F1 2010F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter MS7XWDC
Just bought it on Steam after trying a buddy's copy out. I'm running TC on medium for the time being, & just doing time trials and practice in the grand prixs.

I will give the AI on hard a go later on. A quick race with Massa at Canada netted me first by several seconds on Medium. :dunce:

Really Medium difficultly might as well be easy. I'll bet even on Hard you will find the AI pace lacking, especially on tracks that you know well.
I know the Canada course fairly well after doing lots of laps in it from a GTR2 Add-On, but shouldn't have beaten Webber & Alonso so easily.

So far on time trials, I've run the aforementioned, Monza, & Monaco. Monza's not bad, but the last turn throws me wide. Monaco is tough as nails & I see it becoming a pain in career mode.
I've finally come across the "wet weather" bug, or what seems to be a bug anyway, where staying out on dry slicks when its still getting wet appears to be a huge advantage, particularly in qualifying. But if you return to the garage and go back out again, the slicks are useless. I'm not sure whether its simulating the crossover where slicks do work in wet conditions, but it does feel weird to be running pretty much dry pace in increasingly greasy (at the very least!) conditions.
I managed to get to Q3 at Malaysia in my Legendary career playthrough with Lotus after it rained in Q2 (ended up 2nd in Q2!). I qualified 10th, though was demoted to 15th thanks to my "blocking" when I spun on slicks in the wet.

The AI at the start of the race can be a little easy to pick off, but they stabilise and improve as the race wears on, which is great. I've seen De La Rosa spin a lot on his own so far in my career too :lol:.

I'm loving online racing with proper tyre wear. With decent length races, looking after the tyres is finally worthwhile!

I've found Monaco to be fairly stupid with regards to collisions...sometimes you can brush a barrier and go flying in the air or spin 180 (and I don't mean a proper knock, I mean literally just very slightly touching the barrier). The banked tunnel section is still freaking me out as it seems so wrong. From all the pictures and footage I have seen of the Monaco tunnel, its always been pretty flat. In this game its some weird banked corner.
My favourite circuit by far is amazingly Valencia Street Circuit! The final sector is fantastic! I was surprised how fun I found it to drive.

Anyone on here who can get points in the bottom 3 cars on Expert Level, Legend AI with all Aids off shouldn't be here on the forum, they should be out with Jordan Tresson racing for GT Academy...... they must be THAT good.

I wouldn't say its that hard. :P Particularly as the AI at the start of the race can be pretty sluggish while its busy battling itself in corners, you can make up many positions simply outbraking on lap 1. Once you've made a decent number of places, you tend to run a similar pace to those around you, so you end being far ahead of the other newbies.
At Australia, I was very close to points as the AI was very slow in turns 11/12. Pretty much the only time Legendary AI is actually impossible to beat is in Qualifying with their fake times.

Certainly winning in a bottom team is impossible though, you'd really have to be bloody good to accomplish that! Finishing 10th though isn't too hard.
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Got a corrupted game save on the PC version.

After reading the forum it seems as doing the R&D test most often corrupts the save file. No problem though as I just restored yesterdays file but will backup now if I do a few races in one day.
I wouldn't say its that hard. :P Particularly as the AI at the start of the race can be pretty sluggish while its busy battling itself in corners, you can make up many positions simply outbraking on lap 1. Once you've made a decent number of places, you tend to run a similar pace to those around you, so you end being far ahead of the other newbies.
At Australia, I was very close to points as the AI was very slow in turns 11/12. Pretty much the only time Legendary AI is actually impossible to beat is in Qualifying with their fake times.

Certainly winning in a bottom team is impossible though, you'd really have to be bloody good to accomplish that! Finishing 10th though isn't too hard.

Sorry Ardius..... didn't proof read my post:scared: i meant on the podium sorry....
Really Medium difficultly might as well be easy. I'll bet even on Hard you will find the AI pace lacking, especially on tracks that you know well.
You're right. Even on hard, I can set the pole. However, the ai is still pretty competitive and keeps within a second, sometimes stealing the pole.

I have heard that there should be a mode between hard and legendary, so I may just stick with hard for my career. Need a lil more practice.
BS, give us a screenshot. There is no way that you have run 32 rounds since last Wednesday (excluding Practice and Qualifying) with HRT on Expert/Legend especially and have had the success you've had.

But, If you have indeed had this success...... and you aren't a BS artist, then give a breakdown of your skill, share your setup tips, because you would have to be in the top 10 drivers worldwide on any platform to do that, and you must know something about setup to get a HRT to the WDC on Expert with No aids.

So, put your money where your mouth is.......... enlighten us.

I made a mistake, I currently only have 325pts this season and so does my team :dunce:.

Here is a shot of my stats at the moment (probaly not sufficient proof though). I still have 6 rounds left of my 2nd season.

