F1 2010F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter MS7XWDC
After playing some more today here are my main gripes about the physics.

1. Far too much understeer when going slow. I do realise F1 cars are designed to go fast due to the downforce they create but its still unrealistic on F1.

2. Handling far too light and twitchy like previous Codemaster racing games. I shouldn't be surprised because they are using the same game engine.

3. Random spins especially when going over rumble strips. Even when I was racing around Monaco with full downforce my car would spin if I went over rumble strips.

4. There doesn't seem to be much difference in laptimes despite changing set up from one extreme to the other.

5. Hardly any slip streaming effect. This is baffling because in F1 what is responsible for most of the overtaking is the drafting effect.

On a positive note I have resolved the pit issue. Im now using my own strategy and pit when there is only a few laps left.

I will add im using the PS3 controller. I do have a brand new G25 ready for GT5 which is why I purchased the PS3 version of F1 than the 360. However I can't be bothered to set up my wheel for this pile of rubbish.

I really cannot believe the reviews this game got. The same happened with Forza 3. I can honestly say i've lost all trust in games reviews.
I agree about the lack of feedback in braking and breaking traction.

There are times when I power out of corner where I assume I'm spinning my wheels, but the car doesn't squirm, no tyre screeching noises or smoke. All I hear is the car bouncing off the limiter (not all that obvious either). Same for when starting off the grid.
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However, I can't be bothered to set up my wheel for this pile of rubbish

I really cannot believe the reviews this game got...
ouch! i'm just about to fire it up for the first time (PS3)

that said, i'm sure one i've had another beer and ciggy i'll have fun with it :D

i'll let you know later :)
I agree about the lack of feedback in braking and breaking traction.

There are times when I power out of corner where I assume I'm spinning my wheels, but the car doesn't squirm, no tyre screeching noises or smoke. All I hear is the car bouncing off the limiter (not all that obvious either). Same for when starting off the grid.

This is a problem I've got with it. You can floor the throttle and it doesn't spin up, instead it just hits the limiter quicker but of course you can short-shift.

I haven't checked whether flooring it and short-shifting is quicker than applying the power more gradually so that you can use the full extent of each gear, but either way the acceleration is a bit odd in this respect. I don't really know how I'm supposed to play it.
Am I playing the same game as you lot?! You mention not being able to spin the wheels & it just hits the limiter etc. I've spun so many times because of losing traction in like 3rd gear.
Only problems I have are the ridiculous Penalties & the somewhat slow AI. I've had to bump my Penalities down to reduced becuase realistic gave me 25 grid drop. (just because I kept spinning off!?)
Anyway to the AI, I'm on Expert, so Legend AI, No TCS/ABS etc.
Bahrain I finished 6th after starting 21st.. Australia I Qualified 18th & after pitting towards the end of the race I rejoined 7th BUT I put the wrong tires on & I ended up rage quitting beause it annoyed me that I wasted my time..
I'm not putting in alien laptimes in the race either. Bahrain was a constant 2'00.0xx Australia is a constant 1'31.1xx with my fastest being 1'30.0xx (I'm in virgin btw)
This is a problem I've got with it. You can floor the throttle and it doesn't spin up, instead it just hits the limiter quicker but of course you can short-shift.

I haven't checked whether flooring it and short-shifting is quicker than applying the power more gradually so that you can use the full extent of each gear, but either way the acceleration is a bit odd in this respect. I don't really know how I'm supposed to play it.

Thats true, and I think I alluded to that issue in oneof my previous comments, but on the braking side. I think that the car is spinning out but that the feedback visually and audibly is not there which is the reason it hits the limiter faster. The same goes for braking, I think the car when experiencing what many think is understeer, many times is actually sliding in a lock but again no feedback to report this to you.

This might explain the reason for the abnormally high number of blown tires, what many think is understeer and over-reving might actually be lock-up and spin-outs.
Idk, not calling anyone out, but if your not spinning out at all, your a very good driver or you are using driving assistance. I spin out when I power too much out of a corner :( lol
Has anyone else had way too many punctures? I've done Bahrain & Australia (skipped p2&3) I've had about 6 or so punctures.
Not from running wide or anything, just randomly. I restarted Australia 3 times due to punctures on the 1st or 2nd lap. Its ridiculous.
Just a thought, does anyone know why on earth they don't post your interval times to the next driver? this is just retarded, If I'm 10th I don't need to know what 1st is doing, I need info on 11th and 9th. Also how can I know hom much time I need to make so I can make a comfortable pit?
Wait.... what!!?

A HSR, in the lead!!! :lol: ON HARD!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ahahahaha

Thats the final bit of info i needed to hear right there. Will not be buying this 'simulation' f1 racer. Enjoy fellas 👍

(3 laps with no front wing and still won too!!! My word)

This is just outright ridiculous.

