chicane should you be too generous with the throttle. I can see how this could annoy the more sim-oriented gamers around here.

It was publicly announced that the game developers were focusing on playability and enjoyment, and in that respect Codemasters successfully delivered; given the very limited approach described above, I can say this game is very enjoyable indeed.

However, despite the fun factor, with GT5 so close around the corner I’d rather save that extra 60 euros and finally surrender to the frivolous goodies the Special Edition has to offer. Still, could possibly buy it latter on, just to learn the new and revamped layouts of all those real-world tracks.👍
Bought my copy today (PS3), and I've been playing it for a few hours already.

My first impressions:

The physics are very different from F1:CE, and I personally feel less connected to the car in F1 2010. And although I enjoy the difficulty of this new game, I still prefer the handling of F1:CE.

Graphics I am a bit disappointed with. I think the onboard 'T' camera and lighting of F1:CE looked more realistic. The weather effects, track and car details all look very good though.

I'm racing with Lotus ATM, under Expert. I'm yet to enter my first race in career mode, because I've been concentrating on Time trails and practice races. I'm well off the pace at the moment!

I can't believe the list of names is missing my name. Jack is only one of the most common names out there!
Haha... that's very odd! I'm glad my name (James) was part of the list. I also spotted 'Jesus'.

Is Jesus more common than Jack?
Right click the link, properties, highlight the link and copy, paste into browser, simples.

http ://www.videogameszone.de/screenshots/original/2010/09/f12010_vgl3.jpg

Thanks, that worked. I'm showing off my noobness :lol:

they've been messed around with.

Yeah it definitely does look like someone's fiddled. I'll never understand fanboys.
Guys forget my impressions from before. My opninion changed a bit(mostly because the Fanatec turbo S is NOT(yet?) supported on the ps3, and the physics where ???).

Once I got over the fact that it's not a super high quality game like a Gran Turismo game, I'm having loads of fun with it. The game feels a bit unfinished/rushed to me, a few bugs, glitches and graphical errors are in.
The physics are good, not really challenging or difficult but feels natural, and within a few laps everyone should be able to do a decent lap without crashing all the time.

Sim? no. But alot less arcadey then Grid, Dirt 2 or Ridge Racer. A bit less sim then Gt5P.
The game is far from perfect, non the less it's a pretty decent f1 game.
I tried to not post about this game and I actually shouldn't care since GT5 is close but I love F1 so here are my thoughts. I think the whole game overall is in a word, MUSHY, nothing seems hardcore or on the edge it’s all nice and friendly with a few seemingly canned areas where it acts like you can't drive and gives you a challenge, other than that its half-baked.
Can someone tell me why on earth brake bias is non-adjustable in race, I have also not found a place to change the engine map in race during career either, big miss in my mind.

I believe F1:CE is better than this game the handling was sharper and more on the edge, F1 2010 does a nice job of the little nuances like the engine bog during heavy acceleration and some slight twitchiness but it seems canned and sometimes doesn’t fit the situation.

The gas doesn't seem linear enough unless its my pedal and wheel which are the Fanatec GT3 RSv2 and G25 pedals. Hungary is an example, I was in the top 3 yesterday in the Time Trials and also have a time of 1:13:8 in F1:CE which I believe would be 1st in these forums, I am very good at that track but on the 1st corner i absolutely had to drive in a straight line when on throttle, even if I barely fed it or it would spin out, it seemed a little predetermined, its a little hard to explain. In other corners the throttle application seems way to high for the particular corner like you can just pour on the throttle and nothing will budge the car.

The tracks also seem off a bit like they are too small or something, maybe other games are wrong or maybe its the lack of speed sensation but the tracks don't seem to flow like I am used to.

The speed sensation is a little funny as well, the cars seem slow as hell especially off the line, where Chandok can pass me every time. But the overall speed seems slow and maybe that’s why it seems like the track is smaller than it is.

The braking is very fickle, besides not being able to adjust in-game it seems very hit or miss, one corner they will work marvelously, the next you just slide off the track, with no sound mind you, just like you didn't apply them enough or something very hard to figure out. Sometimes I can brake well into the brake zone, other times I have to break well before the zone, it’s annoying and hard to get a rhythm going.

The FF for whatever reason seems non-existent, I felt it once that I can remember and even if I hit a wall it doesn't kick in.

The best thing about the game is the competition on Expert mode with the Lotus team I am fighting mid pack and feels like a real accomplishment and real people are racing with you, love it.