I'm not a "BS artist" the game is just so damn easy.
Yeah fo sure we try for a good result...no but really, the AI is really only competitive when turned on Expert or Legend and some of the driving aids are turned off or down. Also I had mixed emotions when I signed with Lotus and found out HRT, Virgin and Lotus have somewhat average cars in terms of handling, but it is in no way realistic because all of thoes cars are pretty difficult to drive. On Expert and half TCS I put a Lotus in 6th at Melbourne.
TBO, a huge thing is pitting at the right time. I somehow pulled second on legend in a Virgin on Sakhir on 10%. I pitted about 2 laps early, so i set the rest of that race and 1 pile up in different pack and got 2nd. 1st was Red Bull about 25-30 secs in front, it was a weird race lol
A little bit of both, really. But the top teams still have more of a performance advantage, so the bias is there but it isn't as blatantly obvious as it is in real events.

And this is why F1CE will be considered a better game. It's **** like this that will forever plague codemasters. People don't want to be winning races in a HRT or Torro Rosso. They want to earn their role in the better teams by performing their nuts off in a rubbish car. Winning races is not fun if you've done nothing to earn it. T
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Did three 40% races at Sepang last night. Racing in Grand Prix mode as Button, I started 3rd, 5th, & 6th, and finished 22nd, 14th, & 13th (hardest settings). My times were from 1.36 to 1.38. If I had been able to stay consistently in the lower range of those times I think I would have won. In every race, I ended up spinning out a couple of times, which cost me a lot of time & places.

In my experience so far the AI is first rate, certainly much more detailed & interactive than in F1CE. I have never encountered AI cars doing anything stupid or bizarre. They occasionally make (realistic) mistakes. Best AI in a PS3 racing game.

The physics seem consistent & realistic, albeit (presumably) not as hard as they would be in RL. Most interestingly, I have discovered that subtle, controllable understeer & oversteer is modeled & you can actually feel this & control it through the FFB once you are attuned to it. In this sense F1 2010 is ahead of the more linear on & off physics of F1CE. Im F1 2010 it is possible to spin out by throttling too hard at a variety of points on the track.

Every PS3 racing game I've played so far (including F1CE) has missed some features that were included in other games. From what I've seen so far, F1 2010 does a very good job in the most important areas: graphics*, physics & (especially) AI, & I've come around on the FFB - a bit light, but actually quite communicative.

*(Yes, the graphics are well short of "great", but while racing are easily "good enough" IMO. Replays are pretty poor - the cars really do "float" above the road surface in a bizarre way!)

I bought the game and I must say that I agree 100% with Biggles in this. This game is, after SCC and GT5:P, the best racing game in PS3. The AI is, no doubt, the best of them all.

As for bugs - there's no puncture bug. Avoid excessive gravel traps run-outs and I'll assure you, you'll rarely have a puncture. In my first race weekend I had on every sessions (P1, P2, P3, Q and Race). After that, in two other full weekends, I had no punctures whatsoever (on the same track). The difference was that I get the feel for the car much better and I rarely went off track or outbrake.

As for the AI being too wasy. I'm sorry but I do not believe that someone, with the settings on Expert and Legend, all aids off, in the last three teams, win any race. If they do, they should be in F1 instead of playing video games.

The colossal differences between top, medium and the bottom teams is well present. I'm not a very good driver, but the best I managed is to out qualified my team mate Bruno Senna by 3 seconds (2.01:xxx in Bahrain), still that would leave me behind about 4 full seconds the top front guys.

My best result so far is 19th in Bahrain with a Lotus.

Bad points about the game, in my opinion:

- No mechanical failure
- Almost indestructible cars
And this is why F1CE will be considered a better game. People don't want to be winning races in a HRT or Torro Rosso. They want to earn their role in the better teams by performing their nuts off in a rubbish car. Winning races is not fun if you've done nothing to earn it.

I think F1C.E. will be considered a more realistic game and better for people looking for a sim., but 2010 is for poeple looking for a fun game. 2010 has so many small problems that detract from its realism like the S3 time glitch in timing and scoring and wet weather bugs. The real problem is Codemasters. I was looking for a sim but obviously will have to wait until another company get the F1 license.
And this is why F1CE will be considered a better game. People don't want to be winning races in a HRT or Torro Rosso. They want to earn their role in the better teams by performing their nuts off in a rubbish car. Winning races is not fun if you've done nothing to earn it.

I think F1C.E. will be considered a more realistic game and better for people looking for a sim., but 2010 is for poeple looking for a fun game. 2010 has so many small problems that detract from its realism like the S3 time glitch in timing and scoring and wet weather bugs. The real problem is Codemasters. I was looking for a sim but obviously will have to wait until another company get the F1 license.

Again, I highly doubt, that anyone would win races under normal circumstances in a HRT, with Expert settings and Legend AI, all aids off.
Online with friends is total fun but the rest of the game ...