1. What's 'HSR'? (I'm just being an ass, don't actually answer the question, I know you meant HRT).
2. All cars in the game are of an equally balanced nature, try playing with the AI set to legendary and see if you can get anywhere near the top ten using Lotus, Virgin-Cosworth, or HRT.
3. How in the world can you make an assumption (based on someone else's experience) and then decide it isn't "good" enough for you? It's not a simulator, at least not a hardcore one and was never meant to be one. It's more a simcade than anything else. There's plenty of simulation aspects there.

With that said, for once, I actually understand Fernando "He's in my way." Alonso. I'm at the Canadian GP, and this Virgin (wasn't paying attention to the helmet so I have no idea who it was) was in my way, and not only was it slow but it wouldn't let me by! I almost wish you could talk to the chief because I surely would have pulled an Alonso. :lol:
Thats true, and I think I alluded to that issue in oneof my previous comments, but on the braking side. I think that the car is spinning out but that the feedback visually and audibly is not there which is the reason it hits the limiter faster. The same goes for braking, I think the car when experiencing what many think is understeer, many times is actually sliding in a lock but again no feedback to report this to you.

This might explain the reason for the abnormally high number of blown tires, what many think is understeer and over-reving might actually be lock-up and spin-outs.

You may be right. The lock-ups when they do occur are actually not that obvious and occur at slow speed, but there's very little visual clue (like Smoke) and the sound associated with it is comparatively quiet. It's not impossible that the same isn't true for wheel-spin etc.

As for the split times, it's just a shocking omission. You'd have though that being an official F1 game they could have just copied the TV coverage overlays straight into the game.

Finally to DC9990 the blowouts are being suspected as a bug, but if the first paragraph of this post is correct then they may not be as random as they seem. I have had a blowout, but I was off-track a lot. Since then I've not had any, and I minimise this "rev bouncing" or possibly wheel-spin as it may appear to be, so who knows.

Almost seems reasonable to start a F1 thread for the people who DO enjoy this game lol

I don't know. It hardly seems worth staring a new thread for one or two people :P
After playing some more today here are my main gripes about the physics.

4. There doesn't seem to be much difference in laptimes despite changing set up from one extreme to the other.

Anthony Davidson said it himself, when you come to a track, everything is pre-determined with gear ratios, downforce levels, etc. and the driver will only make the little tweaks to his liking, those tweaks won't gain you more than around half a second.

5. Hardly any slip streaming effect. This is baffling because in F1 what is responsible for most of the overtaking is the drafting effect.

If you've ever watched real F1 racing, you'd see that a driver benefits from a splipstream only when he's around 1 or 2 car lengths behind on a straight.[/QUOTE]
I think i suck at this game LOL

I also have mixed feeling about the physics, but all in all it's a fun game.
It's too easy to not spin the car (i rarely do), no spinning wheels,....
But it also is a great racer. Not a sim. I'm ok with that till GT5.

First: i never play F1 games, this being the first since ps1 days (played a bit the F1CE demo ). I like driving road cars, which i possiblily can drive one day (Thanks GT), but i thought i give this game a chance,...

And man, am i slow. I started on the highest difficult settings (expert, elite?)
i managed to get 17th in Quali.
And race forget it. I rammed Alonso, spun out and never was able to get back in the line.
it's probably just a question of getting used to the cars (and my fanatec wheel and pedals), but damn it's a challenge. I like!
This is just outright ridiculous.

1. What's 'HSR'? (I'm just being an ass, don't actually answer the question, I know you meant HRT).
2. All cars in the game are of an equally balanced nature, try playing with the AI set to legendary and see if you can get anywhere near the top ten using Lotus, Virgin-Cosworth, or HRT.
3. How in the world can you make an assumption (based on someone else's experience) and then decide it isn't "good" enough for you? It's not a simulator, at least not a hardcore one and was never meant to be one. It's more a simcade than anything else. There's plenty of simulation aspects there.

With that said, for once, I actually understand Fernando "He's in my way." Alonso. I'm at the Canadian GP, and this Virgin (wasn't paying attention to the helmet so I have no idea who it was) was in my way, and not only was it slow but it wouldn't let me by! I almost wish you could talk to the chief because I surely would have pulled an Alonso. :lol:

Ridiculous? What, my opinion, or the facts I eluded to?

Not more than 10 posts ago DC990 told us he finished 6th in a virgin! Thats ridiculous!! I know DC from the WRS and so I also know he would of raced the game as close to a simulation as he could. Its just not right. Despite what you might think i was really looking forward to f1 2010, and as such I watched countless videos of developer diaries, exclusive hands on (insidesim at gamescom for eg.) where all the while codemasters banged on about 'proper simulator bla bla', 'advice of Formula One Test driver Anthony Davidson to assure that the car handling and control is as real as it gets bla bla', 'choose to move on or develop new teams to eventually compete with the likes of ferrari BLAH BLAH'. Frankly, i get the impression that everyone has been let down a little. They certainly havent delivered what i was expecting based on opinion here.

And yes, when it comes to matters in racing games, i do make assumptions based on peoples experiences, people at GTPlanet who love racing! I never read reviews, i wait for the people in the know to make an opinion, and the parts that i thought would interest me, on the whole, seem to fail.