Where F1:CE trumps it, is the overall feel of the car and the ragged edge physics and sounds. Where F1 2010 wins is the little nuances in the physics, when coming out of non-slow speed corners and the overall drivability of the car at lower speeds, I could drive with one hand if I wanted, just like the drivers were doing with the F-duct this year. I also like how, similar to a real car, you can manipulate the car mid-corner, or during a pass pretty easily.

Overall its an ok game I would give it a 7 - 7.5 at most, needs a lot of work, and I am very glad GT5 is coming soon or I would be very sad having to go back and play F1:CE again, as I fear I might.
I think your differences in braking and tyre grip in corners and on exit of corners, is just track grip variables.
Just tried this at gamestation and singapore is hard unlike every other track the road goes streight as well so you can only know where the corner is by looking at the marker boards.
There is a monumental list of bugs in this game. On the official forums it's just more and more each day, a lot of them are totally game breaking, both online and offline.

Sad thing is I actually don't think CM will bother to patch them as there's no incentive for them to do so commercially.
There is a monumental list of bugs in this game. On the official forums it's just more and more each day, a lot of them are totally game breaking, both online and offline.

Sad thing is I actually don't think CM will bother to patch them as there's no incentive for them to do so commercially.

There is, if they want to sell us F1 2011... :sly:
I'm now 3 races down and decided this game is too addictive despite it's problems (evidenced by the fact it's 2am and I'm debating if I should do another full length race or not).

Something that has annoyed me is that every race I've had so far I've gotten a puncture in. It's super frustrating. Maybe it's bad luck but if they're doing this every race I'm going to be pissed.

Also, it's basically impossible to unlap yourself, scenario:

Melbourne GP, on lap 2 I get a puncture after turn 5 and unable to stop slightly tap the person infront of me due to the puncture. So I have to make a drive through and a tire stop. So by lap 4 I've done 2 stops and a billion seconds plus lap on some guys back.

End up filling a nice empty spot between 9th and 10th. Should be a good fight your way back race I was thinking. In a few laps I catch up to the 9th place driver, have a bit of a battle, sneak past, woooo. Then about 5 seconds later, BLUE FLAG. I'm not holding them up. I try and drive away and I'm getting further infront but then get summoned for another drive through for ignoring the flags.

Something that has annoyed me is that every race I've had so far I've gotten a puncture in. It's super frustrating. Maybe it's bad luck but if they're doing this every race I'm going to be pissed.

It's suspected that the puncture modifier is just too high, but until codemasters actually acknowledge any more problems other than the pit bug, we won't know.

This is a difficult one to check because a lot of people drive so terribly that they may actually deserve the punctures they are getting.

But it's being mentioned a lot on the official forums.
I would agree with some of the points made by Jenius. However, I think a lot of the judgements come from comparing the game with F1CE.

The graphics are shockingly different from F1CE - almost the polar opposite in style - so they take some getting used to. There're certainly not as good as the (small) You Tube in-game videos would lead one to think.

I went back to F1CE after playing F1 2010 for about three hours. Yes, somehow the cars look "smaller" & the tracks "bigger" in F1CE. The visuals convey a more visceral sense of speed in F1CE. Likewise, the engine sounds are more aggressive & blood curdling in F1CE (I don't know if that means they're more accurate, however). Above all, the FFB (with a G25) is much more vigorous in F1CE.

On the other hand, the physics do seem more "detailed" in F1 2010 - there's more going on when you hit the throttle or brakes. When the tires break-away, it seems a little less sudden than in F1CE. The AI also seems to react more realistically & aggressively to what's going on than it does in F1CE. Driving fast is definitely not "easy".

It always takes a little time to adjust to the look & feel of a new game. From what I've seen so far, F1 2010 is a decent sim-oriented game - I don't think it's going to disappoint in the way that Shift (not to mention Grid!) did. But it's not the last word in F1 sims either. I still feel that if Studio Liverpool had had another 4 years to work on a follow-up F1 game they would likely have come up with something more impressive ...
Just a few first impressions after a couple of hours lapping at Spa & Bahrain.


Immediate impression: VERY disappointing. Very bland-looking & not very detailed (this is on PS3). Certainly not anywhere near GT5P, nor as good as Shift IMO. I would say, in many ways not as good as F1CE. However, it's difficult to make a direct comparison, because the style of graphics is so different. Where F1CE is colour-saturated, F1 2010 has a bleached look.

In any case, after a while of playing, you adjust to the look & it's fine. But I would definitely say that, on the PS3 at any rate, the graphics are certainly not ground-breaking in any way.


