I've finally come across the "wet weather" bug, or what seems to be a bug anyway, where staying out on dry slicks when its still getting wet appears to be a huge advantage, particularly in qualifying. But if you return to the garage and go back out again, the slicks are useless. I'm not sure whether its simulating the crossover where slicks do work in wet conditions, but it does feel weird to be running pretty much dry pace in increasingly greasy (at the very least!) conditions.
I managed to get to Q3 at Malaysia in my Legendary career playthrough with Lotus after it rained in Q2 (ended up 2nd in Q2!). I qualified 10th, though was demoted to 15th thanks to my "blocking" when I spun on slicks in the wet.
The AI at the start of the race can be a little easy to pick off, but they stabilise and improve as the race wears on, which is great. I've seen De La Rosa spin a lot on his own so far in my career too
I'm loving online racing with proper tyre wear. With decent length races, looking after the tyres is finally worthwhile!
I've found Monaco to be fairly stupid with regards to collisions...sometimes you can brush a barrier and go flying in the air or spin 180 (and I don't mean a proper knock, I mean literally just very slightly touching the barrier). The banked tunnel section is still freaking me out as it seems so wrong. From all the pictures and footage I have seen of the Monaco tunnel, its always been pretty flat. In this game its some weird banked corner.
My favourite circuit by far is amazingly Valencia Street Circuit! The final sector is fantastic! I was surprised how fun I found it to drive.
Anyone on here who can get points in the bottom 3 cars on Expert Level, Legend AI with all Aids off shouldn't be here on the forum, they should be out with Jordan Tresson racing for GT Academy...... they must be THAT good.
I wouldn't say its
that hard.
Particularly as the AI at the start of the race can be pretty sluggish while its busy battling itself in corners, you can make up many positions simply outbraking on lap 1. Once you've made a decent number of places, you tend to run a similar pace to those around you, so you end being far ahead of the other newbies.
At Australia, I was very close to points as the AI was very slow in turns 11/12. Pretty much the only time Legendary AI is actually impossible to beat is in Qualifying with their fake times.
Certainly winning in a bottom team is impossible though, you'd really have to be bloody good to accomplish that! Finishing 10th though isn't too hard.