Alot of stuff going wrong in this game (just look at the CM forum). Also had the savegame-corruption this weekend ...

Some bugs i noticed during playing (all well known)
-> Save game corruption
-> Not all cars are making pitstops
-> Unfair penalties
-> User Interface (gap times?)
-> Most likely forgot some still...

Codemasters need to get some fixes for this game.
Online with friends is total fun but the rest of the game ...

Alot of stuff going wrong in this game (just look at the CM forum). Also had the savegame-corruption this weekend ...

Some bugs i noticed during playing (all well known)
-> Save game corruption
-> Not all cars are making pitstops
-> Unfair penalties
-> User Interface (gap times?)
-> Most likely forgot some still...

Codemasters need to get some fixes for this game.

Some of the points you make are true, although not all can be considered bugs, but rather poor game conception (lack of gap times in-race for instance), even thought myself haven't yet suffered as half as badly as some report about the pit bug (I haven't experienced it at all), or the penalties. I rather think that some of the criticism made to this game is quite hard, specially if I recall some much more serious issues that Shift, for example, had at the beginning (those jumping Porsches impossible to drive) and didn't have the same tone of criticism this one is having.
Codemasters have never claimed to have wanted to make F1 2010 the most realistic sim ever, they have however claimed that they wanted it to be fun, and knowing the interest that many of us have in the newer teams they decided to equalize the playing field to some degree. Like I've already said the top teams still have a performance advantage, so the bias is there but it isn't as relevant as it is in real life.

Also, rFactor is hardly a proper measurement of anything. I love the game and all, but some of the physic models for the F1 mods are just asinine. They're either impossible to control, too easy to control, or have a good feeling but there's nothing else beside that.

Yes they did. They just said they wanted it to be acessible to casual gamers too. They could have done that by the means of better settings. Hard for someone who is casual, should have been medium level in the overall game, and easy for someone who is less casual should have been Hard in the game.. if you get my drift.
Some of the points you make are true, although not all can be considered bugs, but rather poor game conception (lack of gap times in-race for instance), even thought myself haven't yet suffered as half as badly as some report about the pit bug (I haven't experienced it at all), or the penalties. I rather think that some of the criticism made to this game is quite hard, specially if I recall some much more serious issues that Shift, for example, had at the beginning (those jumping Porsches impossible to drive) and didn't have the same tone of criticism this one is having.

True, the user interface is not a bug.
But a lot of the results seemed fabricated. (cars not doing a single pitstop in a race...) Makes me wonder if they also have tire/fuel simulation on them at all.

The criticism seems fair to me, so many bugs is not normal for a game. Paid good money for something that is half broken at the moment.

Also my expectation for this game was that it would be a lot more simulation then it is now. It feels rushed with the lack of a lot of features and the bugs.
Hopefully codemasters will bounce back with a great patch.
I just wanted to point out something that has slowly been making its way around other forums. If you think about all thetime glitches, errors, rubberbanding etc... I think its fairly obvious that EVERY aspect of this game is just time trials until you get close enough to interact with an AI car. Think about it, why else would they not put in distance or a split time to the AI, cause its all plucked from the air. Why is the time reported from the engineer behind an opponent wrong? because its made up. Why does no AI actully get knocked out of a race? Why do qualifying times and race times not match up when behind an AI car? This is probably the most dissapointing thing in this game, I can deal with the glitches but this feels so fake now.

The sad thing is it was clearly the developers decision to run the game like this, with AI posting fake times, and the only time you actually run against a physical car is when you are in eyesight of them.
Got this game last Friday, haven't had too much time to play it yet but in general I'm liking it. But the lack of useful timing info is really annoying, other than that I've not really encountered the other bugs mentioned. I've finished the Bahrain Career session in a Lotus, I qualified 13th and finished 6th on legendary, which would seem a little unrealistic, but I am using traction control :( in my defense I'm using a controller though.
Judjing by all the bugs mentioned it seems like Codemasters may have rushed this out a little too quickly. The 3rd sector timing issues and the general timing interface should not be this bad in any racing game as for the other bugs, hopefully codemasters release a patch within a few weeks. Although these type of basic errors are still near unacceptable.
As a test people have ben going out on the 1st lap in qualifying and parking their car in the chicane and holding up the on screen AI, and the same drivers they are holding up are coming up on provisional poles when other drivers have passed them. This is really, really crazy, I don't even know what to say about how many ridiculous things this game has in it. This is truly the cherry on top of a pile of crap. I might only stick to online now.
Yeah the game has a lot of issues for the SP part of the game. Personally I didnt really buy it for that anyway. I mainly bought it to race online, and so far that has been a blast. Cant beat private rooms with friends, plus the ability to make a custom race schedule and race for overall points. I dont regret my purchase at all, but if I had bought it for the SP part of the game, I might feel different.