Again very different feeling compared to F1CE. I find you really have to be pushing the cars hard before you start to get a true feel for the physics, & I'm not there yet. However, it does feel like there is "more going on" in F1 2010 than in F1CE. The cars skid out fairly readily & the steering feels a little more nuanced than in F1CE. In particular, the cars understeer noticeably - it's easy to plough through a corner if you don't know the braking point.


Pretty good. Again has a more nuanced feel than F1CE, but I really miss the "bumpy" FFB of F1CE. And it's not FC or SCC by any means.


Definitely prefer the sound of F1CE.


No real comments yet, but one thing I noticed is that the cars are VERY difficult to drive in the cockpit view which feels extremely low to the ground. After a while I switched to the T cam view & found it much more comfortable to use, however obviously not as "realistic" as the true cockpit view.

I got my game yesterday and dabbled a bit (I am Ken Barth Villeneuve:)).

Similar experience to Biggles; but hey I am not complaining; and it will keep me busy till GT5! 👍

Will try expert level this afternoon (yes taking the afternoon off work!) and see how much of a 'rookie' F1 racer I am:lol:

Will try online too at some point after I figure out how it works:scared:

Anyone know how to map/change g25 buttons yet?

I like cockpit view but the radio antenna causes me to 'jink' a little left and right to see the car ahead (in the distance:lol:).

And yes they may have time to improve before the (announced) release F1 2011:)
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I'm now 3 races down and decided this game is too addictive despite it's problems (evidenced by the fact it's 2am and I'm debating if I should do another full length race or not).

Something that has annoyed me is that every race I've had so far I've gotten a puncture in. It's super frustrating. Maybe it's bad luck but if they're doing this every race I'm going to be pissed.

Also, it's basically impossible to unlap yourself, scenario:

Melbourne GP, on lap 2 I get a puncture after turn 5 and unable to stop slightly tap the person infront of me due to the puncture. So I have to make a drive through and a tire stop. So by lap 4 I've done 2 stops and a billion seconds plus lap on some guys back.

End up filling a nice empty spot between 9th and 10th. Should be a good fight your way back race I was thinking. In a few laps I catch up to the 9th place driver, have a bit of a battle, sneak past, woooo. Then about 5 seconds later, BLUE FLAG. I'm not holding them up. I try and drive away and I'm getting further infront but then get summoned for another drive through for ignoring the flags.


i had the same whit Fifa10, and i have the feeling will have the same opinion on F1 2010. ik buy the game tomorrow

whats a puncture? (my english is bad)

i had this to whit other F1 car games in the past. its really annoying.
Anyone know how to map/change g25 buttons yet?

There is a menu somewhere in Options where you can assign all the buttons (which is a useful feature).

Yes, I've got quite a few punctures (flat tires). Hard to say at this point, but they don't always seem to be related to any interaction with the curbs.
The list of bugs is appalling: http://community.codemasters.com/fo...9298-unofficial-f1-2010-bugs-errors-list.html

They haven't mentioned the graphic slowdowns or the dodgy side pod mirrors either. Sigh, last Codemasters game I'll ever buy. Completely over arcade racers now.

whats a puncture? (my english is bad)

I found the game at a local Gamestop, cancelled my Amazon order. My first impression is that it is way, way easier than rFactor F1 mods with all the assists off, the graphics are amazing though. My biggest issue is the force feedback is at 100%, yet turning feels way too light for my taste. I will give it a good spin none the less, it should be a blast once I'm ready for online racing. Cheers.
Recieved my copy today and although i've only completed one career race im bitterly disappointed.

For starters the graphics are nowhere near as good as some of the videos have led me to believe. The physics are pretty crap in my opinion and far too arcadey. However what is most disappointing is im used to racing games run at 60FPS like GT5P, FM3 and on F1 2010 this drops below 30FPS at times. I also have to ask what is the point of answering questions from the press. This to me its pointless and boring.

Thankfully as I only paid £31 and will get around £22-£25 trade in I will only lose a few quid. I certainly don't think GT5 has anything to worry about!
I found the game at a local Gamestop, cancelled my Amazon order. My first impression is that it is way, way easier than rFactor F1 mods with all the assists off, the graphics are amazing though. My biggest issue is the force feedback is at 100%, yet turning feels way too light for my taste. I will give it a good spin none the less, it should be a blast once I'm ready for online racing. Cheers.

I am going to increase wheel weight to 100 % and see how that feels.
Left (and right) G25 button does function as zoom camera when you are in the Paddock.

Of course look left or right are the directional buttons on the shifter so I don't use them (yet!).

I wonder if a G27 'maps' better?
This game is awful. Central-axis steering means the handling characteristics are completely wrong. It's got the worst FF I've ever used aswell. What a waste of my money.