Have fun with it, i know you will! So will lots of others but its just not for me. :)
I might finally get MNR since I saved a bit of money this week :D
Ridiculous? What, my opinion, or the facts I eluded to?

Not more than 10 posts ago DC990 told us he finished 6th in a virgin! Thats ridiculous!! I know DC from the WRS and so I also know he would of raced the game as close to a simulation as he could. Its just not right. Despite what you might think i was really looking forward to f1 2010, and as such I watched countless videos of developer diaries, exclusive hands on (insidesim at gamescom for eg.) where all the while codemasters banged on about 'proper simulator bla bla', 'advice of Formula One Test driver Anthony Davidson to assure that the car handling and control is as real as it gets bla bla', 'choose to move on or develop new teams to eventually compete with the likes of ferrari BLAH BLAH'. Frankly, i get the impression that everyone has been let down a little. They certainly havent delivered what i was expecting based on opinion here.

And yes, when it comes to matters in racing games, i do make assumptions based on peoples experiences, people at GTPlanet who love racing! I never read reviews, i wait for the people in the know to make an opinion, and the parts that i thought would interest me, on the whole, seem to fail.

Have fun with it, i know you will! So will lots of others but its just not for me. :)
I might finally get MNR since I saved a bit of money this week :D

No, why would I call your opinions ridiculous? If anything I'm referring to the way you're perceiving the game, however, since you've put it the way you just did it makes sense to me. I'd still suggest you play it for yourself though because you have some here who seem to be looking for fault at every corner (no pun intended) then you have people such as myself who are a bit agitated with the (seemingly) constant puncturing of tires but can still enjoy the game like it's the newest thing in the universe. :lol:

Now, one thing worth keeping in mind is that all of the cars are of an equal balance but it's solely dependent on the difficulty you've chosen. I started my season with HRT, and going through the season on Legendary is nothing short of outright spectacular and frustrating. With my pace, I can outrun just about all of the new/newer teams with ease, but it's nigh-on impossible to get close to Renault, Mercedes, McLaren-Mercedes, etc. Why? Well, just imagine what happens in the actual events and that's pretty much your answer. The AI is very competent and will even defend their position if they can, unless you outbreak them. Try a demo, go to a friend's house and play it there and then make a formal assessment. 👍
So maybe people are finishing high in bottom cars, big deal, maybe they're good at it. I've taken pole a couple times in F1:CE in a Torro Rosso, and even won a race. And I often score points.
Since there's no times threads, I'll post in here that I'm currently trying to improve on a 1.18.312 at Canada (HRT).

Since there's no times threads, I'll post in here that I'm currently trying to improve on a 1.18.312 at Canada (HRT).


I only know Suzuka, Monza, and Sepang like the back of my hand...everywhere else I need (that's right...need) to have the racing line enabled because I don't know the track well enough, but that's nothing short of awesome. My top time so far is a 1:20-something.
Canada and Silverstone are the only tracks I know well enough to really be competetive. You'd think I'd know Suzuka properly now after wrestling it in GT4, but alas no. 130R continues to make my life miserable!

A side note, has anyone else noticed a complete lack of retirements from races? No mechanical issues, nothing. I can't even break my suspension.
Canada and Silverstone are the only tracks I know well enough to really be competetive. You'd think I'd know Suzuka properly now after wrestling it in GT4, but alas no. 130R continues to make my life miserable!

A side note, has anyone else noticed a complete lack of retirements from races? No mechanical issues, nothing. I can't even break my suspension.

You want mechanical issues?! How are you employed by the team? :lol:

I've punctured my tires, broken my front wing off (plenty of times, damn oversteer and rumble strips) but I've yet to experience anything retiring from the race worthy, which is a good thing.

I've punctured my tires, broken my front wing off (plenty of times, damn oversteer and rumble strips) but I've yet to experience anything retiring from the race worthy, which is a good thing.

I'm starting to think it's not possible to retire from the race at all. I'm not on it now, but I don't think there's a button to retire even on the start menu during a race!

I really wish there were more retirements. I really like it when bad things happen to people who aren't me.
Is there catch-up in this game? I know someone found the file in the directory but is it actually enabled in this game or a remainder from Dirt 3?

I find the AI sometimes has too easy of a time catching me on straights but it might just be because I suck.
I'm starting to think it's not possible to retire from the race at all. I'm not on it now, but I don't think there's a button to retire even on the start menu during a race!

I really wish there were more retirements. I really like it when bad things happen to people who aren't me.


I don't know, I'll have a go and see just how bad you can muck up your car. I'm not expecting GTR or rFactor type damage here, but I might be surprised. Also, what's with everyone going with HRT first? I'm doing it, you're doing it, I think chromatic is doing it, etc, etc. I'm considering moving to Virgin next season (going from a faster car to a slower one, well, at least the way the AI drives). Wow, sounds like I actually have a contract. :crazy:

I effing love this game!
I find the AI sometimes has too easy of a time catching me on straights but it might just be because I suck.

Are you doing it in career mode? The low-tier teams really lose out on the straights, to keep it realistic.

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